Agenda item


Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth


The Development Manager spoke to the terms of the report.  The application seeks listed building consent for the substantial demolition of a category B listed building as a means to facilitate the redevelopment of the site by a Registered Social Landlord to provide affordable housing.


National policy and guidance is provided respectively in Scottish Planning Policy and Historic Environment Scotland’s Managing Change Demolition publication.  The latter setting out a presumption against the demolition of listed buildings except where it can be satisfactorily demonstrated that either i) the building no longer merits being listed; and/or ii) that the building is incapable of meaningful repair; and/or iii) that the demolition is essential to delivering significant benefits to economic growth or the wider community.  Policy LDP ENV 3 and SG LDP ENV 16(b) of the Argyll and Bute Local Development Plan 2015 set out similar protection for the historic built environment.


The Applicant has sought to demonstrate in their submission that the building is incapable of meaningful repair or reuse in any manner that would both retain the special characteristics of the building and provide a viable modern housing development that meets the requirements of the Applicant and the Campbeltown community.  Historic Environment Scotland (HES) have formally objected to the application and raise concern that, in their opinion, the Applicant has not exhausted consideration of all viable options for re-use/partial retention of the building, and that in the absence of the property being marketed, it cannot be satisfactorily established that demolition is acceptable as a means of last resort.


It is the consideration of Officers, notwithstanding the concerns raised by Historic Environment Scotland in their objection, that the Applicant has satisfactorily demonstrated that the category B listed building is incapable of meaningful repair or reuse for modern purposes without loss of the key attributes of its distinctive massing and external architectural form that provides its special interest.  Furthermore, it is recognised that the demolition of the building would facilitate the redevelopment of the site for affordable housing that would be tailored to meet the housing demand of the local community and would contribute toward local and national targets for delivery of new affordable housing.


It was recommended the Council determine to grant listed building consent subject to the conditions and reasons detailed in the report, and accordingly, notify the decision to Scottish Minsters in light of objections from a statutory consultee.




The Committee determined to grant listed building consent subject to the following conditions and reasons and noted that this decision would be notified to Scottish Ministers in light of the objections from Historic Environment Scotland:


1.    LIB - Approved Details & Standard Notes – Non EIA Development


The development shall be implemented in accordance with the details specified on the application form dated 24.12.2022, supporting information and, the approved drawings listed in the table below.


Plan Title.

Plan Ref. No.


Date Received

Location Plan




Site Plan




Plans and Elevations as Existing





Reason: For the purpose of clarity, to ensure that the development is implemented in accordance with the approved details.


Note to Applicant:


This consent will last only for three years from the date of this decision notice, unless the development has been started within that period [See section 16 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended).]


2.    No Demolition Until A Contract Has Been Let For Redevelopment


No demolition works shall commence until satisfactory evidence has been submitted to the Planning Authority to show that a contract has been let for the redevelopment of the whole site in accordance with proposals for which detailed planning permission/approval of matters specified in conditions has been obtained.


Reason: In order to protect the amenity of the locale and the built environment by preventing the premature demolition of the property concerned, and in order to underpin the justification for development of the building as being essential to delivering significant benefits to the wider community.


Note to Applicant:


·         Under the terms of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997, section 7(2)(b)(c), applicants receiving consent for works of demolition to a listed building/unlisted building in a conservation area must: notify RCAHMS of their intention to carry out the work; thereafter allow RCAHMS reasonable access to record the building for at least 3 months following the granting of consent and the giving of notice to the Commission, during which time demolition may not be undertaken unless RCAHMS has indicated in writing that its record has been completed or that they do not wish to record it.  The RCAHMS contact details are as follows:


The Royal Commission on Ancient Historical Monuments (RCAHMS),

Threatened Buildings Survey,

John Sinclair House,

16 Bernard Terrace,

Edinburgh, EH8 9NX. 

Tel. 0131 651 6773


3.    Demolition Method Statement


No demolition works shall commence until a Demolition Method Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. The Demolition Method Statement shall address the developer’s intentions in respect of:


·         Demolition Methodology - Type and sequence of demolition and site establishment;

·         Disposal of Waste Materials – details of the intended means of disposing of all materials arising from the demolition including any special arrangements required for the potential removal and disposal of hazardous materials;

·         Notification of demolition to adjacent property owners and local residents;

·         Dust & Noise Reduction Strategy - steps to be taken to minimise the risk and nuisance to adjoining land, building or road users;

·         Proximity to Buildings, Other Structures, Roads and Accesses – measures to protect structural integrity, to ensure exposed gables remain weather tight and protection of means of access;

·         Traffic Management – to protect safety of pedestrians and vehicular traffic.


The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved Demolition Method Statement, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interest of public safety and in order to protect the amenity of the locale and the built environment.


Note to Applicant:


In devising the Demolition Method Statement consultation should take place with the Council’s Building Standards Officers, Environmental Health Officers and the Roads Authority to ensure compliance with other statutory requirements.


4.    Reclamation of Materials


No demolition works shall commence until a schedule of items to be reclaimed from the site during or prior to demolition has been drawn up in consultation with, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. These materials and items shall be satisfactorily set aside, stored and/or used in a manner which shall first be agreed with by the Planning Authority, prior to any demolition taking place.


Reason: In order to protect and save materials and items which can reasonably be retrieved, in the interests of the historical and architectural qualities of the building to be demolished.


Note to Applicant:


Consultation with the Council’s Design & Conservation Officer should be undertaken in identifying items to be reclaimed.


(Reference: Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth dated 13 September 2022, submitted)

Supporting documents: