Venue: Templars Hall, Tarbert
Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies were intimated by:- Councillor Donald Kelly Dave Lock, EON Dr Mandie Currie, AliEnergy Leonard McNeill Martin Mathers, Scottish Power Alan Mortimer, Scottish Power |
Declarations of Interest (If Any) Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest. |
Argyll and Bute Renewables Trust 28 August, 2012. Minutes: The Minute of the previous meeting held on 28 August 2012 was approved as a true record. |
EAST KINTYRE WINDFARM TRUSTEES PDF 61 KB Reports by East Kintyre Windfarm Trustees. Additional documents: Minutes: The group gave consideration to reports updating them on the financial status of East Kintyre Community Council and applications submitted to year ending 31 March, 2013. Decision: The group agreed: 1. To note the reports. 2. That Theresa McLetchie would disseminate a copy of the funding allocation criteria to Trustees. 3. That Theresa McLetchie would liaise with Financial Services to determine the billing process and ascertain payment dates. (Reference: Reports submitted by East Kintyre Community Council, submitted). |
WEST KINTYRE WINDFARM TRUSTEES Minutes: The group gave consideration to a report from West Kintyre Windfarm Trustees which was tabled at the meeting. Discussion continued in regards the considerable work and effort that the Trustees made in reviewing and determining funding applications, which the Trustees undertook on a voluntary basis. Decision 1. Members agreed to note the report. 2. That the Head of Governance and Law would write to West Kintyre Windfarm Trustees regarding the funding allocation to Kintyre Turbine Watch. (Reference: Report by West Kintyre Windfarm Trustees, tabled).
INVERARAY WINDFARM TRUSTEES Minutes: No report was received from Inveraray Windfarm Trustees. Decision The group agreed that Theresa McLetchie would write to Inveraray Windfarm Trustees requesting an updated Statement of Accounts. |
A report detailing ALIenergy’s
activities for the period April 2012 to March 2013. Minutes: The group gave consideration to a report updating the group on ALIEnergy activities fore the period April 2012 to March 2013. Decision: The group agreed: 1. To note the report. 2. That Theresa McLetchie would liaise with Argyll & Bute Council Communications team to issue a short Press release highlighting the commitment and hard work undertaken by local Trustees in administering the Windfarm funding and also the success of ALIenergy’s funding input to Argyll’s Domestic Energy Savings improvement scheme 2012/2013. 3. That Audrey Martin would make contact with Jenny McLeish, ALIenergy to raise awareness of the various schemes/projects which were being undertaken locally. (Reference: Report by ALIEnergy, submitted). |
SCOTTISH COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Minutes: There was no report from the Scottish Community Foundation. Discussion followed in regards funding issues. Decision The group agreed that Audrey Martin would ascertain any changes to SSE’s funding policy. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: Audrey Martin reported on the success of the meeting held for all local Trustees. The meeting had proved extremely useful and helpful whereby common issues and problems had been addressed. Charles Reppke advised the group of the forthcoming Community Council elections and reported that he would be facilitating the initial introductory meeting for new Community Councillors. Stuart Irvine enquired on the feasibility of Windfarm Trusts obtaining charity status to avoid paying tax on their funds which were currently held on deposit. Charles Reppke advised that changing the present Trust model to charity status would mean adherence to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) regulations. He continued that this could perhaps impinge on the current administrative duties undertaken by Trustees.
The Chair thanked Trustees and officers for their input and attendance at the meeting.