Agenda item



The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, outlined the procedure and introductions were made.  He explained that no person present would be entitled to speak other than the Members of the Local Review Body (LRB) and Mr Jackson who would provide procedural advice if required.


He advised that his first task would be to establish if the Members of the LRB felt that they had sufficient information before them to come to a decision on the Review.


Councillors Currie and Freeman confirmed that they felt they had enough information to come to a decision.  Councillor Colville advised that he too felt he had sufficient information and that he had prepared a Motion that he would read out at the appropriate time.


Councillor Freeman advised that the site visit the previous day (note of site inspection attached at Appendix A) had been very worthwhile and out with any decision taken at the meeting today, it was clear that there were a number of issues relating to the site that required to be addressed by both planning and roads officers.


Councillor Colville moved the following Motion which was seconded by Councillor Freeman –


Having had the benefit of the site visit I am of the opinion that the proposal which sits within the curtilage of 1 Argyll Terrace and being in a conservation area, its position on the corner of Argyll Terrace and Victoria street will, have a material harmful impact on the setting of the adjacent Listed Parish Church and whilst I noted buildings further along Breadalbane Lane have roof lines similar to the proposal their appearance was far less imposing on the listed building due to the separation distance from Victoria Street.

The proposal would also due to the increase in the height of the building, in my view, alter the existing subservient appearance of the current structure in relation to the guest house and would appear as the dominant aspect within the curtilage of the site.

The lack of off street, on street parking, available to serve the development is also noted as a material consideration in terms of the policy considerations, which seek to ensure that developments are served by a safe means of vehicular access and have appropriate parking provision within the site and I am in agreement with the planning officers view that this would have an adverse impact on road safety.


I therefore move refusal of the application for the reasons set out on page 49 of the Agenda pack for the first calling of the LRB held on 1 June.   


Councillor Currie commented that having seen the site and having heard the Motion; he agreed with the terms of the Motion.




The Argyll and Bute Local Review Body having considered the case de novo unanimously agreed not to uphold the request for review and to refuse planning permission as per the terms of the motion.


Appendix A









In attendance:             Councillor Rory Colville, Argyll and Bute LRB (Chair)

                                    Councillor Robin Currie, Argyll and Bute LRB

                                    Councillor George Freeman, Argyll and Bute LRB

Iain Jackson, Governance, Risk and Safety Manager (Adviser)

Hazel MacInnes, Committee Services Officer (Minutes)

Sandy Lees, AGL Architect - Applicant’s Agent

Jamie Torrance, Planning Graduate Officer

James Jackson, Traffic and Development Officer – Consultee

Anthony Spillane, Interested Party



The Argyll and Bute Local Review Body agreed on 1 June 2020 to conduct a site inspection in order to gauge the impact the proposed extension would have on the conservation area and surrounding properties.


The Local Review Body convened at 12.00 noon on 8 October 2020 at 1 Argyll Terrace, Tobermory, Isle of Mull.  The Chair welcomed everyone to the site inspection and introductions were made. 


The following points were discussed and noted at the site inspection -


1.    The impact of the development on the Church across the road.


2.    The access to the development from Argyll Lane and the stone wall boundary.


3.    The increase of 1.3m ridge height of the development in comparison to the properties on the same terrace and the increase in height of 1m of the walls that would be built to the roof line.


4.    That there was no off street parking available for the development and that parking for the surrounding properties was all on street parking.


5.    That planning permission could still be applied for even although the property named “Rose Cottage” was unlawful and subject to enforcement action; and that granting planning permission for the development would regularise the unlawful development.


6.    The impacts of the proposal would include over development of the site and the building would dominate the site rather than compliment it.


7.    The wooden cladding proposed was to give the development the look of being light weight and to try and reduce the impact of the overall height of the building.


8.    The location of the open drainage ditch which had been covered without permission and that maintenance of this ditch was the responsibility of the roads department who would be seeking reinstatement of the open ditch.


9.    That the justification for the development was to provide staff accommodation for the 5 bedroom Bed and Breakfast business and that this could be specified in a planning condition if required.


10.  That the site was not included in the Town Envelope Area.


11.  That there were currently two dormer windows on the front of the building.



Supporting documents: