Venue: By Microsoft Teams
Contact: Hazel MacInnes Tel: 01546 604269
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Gary Mulvaney, David Gibson, Dr Rebecca Helliwell, Margaret McGowan and Angus MacTaggart. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest intimated. |
Argyll and Bute Integration Joint Board held on 25 May 2022 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Argyll and Bute Integration Joint Board held on 25 May 2022 were approved as a correct record. |
Finance and Policy Committee held on 27 May 2022 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee held on 27 May 2022 were noted. |
Strategic Planning Group held on 9 June 2022 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Strategic Planning Group held on 9 June 2022 were noted. |
Audit and Risk Committee held on 28 June 2022 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee held on 28 June 2022 were noted. |
Finance and Policy Committee held on 5 August 2022 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee held on 5 August 2022 were noted. |
CHIEF OFFICER REPORT Report by Chief Officer Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a new format of Chief Officer report which had been updated to fully reflect the wide range of activity taking place both in Argyll & Bute and nationally. The report highlighted the formal launch of the Strategic Plan; Ministerial thanks for the work undertaken by staff every day; and a report back from the NHS Scotland Event that had taken place from 21-22 June 2022 in Aberdeen. It also included updates under the headings HSCP Updates; Change to Senior Management Responsibilities within Adult Care; Service Updates; Operational Challenges; National Updates; Good News and New Colleagues. The Chief Officer welcomed Alison McGrory to her new role as Interim Associate Director of Public Health. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the report from the Chief Officer. (Reference: Report by Chief Officer dated 24 August 2022, submitted) |
NATIONAL CARE SERVICE (SCOTLAND) BILL Report by Chief Officer Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report providing information on the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill which had been introduced on 20 June 2022. The report advised that the Bill was currently at Stage 1 which allowed the Scottish Parliament to debate and consult publicly on the general principles of the Bill. The Chief Officer advised verbally that following publication of the report a call to respond had been received from the Parliamentary Committee. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1. Noted the proposed Bill and timeline. 2. Noted the formation of an operational working group. (Reference: Report by Chief Officer dated 24 August 2022, submitted) |
PUBLIC HEALTH UPDATE Report by Interim Associate Director of Public Health Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report outlining Public Health activity in relation to Covid-19 prevalence in Scotland. The report also included details on new legislation for smoke free hospital grounds, and deaths statistics related to alcohol, drugs and suicide. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted – 1.
The latest Covid-19 issues, in terms of: ·
Distribution of infection rates ·
The success of the Covid-19 testing programmes ·
The autumn vaccination programme 2.
The new legislation on smoke free hospital grounds. 3.
The latest statistics on deaths related to suicide,
alcohol and drugs and work being undertaken. (Reference: Report by Interim Associate Director of
Public Health dated 24 August 2022, submitted) |
PRIMARY CARE MODERNISATION PLAN UPDATE Report by Head of Primary Care Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report providing a high level summary noting the progress of the Primary Care Modernisation Plan. The report noted the internal governance, progress in key areas and management of risk in the current operating environment. The report reflected the focus of delivery of the General Medical Services Contract in Scotland 2018 in line with the needs of a diversely populated urban, remote and island area with a range of needs. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted progress in the delivery of the Primary Care Modernisation Plan. (Reference: Report by Head of Primary Care dated 24 August 2022, submitted) |
STAFF GOVERNANCE REPORT FOR FINANCIAL QUARTER 1 (2022/23) Report by People Partner Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report on staff governance covering financial quarter 1 (April – June 2022) and highlighting the activities of Human Resources and Organisational Development Teams. The People Partner advised verbally that the June figure had been omitted from paragraph 3.3.8 of the submitted report and should have read 5.6%, which was higher than anticipated. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
Noted the content of the quarterly report on the
staff governance performance in the HSCP. 2.
Took the opportunity to ask any questions on people
issues that may be of interest or concern. 3.
Endorsed the overall direction of travel, including
future topics that they would like further information on. (Reference: Report by HR People Partner dated 24 August 2022, submitted) |
INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD - PERFORMANCE REPORT Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report detailing
performance for August 2022 with regards to the Health and Social Care
Partnership and NHS Highland. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
Acknowledged the introduction of new Key Performance
Indicators to improve long waiting times across Scotland and the move away from
previous Remobilisation performance reporting. 2.
Acknowledged Long Waiting Time Performance (over 26
weeks) with regards to the New Outpatient Waiting List by main speciality. 3.
Noted the Integrated Performance Management
Framework- progress update. 4.
Acknowledged the Treatment Time Guarantee (TTG)
performance with regards to the Inpatient/Day Case Waiting List. (Reference: Report by Head of Strategic Planning
Performance and Technology dated 24 August 2022, submitted) |
FINANCE Reports by Head of Finance and Transformation |
Budget Monitoring - 3 months to 30 June 2022 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report providing a summary of the financial position of the Health and Social Care Partnership as at 30 June 2022 and which provided an early forecast for the year. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
that the transition to a new ledger system within the Council had had an impact
on the Quarter 1 financial reporting as transaction processing had been
prioritised. 2.
that the current position was a small overspend in respect of NHS budgets. 3.
that there was a small forecast revenue overspend of £346k as at 30 June 2021
and that it was anticipated that the HSCP would operate within budget in the
current year. 4.
the summary of financial risks. 5.
progress with the savings programme and confirmation of £3.5m in savings
delivered, 42% of target. 6.
that earmarked reserves of £2.6m had been committed to date for spend in
2022/23. (Reference: Report by
Head of Finance and Transformation dated 24 August 2022, submitted) |
Medium Term Financial Plan 2023-2026 Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report providing the current medium term financial plan for the Health and Social Care Partnership covering 2023/24 to 2025/26. The report provided the basis for detailed financial planning and would be used to inform the savings target for 2023/24. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
the draft Financial Plan and budget outlook for 2023-24 to 2025-26.
the risks and uncertainties regarding the Financial Plan. 3.
the forecast budget gap and endorsed the proposal that the HSCP seeks to
develop a Value for Money and Savings Strategy aimed at addressing the budget
gap. (Reference: Report by Head of Finance and Transformation dated 24 August 2022, submitted) |
Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report 2021-22 Report by Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee Minutes: A report providing a summary of the work of the Audit and Risk Committee during 2021/22, the auditors and an evaluation by the Chair, was before the Board for noting. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the annual report. (Reference: Report by Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee dated 24 August 2022, submitted) |
Clinical and Care Governance Committee Annual Report 2021-22 Report by Chair of the Clinical and Care Governance Committee Minutes: A report providing a summary of the work of the Clinical and Care Governance Committee during 2021/22 was before the Board for noting. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the annual report. (Reference: Report by Chair of the Clinical and Care Governance Committee dated 24 August 2022, submitted) |
Finance and Policy Committee Annual Report 2021-22 Report by Chair of the Finance and Policy Committee Minutes: A report providing a summary of the work of the Finance and Policy Committee during 2021/22 was before the Board for noting. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the annual report. (Reference: Report by Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee dated 24 August 2022, submitted) |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING 21 September 2022 Minutes: The date of the next meeting was noted as Wednesday 21 September 2022. |