Agenda item


Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services


The Principal Planning Officer spoke to the terms of the report advising that this is the first of two Applications by the Scottish Salmon Company for marine salmon farms.  This proposal is for the installation of a marine finfish development of 14, 32m diameter cages and a feed/service barge to be utilised for the production of farmed salmon.  The Application site is located off the south coast of the Ardmeanach peninsula on the north coast of Loch Scridain.  In the context of the Local Plan the site lies off land designated as ‘sensitive countryside’ although there are areas of higher ground lying within ‘very sensitive countryside’ which over look the site.  Loch Scridain falls within an ‘Area of Panoramic Quality’ which accords it regional status founded upon the scenic qualities of the coastal landscape and the associated views toward off shore islands.  The Application was the subject of wide consultation.  54 representations of objection were received from third parties as well as objections from Mull Community Council, Iona Community Council and a number of Fishing Associations. There were 9 representations of support from third parties.  The application is recommended for refusal for the reasons detailed in the report of handling.


Following a number of questions raised by Members, Councillor Fred Hall indicated his support for this Application.


The Chair ruled, and the Committee agreed, to adjourn the meeting at 12.15 pm as Members had to attend a pre arranged training session.  It was noted that this adjournment would also give Councillor Hall the opportunity of seeking advice on preparing a competent Motion once the Committee reconvened.


The Committee reconvened at 2.10 pm.




This Application should go to a full Hearing.  There have been numerous objections to the Application on the grounds of planning policy considerations.  In respect of marine and nature conservation interests.  In respect of fishing interests.  In relation to landscape, visual and amenity considerations.  In relation to tourism interests.  However, the Applicants have pointed out that the size of the farm reflects current industry practice and is similar to other sites operated by the Applicants.  That SEPA accepted the modelling demonstrates that a farm of this size can be operated without unacceptable nutrient enrichment or benthic deposition.  That the impact in relation to landscape and visual issues will be negated by the use of low profile equipment and recessive colours and the siting of the farm parallel to the shore will limit visual impact from the road to Iona.  That lighting will be restricted.  That whilst the site of the farm will be visible from the Burg footpath the proposed fish farm has been designed to ensure it will not dominate the experience of the footpath.  The substantial measures taken on board to limit the impact on the environment by the Applicant, the Scottish Salmon Company should be given the opportunity to make their case in support of the proposed fish farm at a public hearing.  That the objectors be given the opportunity to make their own points in a hearing. 


I thereby move that this Application be considered at a public Hearing.


Moved by Councillor Fred Hall, seconded by Councillor David Kinniburgh.




That planning permission be refused for the reasons detailed in the report of handling.


Moved by Councillor Sandy Taylor, seconded by Councillor Mary-Jean Devon


The Amendment was carried by 8 votes to 5 and the Committee resolved accordingly.




The Committee agreed to refuse the application for planning permission for the following reasons:-


1.        The proposal involves the installation of a series of large scale fish cages and an associated service/feed barge in a location close inshore to the southern coast of the Ardmeanach peninsula, the basalt landscape of which forms an imposing and dramatic backdrop to Loch Scridain as viewed from the waters of the loch and from the important route via the Ross of Mull to the nationally important tourist destination of Iona. It also stands below and would be experienced from successive points, and at relatively close quarters from, the important coastal footpath from Tioran via the National Trust land at Burg to the ‘Fossil Tree’ at the head of the peninsula, on the route of which it is also overlooked from, and impinges inappropriately upon, the setting of the scheduled monument Dun Bhurg. The footpath from Tioran to Burg is a proposed core path which has received no objections through the core path planning process and represents an important coastal route on Mull.   This part of Ardmeanach is largely undeveloped and is only accessible on foot, where it is visited specifically by persons wishing to experience its scenic qualities and its natural and historic environment attributes along with the associated drama of this exceptional stretch of coastline. It is included within an ‘Area of Panoramic Quality’, a landscape designation of regional importance, having regard to both the views which are available across and along the length of the loch and to the islands offshore, which represent important assets to the tourism economy of Mull. The introduction of marine development on the scale proposed would, by virtue of its physical presence in the landscape and lighting and activity associated with its operation, impinge upon the very characteristics of the receiving environment which give rise to its special qualities, which are derived from a combination of its landscape character, its resident wildlife and its historic associations. Such uncharacteristic and inappropriately situated development would therefore fail to safeguard the natural environment and the important role which this plays in the tourism economy of the island, and would not represent a sustainable form of development. The proposal would also contribute to the extent of aquaculture within the loch (currently three shellfish farms plus a shore base) and would give rise to additional cumulative impact with those developments when viewed from the Ardmeanach coastal footpath, and from those locations on the Ross of Mull where the site could be seen in combination with existing mussel lines, which would contribute to the impression of aquaculture being a significant characteristic of Loch Scridain.  The foregoing shortcomings would conflict with Structure Plan policy STRAT SI 1 and STRAT DC 8 and Local Plan Policies LP ENV 10 and LP AQUA 1 which seek to secure sustainable forms of development which safeguard designated landscape assets of regional importance from uncharacteristic and inappropriate forms of development.


2.        Scottish Planning Policy confirms that potential conflict with other marine users is a legitimate material consideration in the assessment of aquaculture applications. The development is proposed to occupy around 40 hectares along the coastal shelf of Loch Scridain which forms part of the traditional fishing ground currently worked by a number of local commercial inshore fishing boats. Fishing organisations and boat owners consider that exclusion form this area by virtue of the presence of fish farming equipment and associated boat activity would, cumulatively in combination with existing shellfish operations elsewhere within the loch, prejudice the ongoing viability of inshore fishing in Loch Scridain, in circumstances where small vessels would not lend themselves to working alternative more distant fishing grounds. This would be to the detriment of established resource based employment in Loch Scridain and would be contrary to Local Plan Policy LP AQUA 1 which requires that consideration being given to navigational interests in the assessment of aquaculture developments in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts to the detriment of those interests.   

(Reference: Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services dated 24 August 2012, submitted)

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