Venue: on a hybrid basis in the Council Chamber, Kilmory, Lochgilphead and by Microsoft Teams
Contact: Hazel MacInnes Tel: 01546 604269 e-mail:
No. | Item |
The Chair marked the recent passing of Councillor Robin Currie who had served as a Councillor for almost 40 years, had been Leader of the Council, and who had sat on many Boards. He advised that a lot of the projects and infrastructure in Argyll and Bute were testament to Robin’s hard work. Having worked closely with Robin, he described him as a very quiet, honourable and hardworking man. The Chair, on behalf of the Board, paid respects to Councillor Robin Currie. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Emily Woolard, Kenny Mathieson, Geraldine Collier and Julie Lusk. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest intimated. |
Argyll and Bute HSCP Integration Joint Board held on 27 March 2024 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Argyll and Bute Integration Joint Board held on 27 March 2024 were approved as a correct record. |
Argyll and Bute HSCP Clinical and Care Governance Committee held on 4 April 2024 Minutes: The Note of Inquorate meeting of the Argyll and Bute HSCP Clinical and Care Governance Committee held on 4 April 2024 was noted. The Chair, Graham Bell, advised that this had been the second inquorate meeting of this Committee and he hoped that the upcoming meeting would be quorate. He expressed his thanks to Officers for the preparation of high quality reports. |
Argyll and Bute HSCP Audit and Risk Committee held on 9 April 2024 Minutes: The Note of the Inquorate meeting of the Argyll and Bute HSCP Audit and Risk Committee held on 9 April 2024 was noted. |
CHIEF OFFICER'S REPORT Report by Interim Chief Officer Minutes: The Board gave consideration to the first report from the Interim Chief Officer which included detail under the following headings – Argyll and Bute Alcohol and Drug Partnership Chair, Living Well Strategy Community Development Officer, Medically Assisted Treatment Standards, Care Home Task Force, Mental Health Services International Recruitment, Minimum Unit Pricing Rise, Record Number of Junior Doctors Take Up Posts, Helensburgh and Lomond District Nursing Team, £1.7M Investment In Tigh-na-Rudha Residential Home on Tiree, Congratulations to the Helensburgh Dental Team, Head of Adult Services (Mental Health, Acute and Complex Care), iMatter and Employee Engagement Surveys. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the content of the report from the Interim Chief Officer. (Reference: Report by Interim Chef Officer dated 29 May 2024, submitted) |
APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD Report by Business Improvement Manager Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report advising of a requirement to appoint new members to the Argyll and Bute HSCP Committees following a recent change of Council Administration and subsequent changes to Elected Member representation on the Integration Joint Board. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
noted changes in the membership of
the IJB and impact on the representation throughout the Committee structure; 2.
appointed Councillor Kieron Green as
Chair and Councillor Ross Moreland as a member to the IJB Audit and Risk
Committee; 3.
appointed Councillor Dougie
McFadzean as Vice Chair and Councillor Ross Moreland as a member to the IJB
Clinical and Care Governance Committee; 4.
appointed Councillor Dougie
McFadzean as Chair and Councillor Gary Mulvaney as a member to the IJB Finance
and Policy Committee; 5.
appointed Councillor Ross Moreland
as Co-chair and Councillor Dougie McFadzean as a member to the IJB Strategic
Planning Group; 6.
noted thanks to previous members;
and 7.
the current recruitment to the unpaid care vacancy. (Reference: Report by Business Improvement Manager dated 29 May 2024, submitted) |
The Chair, on behalf of the Board, thanked Councillor Amanda Hampsey, the preceding Chair of the IJB, for her contribution as Chair of the IJB and to Councillor Dougie Philand for his contribution as a member of the IJB. |
FINANCE Reports by Head of Finance and Transformation |
Karen Leach left the meeting during the consideration of the following item of Business. |
Budget Monitoring 2023/24 and Provisional Year End Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report providing a summary of performance against budget for 2023/24 and providing the IJB with a provisional year end position which was subject to final accounting adjustments and external audit. The report provided the indicative outturn, final savings report and reserves balances. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1. noted that the HSCP was reporting an improved position and a provisional year end underspend against budget of £2.6m or 0.7%; 2. noted that savings of £7.4m had been delivered, 83% of target; and 3. noted that the HSCP held general reserves of £7.8m and earmarked reserves of £12.1m (£19.9m total) at the end of 2023/24. (Reference: Report by Head of Finance dated 29 May 2024, submitted) |
Financial Regulations Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report which sought approval of the Financial Regulations following review by the Chief Finance Officer and the Strategic Leadership Team. It was proposed that the next review of the Financial Regulations would take place in three years unless there was a requirement to undertake this at an earlier date. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1. noted that the Financial Regulations had been reviewed by officers and had been shared with both partners; and 2. approved the Financial Regulations. (Reference: Report by Head of Finance dated 29 May 2024, submitted) |
BUDGET PLANNING PROCESS AND TIMELINE Report by Interim Chief Officer Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report presenting a budget preparation proposal for the year 2025/26 based on the medium to high forecast for 2025/26 rather than wait for budget allocation. Decision The Integration Joint Board approved the approach and timeline as set out within the submitted report. (Reference: Report by Interim Chief Officer dated 29 May 2024, submitted) |
ARGYLL AND BUTE HSCP PERFORMANCE REPORT: QUARTER 4 Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report detailing performance for FQ4 2023/24 (January to March). The performance outputs were taken from the Integrated Performance Management Framework (IPMF) Reporting Dashboard with the focus on eight key service areas. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1. acknowledged performance for FQ4 2023/24 (January - March) and performance against the previous quarter; 2. acknowledged supporting performance commentary across 8 key service areas; 3. acknowledged the performance update on the National Health & Wellbeing Outcomes and Ministerial Steering Group Integration Indicators as at detailed at Appendix 1; 4. noted the System Pressure Report for March 2024 as detailed at Appendix 2; and 5. noted the Delayed Discharge Sitrep as of 15 April 2024 as detailed at Appendix 3. (Reference: Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology dated 29 May 2024, submitted) |
RENEWAL OF JOINT STRATEGIC PLAN AND JOINT STRATEGIC COMMISSIONING PLAN Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report presenting the initial project plan for the renewal of the Joint Strategic Plan and Strategic Commissioning Plan to cover the period 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2030. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1. noted the project plan for the renewal of the HSCP’s Joint Strategic Plan and Strategic Commissioning Plan, including indicative timelines; 2. noted the Strategic Planning Group’s support for a document that covers 5 years and combines both plans; and 3. endorsed the approach. (Reference: Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology dated 29 May 2024, submitted) |
The Business Improvement Manager advised that she had received notification that the People Partner who was due to present items 11 (Workforce Report Quarter 4) and 12 (HSCP Strategic Workforce Planning – Update) of the agenda, was unable to attend the Board at this time due to an operational commitment. The Chair ruled and the Board agreed to re-order the Business and to consider item 13 of the agenda (Children’s Rights Review) before items 11 and 12 to allow an opportunity for the People Partner to attend. |
CHILDREN'S RIGHTS REVIEW Report by Chief Social Work Officer Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report presenting the second Argyll and Bute Children’s Rights Report which provided a review of the first report completed in November 2020, and which also looked at the plan going forward. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1. noted the content of the report; and 2. due to the obligations under The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024, agreed that this be considered as an item at the September Development Session. (Reference: Report by Head of Children, Families and Justice / Chief Social Work Officer dated 29 May 2024, submitted) |
As the People Partner was not in attendance, the following item was presented on her behalf by the Business Improvement Manager. |
WORKFORCE REPORT QUARTER 4 2023/24 Report by People Partner Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to the workforce report which was part of the staff governance suite of reports and which focused on work force data for financial quarter 2 (1 October 2023 to 31 December 2023). Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1. noted the content of the quarterly workforce report; 2. took the opportunity to ask any questions on issues that were of interest or concern; and 3. discussed the overall direction of travel, including future topics that the Board would like further information on. (Reference: Report by People Partner dated 29 May 2024, submitted) |
As the People Partner was not in attendance, the following item was presented on her behalf by the Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology. |
HSCP STRATEGIC WORKFORCE PLANNING - UPDATE Report by People Partner Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report summarising the activities that had taken place since the last update report in May 2023 against the Strategic Workforce Plan published in October 2022. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1. noted the content of the submitted report, advising of the HSCP approach to delivering the commitments and priorities of the Strategic Workforce Plan as agreed at the IJB in May 2022 and published in October 2022; and 2. took the opportunity to ask questions relating to the content of the report. (Reference: Report by People Partner dated 29 May 2024, submitted) |
DIRECTION LOG UPDATE - FOR NOTING Report by Business Improvement Manager Minutes: The Direction Log Update was before the Board for noting. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the content of the Direction Log Update. (Reference: Direction Log Update dated 29 May 2024, submitted) |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday 25 September 2024 Minutes: The Integration Joint Board noted the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 25 September 2024. |