Venue: By Microsoft Teams
Contact: Lynsey Innis, Senior Committee Assistant; Tel: 01546 604338
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: The Committee Manager welcomed everyone to the meeting and general introductions were made. Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of:- Craig Mullen, Community Investment Manager, SSE Renewables |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest intimated. |
Minute of previous Annual General Meeting, held on 9 September 2021 PDF 206 KB Minutes: The Minute of the previous Annual General Meeting of the Argyll and Bute Windfarm and Renewables Trust held on 9 September 2022, was approved as a correct record. |
Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair of the Argyll and Bute Windfarm and Renewables Trust PDF 114 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Minutes: Having recognised that the previous Chair,
Councillor Anne Horn had stepped down as a Councillor in May 2022, the Trust
gave consideration to a report which outlined the recent appointments made by
the Council to the Windfarm Trust and invited Members to appoint both a Chair
and a Vice Chair. Councillor Brown confirmed that she was happy to
assume the role of Chair. Margaret Pratt confirmed that she was happy to
assume the role of Vice Chair. With no one being otherwise minded this became the
decision of the Trust. Decision The Argyll and Bute Windfarm and Renewables Trust: 1. Appointed
Councillor Jan Brown, as a member of the Argyll and Bute Windfarm and
Renewables Trust, to carry out the role of Chair of the Trust; and 2. Appointed
Margaret Pratt, as a member of the Argyll and Bute Windfarm and Renewables
Trust, to carry out the role of Vice Chair of the Trust. (Reference:
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and
Regulatory Support, dated 22 September 2022, submitted) |
East Kintyre Windfarm Trustees PDF 32 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The group gave consideration to the annual report and audited accounts of East Kintyre Windfarm Trust to the year ending 31 March 2022, having heard from Alastair Bennett. Decision The Argyll and Bute Windfarm and Renewables Trust agreed to note the detail provided. (Reference: Annual Report and Audited Accounts by East Kintyre Community Council Windfarm Trust, submitted) |
West Kintyre Windfarm Trustees PDF 7 MB Minutes: The group gave consideration to the annual report and audited accounts of West Kintyre Windfarm Trust to the year ending 31 March 2022, having heard from Margaret Pratt. Discussion took place around the Council’s Shop Local, Love Local campaign, with the Projects and Regeneration Manager advising that she would provide the link to the Committee Manager for circulation around the Windfarm Trust. Decision The Argyll and Bute Windfarm and Renewables Trust agreed to note the detail provided. (Reference: Annual Report and Audited Accounts by West Kintyre Community Council Windfarm Trust, submitted) |
Inveraray Windfarm Trustees PDF 200 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The group gave consideration to the annual report and audited accounts of Inveraray Windfarm Trust to the year ending 31 March 2022. Consideration was also given to the Community Action Plan. Decision The Argyll and Bute Windfarm and Renewables Trust agreed to note the detail provided. (Reference: Annual Report; Audited Accounts and Community Action Plan by Inveraray Community Council Windfarm Trust, submitted) |
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report by ALIenergy outlining the background of the sustainable
energy charity, together with an overview of current projects and activities. Discussion was had in relation to the production of
renewable energy in the Kintyre area, with members of the Trust expressing
concern that this is not offset against the rising cost of energy. Alastair Bennett agreed to forward links to
both Councillors Brown and McFadzean which would give detail on the work being
undertaken around this, including information on the petition to the Scottish
Government to seek a solution based on the output of renewable energy. Decision The Argyll and Bute Windfarm and Renewables Trust
agreed to note the information provided. (Reference:
Report by ALIenergy, submitted) |
SSE Renewables Update 2021/22 PDF 235 KB Minutes: In the absence of Craig Mullen, the Trust gave consideration to an update which highlighted the SSE Renewables Community Investment Review 2021/22. The review highlighted that SSE Renewables had donated over £9.6 million in community projects in Great Britain and Ireland in the last year. Decision The Argyll and Bute Windfarm and Renewables Trust agreed to note the information provided. (Reference: Update by SSE Renewables, submitted) |
Updated Windfarm Trust Criteria PDF 202 KB Update by Committee Manager Minutes: At the previous Annual General Meeting of the Argyll and Bute Windfarm and Renewables Trust, it was agreed that the Committee Manager would take forward the updating of the Windfarm Trust Criteria, which was considered to be restrictive and outdated. Consideration was given to the proposed changes to the criteria. Decision The Argyll and Bute Windfarm and Renewables Trust
agreed that the Windfarm Trust Criteria be updated as outlined and instructed
the Committee Manager to forward to the Council’s Legal Services to ask them to
update the Trust Deed. (Reference: Updated Windfarm Trust Criteria, submitted) |
Any Other Competent Business Minutes: Siobhan Jarvie of ScottishPower Renewables provided a brief update on local site activity within the area, including the progress of the Earraghail hybrid project and Sheirdrim development. Siobhan confirmed that ScottishPower Renewables had been successful in winning the rights to develop an off-shore windfarm off of the West Coast of Islay, and advised that this development would be known as Machair Wind. She further advised that ScottishPower Renewables have paid £2.7m in community benefit across the sites they have in Argyll to date. |