Venue: By Microsoft Teams
Contact: Hazel MacInnes Tel: 01546 604269
Note | No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Gary Mulvaney, Angus MacTaggart and Betty Rhodick. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Argyll and Bute Integration Joint Board held on 24 August 2022 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Argyll and Bute Integration Joint Board held on 24 August 2022 were approved as a correct record. |
Strategic Planning Group held on 8 September 2022 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Strategic Planning Group held on 8 September 2022 were noted. |
Strategic Planning Group held on 8 September 2022 - Link to Argyll and Bute Community Directory Minutes: The Argyll and Bute Integration Joint Board noted the link to the Argyll and Bute Community Directory, a valuable resource mapping 1300 services across Argyll and Bute which would assist users to access services in their locality. |
Audit and Risk Committee held on 13 September 2022 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee held on 13 September 2022 were noted. |
CHIEF OFFICER'S REPORT Report by Chief Officer Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report from the Chief Officer reflecting on the wide range of activity taking place both in Argyll and Bute and nationally. The report expressed sadness at the death of Her Majesty the Queen; highlighted a recent Cabinet Secretary visit to Bute; an update on the HSCP’s vaccination programme; operational challenges including a number of vacant GP contracts; good news stories; and staffing updates including the appointment of Morven Moir as Head of NHS Finance. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the content of the submitted report. (Reference: Report by Chief Officer dated 21 September 2022, submitted) |
FINANCE Reports by Head of Finance and Transformation |
Budget Monitoring - 4 Months to 31 July 2022 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report providing a summary of the financial position of the Health and Social Care Partnership as at 31 July 2022 and a forecast for the year. The report also provided an update on the delivery of the savings programme and utilisation of reserves. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted – 1. that there was a small forecast revenue overspend of £575k as at 31 July 2022 and that it was anticipated that the HSCP would be able operate within budget in the current year; 2. progress with the savings programme and confirmation of £2.8m in savings delivered, 46% of target; 3. that earmarked reserves of £3m had been committed for spend in 2022/23; and 4. that at the time of writing the net cost of the revised local authority pay offer was not known but was expected to add a further cost pressure to Social Work Budgets. (Reference: Report by Head of Finance and Transformation dated 21 September 2022, submitted) |
HEALTH CARE FRAMEWORK FOR ADULTS LIVING IN CARE HOMES Report by Lead Nurse for Care Homes and Care at Home Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report providing an introduction to the NHS Highland response to the recently published Healthcare Framework for Adults Living in Care Homes. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted – 1. the publication of the Health Care Framework for Adults Living in Care Homes (June 2022); and 2. the planned approach to response to Healthcare Framework for Adults Living in Care Homes by the Care Home Oversight function. (Reference: Report by Lead Nurse for Care Homes and Care at Home dated 21 September 2022, submitted) |
ARGYLL AND BUTE CHILD POVERTY ACTION PLAN REVIEW 2021-2022 Report by Head of Children, Families and Justice Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report presenting the current Child Poverty Action Plan Review 2020 – 2021 setting out the current situation in terms of child poverty in Argyll and Bute and making particular reference to areas such as children’s rights, sustainability and the challenges facing island communities. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the content of the review. (Reference: Report by Head of Children & Families and Justice dated 21 September 2022, submitted) |
Report by Head of Children, Families and Justice Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report presenting the first annual review of the Children and Young People’s Service Plan 2020-2023. The review reported on performance and progress to date in delivering the outcomes set out to achieve. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted – 1. that both NHS Highland and Argyll and Bute Council were jointly and equally responsible for children’s services planning; 2. Argyll and Bute’s Children and Young People’s Services Plan 2020-2023 Year 2 review for the period 2021/22; and 3. the submission of the Children and Young People’s Services Plan Year 2 review to Scottish Government as per the legislative requirement. (Reference: Report by Senior Manager Child Health and CMHS dated 21 September 2022, submitted) |
PUBLIC HEALTH ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022 AND LIVING WELL MID STRATEGY REPORT 2019-2022 Report by Interim Associate Director of Public Health Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report outlining the Public Health activity in Argyll and Bute to prevent ill-health and improve health and wellbeing outcomes for the population. The detail of the report covered the Public Health Team Annual Report for 2021-2022; Living Well Mid-strategy Report for 2019-2022; and an update on the strategic approach to prevention in the Health and Social Care Partnership. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
noted the reports on Living Well 2019 – 2022 and
Public Health Team activity in 2021-2022; 2.
noted the strategic approach to prevention in
Argyll and Bute; and 3.
endorsed the role of the IJB in providing
leadership to prevent health and social care problems from arising. (Reference:
Report by Interim Associate Director of Public Health dated 21 September
2022, submitted) |
The Integration Joint Board took a short comfort break from 2.35pm to 2.45pm. |
GUARDIAN SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT Report by Director of People and Culture Additional documents: Minutes: The Guardian Service Annual Report was before the Board for noting. The Board were advised that the report circulated with the agenda was not the correct version of the report and that a verbal summary of the Annual Report would be provided at the meeting, with the correct version being circulated to the Board following the meeting and published with the Minutes. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted – 1. the verbal summary of the Guardian Service Annual Report; and 2. that the Guardian Service Annual Report 2021-22 would be circulated to members of the Board following the meeting and would be published with the Minutes. (Reference: Verbal summary of Guardian Service Annual Report 2021-22) |
NATIONAL CARE SERVICE CONSULTATION RESPONSE Report by Business Improvement Manager Minutes: A response to the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill consultation, which had been submitted to the Scottish Government, was before the Board for noting. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the content of the response. (Reference: Response to National Care Service (Scotland) Bill consultation, submitted) |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday 23 November 2022 Minutes: The date of the next meeting was noted as Wednesday 23 November 2022 at 1.00pm. |
The Integration Joint Board resolved in terms of Section
50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the press and
public for the following item of business on the grounds that it was likely to
involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6 and 9 of
Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. |
E1 |
ACQUISITION OF KINTYRE CARE CENTRE Report by Head of Finance and Transformation Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report in respect of the acquisition of Kintyre Care Centre. Decision The Integration Joint Board agreed the recommendations within the submitted report. (Reference: Report by Head of Finance and Transformation; and Head of Adult Services dated 21 September 2022, submitted) |
E1 Paragraph 6 Information relating to the financial
or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority). |
Paragraph 9 Any terms proposed or to be proposed by
or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the
acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services. |