Venue: Marriage Room, Helensburgh & Lomond Civic Centre
Contact: Danielle Finlay, Senior Area Committee Assistant - 01436657646
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Paterson. |
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and general introductions were made. The Chair advised that there was a petition being submitted to the Area Committee and that she would receive this at Public Question Time. The Chair ruled and the Area Committee agreed to take the agenda items out of sequence in order to facilitate Officers. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: Councillor Hardie declared a non-financial interest in relation to item 17 Helensburgh Waterfront Development because he is a Board member of Live Argyll, he claimed the benefit of the dispensation contained at Section 5.16 of the Standard’s Commission Guidance and dispensation note to enable him to speak and vote. He also advised that he would take no part in the PPSL Committee consideration on this matter. Councillor Kinniburgh advised that because he is the Chair of the PPSL Committee he would take no part in the discussion or decision of item 17, Helensburgh Waterfront Development and would leave the room during consideration of that item. Councillors Freeman, Trail and Douglas all advised that they are Members of the PPSL Committee, but would participate in the discussion and decision of item 17, Helensburgh Waterfront Development. |
Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee - 22nd March 2018 PDF 71 KB Minutes: The Minute of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee meeting held on 22nd March 2018 was approved as a correct record. |
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Minutes: The Area Committee received a petition from Jackie Hood, Chair of Helensburgh Skate Park Project and three young committee members of the Group which has received over 1,117 signatures in support of proposals to build a new concrete skate park at Helensburgh Pierhead site. She advised that the Group were supportive of the plans for the Waterfront Development and asked the Council to support the skate park proposals, inviting the Area Committee to their open day on Saturday 23rd June at 3pm at Helensburgh Pierhead. Norman Muir, Convenor of Helensburgh and Lomond Community Council had submitted a question in writing but was unable to be in attendance. The Area Committee Manager read out the question on his behalf. 1. The Waterfront Project has been slowly gestating since 2009 and a Masterplan was adopted after public consultation in 2012. In December 2017 the Area Committee changed the location of the leisure centre on the pierhead site, laid out in the still-current 2012 Pierhead Masterplan Addendum. This was done for unclear reasons and without public consultation. This was clearly a premature decision and unfounded in the light of the potential risk of wave damage and flooding identified in the subsequent pre-application consultation process held in the town. In the light of community feedback on the development, will the Area Committee re-visit its December decision, honour the agreed Pierhead Masterplan and re-instate the leisure centre in its original location? The Regeneration Project Manager
advised that officers have checked with planning and their advice is that as
long as there is no deviation from the elements in the Masterplan, or any
defined areas for those elements, then there is no issue in terms of their
specific locations. 2.
Dr Peter
Brown, Vice Convenor of Helensburgh Community Council asked a couple of
questions:- The following statements appear in A&BC's Standing Orders
days” excludes the day of publication and the day of the meeting and does not
include Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays. Reports for this meeting, on Thursday 21st June 2018, should therefore
have been made public on Council received the Waterfront Development End Stage
Report at 5pm on Monday 18th June. Does the Area Committee agree that this is a
breach of its standing orders, and provides insufficient time for the public to
assess this significant document? The Chair responded:- I don’t accept that there hasn’t been sufficient time to consider this report
as this is the conclusion of a very substantial public engagement by the
Council and it is partly because of the tremendous response from the public
that the report was only issued to everyone on Monday of this week. I think it is now a matter of urgency that we
consider this report as the people in Helensburgh are expecting us all to make
positive progress in respect of this matter. 3.
I have
points that I would like to put to the Area Committee regarding the flood
protection of the proposed leisure centre. i)
The End
Stage Report on the Waterfront Development states that “the Finished Floor
Level of any building to be constructed on the site will be set no lower than
5.4m Above Ordnance Datum (AOD), which is some 0.75m higher than the
predictions for a 1-in-200year event”. The ground floor plan clearly indicates
that the floor of the Plant Room will be at 4.7m AOD, which is much lower than
the 5.4m recommended in the Kaya Consulting flood risk assessment. Why is this
critical part of the building being constructed such that it will be
susceptible to flooding? ii)
Report states “the Design Life for the new Leisure Building is 40years and that
the Climate Change impacts, upon which we have based our design, are forecast
out to 2080, or some 20 years after the new building would have reached the end
of its operational life”. What, therefore, will be the wave overtopping rate
(the amount of water that comes over the sea defence) in a 1-in-200 year
weather event in 2050, which will be well within the lifespan of the building,
and will this be less than 1 litre/s/m, which is the maximum above which damage
would occur to the building? Fergus Murray, Head
of Economic Development and Strategic Transportation responded:- i)
predicted 1-in-200 year’s water levels are 4.06m AOD for 2018, 4.48m AOD for
2080 and 4.65m AOD for 2100 respectively. The lowest proposed level of 4.7m AOD for the Plant Room and the Car Park
is set 220mm above the predicted level of 4.48m AOD for 2080. Our Project Team has concluded that the
proposed levels are appropriate for a 1-in-200 year in respect of the still sea
water level (i.e. astronomical tide + storm surge): ·
4.7m AOD
for Car Park and Leisure Centre Basement ·
4.8m AOD
for footways ·
5.1m AOD
for future development area and ·
5.4m AOD
for buildings and the top of the sea defence crest. ii)
proposed flood defence design levels are above the flood and overtopping
requirements for the joint probability analysis of the 1-in-200 years’ water
levels for 2018. The unacceptable overtopping levels are
calculated from the sea water level for 2080. Our design proposals have mitigated this by allowing sufficient space around the perimeter of the development site to allow for the sea defences to ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
POLICE SCOTLAND Update by Allan Kirk, Police Scotland Minutes: Inspector Allan Kirk of Police Scotland introduced himself and gave an update to the Area Committee. He gave an overview on the 5 main priorities for Police Scotland and the Helensburgh and Lomond area which are:-
He advised Helensburgh and Lomond remains a lovely place to live with crime levels being low but confirmed there are problems. He advised that 200 driving penalty tickets were issue between January – June 2018 and fatalities and serious road accident figures have dropped. Inspector Kirk confirmed that violent disorder and crime figures are the same as last year with a reduction of 13% in anti-social behaviour issues. He advised that Police Scotland have a good working relationship with licence holders and take the pub watch system seriously. He confirmed that there were 132 missing person reports recorded last year with a reduction to 53 reported this year. He advised that the level of crime in Helensburgh and Lomond is very low and across the whole division from Clydebank to Oban, there were only 18 house break ins, in the last year. He confirmed that shop lifting continues to be a problem but the use of the CCTV systems help to try and detect this issue. He gave an update on major crime in the area which is updated in the Helensburgh Advertiser, advising that recent drug searches were carried out with firearms being detected. He advised that the Police Scotland Youth Volunteers Scheme would be starting in August which targets 10-18 year olds. Inspector Kirk also answered a number of questions from Members of the Committee, particularly in relation to road safety and speeding. Decision The Area Committee noted the information provided. (Ref: Verbal update by Inspector Kirk, Police Scotland dated 21st June 2018, submitted). |
FASLANE NAVY BASE AND THE LOCAL COMMUNITY Presentation by Commander J K Hayle, MA Royal Navy Minutes: The Area Committee heard a presentation from Commander Jim Hayle on HM Naval Base Clyde. He spoke about the history and future of the Faslane Base, the Maritime Change Programme and the opportunities the base provides for the local community. Commander Hayle also answered a number of questions from Members. Decision The Area Committee noted the information provided and thanked Commander Hayle for an informative presentation. (Ref: Presentation by Commander Hayle dated 21st June 2018, submitted). |
MARITIME CHANGE - SCOTTISH ENTERPRISE ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY STUDY PDF 214 KB Report by Development Officer Minutes: A report providing an update to the Area Committee on the Maritime Change Economic Opportunity Study, which is currently being delivered in collaboration with Scottish Enterprise, was considered. Decision The Area Committee:-
(Ref: Report by Development Officer, Transformation Projects and Regeneration dated 9th May 2018, submitted). |
MONITORING OF SUPPORTING COMMUNITIES FUNDING 2017/18 PDF 63 KB Report by Community Development Officer Minutes: The Community Planning Manager presented a report on Monitoring of Supporting Communities Funding 2017/18, which asked the Area Committee to agree that Rhu and Shandon Community Council return the sum of £3,420 to the Council. Motion The Area Committee agrees that Rhu and Shandon Community Council return £3,420 to the Council. Moved by Councillor Ellen Morton, Seconded by Councillor Morgan. Amendment The Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee:- (a) Agrees to note the contents of the report on Monitoring of Supporting Communities Funding 2017/18; (b) Notes that the Rhu and Shandon Conservation Area Appraisal work, that the £3,420 was awarded to the Rhu & Shandon Community Council to cover part of the costs of carrying out this work, would normally be work that Argyll & Bute Council is required to carry out as part of the Planning and Regulatory Services 2017-20 Service Plan; (c) Agrees to support the request from the Community Council for this funding to be carried forward into 2018/19; and (d) Agrees that the Area Committee should seek the appropriate approval for this carry forward from the Policy and Resources Committee if this is not within the delegated powers of the Area Committee. Moved by Councillor Freeman, Seconded by Councillor Trail. Decision On a show of hands vote the Motion was carried by 7 votes to 2 and the Committee resolved as follows:- The Area Committee agreed that Rhu and Shandon Community Council return £3,420 to the Council. (Ref: Report by Community Planning Manager dated 12th June 2018, submitted). |
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOCUS OF WORK - ARROCHAR PDF 400 KB Report by Development Officer Minutes: A report asking the Area Committee to endorse a continued focussed approach to economic development activity in Arrochar was considered. Decision The Area Committee:-
(Ref: Report by Senior Development Officer dated 21st June 2018, submitted). |
Minutes: The Area Committee considered a report in respect of the offer of a grant in support of the first application to the Outdoor Museum Arts Fund. The report also requested the agreement to open the fund to a second round of applications in 2018. Decision The Area Committee:-
(Ref: Report by Development Officer dated 21st June 2018, submitted). Councillor Freeman left the meeting at 11:50am, prior to consideration of the following items of business. |
AREA SCORECARD FQ4 2017-18 PDF 79 KB Report by Performance Manager and Improvement Officer Additional documents:
Minutes: The Area Committee considered a report which presented the Area Scorecard and Report for Financial Quarter 4 2017-18 (January – March 2018). Decision The Area Committee:-
(Ref: Report by Performance and Improvement Officer dated 21st June 2018, submitted). Councillor Freeman returned to the meeting at 11:58am at conclusion of the foregoing item of business. |
PRIMARY SCHOOL REPORT PDF 1 MB Report by Head of Education Minutes: The Area Committee considered the Primary Area report for the Helensburgh and Lomond area. Robyn McIlroy, Education Officer took the Committee through the report and responded to questions from Members. Decision The Area Committee noted the contents of the report. (Ref: Report by Education Officer dated 21st June 2018, submitted). |
HOMELESSNESS IN HELENSBURGH & LOMOND PDF 293 KB Report by Team Leader – West Minutes: The Area Committee gave consideration to a report which detailed the increase in the number of homeless applications taken by the local authority in Helensburgh and Lomond during 2017/18. Decision The Area Committee:-
(Ref: Report by Team Lead – Housing Strategy dated 21st May 2018, submitted). |
FESTIVE LIGHTING FUNDING REQUEST AND UPDATE PDF 93 KB Report by Project Manager – Transformation Additional documents:
Minutes: A report providing the Area Committee with an update on the effective use of the funding provided by the Council to Helensburgh Festive Lighting Charitable Trust (HFLCT) to provide festive lighting in Helensburgh in 2017; as well as updating on the overall financial position, was considered. The report asked the Area Committee to determine a new funding request from HFLCT for 2018 and 2019. Decision The Area Committee:-
(Ref: Report by Transformation Manager dated 12th June 2018, submitted).
APPOINTMENT TO OUTSIDE ORGANISATIONS PDF 60 KB Report by Area Committee Manager Minutes: The Area Committee considered a report on appointments to outside organisations for the ACHA Area Committee for Helensburgh and Lomond and the Glasgow Airport Consultative Committee. The Committee noted that ACHA were currently in the process of looking at a reorganisation of their Area Committees. Decision The Area Committee:-
(Ref: Report by Area Committee dated 25th April 2018, submitted). |
REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE HELENSBURGH AND DISTRICT TWINNING ASSOCIATION PDF 61 KB Report by Area Committee Manager Additional documents: Minutes: A report advising the Area Committee on a request from the Helensburgh and District Twinning Association for financial assistance which would help with a visit to Thouars in 2019, was considered. Decision The Area Committee agreed to grant the sum of £833 from the Twinning Budget for 2018/19 towards the cost of the visit. (Ref: Report by Area Committee Manager dated 1st May 2018, submitted). |
The Chair ruled and the Committee agreed to adjourn the meeting at 1:45pm. The Committee reconvened at 1:55pm with all members present as per the sederunt with the exception of Councillor Freeman and Councillor Kinniburgh. As noted previously Councillor Kinniburgh had indicated that he would take no part in the discussion on the following item of business. The Chair advised that Appendix E of the following item of business was not available to the public as it contained some commercially sensitive information. She confirmed it was her intention to have the discussion in public, but if Members wished to discuss the information contained in the Appendix, she would be asking the Committee to agree that the press and public leave the room. |
HELENSBURGH WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT PDF 2 MB Report by Regeneration Project Manager Additional documents:
Minutes: A report providing the Area Committee with a progress update on the delivery of the Helensburgh Waterfront Development Project, following the completion of the current stage of design development, was considered. Decision The Area Committee:-
(Ref: Report by Helensburgh Regeneration Project Manager dated 18th June 2018, submitted). |
Councillor Freeman re-entered the meeting at 1pm during discussion of the foregoing item of business. Councillor Kinniburgh returned to the meeting at conclusion of the foregoing item of business. The Chair advised that the Appendix to the report for the following item of business was not available to the public as it contained some commercially sensitive information. She confirmed it was her intention to have the discussion in public, but if Members wished to discuss the information contained in the Appendix, she would be asking the Committee to agree that the press and public leave the room. |
Minutes: A report advising the Area Committee on the background of, progress to date and future programme for delivery of the Helensburgh, Cardross and Dumbarton Cycleway, further to previous reports to the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee, most recently on 21st December 2017, was considered. Decision The Area Committee noted the progress to date and future programme for delivery of the Helensburgh, Cardross and Dumbarton Cycleway. (Ref: Report by Strategic Transportation Delivery Officer dated 21st June 2018, submitted). |
MAKING PLACES HELENSBURGH PDF 74 KB Report by Development Officer Additional documents:
Minutes: A report providing the Area Committee with an update on ‘Making Places Helensburgh’ further to the Business Day presentation on 14th February 2018, was provided for information. Decision The Area Committee noted the contents of the report. (Ref: Report by Development Officer, Transformation Projects and Regeneration dated 21st June 2018, submitted). |
Report by Property Development Manager Minutes: A report providing the Area Committee with an update on the development and sale of properties in the Helensburgh and Lomond area was provided for information. Decision The Area Committee noted the position as outlined in respect of the various properties. (Ref: Report by Property Development Manager dated 19th May 2018, submitted). |
Minutes: The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee Workplan was provided for information. Decision The Area Committee noted the Workplan. (Ref: Helensburgh and Lomond Workplan dated 21st June 2018, submitted). |
E1 Paragraph 6 Information relating to the financial
or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority); and |
Paragraph 13 Information
which, if disclosed to the public, would reveal that the authority proposes- (a)
give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are
imposed on a person; or (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment. |
E2 Paragraph 8 The amount of any expenditure proposed
to be incurred by the authority under
any particular contract for the acquisition of property or the supply of goods
or services; and |
Paragraph 9 Any
terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of
negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the
supply of goods or services. |