Agenda item



The Council gave consideration to a report inviting appointments to vacant positions as a result of the decision taken at the Special meeting of the Council held on 4 April 2024.




The Motion moved by the Administration is attached at Appendix 1 to this Minute.


Moved by Councillor Jim Lynch, seconded by Councillor Audrey Forrest.




To accept the Motion by Councillor Jim Lynch, seconded by Councillor Audrey Forrest subject to amending 7(c) and 7(k) as follows -


In relation to 7(c) Area Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs -


Table 7C

Area Committee



Bute and Cowal

Cllr Liz McCabe

Cllr Yvonne McNeilly

Helensburgh and Lomond

Cllr Gemma Penfold

Cllr Maurice Corry

Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands

Cllr Alastair Redman

Cllr Garret Corner

Oban, Lorn and the Isles

Cllr Amanda Hampsey

Cllr Andrew Vennard


In relation to 7(k) to nominate Councillor Maurice Corry as Armed Forces Champion.


Moved by Councillor Gary Mulvaney, seconded by Councillor Yvonne McNeilly.


The Leader of the largest Opposition Group advised that their nominations for Members to sit on Council Committees and other bodies would be confirmed to the Leader of the Council and to the Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support.


As the meeting was being held on a hybrid basis, the vote required to be taken by calling the Roll and Members voted as follows –


Motion                             Amendment                     No Vote


Cllr Armour                       Cllr Corner                        Cllr MacPherson

Cllr Blair                            Cllr Corry                         

Cllr Brown                         Cllr A Hampsey

Cllr Campbell-Sturgess      Cllr D Hampsey

Cllr Currie                         Cllr McCabe

Cllr Forrest                       Cllr McNeilly

Cllr Green                         Cllr Mulvaney

Cllr Hardie                        Cllr Penfold

Cllr Howard                       Cllr Redman

Cllr Hume                         Cllr Vennard

Cllr Irvine                          Cllr Wallace

Cllr Kain

Cllr Kelly

Cllr Kennedy

Cllr Kennedy-Boyle

Cllr Lynch

Cllr Martin

Cllr MacQuire

Cllr McFadzean

Cllr McKenzie

Cllr Moreland

Cllr Paterson

Cllr Philand

Cllr Sinclair




The Motion was carried by 24 votes to 11 votes, with one no vote, and the Council resolved accordingly. Full detail of all appointments are noted below (Opposition nominations are in italics) –


7(a) - Policy Leads and Depute Policy Leads



Policy Lead

Depute Policy Lead

Economic Development, Islands and Rural Communities, Housing

Cllr Robin Currie

Cllr Jim Lynch

Finance and Commercial Services

Cllr Ross Moreland

Cllr Jim Lynch

Planning and Regulatory Services

Cllr Kieron Green

Cllr Gordon Blair

Care Services

Cllr Dougie McFadzean

Cllr Kieron Green

Roads, Transport and Amenity Services

Cllr John Armour

Cllr Willie Hume

Climate Change, Renewables and Net Zero

Cllr Luna Martin

Cllr Reeni Kennedy-Boyle


Cllr Audrey Forrest

Cllr Fiona Howard

Business Development

Cllr Math Campbell-Sturgess

Cllr Jan Brown

Community Planning and Corporate Services

Cllr Mark Irvine

Cllr Iain Shonny Paterson


7(b) - Appointments to Committees


Policy and Resources Committee

Community Services Committee

Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee

Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee

Cllr John Armour

Cllr Gordon Blair

Cllr John Armour (Chair)

Cllr John Armour

Cllr Gordon Blair

Cllr Jan Brown

Cllr Robin Currie (Vice Chair)

Cllr Gordon Blair (Vice Chair)

Cllr Robin Currie

Cllr Fiona Howard

Cllr Graham Hardie

Cllr Jan Brown

Cllr Audrey Forrest (Vice Chair)

Cllr Audrey Forrest (Chair)

Cllr Willie Hume

Cllr Audrey Forrest

Cllr Kieron Green

Cllr Graham Hardie

Cllr Jim Lynch

Cllr Kieron Green (Chair)

Cllr Math Campbell-Sturgess

Cllr Paul Donald Kennedy

Cllr Ian MacQuire

Cllr Fiona Howard

Cllr Mark Irvine

Cllr Dougie McFadzean (Vice Chair)

Cllr Luna Martin

Cllr Graham Hardie

Cllr Reeni Kennedy-Boyle

Cllr Julie McKenzie

Cllr Ross Moreland

Cllr Mark Irvine

Cllr Jim Lynch (Chair)

Cllr Iain Shonny Paterson

Cllr William Sinclair

Cllr Andrew Kain

Cllr Ross Moreland

Cllr Dougie Philand

Cllr Andrew Kain

Cllr Paul Donald Kennedy

Cllr Dougie McFadzean

Cllr Jennifer Kelly

Cllr Tommy Macpherson

Cllr Dougie Philand

Cllr Dougie Philand

Cllr Yvonne McNeilly

Cllr Gary Mulvaney

Cllr Liz McCabe

Cllr Gary Mulvaney

Cllr Amanda Hampsey

Cllr Alastair Redman

Cllr Peter Wallace

Cllr Yvonne McNeilly

Cllr Gemma Penfold

Cllr Liz McCabe

Cllr Amanda Hampsey

Cllr Amanda Hampsey

Cllr Maurice Corry

Cllr Peter Wallace

Cllr Daniel Hampsey

Cllr Liz McCabe

Cllr Daniel Hampsey

Cllr Andrew Vennard


Audit and Scrutiny Committee

Argyll and Bute Harbour Board

Argyll Islands Sounding Board


Cllr Graham Hardie

Cllr Fiona Howard

Cllr Robin Currie (Vice Chair)


Cllr Reeni Kennedy Boyle

Cllr John Armour (Vice Chair)

Cllr Kieron Green


Cllr Fiona Howard

Cllr Ross Moreland (Chair)

Cllr Reeni Kennedy Boyle


Cllr Gary Mulvaney (Vice Chair)

Cllr Gordon Blair

Cllr Jim Lynch (Chair)


Cllr Andrew Vennard


Cllr Dougie McFadzean

Cllr Dougie McFadzean


Cllr Daniel Hampsey

Cllr Liz McCabe

Cllr Julie McKenzie



Cllr Maurice Corry

Cllr Willie Hume



Cllr Andrew Vennard

Cllr Liz McCabe




Cllr Peter Wallace




Cllr Alastair Redman



7 (c) – Appointment of Area Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs


Area Committee



Bute and Cowal

Cllr Gordon Blair

Cllr Reeni Kennedy Boyle

Helensburgh and Lomond

Cllr Mark Irvine

Cllr Fiona Howard

Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands

Cllr John Armour

Cllr Dougie McFadzean

Oban, Lorn and the Isles

Cllr Julie McKenzie

Cllr Andrew Kain


7(d) - Appointments to Statutory Boards and Joint Committees




Substitute (where appropriate)

Scotland Excel

Cllr Reeni Kennedy Boyle

Cllr William Sinclair

Dunbartonshire and Argyll and Bute Valuation Joint Board

Cllr Mark Irvine

Cllr Ian MacQuire

Cllr Dougie McFadzean

Cllr Gordon Blair

Cllr Peter Wallace

Cllr Math Campbell-Sturgess

Cllr Andrew Vennard

3 Vacancies

HITRANS (Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership)

Cllr John Armour

Cllr Gordon Blair

Strathclyde Concessionary Travel Scheme Joint Committee

Cllr Iain Shonny Paterson

Cllr Maurice Corry

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport and Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority

Cllr Gordon Blair


Cllr Iain Shonny Paterson

West of Scotland European Forum

Cllr Gordon Blair

Cllr Mark Irvine

Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board

Cllr Kieron Green

Cllr Dougie McFadzean

Cllr Ross Moreland

Cllr Gary Mulvaney



7(e) - Appointments of the Licensing Board


Argyll and Bute Licensing Board

Cllr Jan Brown

Cllr Audrey Forrest

Cllr Kieron Green

Cllr Graham Hardie

Cllr Mark Irvine

Cllr Paul Donald Kennedy

Cllr Dougie Philand

Cllr Liz McCabe

Cllr Amanda Hampsey

1 Vacancy


7(f) – Appointments to COSLA


COSLA Convention

Cllr Jim Lynch

Cllr Fiona Howard

Cllr Daniel Hampsey


COSLA Leaders

Cllr Jim Lynch


COSLA’s Policy Boards:

a)    Environment and Economy Board – Cllr Kieron Green

b)    Health and Social Care Board – Cllr Dougie McFadzean

c)     Community Wellbeing Board – Cllr Robin Currie

d)    Children and Young People Board – Cllr Audrey Forrest


COSLA Scottish Joint Council for Local Government Employees

Cllr Robin Currie


7(g) - Appointments to Outside Bodies




Substitute/s as appropriate

Age Scotland Older People’s Champion

Cllr Fiona Howard


Trustee to the Blindcraft Trust Fund

Cllr Graham Hardie


University of the Highlands and Islands Foundation Committee

Cllr Audrey Forrest


SOILLSE – National Network for Gaelic Research Consultative Committee

Cllr Robin Currie


Ionad Chaluim Chille Ile (Islay Gaelic Centre)

Cllr Robin Currie



1 Vacancy


Isle of Bute BID Board

Cllr Reeni Kennedy Boyle


Nadair Trust (Scottish Natural Heritage)

Cllr Kieron Green



Argyll and Bute Local Biodiversity Partnership

Cllr Fiona Howard


Argyll, Lomond and the Isles Energy Agency (ALIEnergy) Management Board

Cllr Mark Irvine

Cllr Dougie McFadzean


Argyll and Bute Renewables Alliance (ABRA)

Cllr Robin Currie


Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust

Cllr Luna Martin


Cllr Iain Shonny Paterson

KIMO (Kommuners International Kiljorganisation)

Cllr Luna Martin



Scottish Councils Committee on Radioactive Substances

Cllr Math Campbell Sturgess


West of Scotland Archaeology Service Joint Committee

Cllr Jan Brown


Clyde Marine Planning Partnership

Cllr Kieron Green


Clyde and Lomond Local Plan Flood District

Cllr Reeni Kennedy Boyle


Highland and Argyll Local Plan Flood District

Cllr Jim Lynch


Argyll and Bute Care and Repair Agency

Cllr Dougie McFadzean

Cllr Graham Hardie


Fyne Homes Management Committee

Cllr Peter Wallace


Argyll Community Housing Association

Cllr William Sinclair

Cllr Jan Brown


Argyll and Bute Area Support Team

Cllr Julie McKenzie


Argyll and Bute Culture and Heritage Assembly (CHARTS)

Cllr Luna Martin


Live Argyll Board

Cllr William Sinclair

Cllr Fiona Howard

Cllr Maurice Corry


Convention of the Highlands and Islands

Cllr Jim Lynch


Scottish Islands Federation

Cllr Dougie McFadzean


Islands Strategic Group

Cllr Jim Lynch


Scottish Government Forum Against Poverty

Cllr Graham Hardie


Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE)

Cllr Gordon Blair


A83 Taskforce

Cllr John Armour

Cllr Robin Currie

Cllr Jim Lynch

Cllr Jennifer Kelly

Cllr Maurice Corry


Clyde, Kintyre and the Islands Ferry Stakeholder Group

Cllr John Armour

Cllr Dougie McFadzean

Cllr Robin Currie

Cllr Liz McCabe


Argyll, Lochaber, Skye and Small Isles Ferry Stakeholder Group

Cllr Willie Hume

Cllr Julie McKenzie

1 Vacancy


Northern Roads Collaboration

Cllr John Armour

Cllr Willie Hume


Trustee to the Scottish National War Memorial

Cllr Tommy Macpherson



7(h) – Appointments to Area Committee Outside Bodies




Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group

Cllr Gordon Blair

Cllr Ross Moreland

Cllr Peter Wallace

Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group

Cllr Mark Irvine

Cllr Fiona Howard

Cllr Gemma Penfold

Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group

Cllr John Armour

Cllr Dougie McFadzean

Cllr Garret Corner

Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group

Cllr Julie McKenzie

Cllr Kieron Green

Cllr A Hampsey


* All other Area Committee Outside Bodies appointments deferred to the next appropriate meeting of each Area Committee


7(i) – Appointments to Employee Joint Consultative Committee


·       Leader of the Council – Cllr Jim Lynch

·       8 Policy Lead Councillors – Cllrs Armour, Currie, Forrest, Green, Irvine, McFadzean, Martin and Moreland

·       Leader of Opposition Group – Cllr Gary Mulvaney


7(j) – Appointments to Local Negotiating Committee for Teachers


·       Policy Lead for Education – Cllr Audrey Forrest

·       Depute Policy Lead for Education – Cllr Fiona Howard

·       Policy Lead with responsibility for HR – Cllr Mark Irvine


7(k) – Appointments to other positions


i)                 Armed Forces Champion – Cllr William Sinclair

ii)               Bute and Cowal Children’s Champion – Cllr Audrey Forrest

iii)              Helensburgh and Lomond Children’s Champion – Cllr Graham Hardie

iv)             Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Children’s Champion – Cllr Dougie McFadzean

v)               Oban, Lorn and the Isles Children’s Champion – 1 Vacancy

vi)             Representatives on the Community Planning Partnership Management Committee – Cllr Jim Lynch, Leader of the Council and Cllr Mark Irvine, Policy Lead for Community Planning

vii)            Representatives on Oban Common Good Fund – Cllr Jim Lynch, Cllr Julie McKenzie, Cllr Kieron Green, Cllr Amanda Hampsey


7(l) – Councillors Remuneration


i)                 Noted that remuneration for the Provost and Leader, as set out by the Local Government (Scotland) Act 2004 (Remuneration) Amendment Regulations 2024, would be

·       Provost/Civic Head - £32,024

·       Leader of the Council - £42,698


ii)               Agreed that the annual remuneration for a Policy Lead Councillor and Area Committee Chair be set at £32,023 and £25,547 respectively in line with the approach taken in previous Council terms, and noted that, in the event that the same member holds more than one of these positions, that member would receive the higher amount only in respect of the relevant position;

iii)              Agreed that any future annual percentage increase in Policy Lead Councillor or Area Committee Chair remuneration shall be the same as that determined by regulations for the basic allowances;

iv)             Proposed that a salary of £25,547 be provided to the Leader of the largest Opposition Group.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 9 April 2024, submitted and Motion by Councillor Jim Lynch, seconded by Councillor Audrey Forrest, tabled)

Supporting documents: