Venue: Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre
Contact: Adele Price-Williams 01546 604480
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: There were no apologies for absence intimated. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest intimated. |
Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee meeting held on 20 December 2018 Minutes: The minute of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee held on 20 December 2018 was approved as a correct record. |
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Minutes: Questions submitted
by email by Peter Brown, Vice Convener, Helensburgh Community Council: I submitted the following as a written question to the Area Committee on 20th December 2018: “I would be grateful if the committee could clarify the content of Phase 2. The Position Statement says that Phase 2 “includes the retail development, skate park, play park and landscaping”. It would be perfectly understandable if the "blank area" in the development plan was Phase 2, but the landscaping for which the committee are being asked to increase the budget is not in the "blank area". The West Clyde Street landscaping is clearly detailed in the plans which are to be considered at the PPSL committee on 19th December. This means that either: · The plans that are in front of the PPSL committee include items from both Phase 1 and Phase 2, and so the budget that the Area Committee have previously agreed does not cover all of the plans. In that case, I would ask for clarification of what the budget previously agreed covers? Or; · The plans that are in front of the PPSL committee cover just Phase 1, in which case the Area Committee should not be asked to increase the budget that was previously agreed.” The minutes on 20th December recorded the answer from John Gordon as follows: "As it clearly states at section 5.6.1 of the Report to be considered at Item 13 of today’s Agenda, it was originally envisaged that the landscaping of the area to the North of the site, along the West Clyde Street frontage, would be part of Phase 2, and therefore no budget allowance for it had been made." The Report attached to the Agenda for the Area Committee on 20th December was indeed clear, but what I wanted to understand is whether the Area Committee had been informed prior to the December 2018 meeting agenda about this gap in the project budget? Specifically, can the Area Committee provide the document that pre-dates December 2018 in which they were informed as to which components would be delivered in Phase 1 and which components in Phase 2? Response from the
Chair of the Area Committee: The Area Committee Manager will seek a response from the CHORD Programme Manager and reply directly to Mr Brown with copy sent to Members of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee. |
POLICE SCOTLAND UPDATE PDF 24 KB Report by Inspector Roddy McNeill – Police Scotland Minutes: The Chair welcomed Inspector Roddy McNeill to the meeting and introductions were made. The Inspector spoke to his report and provided a further update in relation to; re-deployable CCTV being moved from Roseneath back to James Street and that Police Scotland are looking at relocating other cameras going forward; a traffic survey will be conducted in the near future at the 30mph section of dual carriageway on Cardross Road; and the Ironworks project will be going ahead this year depending on what funding can be secured from the National Park for extra patrols. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee; 1. thanked Inspector Roddy MacNeill for his attendance; 2. agreed that the Police Scotland Update will be a standing item on the agenda; and 3. agreed that Inspector Roddy MacNeill will bring the traffic speed survey results for Cardross Road back to a future Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee for discussion. (Reference: Report by Inspector Roddy McNeill – Police Scotland, dated 21 March 2019, submitted) |
AREA SCORECARD FQ3 2018-19 PDF 65 KB Report by Executive Director – Customer Services Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the Area Scorecard report for financial quarter 3 of 2018-2019 which illustrated the agreed performance measures. The Committee was further updated by the Transformation Project Manager for Roads and Amenity Services on the street lighting statistics who explained that the Council’s performance management information presented in the area scorecard simply provided a snapshot in time of statistics taken from other systems and was entirely reliant on that baseline data being up to date and accurate. However there had been a delay in updating jobs in the asset management system due to sickness absence in the small lighting team and this was reflected in the figures which were contained in the report. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee; 1. noted the performance presented on the Scorecard and supporting commentary; 2. noted that upon receipt of the quarterly performance report the Area Committee Members could contact either the Performance Improvement Officer or the responsible named officer with any queries; and 3. noted that work is ongoing and to respond to the Performance Improvement Officer with requests or comments regarding the layout and format of the report and scorecard. (Reference: Report by Executive Director of Customer Services dated 21 March 2019, submitted) |
FESTIVE LIGHTING UPDATE PDF 76 KB Report be Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a report that updated Members on the delivery of festive lighting across Argyll and Bute in 2018, as well as the community handover arrangements now that the Council is ceasing to provide this non-statutory service. Discussion focused on the agreement on the disbursement of the remaining festive funding as delegated to the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee; 1. noted the contents of the report; and 2. agreed the funding spilt as per the scoring matrix at 4.2.3 and the table at 4.2.4 of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure Services dated 11 February 2019, submitted) |
HELENSBURGH AND LOMOND AREA COMMITTEE - DATES OF MEETINGS 2019/2020 PDF 61 KB Report by Executive Director – Customer Services Minutes: A report outlining the scheduled meetings for the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee from August 2019 to June 2020 was considered by Members. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee endorsed the agreed cycle of Area Committee meetings as detailed in the appendix to the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director of Customer Services dated 11 February 2019, submitted) |
Report by Executive Director – Customer Services Minutes: A report which updated Members on the development and sale of properties in the Helensburgh and Lomond Area was before the Committee for information. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee noted the position as outlined in the report in respect of the various properties. (Reference: Report by Executive Director of Customer Services dated 28 February 2019, submitted) |
HELENSBURGH WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - POSITION STATEMENT PDF 111 KB Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services Additional documents: Minutes: A report was before the Committee for information which provided a progress update on the delivery of the Helensburgh Waterfront Development Project and included information on Planning Permission; Marine Licence; RIBA Stage 4 – Technical Design; Procurement of the Main Contract; Development of the Full Business Case; Programme for delivering the project; and the updated Financial Position. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee noted the progress
update for the Helensburgh Waterfront Development. (Reference: Report by Executive Director of Customer Services dated 6 March 2019, submitted) |
HELENSBURGH, CARDROSS AND DUMBARTON CYCLEWAY UPDATE Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services Additional documents:
Minutes: A report on the progress made since the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee on 20 December 2018 in relation to the delivery of Argyll and Bute Council’s long-standing commitment to the provision of a dedicated, high quality walking and cycle route linking Helensburgh, Cardross and Dumbarton was before the Committee for information. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee; 1. noted the appointment of a design contractor to progress the route identification and design development of the phase of the route from Ferry Road, Cardross to Dumbarton; 2. noted the intention to hold a public consultation event to support identification of the preferred route from Ferry Road, Cardross to Dumbarton; and 3. noted the continued commitment to construct the approx. 285m section of the route along Geilston Park [unadopted road] and through the Cardross Playing Fields and Cardross Park, now planned for 2019/20. (Reference: Report by Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure Services dated 21 March 2019, submitted) |
HELENSBURGH AND LOMOND AREA COMMITTEE WORKPLAN PDF 63 KB Minutes: The Helensburgh and Lomond Committee Workplan as at March 2019 was before the Committee for noting. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee noted the
Helensburgh and Lomond Workplan. (Reference: Helensburgh and Lomond Workplan dated 21 March 2019, submitted) |