Venue: Committee Room 1, Kilmory, Lochgilphead
Contact: Lynsey Innis, Senior Committee Assistant; Tel: 01546 604338
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and general introductions were made. Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Councillor Rory Colville. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest intimated. |
Minute of previous meeting held on Thursday, 16 January 2020 Minutes: The minute of the previous meeting of the Climate Change Environmental Action Group was approved as a true record. |
Council Carbon Footprint & Operational Activities Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services Minutes: Consideration was given to a report providing further information on the Council’s carbon footprint in the context of other local authorities and outlining the specific actions being taken by departments within the Council to address sources of emissions. Discussion was had in relation to the statistics compiled by the Scottish Sustainable Network (SSN) and its relevance in relation to other local authorities, specifically those with a similar footprint to Argyll and Bute; the need for clarity moving forward on the collation of information given the decision of the Scottish Government to cease funding SSN and the biggest contributing factors to our carbon footprint. Members noted that the treatment of Municipal Waste was the largest contributing factor to the carbon footprint of Argyll and Bute. Decision: The Climate Change Environmental Action Group agreed to: 1. note the 2019 Council carbon footprint in the context of other local authorities; and
2. note the operational activities identified by the Council’s Climate Change Board to directly improve environmental performance and carbon footprint. (Ref: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services, dated 10 March 2020, submitted.) |
Conference of the Parties, Glasgow - COP26 Report by Executive Director with responsibilities for Commercial Services Minutes: The group gave consideration to a report presenting a number of opportunities for ways in which the Council could engage with the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 in November 2020. Discussion took place on a number of proposed engagement activities, particularly the possibility of showcasing and promoting projects and sites such as the Passivhaus Pavilion in Hermitage Park Helensburgh, Cruachan Power Station and the Blue Energy Project. Further discussion was had in relation to the need to ensure that while highlighting good work, the challenges of a diverse, rural area were also included. Decision: The Climate Change Environmental Action Group agreed: 1. to note the proposed actions to engage with the UN Climate Change Conference COP26, as outlined in Appendix 1 of the report; and 2. that reports will be brought back to future meetings of the group as proposals are developed. (Ref: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services, dated 10 March 2020, submitted.) |
Communication to support Climate Change Report by Communications Manager Minutes: Consideration was given to a draft communication plan, intended to evidence the work the Council is doing to address climate change, and to support others in playing their part. Discussion was had on the possibility of exploring opportunities to run road shows and the ongoing positive engagement with partners. It was noted that the plan would be developed further as opportunities arise. Decision: The Climate Change Environmental Action Group agreed the draft communication plan, as set out at Appendix 1 of the report. (Ref: Report by Communications Manager, dated 10 March 2020, submitted.) |
Climate Change Indicators and Workshop Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services Minutes: The group gave consideration to a report providing the context for discussions at the workshop session following the meeting and the proposed draft indicators, as discussed at their previous meeting. Decision: The Climate Change Environmental Action Group agreed to note the proposed draft indicators and workshop agenda. (Ref: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services, dated 10 March 2020, submitted.) |
Climate Change Environmental Action Group - Activity Plan Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services Minutes: The group gave consideration to a report presenting the activity plan of the Climate Change Environmental Action Group. Decision: The Climate Change Environmental Action Group agreed to note the activity plan. (Ref: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services, dated 10 March 2020, submitted.) |