Venue: Council Chamber, Kilmory, Lochgilphead
Contact: Hazel MacInnes Tel: 01546 604269
No. | Item |
The Chair made the following announcement at the start of the meeting – Welcome to this meeting of the
Argyll and Bute Integration Joint Board. This meeting is being held
remotely on an audio only basis following the announcement by the Prime Minister
and the First Minister, and the associated guidance in relation to gatherings
of more than two people. Furthermore arrangements have
been put in place to support audio recording of the meeting, which will
subsequently be hosted on the IJB website as a Public Record. This is a
previously untested arrangement so please do bear with us in the event of any
technical issues. I would remind all members that
this is the first time we have convened a meeting under these conditions, and
members should use the instant message function in the call to indicate if they
wish speak, or if they are joining by phone then wait until they are invited to. In the public interest and to
fulfil our public obligation to ensure openness and transparency members of the
press have also been invited to attend the meeting remotely and furthermore we
have 2 councillors, Councillors Philand and Horn who have requested to listen
in. As this is an audio meeting for
the purposes of the Sederunt we will read out the
names of the members and officers invited to participate or support the meeting
and ask them to confirm their attendance. In the event of a vote, names
will be called out and a roll call vote will be taken. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Rebecca Helliwell, Angus MacTaggart, Kirsteen Murray and Fiona Thomson. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
MINUTES AND ACTION LOG Integration Joint Board held on 29 January 2020 Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Integration Joint Board held on 29 January 2020 were approved as a correct record. There were no matters arising from the action log. The Chair referred to an email from Kirsteen Murray raising governance issues with the Minutes of the meeting of 27 November 2019. The Chair advised that these issues were similar to those raised previously and suggested that as this meeting was audio only, the Board defer this to another meeting. This was agreed by the Board. |
Finance and Policy Committee held on 24 January 2020 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee held on 24 January 2020 were noted. |
Audit and Risk Committee 6 December 2019 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of Audit and Risk Committee held on 6 December 2019 were noted. |
The Chair proposed as the meeting was audio only and there was a need to prioritise the business considered, that the Board consider items 6 (Covid-19 Update), 7 (Delegated Authority for the Chief Officer), 8 (Culture Fit for the Future), 9 (Dementia Services Redesign Update) and 16 (Finance) first and if time allowed then other items of the Agenda would be considered. This was agreed by the Board. |
Report by Associate Director of Public Health Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report that provided factual information on the Coronavirus that caused Covid-19 and advised that as it had been identified as a pandemic, partners were required to take the appropriate response and implement business continuity planning. The Associate Director of Public Health provided a verbal update on Covid-19 advising that the position had moved forward considerably since the report had been published. He advised that the number of cases in Scotland had almost doubled in that time, with confirmed cases in the NHS Highland area rising to 13 from 5. The Chief Officer advised that operationally they had stood up a Bronze meeting which met daily and which fed into Silver and Gold meetings. She advised that they were liaising closely with Argyll and Bute Council colleagues and that staff were working and planning for the worst case scenario. The Head of Finance and Transformation advised that assurances had been given by the Scottish Government that additional costs in relation to Covid-19 would be reimbursed. She advised that all costs were being tracked and would be discussed at the Finance and Policy Committee.
Decision The Integration Joint Board - 1. Noted the COVID-19 information and public health response in the context of Argyll and Bute contained within the submitted report. 2. Noted the verbal update from the Associate Director of Public Health and the Chief Officer of the Health and Social Care Partnership. 3. Thanked all local staff in Health and Social Care, including unpaid carers, commissioned and third sector colleagues, for their ongoing dedication and commitment. (Reference: Report by Associate Director of Public Health dated March 2020, submitted) |
DELEGATED AUTHORITY FOR THE CHIEF OFFICER Report by Chief Officer Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report that sought delegated authority for the Chief Officer to take operational decisions that would normally require Board approval in the light of the ongoing Covid-19 situation and the strong possibility that the Board would be unable to meet as normal. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1. Agreed to grant the Chief Officer power in an emergency to instruct executive action on any matter for the duration of the Covid-19 emergency in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair of the Board. 2.
Agreed that the Chief Officer would consult with
both the Chair and Vice-Chair before exercising but that an inability to
consult either Chair or Vice Chair would not invalidate any actions taken. 3.
that the delegation of powers to the Chief Officer would be the subject of
ongoing review and normal Board meeting arrangements would be re-introduced as
soon as practicable. 4.
that a record would be kept of all actions taken and reported to the Board when
possible. (Reference: Report by Chief Officer, Health and Social
Care Partnership dated March 2020, submitted) |
Alex Taylor left the meeting at this point. |
CULTURE FIT FOR THE FUTURE UPDATE Report by Director of HR and Organisational Development Minutes: A report providing an update on progress with the Culture Fit for the Future Programme plans and delivery was given consideration by the Board. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the updates contained within the report. (Reference: Report by Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development dated March 2020, submitted) |
Alex Taylor re-joined the meeting, and Kevin McIntosh left the meeting, during the consideration of the following item of business. |
DEMENTIA SERVICES REDESIGN UPDATE Report by Head of Adult Services Minutes: Prior to consideration of the report, the Chief Officer read out the following statement advising of an operational decision to relocate patients within the Knapdale Ward, Mid Argyll and to designate the ward for potential Covid-19 patients in order that the decision could be separated from the policy decision of the IJB. NHS Scotland has instructed Health Boards and Integration
Joint Boards to reduce delayed discharges and increase bed capacity
immediately. This has been discussed at the Gold Command across
the Health Board, which co-ordinates the response to COVID-19 and supports the
need for immediate capacity and to delay the spread of COVID-19 amongst the
population. As a result, the Knapdale
Ward within Mid Argyll hospital in Lochgilphead has been designated for
potential COVID-19 patients. This ward is currently a dementia assessment
ward and the patients who are being cared for within Knapdale
will be provided with alternative care arrangements. This decision has been taken in light of the demand
for bed capacity as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and we have been working
with the families of the patients about the change to their care arrangements. This operational decision is taken for clinical
grounds and any permanent decision on the future of the ward remains with the
IJB, which will be discussing the dementia services redesign at its meeting on
the 25 March. The Board gave consideration to a report that provided an
update on the initial consultation, provided reassurance on the consultation
process and outlined the next steps in relation to the dementia services
redesign. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
the operational decision to designate the Knapdale
Ward, Mid Argyll for potential Covid-19 patients. 2.
the planned closure of Knapdale Ward, Mid Argyll in order to move to
implementation planning of the Enhanced Community Dementia Model, noting that
this process may take a year or more to implement. 3.
the development of detailed implementation plan by way of a Dementia Steering
Group, giving the Board assurance that risks are managed as a result of the
process of transition. 4.
the feedback from the consultation. (Reference: Report by Head of Service, Older Adults and Community Hospitals dated March 2020, submitted) |
The Chaired ruled and the Board agreed to take a 5 minute comfort break from 3.20pm. The meeting resumed at 3.25pm. |
Report by Head of Finance and Transformation Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board have consideration to a report that
provided a summary of the financial position of the Health and Social Care
Partnership as at 31 January 2020. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
Noted the forecast outturn position for 2019-20 is
a forecast overspend of £1.165m as at 31 January 2020 and that there is a year
to date overspend of £1.365m as at the same date. 2.
Noted the above position excludes any provision for
the ongoing dispute with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. 3.
Agreed further steps will
be taken in relation to the ongoing dispute with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
by the Chief Officer in line with delegated powers. (Reference: Report by
Head of Finance and Transformation dated March 2020, submitted) |
Report by Head of Finance and Transformation Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report that
summarised the budget outlook for the period 2020-21 to 2022-23 taking into
consideration the budget decisions taken at the Integration Joint Board on 27
March 2019. A full update on the budget
outlook was presented to the Board on 29 January 2020. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted - 1.
The current estimated budget outlook report for the
period 2020-21 to 2022-23. 2.
That there was a separate report on the agenda
detailing savings options to deliver a balanced budget on 2020-21. (Reference:
Report by Head of Finance and Transformation dated March 2020,
submitted) |
Report by Head of Finance and Transformation Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report that
provided an update on the financial risks facing the organisation which had not
been reflected in the forecast of the financial outturn. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted – 1.
The updated financial risks identified for the
Health and Social Care Partnership. 2.
That financial risks will continue to be reviewed
and monitored on a two monthly basis and reported to the Board. (Reference:
Report by Head of Finance and Transformation dated March 2020,
submitted) |
Budget Consultation Findings Report by Head of Finance and Transformation Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report that
summarised the 563 budget consultation responses received when the consultation
closed on 4 March 2020. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
Noted the findings from the budget consultation. 2.
Agreed to consider the findings when discussing the
separate report on the agenda detailing savings options to deliver a balanced
budget in 2020-21. (Reference: Report by Head of Finance and Transformation dated March 2020, submitted) |
Budget Savings 2020/21: Assessing Equality and Socio-Economic Impact Report by Head of Finance and Transformation Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report that
outlined the work undertaken to ensure that due regard is given to equalities,
islands and the Fairer Scotland Duty in the decision making process relating to
budget savings. The report presented a strategic
equality and socio-economic impact assessment for the savings programme to
advise on overall impact. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the findings from
the summary Equality and Socio-Economic Impact Assessment and agreed to ensure
that these were considered when discussing the separate report on the agenda detailing
savings options to deliver a balanced budget in 2020-21. (Reference: Report by Head of Finance and Transformation dated March 2020, submitted) |
Report by Head of Finance and Transformation Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board gave
consideration to a report that presented savings proposals identified by the
Strategic Leadership Team in order to deliver a balanced budget in 2020-21. Decision The Integration Joint
Board – 1.
Noted the management/operational savings amounting
to £4.157m approved by the IJB on 29 January 2020 in 2020-21. 2.
Approved the changes to the Management &
Operational savings set out at 3.2.4 to 3.2.5
amounting to £85k for 2020-21 and the revised list of savings now
presented at Appendix 1 totalling £4.242m. 3.
Approved the removal of previously agreed saving
1920-6 £25k relating to ferry ticketing as set out at 3.2.6. 4.
Approved the policy savings at Appendix 2 amounting
to £1.463m in 2020-21. 5.
Approved the proposed investment in financial
sustainability totalling £318k in 2020/21 and 2021/22 set at 3.3.8. 6.
Noted that in endorsing the management/operational
savings and approving the policy savings this will deliver a balanced budget in
2020-21. 7.
Instructed the Chief Officer to accept the funding
from NHS Highland and Argyll and Bute Council and issue formal Directions (see
drafts at Appendix 3) delegating resources back to the Partners. 8.
Noted the high level timetable for the budget
preparation 2021-22 set out at 3.5.1. 9.
Noted that there would be additional costs due to
Covid-19, which should be recoverable from the Scottish Government, and that
therefore the savings may need to be flexed accordingly. (Reference: Report by Head of Finance and Transformation dated March 2020, submitted) |
The Integration Joint Board agreed to give consideration to the following two items of business as they required action to be taken following consideration by the Board. |
DRAFT ALCOHOL AND DRUG PARTNERSHIP STRATEGY Report by Associate Director of Public Health Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report that presented the Argyll and Bute Alcohol and Drug Partnership Strategy and Action Plan for approval. The Scottish Government requires every Health and Social Care Partnership to deliver a strategy for the reduction of harm from alcohol and drug use. Decision The Integration Joint Board approved the Alcohol and Drugs Partnership Strategy and Action Plan 2020-23 for Argyll and Bute. (Reference: Report by Senior Health Improvement Specialist, Alcohol and Drugs dated March 2020, submitted) |
REVIEW OF THE HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION SCHEME Report by IJB Standards Officer Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report that provided a further update on progress with regard to the review of the Integration Scheme. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
the outcome of the 6 week consultation process. 2.
that reports will be tabled at the NHS Highland Board on 31st March
2020 and the Council on 16th April 2020 to seek approval of the
revised Scheme of Integration. 3.
that further to agreement the revised Scheme of Integration will be jointly
submitted by the Chief Executives of the two parent bodies to the Scottish
Government by end April 2020 for their consideration and that a further update
report will be provided to the IJB thereafter. (Reference: Report by IJB Standards Officer dated March 2020, submitted) |
The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and thanked Governance Officers for their support in arranging the meeting. |
The following items were not considered by the Integration Joint Board due to time constraints given that the meeting was held on an audio only basis. |
CHIEF OFFICER'S REPORT Report by Chief Officer |
Argyll and Bute HSCP Adult Services Strategic Commissioning and Market Facilitation Plan Report by Head of Strategy and Planning Additional documents: |
HSCP PERFORMANCE EXCEPTION REPORT FQ3 Report by Head of Strategy and Planning |
STAFF GOVERNANCE REPORT Q3 Report by Head of Customer Support Services |
CHIEF OFFICER RECRUITMENT Report by Head of Customer Support Services |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday 27 May 2020, 1.00pm, Council Chamber, Kilmory, Lochgilphead |