Agenda item


Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services


The Head of Planning and Regulatory Services presented a report advising that the proposed development is compliant with development plan settlement strategy in terms of policies STRAT DC 1 and LP HOU 1, and the plot size, layout and design are acceptable in terms of Local plan policy LP ENV 19.  He advised that whilst the department considers the proposed design and layout acceptable, the rear portion of the site lies within Archyline Wood Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and that Scottish Natural Heritage have raised an objection.  However, given the planning history for development on the western part of the site, the dimensions of the application site within the defined settlement boundary of St. Catherines and a very limited (if any) impact of the Ardchyline Wood SSSI, the Planning Authority do not concur with the views of Scottish Natural Heritage.  On the basis that the proposed dwellinghouse and detached garage/office with appropriate materials and tree planting/shrub planting and boundary treatments will be capable of integrating within its surroundings, it is considered to be acceptable and consistent with policies LP ENV 5, ENV 6, ENV 7, ENV 10, ENV 19, HOU 1, TRAN 4 and TRAN 6 of the Argyll and Bute Local Plan (2009) and he recommended that Planning Permission be granted.




Subject to notification to the Scottish Ministers and amendment to the proposal description to the effect that this application is for demolition of a former village hall now occupied as a dwelling, agreed to grant Planning Permission subject to the following conditions and reasons:-



1.        That the development to which this permission relates must be begun within three years from the date of this permission.


Reason: In accordance with Section 58 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.


2.        The development shall be implemented in accordance with the details specified on the application form dated 14th September 2010 and the approved drawing reference numbers: 1705.03, 1705.01 RevB received 31st January 2011, 1705.02 RevA, unless the prior written approval of the planning authority is obtained for an amendment to the approved details under Section 64 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.


Reason: For the purpose of clarity, to ensure that the development is implemented in accordance with the approved details.


3.      No development shall commence, including any site works, until details are submitted for the prior written approval of the Planning Authority of a surface water drainage scheme (including any works to the existing watercourse through the site) that shall incorporate the basic principles of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems identified in ‘Planning Advice Note 61’ and which shall provide details of surface water run-off, measures to slow down run off; methods of treatments and its release into the system, unless prior written consent for variation is obtained in writing from the Planning Authority. The scheme, as may be approved shall be implemented commensurate with this development at a timescale as may be agreed in writing with the Planning Authority.


Reason:  In order to provide for sustainable development of the site, and to protect existing and proposed development from the effects of potential increased surface water run-off.


4.       No works shall commence until full details of the provision of alternative accommodation for the bat population within the site (including the design and location of the bat buildings, boxes and roosts) and a management regime for the maintenance of this accommodation have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority in consultation with Scottish Natural Heritage. These details shall generally be in accordance with the Protected Species Survey submitted by Mr. A. Kerr dated 12th December 2010.


Reason: In the interests of nature conservation and to ensure that there are sufficient alternative bat roosts within the development.


5.      The visibility splays of 75.0 x 2.5 metres in both directions onto the A815 from both the existing access track and widened existing access shall be maintained in perpetuity free from all obstructions (i.e. walls, fences, hedges) over one metre in height.


Reason: In the interests of vehicular and public safety and in order to achieve required sightlines.


6.             Prior to any works commencing on the demolition of the hall or construction of the outbuilding, the vehicular access(es) to the site shall be constructed as per standard detail drawing SD 08/005 and shall be constructed in consultation with the Roads Department of Development and Infrastructure Services. The gradient of the access shall not exceed 5% for the first 5m and 8% thereafter and the first 5m shall have a sealed surface to prevent debris running onto the public road/footway.   


Reason: In the interests of vehicular and public safety and in order to provide a suitable access.


7.      Prior to the occupancy of the dwellinghouse (or temporary habitation of the outbuilding), a parking area for two vehicles, together with a turning area, shall be provided within the curtilage of the site and shall thereafter be retained in perpetuity for such a dedicated purpose, unless the prior consent for variation is obtained in writing from the planning authority.


          Reason:   To ensure that adequate off-street car parking provision is provided.


8.      The dwellinghouse shall not be occupied until the first 5m of the access onto the A815 from the lane serving Halftown Cottages has been constructed with a sealed surface in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved by the planning authority.


Reason:   In the interests of vehicular and public safety and in order to provide a suitable access.


9.      No development work shall commence on site until full details regarding the proposed foul water drainage system including effluent discharge calculations have been submitted to and agreed in writing with the Planning Authority.


Reason:   To safeguard the waters of Loch Fyne, which are now a shellfish designation.


10.         No building, engineering or tree-felling works shall commence until shall commence until a detailed scheme of all boundary treatments has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. The scheme of boundary treatment is expected to comprise a dry stone wall with post and wire fence to the rear portion and frontage of the site with an enclosed area with protective deer fencing in the central portion only. The scheme as may be approved shall be implemented prior to the occupancy of the dwellinghouse, or as otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority.


          Reason : In order to protect the visual amenity of the surrounding area.


11.         No work shall commence on site (unless consent for variation is approved in writing by the planning authority) until a detailed scheme of native tree planting and shrub planting has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. The planting scheme, as may be approved shall indicate the siting, numbers, species and heights (at the time of planting) of all trees, shrubs and hedges to be planted and shall ensure:


(a)          Completion of the scheme during the planting season next following the completion of the building(s) or such other date as may be agreed in writing with the Planning Authority.


(b)          The maintenance of the landscaped areas for a period of ten years or until established, whichever may be longer.  Any trees or shrubs removed, or which in the opinion of the Planning Authority, are dying, being severely damaged or becoming seriously diseased within three years of planting, shall be replaced by trees or shrubs of similar size and species to those originally required to be planted.


Reason:  To ensure the implementation of a satisfactory scheme oflandscaping 

12.         Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 and Class 1 (the extension, enlargement, improvement, alteration of the dwelling) and Class 3 (building, enclosure, pool, incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling and maintenance, improvement, alteration thereof) of Schedule 1 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992, no development shall take place within that part of the curtilage of the dwellinghouse hereby permitted which falls within the Ardchyline Woodland Site of Special Scientific Interest without the prior written consent of the Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to protect the nature conservation value of the Ardchyline Woodland Site of Special Scientific Interest


13.     Prior to the commencement of any construction works, samples of all external finishes and roof coverings shall be submitted for the written approval of the Planning Authority.


                     Reason : In the interest of visual amenity and to help integrate the proposal within its surroundings.


(Reference: Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services dated 9 February 2011, submitted)

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