Contact: Stuart McLean, Committee Manager - 01436 658717Adele Price-Williams, Senior Committee Assistant - 01546 604480
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: There were no apologies for absence intimated. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest intimated. |
Minutes of the Argyll and Bute Harbour Board held on Thursday 4 March 2021 Minutes: The Minutes of the Argyll and Bute Harbour Board held on Thursday 4 March 2021 were approved as a correct record. |
OBAN BAY - SINGLE HARBOUR AUTHORITY PDF 344 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Infrastructure Minutes: Consideration was given by the Board to a report which advised on the steps to bring to a conclusion an options appraisal process to determine a preferred option for the future management of Oban Harbour and the engagement that would be carried out with other partners who have an interest in Oban Bay. Decision The Argyll and Bute Harbour Board: 1. noted the advice of the Council’s Monitoring officer that at this stage we do not have all the necessary information to allow a preferred option to be selected; 2. agreed, in principle, they were prepared to consider an option for the future use of Council assets at Oban which would involve a disposal of these; 3. agreed to note that Officers would continue to engage with third parties, including OCHDA to enable them to fully develop their proposals; 4. agreed that an options appraisal process be conducted to determine a preferred option for the future management of Oban Harbour and the engagement that would be carried out with other partners who have an interest in Oban Bay; and 5. noted that the results of the options appraisals would be presented to a special meeting of the Harbour Board in December 2021, provisionally on the date of the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee that month, for determination by Members, and that Members of the Harbour Board would undertake a site visit in advance of the December meeting. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Infrastructure dated August 2021, submitted) |
PIERS & HARBOURS - MARINE ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN PDF 260 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services Minutes: The Board considered a report which provided an update on ongoing schemes currently being addressed within Argyll and Bute Council’s Marine Asset Management Plan. Decision The Argyll and Bute Harbour Board endorsed the report and approved the Craignure Interim Option 1 (do minimal) as outlined at section 4.5 within the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure dated July 2021, submitted) |
PORT MARINE SAFETY CODE PDF 119 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given by the Board to a report which provided an update on progress made towards ensuring full compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC). Decision The Argyll and Bute Harbour Board considered the report and agreed to instruct Officers to arrange a suitable venue and date for a Development Day. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure dated July 2021, submitted) |
DRAFT HARBOUR BOARD WORKPLAN PDF 267 KB Minutes: The Argyll and Bute Harbour Board Workplan as of September 2021 was before the Board for information. Decision The Argyll and Bute Harbour Board noted the content of the Draft Argyll and Bute Harbour Board Workplan. (Reference: Draft Argyll and Bute Harbour Board Workplan dated September 2021, submitted) |