Agenda item

Isle of Bute Gin Distillery, Land to the rear of Mansion House and 61-67 High Street, Rothesay, Isle of Bute, PA20 9AU

Summary Sheet attached – Item 5(a)


Niall Hassard, Solicitor, Glasgow attended together with Jack Madigan-Wheatley, one of the Directors. Niall Hassard explained that the first phase of this development was approved at the Licensing Board meeting on 25th February 2020. The development has been well received and is popular on the island. This is the next, and more substantial phase, of the development and is for the visitor centre, café and production area. It is to create a hub for the community and visitors and also to showcase and host local produce. They realise that they will need to take things gradually and collaboratively with regard to the commencement of certain activities such as weddings, functions and late hours due to the proximity of the premises to residential dwellings and acoustic specialists have been appointed for this reason. They are happy to accept any conditions, terminal hours etc. the Board may wish to add to the licence.


Raymond Park, Licensing Standards Officer advised that most of the points in his report had already been covered by Mr Hassard and he had no real issues with the application.


Richard Gorman, Environmental Health Officer advised that he had been working with the applicant for over a year now. He had some concerns at the beginning with regard to the potential for noise disturbance from functions held late at night as the development is sited close to the town centre surrounded by residential properties. However, nothing like this is to happen just now. One of the conditions on the Planning Consent is that there is to be no amplified music (either live or recorded) after 10pm, and the applicant is happy to have a similar condition attached to the licence. He further advised that there are a wide range of activities proposed which are unlikely to cause any noise problems.


Wendy Maginnis of Police Scotland referred to their letter of representation dated 15th April, 2021 and advised that  they had been in contact with Niall Hassard and the applicants and any concerns they had have now been addressed. They have no objections to the application.


Rory Colville said that he thought it was an excellent application. However the problem will be noise disturbance. He asked if the relevant planning conditions could also be incorporated into the premises licence. Susan Mair, Depute Clerk advised that this was possible although not strictly necessary.


Richard Trail remarked that it was an extensive application in a residential area but that he was very happy to go approve it. He had been impressed with the comments from the applicant’s solicitor and Environmental Health.


Jean Moffat agreed she had no hesitation in approving the application.


The Chair asked if the planning condition was lifted, would it have to come back to the Board.


Susan Mair, Depute Clerk replied that this was a matter for the Board to decide. There could be submission of further noise tests to determine what can be done. She advised it may be a good idea to come back to finalise matters for the reassurance of the Members.


Niall Hassard replied he was happy to work the Board with regard to approval of a Noise Management Plan before hosting any events.


The Chair advised they would still need to apply for Extended Hours applications. Niall Hassard confirmed this was understood.

The Chair moved to grant the application subject to the relevant planning condition being added to the licence and to come back to the Board if the condition is to be lifted. Susan Mair, Depute Clerk added wording for the licence could also be final between herself and Niall Hassard.


The Chair moved to grant the application as per the above conditions. With no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board.


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