Venue: Marriage Room, Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre
Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01436 657621
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: The Vice-Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and general introductions were made. Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of:- Stuart McLean, Scottish Fire and Rescue Inspector Coleen Wylie, Police Scotland Janice Kennedy, Scottish Enterprise Tony Davey, Cardross Community Council Norman Muir, Helensburgh Community Council Jean Cook, Rhu & Shandon Community Council Having noted that the Chair, Stuart McLean, Scottish Fire and Rescue had intimated his apologies, the Vice-Chair Morevain Martin assumed the role of Chair for the duration of the meeting. |
Having received a request from Scottish Fire and Rescue to include a presentation on the Local Plan consultation, the Chair agreed that this item be given consideration under Outcome 5 – People live active, healthier and independent lives. . |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes |
Minutes: The minute of the meeting of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group, held on 21 February 2017 was approved as a true record.
Election of Vice Chair PDF 85 KB Report by Area Governance Manager. Minutes: The group noted that the term of the current Vice Chair, Morevain Martin had come to its natural conclusion as per the Terms of Reference of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group. Consideration was given to a briefing note outlining the procedure which must be followed when electing office bearers to the Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group. Having established her willingness to continue in the role, Councillor Trail nominated Morevain Martin for the position of Vice Chair. This was seconded by Nick Davies. There being no other nominations received, Morevain Martin was elected as Vice-Chair of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group. (Ref: Briefing Note by Area Governance Manager, dated 25 April 2017, submitted.) |
Standing Item: CPP Management Committee Update |
Report by Community Planning Manager PDF 103 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The group gave consideration to a briefing note, outlining
the consideration of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) to issues raised
by Area CPG’s at their meetings in February 2017, with the discussion on the Community
Outcome Profile Toolkit and key issues experienced in the area being of
particular interest; the agreement by the Management Committee that actions
relating to the impact of campervans remain on the agenda until the close of
the summer season to track any negative impacts and look at ways in which to
address these; the signing off of the Community Justice Transition Plan for
submission to the Scottish Government; the development of a questionnaire by
the Recruitment Working Group in relation
to people who work within Argyll and Bute but commute rather than
reside; the positive progress of partnership working within the Economic Forum
report, including Argyll College delivering new courses in tourism and marine
services; the promotion of the Rural Resettlement Fund and the agreement to set
up a short life working group to consider the recommendations of a recent
report on Community Transport in Argyll and Bute. Decision: The group agreed to note the contents of the briefing
note. (Ref: Briefing Note
by Community Planning Manager, dated 25 April 2017, submitted.) |
OUTCOME 1: The Economy is diverse and thriving |
Participatory Budgeting PDF 829 KB Presentation and update by Community Development Officer, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The group gave consideration to a presentation by the Community Planning Manager which outlined how Participatory Budgeting is recognised internationally as a way for local people to have a direct say in how, and where, public funds can be used to address local needs. Ms Gold advised of the money available in Argyll and Bute to strengthen and grow Gaelic. She outlined the steps taken in the process to generate ideas from members of the public, with at least one application being received for each administrative area throughout the Council area. Ms Gold further advised that voting had opened on 6 April for a period one month at and urged partners to spread the word. Decision: The group agreed to note the contents of the presentation. (Ref: Presentation by Community Planning Manager, dated 25 April 2017, submitted.) |
Hermitage Park Update PDF 113 KB Briefing Note by Hermitage Park Manager Minutes: The group gave consideration to a briefing note providing an update on the delivery of the Hermitage Park project and highlighting its role in delivering the SOA outcomes and wider government policy. Discussion took place in respect of community engagement and the ways in which young people are being encouraged to be part of the project, where the motto is “growing our park together”. Decision: The group agreed to note the contents of the briefing note. (Ref: Briefing Note by Hermitage Park Delivery Officer/Park Manager, dated 25 April 2017, submitted.) |
Helensburgh Chamber of Commerce Verbal update from Alan Trail, Chief Executive, Helensburgh and Lomond Chamber of Commerce. Minutes: The group gave consideration to a verbal update from the Chief Executive of the Helensburgh Chamber of Commerce. Mr Trail provided information in relation to the diverse economy in the Helensburgh area. Mr Trail delivered a statement outlining where he saw the failures of the Council and advised that the Chamber of Commerce felt excluded from partnership working and found it difficult to engage with the Council. The Chief Executive of Argyll and Bute Council provided some information to Mr Trail regarding the Economic Development Action Plan for the area and agreed to liaise with Mr Trail in a bid to work collaboratively with the Chamber of Commerce for the benefit of the local area. The Chair of the group requested that Mr Trail liaise with the Senior Area Committee Assistant to ensure that the Chamber of Commerce are included on the distribution list for the Area Community Planning Group and extended an invitation to the Chamber of Commerce to attend future CPG meetings. Decision: The group agreed to note the verbal update. |
Scottish Enterprise PDF 129 KB Briefing Note by Janice Kennedy, Scottish Enterprise Minutes: The group gave consideration to a briefing note outlining the activities undertaken by Scottish Enterprise to the half year (September 2016/2017), within the Helensburgh and Lomond area of Argyll and Bute. The report highlighted the partnership working with the Council’s Economic Development and Strategic Transportation Service and provided the year-end progress by key actions within the Helensburgh and Lomond Economic Development Action Plan. Decision: The group agreed to note the contents of the briefing note. (Ref: Briefing Note by Scottish Enterprise, dated 25 April 2017, submitted.) |
OUTCOME 5 - People live active, healthier and independent lives |
Community Management and Prevention of Falls PDF 97 KB Briefing Note by the Prevention and Management of Falls
Co-ordinator, NHS Highland Minutes: The group gave consideration to a briefing note and presentation outlining the ongoing work in the prevention of falls in older people; the importance of the strength and balance exercise programme and the challenge of communities to understand that falls can be prevented through individuals investing in physical activity to reduce risk and minimise injury. Dr McArthur spoke of the need for people to recognise falls as a public health issue. She outlined the costs to health and social care services and advised that falls could be prevented if partners work together to provide education in this regard. Decision: The group agreed to note the contents of the briefing note and presentation. (Ref: Briefing Note and Presentation by Co-ordinator for Prevention of Falls, NHS Highland, dated 25 April 2017, submitted.) |
Living Well Physical Activity Update PDF 134 KB Briefing Note by Living Well Physical Activity Co-ordinator, NHS Highland Minutes: The group gave consideration to a briefing note highlighting the work of the Living Well Physical Activity Co-ordinator who is linking well with partner organisations on the development of physical activity programmes; raising awareness of physical activity programmes within the area and laying out the key goals of healthy living where people have their needs met, continue to learn, develop and maintain relationships and contribute to society. Discussion took place in respect of the lack of resources and funding with the group providing information on options and resources within the outlying villages. Decision: The group agreed to note the contents of the briefing note. (Ref: Briefing Note by Living Well Physical Activity Co-ordinator, dated 25 April 2017, submitted.) |
Health and Wellbeing Team - Annual Update PDF 123 KB Annual Update by Health Improvement Principal. Additional documents: Minutes: The group gave consideration to a briefing note and the Health Improvement Team Annual Report, which highlighted some key achievements for the Health Improvement Team during 2016-17. Having established that he aim of the Health Improvement Team is to take a preventative approach to health problems in order to improve the health of the population of Argyll and Bute, the Senior Health Improvement Specialist spoke of the four themes of the strategic priorities; getting the best start in life; working to ensure fairness; connection people with support in their community and promoting wellness not illness. Ms Stephenson spoke of the small grant funding opportunity through the local Health and Wellbeing Networks. Ms Stephenson took partners through the draft annual update, highlighting the successes of each member of the team. Ms Stephenson advised that a more comprehensive report had been prepared outlining the activity of the team during 2016-17 and is available at Decision: The group agreed to note the contents of the briefing note and annual report. (Ref: Briefing Note by Health Improvement Principal, dated 25 April 2017, submitted.) |
Welcome In, Recovery Cafe PDF 96 KB Briefing Note by Gillian Simpson, Third Sector Interface (TSI). Minutes: The group gave consideration to a briefing note highlighting the ongoing good work being provided by Welcome In, Recovery Cafe in Helensburgh. Ms Simpson of the Third Sector Interface introduced the current Chairman of Welcome In, Fraser Logan and advised that he had recently secured employment in the Care Sector through the networking opportunities available at this worthwhile service. Mr Logan advised the group that as the only Recovery Café in the area they offer a wide range of activities including help from professional bodies in the form of drop in clinics, which take place on a Thursday afternoon. Mr Logan urged Partners to spread the word. The Chair thanked both Ms Simpson and Mr Logan for the information provided and congratulated Mr Logan on his recent employment. Decision: The group agreed to note the contents of the briefing note. (Ref: Briefing Note by Welcome In, dated 25 April 2017, submitted.) |
Enable Cottage, Helensburgh Verbal update by Morevain Martin, Third Sector Interface (TSI). Minutes: The group gave consideration to a verbal update on the current situation at Enable Cottage, Helensburgh. The Chair advised that Enable had recently given up the lease of the cottage and that the Third Sector Interface had initiated a partnership project with a view to turning the cottage into a mental health hub. Ms Martin advised that funding was already in place to renovate facilities and plans were on track to have a partnership model similar to that of the Hermitage Park 2-tier framework with a demonstration of statutory, voluntary and service users delivering the service. Decision: The group agreed to note the verbal update provided. |
Scottish Fire and Rescue - Local Plan Minutes: The group gave consideration to a presentation by Scottish Fire and Rescue outlining the contents of the local plan for Argyll and Bute which was currently out for consultation. Also provided was information on the 2017/18 resource budget, both nationally and locally; the management structure, operational activity review and how the Scottish Fire and Rescue local plan fits together with the Community Planning Partnership’s (CPP’s) delivery of its vision of being “a place with strong, safe and vibrant communities where everyone has a good quality of life and access to opportunities, choices and high quality services which are sustainable, accessible and meet people’s needs”. The plan also highlighted local priorities and the key transformation projects. Station Manager McKearney urged partners to complete the online survey which can be accessed at and to spread the word. Discussion took place in respect of the need to work in partnership with other service providers such as the Scottish Ambulance Service and Police Scotland and the ways in which community resilience could be built upon. The Community Planning Manager agreed to provide feedback on discussions at the next meeting of the Management Committee. Decision: The group agreed to note the contents of the presentation. (Ref: Presentation by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, dated 25 April 2017, submitted.) |
Partners update Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners on their current and future activities and the potential for partnership working. Minutes: Gillian Simpson of Argyll Third Sector Interface spoke of the Give Volunteer Programme, which is currently being progressed and developed for this year. She advised that it is hoped that this year’s programme would be the most successful to date with over 100 volunteers. Ms Simpson agreed to liaise with the Senior Area Committee Assistant to distribute information to the wider Community Planning Group. Mitch Dow, Assessment and Care Manager of Argyll and Bute Council advised of an initiative that over a period of four months 175 assessments had been carried out. Mr Dow advised that 85% of the assessments had resulted in a diversion from some form of care. |
CPP Management Committee Discussion to determine issues to be taken forward to CPP Management Committee from Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group. Minutes: The Chair led discussions on issues to be taken forward to the CPP Management Committee from the Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group. Partners agreed that there was a need for consideration to be given on the best approach to encouraging statutory and voluntary bodies to respond jointly to emergency calls, particularly in the case of elderly persons who have had a fall. Consideration should be given to how best to deal with this issue, with early intervention being key to prevent admission to hospital where possible. It was noted that there would be a Chair and Vice-Chairs meeting held in early May and the Chair agreed to feed these comments to this group for onward consideration by the Community Planning Management Committee. |
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: The group noted that the date for the next meeting of the Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group had still to be agreed and would be notified in due course. |