Agenda and minutes

Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee - Wednesday, 22 February 2017 10:00 am

Venue: Lomond School, Stafford Street, Helensburgh

Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01436 657621 

No. Item




The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table.


Apologies for absence were intimated from:-


Stewart Campbell

Morevain Martin

Sara McLean



Minute pdf icon PDF 113 KB

The Minute of the previous Duchess Wood Committee meeting held on 22 November 2016.


The Minute of the previous meeting which was held on 22 November 2016 was approved as a true record.




Friends of Duchess Wood Reports

Reports by Friends of Duchess Wood (to follow).





It was highlighted that FODW were engaged in discussion with Alison Rutherford, a botanist specialist who had advocated the use of Scottish wild flower seeds for



The Chair advised that she had spoken with the Provost highlighting that FODW

were planning to mark the 10th anniversary of their inaugural meeting. The Provost

had agreed in principle to provide support; however, formal approval of funding
from the Provost Fund would need to come from the new Provost after the Local Elections in May.  




The Committee agreed:-


1.    To note the report; and

2.    That an on-site meeting would be arranged between Argyll and Bute Council engineers, representative from Luss Estates and maintenance
representative from Lomond School to determine the short-term safety
issues regarding the bridge; and

3.    That a report which outlined the long-term remedial action for the bridge

 would come to the May meeting of the Duchess Wood Committee.

4.    That Theresa McLetchie would forward on an application for the Provost

Fund to Stewart Campbell.


(Reference: Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW) by Stewart Campbell, Chair FODW, dated February 2017).





Branching Out Proposal pdf icon PDF 459 KB

Update by Sara McLean, Organiser Branching Out.

Additional documents:


The Chair advised the Committee that the Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW) had been approached by Sara MacLean, organiser of ‘Branching Out’ enquiring on the feasibility of running various activities in the Wood.


Branching Out were sponsored by the Forestry Commission and it was highlighted that similar activities were being undertaken in other parts of Argyll and Bute.




The Committee agreed:-


1.    To support the application in principle; and

2.    That the Chair would write to Sara McLean highlighting that FODW were opposed to any fires/open camp fire cooking within Duchess Wood.  




Dog Event - 2017


The Committee discussed the possibility of holding another Dog event in Duchess Wood.




The Committee agreed:-


1.    To re-run the Dog Event in September 2017; and

2.    That the sub-group would schedule a planning meeting to formalise timings  and other issues.


Lower Clyde Greenspace pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services.


The Committee gave consideration to a report which  provided an update on

The working relationship between Argyll and Bute Council and Lower Clyde

Greenspace in respect to Duchess Wood.




The Committee agreed to note the report.


(Ref: Report by Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure, dated 22 February 2017, submitted).





WIAT Funding application - Update


Charlie Cairns updated the Committee on the progress of the Woodlands In and Around Towns (WIAT) application. He advised that the draft was at the first stage and would be given further consideration at the WIAT sub-group meeting on 13 March. After the draft had been agreed, it would be forwarded to the Forestry Commission by the end of March 2017.



The Committee agreed:-


1.    To note the progress of the WIAT application; and

2.    That the sub-group would meet to formalise the WIAT application on 13 March with Mhairi Gardiner in attendance; and

3.    That the WIAT application would be submitted to the Forestry Commission by the end of March 2017; and

4.    That Iain Wilkinson, Luss Estates would provide a letter of comfort to accompany the WIAT application to the Forestry Commission.. 



Argyll and Bute Council Maintenance update

Report by Amenity Performance Manager (to follow).



The Committee gave consideration to a report from the Amenity Performance Manager.


The Committee agreed to note the report.


(Reference :Report by Amenity Performance Manager dated 22 February 2017, tabled).



Any Other Competent Business


The Chair opened the meeting for Any Other Business and the following issues were raised:-


Community Pay Back and Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust (ACT).


David Lewin enquired if there had been any changes to the existing arrangement with the Community Pay Back Team and Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust (ACT).


The Chair agreed to take these issues away and would provide an update to FODW.




Date of next meeting


The date of the next Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee meeting was agreed for Tuesday, 16 May 2017 in the Seabank Room, Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre.


The Area Committee Manager drew attention to the Governance issue regarding the  appointment of the Chair of the Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee. She confirmed that this would not be agreed until the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee scheduled to be held in June 2017.




The Committee agreed:-


1.    To proceed with the Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee meeting on 16 May 2017; and

2.    That another member of the Committee would chair the meeting.