Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Community Council Governance
The Committee gave consideration to a report
providing feedback following a recent 8 week public consultation to amend the
current Scheme for the Establishment of Community Council’s in Argyll and Bute
(“the Scheme”) and inviting the Committee to approve the Scheme attached at
Appendix 4 to the report, as amended over the course of the two stage public
consultation in line with Appendices 1, 2 and 3 to the submitted report.
The Policy and Resources Committee agreed to –
1. Approve the final proposed
amended Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils in Argyll and Bute
for the term 2022/26; the amended Best Practice Guidance 2022/26; the
boundaries for the community councils for term 2022/26; and the administration
grant levels for 2022/26 (as set out in Appendices 4-7);
2. Instruct officers to give the
requisite 4 week period of notice of the newly amended Scheme;
3. Delegate consideration of any
feedback received during the 4 week period to the Executive Director with
responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support, in consultation with the
Depute Policy Lead - Community Planning and Corporate Services; and
4. Note that subject to there
being no material changes proposed from the feedback received, the newly
amended Scheme would come into effect as of 20 October 2022 to coincide with
community council elections taking place on that date.
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Community Council
Governance dated 18 July 2022, submitted)
Supporting documents: