Venue: Via Skype
Contact: Hazel MacInnes Tel: 01546 604269
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Jean Boardman, Fiona Broderick, Julie Lusk and Patricia Renfrew. |
The Chair welcomed Fiona Davies, Interim Chief Officer, to her first meeting of the Board and advised that this was Judy Orr, Head of Finance and Transformation’s last meeting of the Board. The Chair expressed her thanks to all HSCP staff for their ongoing hard work and recognised their dedication; in particular the vaccination teams who had been working hard to roll out the vaccine programme, which could not have been achieved without the partners from the third sector and public bodies. She expressed thanks to all communities for their patience, compassion and community spirit throughout the pandemic. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were none intimated. |
Integration Joint Board held on 31 March 2021 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Integration Joint Board held on 31 March 2021 were approved as a correct record. |
Audit and Risk Committee held on 20 April 2021 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee held on 20 April 2021 were noted. The Chair of the Committee, Councillor Sandy Taylor, gave a brief verbal update to the Board advising that the meeting on 20 April 2021 had been Susan Ringwood’s first meeting and she had been appointed as vice chair of the Committee. He advised that it had been the last meeting for Azets Audit Services who had provided internal audit services and that this role would now be taken forward by Argyll and Bute Council Internal Audit. He highlighted that the final report by Azets had confirmed that the Audit and Risk Committee have adequate and effective framework for governance, risk management and control. |
Finance and Policy Committee held on 23 April 2021 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee held on 23 April 2021 were noted. |
Finance and Policy Committee held on 21 May 2021 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee held on 21 May 2021 were noted. The Chair of the Committee, Councillor Kieron Green, highlighted item 12 of the Minute which was the relocation of GP services to Cowal Community Hospital and invited George Morrison, Head of Finance (HSCP), to provide an update to the Board. George Morrison advised that the proposal to relocate GP practices was a capital project and would require consideration by the Health Board and thereafter by the Scottish Government. He advised that if the business case was approved by Scottish Government, funding would be received to implement it. |
Clinical and Care Governance Committee held on 10 June 2021 Minutes: It was noted that the Minute of the Clinical and Care Governance Committee of 10 June 2021 had not been finalised in time for the meeting and would be available for the meeting on 15 September 2021. The Chair provided a verbal update to the Board and highlighted that the joint inspection of adult support and protection services in Argyll and Bute had now commenced. |
CHIEF OFFICER REPORT Report by Chief Officer Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report from the interim Chief Officer which included an introduction from Fiona Davies, interim Chief Officer; connections sessions; staff mindfulness drop-in sessions; child healthy weight programme; living well networks; and Covid vaccinations. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the content of the submitted report. (Reference: Report by Interim Chief Officer dated 16 June 2021, submitted) |
NHS Highland Board Culture Update Report by Director of HR and OD Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board gave consideration to reports that had
been presented to the NHS Highland Board in May 2021 Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the content of
the reports. (Reference: Report
by Head of HR and OD dated 16 June 2021, submitted) |
Betty Rhodick joined the meeting during consideration of the following item of business. |
Staff Governance Report for Financial Quarter 4 (2020/21) Report by Head of Customer Support Services Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report on staff governance covering financial quarter 4 (January to March 2021) and the activities of the Human Resources and Organisational Development Teams. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1. Noted the content of the quarterly report on the
staff governance performance in the HSCP. 2.
Endorsed the overall direction of travel and
requested that further information on Covid-19 related staff absence be
provided to the Board at future meetings. (Reference: Report by Head of Customer Support Services dated 16 June 2021, submitted) |
UPDATE ON HEADS OF SERVICE APPOINTMENTS AND ARRANGEMENTS FOR SECTION 95 OFFICER Report by Head of Customer Support Services Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report providing an update on Head of Service recruitment and seeking approval of interim arrangements for the Section 95 Officer. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
Noted the
updated position on Head of Service Appointments. 2.
Agreed the proposed interim
arrangements for the IJB Chief Financial Officer (Section 95) from 30th
June to 9th August 2021. (Reference:
Report by Head of Customer Support Services dated 16 June 2021,
submitted) |
COVID-19 PUBLIC HEALTH UPDATE Report by Associate Director of Public Health Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report reviewing
the work of public health in Argyll and Bute relating to Covid-19. The report built on accounts provided in
earlier reports and presented the timeliest update as possible on how the pandemic
was unfolding in Argyll and Bute as well as the improved response, in terms of
timely access to testing and clinical management. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the Covid-19 current status, in terms of - 1.
of infection rates in the Argyll and Bute community. 2.
testing programmes in the Argyll and Bute community. 3.
vaccination in the Argyll and Bute community. 4.
on-going support to Argyll and Bute community. (Reference: Report by Associate Director of Public
Health dated 16 June 2021, submitted) |
FINANCE Reports by Head of Finance and Transformation |
Budget Monitoring as at 31 March 2021 Report by Head of Finance and Transformation Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report providing
a summary of the financial position of the Health and Social Care Partnership
as at 31 March 2021. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
Noted the outturn position for
2020-21 was an underspend of £1.089m as at 31 March 2021 which included a
repayment of £1.0m from over delivered vacancy savings to Argyll and Bute Council
as agreed in negotiating the settlement for 2021-22. 2.
Noted the repayment arrangements
for previous years overspends described at paragraph 3.6 of the submitted
report. 3.
Approve the new earmarked
reserves set out at paragraphs 3.5.2 and 3.5.3 of the submitted report. (Reference:
Report by Head of Finance and Transformation dated 16 June 2021,
submitted) |
Budget Outlook 2021-23 to 2023-24 Report by Head of Finance and Transformation Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report summarising the budget outlook covering the period 2022-23 to 2024-25 taking into consideration the budget decisions taken at the Integration Joint Board on 31 March 2021. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the estimated budget outlook report for the period 2022-23 to 2024-25. (Reference: Report by Head of Finance and Transformation dated 16 June 2021, submitted) |
Covid-19 Costs 2020-21 Report by Head of Finance and Transformation Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report providing an overview of the HSCP’s Covid-19 costs incurred in 2020-21 including all year-end accruals. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
the details provided in relation to costs of the Covid-19 response in 2020-21. 2.
that the Scottish Government had in principle approved all mobilisation plans,
but that approval for individual cost lines had not yet been received. 3.
the details of the excess funding received which would be carried forward as an
earmarked reserve at the year-end to be used against Covid costs in 2021-22. (Reference: Report by
Head of Finance and Transformation dated 16 June 2021, submitted) |
Financial Risks 2021-22 Report by Head of Finance and Transformation Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report providing an updated assessment of financial risks identified for the Health and Social Care Partnership for the year 2021/22. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1. Noted the updated financial risks
identified for the Health and Social Care Partnership. 2. Noted there were continuing
uncertainties around Covid costs and funding which were described in more
detail in a separate report. 3. Noted that financial risks would
continue to be reviewed and monitored on a two monthly basis and reported to
the Board. (Reference: Report by
Head of Finance and Transformation dated 16 June 2021, submitted) |
STRATEGIC RISK REGISTER REVIEW Report by Head of Finance and Transformation Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report containing the updated Strategic Risk Register following a workshop session for Integration Joint Board Members held on 27 May 2021 where the risk register was comprehensively reviewed. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
Noted the updated strategic risk
register for the Health and Social Care Partnership. 2.
Requested that the Chief Officer
ensure that dates are added for all new mitigation actions identified and
actions completed to timescales agreed. 3.
Noted that strategic risks would
continue to be reviewed and monitored on a six-monthly basis and reported to
the Board by the Chief Officer. (Reference: Report by Head of Finance and Transformation
dated 16 June 2021, submitted) |
INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD - PERFORMANCE REPORT (JUNE 2021) Report by Head of Strategic Planning and Performance Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report providing an update on the impact of service performance with regards to the Covid-19 pandemic and the progress made with regard to remobilising health and social care services in Argyll and Bute. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1.
the current Covid-19 activity within Argyll & Bute, NHS Highland and
Greater Glasgow and Clyde. 2.
the HSCP performance progress with regard to remobilisation of activity in line
with NHS Highland performance target for 2021/22 agreed with Scottish
Government to 70%-80% of 2019/20 activity. (Reference: Report by Head of Strategic Planning and
Performance dated 16 June 2021, submitted) |
EQUALITIES OUTCOME FRAMEWORK Report by Health Improvement Principal Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report outlining the HSCP’s duties in relation to equalities and the progress made since 2016. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1. Noted the HSCP’s duty as a
public authority to publish a report on the mainstreaming of equalities in
spring 2021. 2. Noted the good practice examples of mainstreaming
equality across the HSCP in the accompanying report. 3. Approved the report for publication. 4. Noted the requirement to have a new Equalities Outcome Framework 2021-2025 and approved the proposed
outcomes. (Reference: Report by Health Improvement Principal dated
16 June 2021, submitted) |
ANNUAL COMMUNICATIONS PLANNING Report by Communications Manager Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report outlining the Annual Communications Plan which set out how the HSCP would continue to build on and strengthen how it communicates with staff, partners, stakeholders, people who use health and social care services and the wider public. Decision The Integration Joint Board approved the Annual Communications Plan. (Reference: Report by Communications Manager dated 16 June 2021, submitted) |
CHILD POVERTY ACTION PLAN REVIEW 2020-21 Report by Interim Head of Service, Child Health and CAMHS Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report introducing the second review of Argyll and Bute’s Child Poverty Action Plan 2020-21 prior to submission to the Scottish Government. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1. Noted the work taking place to address child poverty locally. 2. Noted the Child Poverty Action Plan Review 2020 – 2021. (Reference: Report by Chief Officer dated 16 June 2021, submitted) |
Report by Interim Head of Service, Child Health and CAMHS Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report presenting the first annual review of the Children and Young People’s Service Plan 2020-2023. The review reported on performance and progress to date in delivering outcomes the plan set out to achieve. Decision The Integration Joint Board – 1. Noted that both NHS Highland and Argyll and Bute Council are jointly and equally responsible for children’s services planning. 2. Approved Argyll and Bute’s Children and Young People’s Services Plan 2020-2023 Year 1 review for the period 2020/23. 3. Approved the Children and Young People’s Services Plan Year 3 review for submission to Scottish Government as per the legislative requirement. (Reference: Report by Interim Head of Children and Families dated 16 June 2021, submitted) |
AUDIT & RISK COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21 Report by Chair of Audit and Risk Committee Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report providing an assessment of the work of the Audit and Risk Committee throughout the financial year 2020/21. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the annual report from the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee. (Reference: Report by Chair of Audit and Risk Committee dated 16 June 2021, submitted) |
FINANCE & POLICY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21 Report by Chair of Finance and Policy Committee Additional documents: Minutes: The Board gave consideration to a report providing an
assessment of the work of the Finance and Policy Committee throughout the
financial year 2020/21. Decision The Integration Joint Board noted the annual report from the
Chair of the Finance and Policy Committee. (Reference: Report by
Chair of Finance and Policy Committee dated 16 June 2021, submitted) |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING 15 September 2021 Minutes: The date of the next meeting was noted as Wednesday 15 September 2021. |
The Chair, on behalf of the Board, recorded her thanks to Judy Orr, Head of Finance and Transformation who was retiring after 2 years with the Health and Social Care Partnership. The Chair expressed her very best wishes to Judy for her retirement. |