Venue: Lomond School, 10 Stafford Street, Helensburgh
Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01436 657621
No. | Item | ||
Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table. Apologies for absence were intimated from:- Stuart McCracken Ruth Cairns |
The Minute of the previous Duchess Woods Committee meeting held on 16 February 2016. Minutes: The Minute of the previous meeting which was held on 16
February 2016 was approved as a true record, subject to an amendment being made
at Item 9. Dog issues and training where the words “an increased incidence of”
would be removed. Discussion took place on the format for dissemination of the
minutes to the Area CPG meetings, with it being agreed that the Chair would
liaise with the Senior Area Committee Assistant to ensure that appropriate
signposting is put in place which would allow CPG Members to access reports and
additional information if required. It
was also noted that it would be beneficial for members from the Friends of
Duchess Wood to attend a future meeting of the Area CPG to discuss awareness
raising. Matters Arising Page 5; Item 9 Dog Issues and Training Johanna Urquhart advised that there had been no reports of
out of control dogs from either pupils or staff, but this could be because the
school had not been using the wood as frequently of late due to the inclement
weather. Morevain Martin provided the Committee
with an update on the proposed dog training event. It was noted that the dog trainer based in Cardross had advised that she would be happy to do an
awareness training event. Discussion
took place on a venue for this event with the rugby club car park being
identified as a possibility. Councillor
Morton advised that the Council environmental team had indicated that they
would be happy to be involved. The Committee agreed that Councillor Morton, Morevain Martin and Stewart Campbell would form a sub group
to progress this idea. Page 2; Item 4 Engagement with Community Alastair Macbeth advised that the FODW were keen to work in
partnership with Ruth Cairns, Community Learning and Development Youth
Worker. It was agreed that Ruth’s
contact information would be passed to the FODW members. Morevain Martin advised that Ruth Cairns had been working with the Third Sector Interface office to develop a summer programme which would offer volunteering opportunities in the community for young people. The programme would allow the young people to gain accreditation and to access associated trips. It was noted that the programme was looking for volunteering opportunities. |
ENGAGEMENT WITH SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITY Minutes: The Committee heard from Alastair Macbeth who advised that
the Helensburgh Advertiser were keen to do a feature
article on the Duchess Woods. Alastair
felt it would be beneficial to bring this idea to the Committee to allow for
input from all partners. The FODW had
recently commissioned a new set of leaflets and these were now available for
distribution. Ideas suggested for the
proposed feature article included the liaison with Luss
Estates, the Forest School and work parties in the wood. Discussion took place in relation to raising
awareness through other possible media interest from the Lochside
Press, Lennox Herald and the Dumbarton Reporter. Decision: The Committee agreed:- 1. To note the update, and 2. That the Friends of Duchess Woods would co-ordinate
the content with partners and liaise with the Helensburgh
Advertiser. |
Friends of Duchess Wood Reports PDF 206 KB Reports by Friends of Duchess Wood. Additional documents: Minutes:
(Reference: Community Engagement
Report and FODW Newsletter by Stewart Campbell, Chair Friends of Duchess Wood dated
12 May 2016, submitted). |
Progress report on ponds Minutes: The Committee heard
from Stewart Campbell who provided a progress report on the 2 ponds which have
recently been put into the wood. The
ponds were dug with assistance from the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
Trust. The majority of the costs had
been covered by the Trust, but the remainder had come from FODW. The path at the bottom end of the rugby pitch
is much improved, but the upper pond path is not yet surfaced due to problems
with access for the equipment and the proposed work to sort out a new
culvert. The upper pond had held water
immediately and this had remained constant with tadpoles being moved into this
pond. Special clay liners had been
purchased for the lower pond, but it had not held water despite the special
lining. The pond has now been filled
with assistance from Scottish Fire and Rescue and is slowly holding more water
as time passes. Most of the manual work
had been done by the Community Payback Team. There is still an
issue with dogs swimming in the ponds, to mitigate this temporary construction
type fencing has been put up around the ponds with notices around the area to
advise of the reason for this. It is
intended that appropriate plants and shrubs will be purchased and these will be
planted to create a more natural barrier.
It was suggested that this would be a good article for the Helensburgh Advertiser. Decision The Committee noted the update. |
Draft Five-year Management Plan - October 2016-September 2021 Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the draft 5-year
Management Plan. Stewart Campbell
advised that he had received useful feedback on the Plan and had incorporated
changes in the latest version. Decision The Committee agreed: 1. That the plan would be circulated again to Members to
allow a further opportunity for any additional comments; 2. To approve the plan subject to any minor amendments
made following the additional consultation period; 3. That the draft plan would be used in support of the
WIAT application, and 4. That the finalised Plan would be submitted to the
August meeting of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area
Committee for approval. (Reference: Draft Management Plan by Stewart Campbell, Chair Friends of Duchess Wood dated 15 May 2016, submitted). |
WIAT Funding application Minutes: The Committee considered an update on issues relating to the
Woodlands In and Around Towns (WIAT) application. Charlie Cairns updated the Committee on the
progress of the application. The sub
group had met on a couple of occasions and the application process was now
progressing. The project brief has been
circulated and has now been sent to 3 Consultants asking them to provide tender
returns back by 1st June 2016.
At that point an evaluation exercise will be completed and the contract
awarded. It is anticipated that first
part of the exercise and the appointment of the consultants will be completed
by mid-Autumn, so it would be possible for an application to be completed and
submitted at some point later in 2016.
It was noted that the initial costs for the first piece of work would
require to be underwritten, Charlie advised that he would check with Stuart
McCracken in relation to this. Decision The Committee noted the update provided on the WIAT
application. |
Argyll and Bute Council Maintenance and Financial update Report by Amenity Performance Manager (to follow). Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to reports from the Amenity
Performance Manager which provided information on the maintenance regime for
the wood and also an update on the financial position. Members noted that there had been a delay
with 2 pieces of work due to be contracted out, namely the work at the West
Highland Line and the trees overhanging the garages at Strathclyde Court. Stewart Campbell advised that the situation
at Strathclyde Court was giving cause for concern and this work needs to be a
priority. The lack of progress with
these 2 specific contracts was also reflected in the financial report which did
not account for the cost of these works.
Councillor Morton provided an update on the staffing changes in the
Amenity Team, with it being noted that Ailsa Cunningham would hopefully become
more involved with the wood. Decision The Committee agreed: 1. To note the report, and 2. To highlight the concerns relating to the outstanding
works to the Amenity Performance Manager. (Reference: Report by the Amenity Performance Manager dated 13 May 2016, submitted). |
Meeting dates Minutes: The Committee gave discussion to future meeting dates,
noting that the previously agreed dates now clashed with the meetings of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area CPG. Decision The Committee agreed that meetings of the Committee for the
remainder of the year would be held on:- Tuesday 23rd
August 2016 Tuesday 22nd
November 2016 Meetings would commence at 10am and would take place in the Seabank Room, Helensburgh and Lomond
Civic Centre. |
Any Other Competent Business Minutes: The Chair opened the meeting for Any Other Business and the
following issue was raised:- Alastair Macbeth provided an update on the proposed
application by Persimmon Homes to build houses on the original Dobbies Garden Centre site, highlighting that there had
been a recent half day pre-application consultation event held at the Ardencaple Hotel which was very well attended. Alastair advised that a letter has been sent
by Helensburgh Community Council to the developers
raising a number of concerns. Discussion
took place on the access arrangements from the new development into the wood
which had also been highlighted by the Access Trust. The Committee noted that they may want to make comment on
some aspects of the Persimmon application once it is formally submitted to the
Council. |