Agenda and minutes

Mid Argyll Partnership - Tuesday, 12 June 2012 10:00 am

Venue: Meeting Room 1. Community Centre, Manse Brae, Lochgilphead

Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511 

No. Item




The Area Governance Officer welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table.


Apologies were intimated from:-


Rod Buchanan (ACHA)

David Jardine (Forestry Commission)

Marion Thompson (Dunadd CC)

Jim Frame (SEPA)


The Area Governance Officer requested that Agenda Item 13 be taken as the first issue discussed at the meeting.  The Partnership agreed to this request.


Councillor Anne Horn proposed that Councillor Sandy Taylor be nominated as the Mid Argyll Partnership Chair and Councillor Douglas Philand seconded this.  The Partnership agreed the nomination and Councillor Sandy Taylor was duly elected as the Chair.  Councillor Taylor accepted the nomination as Chair.


Bob Miller proposed that Councillor Douglas Philand be nominated as the Mid Argyll Partnership Vice-Chair and Jeanette Laughton seconded this proposal.     The Partnership agreed the nomination and Councillor Douglas Philand was duly elected as the Vice-Chair.  Councillor Philand accepted the nomination as Vice-Chair.


The recommendations seeking to revise the Terms of Reference (TOR) and the appointment of one of the MAP members to be a core partner on the MAKI LACPG were held over for further discussion at the next meeting when it was expected that the Council would have reached agreement on their Political Management Arrangements.


Minutes of meeting held on 3 April 2012 pdf icon PDF 59 KB


The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 3 April 2012 were approved as a true record.



Matters Arising


Local Planning Designations:


An invite had been extended to Fergus Murray.  The MAP noted that he was not in attendance and requested that a further invite be sent requesting his attendance at the next MAP meeting.


Adult Services Review:


Jim Robb, Head of Adult Services had been invited to the meeting.  Again, it was noted that he was not present and the MAP requested he be requested to attend at their next meeting.


Water issues:


Bob Miller again raised the issue in regards water problems in Willow Lane, Lochgilphead.  Jane McKenzie reported that the problem was surface water and, therefore, not the problem of Scottish Water.  However, she would pass the complaint to Macleod Construction who had been the contractor for the said path.  


High Bank Park:


Rod Buchanan had provided an update on this issue.  Councillor Horn reported that the issues raised in regards dampness in ACHA properties in Tarbert was still unresolved.  Rod’s apologies had been intimated and as there was no timescale set against this item, it was noted that this would be discussed at the next meeting.


Signage on A83 - TranServ:


Stewart Clark had previously notified Transerv of this issue following the last meeting but agreed to raise this again with TranServ to allow him to report back to the next meeting.


Safe disposal of out-of-date flares:


The Partnership had been issued with advice on this issue.


The Chair stated that he would write to non-attendees requesting updates and attendance at the next scheduled meeting.


Village/ Town/Area Plan updates including




Jeanette Laughton expressed thanks to the Roads Department in their assistance at the Jubilee Picnic held in Ardrishaig.  They had provided signs and cones for the event.  She reported that 150 people had been in attendance at the picnic.


Jeanette raised the issue of the planned renewal of street name signs for Ardrishaig - these had been promised by the Roads Department approximately 3 years ago and were still not in place.


Action: Stewart Clark would investigate and report back to the next meeting.


Jeanette continued and updated the meeting on the status of the Allt Dearg Windfarm.  Most parts had been sourced locally and the final placements would be delivered next month.  This would cause some problems in the local area (particularly for residents at Brae Road who had been contacted individually) and a risk assessment had been undertaken accordingly.  She advised of an offer which had been made to local Members to view the site.


She referred to the Regeneration process which had been implemented in Ardrishaig some 5 years ago and expressed dismay at the lack of progress.  Jeannette enquired on the status of the funding which had been allocated by Argyll and Bute council for the project.


She highlighted the state of disrepair at the toilets near the front in Ardrishaig, referring to her letter to the Director of Development and Infrastructure Services to complain about this and mentioned the poor quality of the existing railings at the seafront when she queried whether a risk assessment had been conducted on these.


Action: Stewart Clark would look into whether a recent risk assessment had been carried out on the railings.


Tarbert Conservation Area


Councillor Horn reported that the Harbour Board Trustees had received the Volunteer of the Year Award.  She also informed the Partnership:



·         that new equipment had been installed at the open air gym

·         lambs had been born at the castle

·         they were still awaiting a bin on the steps leading to the castle (Anne stated that she would be raising this with John Downie)









No update was received from Craignish.




Andrea Henderson reported that interviews for a new GP were being held on Friday and representation from the local community, which included herself, would be on the selection board.  She then referred to new windows which had been installed at the village hall.


Councillor Philand informed the group that recent problems at Furnace Bridge had been determined not to be Argyll and Bute council’s responsibility. 


West Lochfyne


Leonard McNeill reported on problems at the village hall with flooring, which was now to be renewed with the aid of a grant. Mary McGugan advised the group on the recent Diamond Jubilee celebrations held in the village and the mugs which had been presented to local children.




Bob Millar acknowledged the success of the local chestnut trees recently planted on the front green.  However, he stated that the ties were not in a good stated and questioned if it would be advisable to place metal frames to offer some protection.  He stated that Lochgilphead Community Council could perhaps contribute to the cost of this.


Action: Stewart Clark would relay this back to John Downie, Streetscene Manager.


Housing Issues


There were no updates in regards Housing.



Scottish Water


Jane McKenzie and Ross Barclay attended the meeting and reported on the following:-


  • Grass cutting at the pumping station in Ardrishaig would be undertaken as part of the grounds maintenance work at the North hall.
  • Flooding in Tarbert – this issue would be taken forward by the Asset Manager at Scottish Water, in the meantime the flows had been doubled which should assist.  The Tarbert & Skipness Community Council were asked to raise the surface water issue with TranServ.
  • Odours in Tarbert – emptying of tanks had been undertaken and this could have accounted for the smell.  Scottish Water would ensure that notification would be made to the local Councillors and Community Council advising on any future works
  • Water pressures in Tarbert – Scottish Water were only aware of 1 property that was affected at Lady Ileene Road.  If other households were affected, Ross advised that complaints should be made to the Scottish Water Call centre.  Scottish Water keep a low pressure register and it was necessary to log calls to address any low pressure issues in relevant areas to help identify problems.  Residents should contact Scottish Water to confirm problems.  It was also noted that turning up the stock cock in individual properties may resolve the pressure issue and Scottish Water offered to provide assistances to help any elderly residence attend to this.  They also agreed to put in a monitor on the highest point which would monitor pressures over a 7 day period.
  • Sewage surcharge at Ardrishaig Co-op – this had been resolved by attending to a break in the sewer and lettering all residents on the safe disposal of sanitary products.  There had been no blockages since this action was undertaken.


Action:  Scottish Water would report back regarding the Tarbert water pressure issues to the next meeting.


The issue of erosion at the seafront near Queen Elizabeth cottages in Furnace was raised.  Scottish Water maintained that this was not an issue which pertained to them.  However, they agreed to hold a joint meeting on site in effort to take this forward.


Action: Scottish Water would instigate a meeting at the site with the complainants, Ross Barclay and a structural engineer.


Leonard McNeill raised the issue of water issues affecting the village Hall in Minard following work undertaken by a constructor on behalf of Scottish Water.


Action: Scottish Water agreed to investigate this issue and report directly to Leonard McNeill.


Jeanette Laughton raised the issue of maintenance over Glengilp Road.  Scottish Water replied that they could deal with filling in pot holes but not a full resurface.  It was suggested that future potholes be reported through the Scottish Water Call Centre but they agreed to refill existing pot holes on the road.


Jeanette also raised the issue of the pipes into the sea in Ardrishaig.  Scottish Water advised that these were an abandoned asset but agreed that they would raise this issue with their engineer and report back.


Action:  Scottish Water to investigate the old outfall pipes (abandoned assets) at Ardrishaig and report back.


Transportation Issues


Stewart Clark reported on the current resurfacing programme and that the jet patcher would be based locally for a further 4 weeks.  He advised that he would instruct repairs by the patcher at School Road, Tarbert as there were issues about it (Bishopton Road and Redwell Park) being included in the capital programme due to the current roads hierarchy.  The hierarchy was being looked at for future.  He further advised that works were due to commence at Upper Achagoyle in Minard at the end of the week.


Jeanette Laughton requested that a further Twenty,s Plenty sign be erected at the junction of Kilduskland Road/Park Road, Ardrishaig which was a particularly bad corner. She also enquired on the outcome of recent surveys on traffic management in Ardrishaig and in the absence of an update, agreed to contact Phil Hinchcliff directly.


Action: Stewart Clarke would investigate the request for additional signage.


Councillor McAlpine commented that these figures would need to be made available in advance of a  meeting which was scheduled by Transport Scotland for early July at the Corran Halls, Oban.


Discussion followed in regards local signage, particularly the new pathways between Mid Argyll Community Hospital and McIntyre Terrace and the back entrance to Achnabrec Cemetery path (both in Lochgilphead) neither of which had appropriate signage to indicate where the paths led to.


Action: Stewart Clark would investigate and report back.


Councillor McAlpine raised concerns in regards the grass cutting programme and, in his opinion, the lack of personnel managing stop/go signs.


Action: Stewart Clark would reinforce the need to ensure proper traffic management procedures were in place locally and also raise this with Transerv given that they were undertaking works in the area.


Health/Social Care Issues


Audrey Baird informed the group of a name change to the Public Health Networks following a recent review.  These would now be named Health and Well-being Networks and would meet approximately 3 times per year. 

There was a small grant scheme available – amounting to £9,000 for projects in Mid Argyll but unlike other funds, this was a 100% grant fund.  Applications were now being accepted and deadlines for receipt were:-


13 June 2012

7 October 2012


Community Safety


Jeanette Laughton raised the issue of local communities being kept informed of the details of their local Community Policeman.  This was a vital part of the local community network and this information should be readily available.


The Chair stated that he would raise this issue at the CSF meeting which was being held that afternoon, stressing the need to communicate this information to the local community and Community Councils.


Leonard McNeill related a recent incident whereby an elderly local resident had gone missing.  A global email had been sent out to local community representatives who had assembled in the local hall.  Strathclyde Police had also arrived, but maintained they could not instigate a search as their representation at the incident was not ‘search trained’.  Leonard maintained, that in his opinion, this was not good policing.  It was agreed to again raise this at the CSF meeting later in the day.


Community Initiatives


Heart of Argyll Tourism Alliance - Presentation

A presentation by Carron Tobin, Heart of Argyll Tourism Alliance (HoATA).


Carron Tobin gave a detailed presentation to the group informing them of forthcoming and planned events in the local area. 


Discussion ensued with regards issues to highlight these events and various suggestions and comments were put forward.  One of which was made by Councillor Philand who suggested that Carron get in contact with Councillor Louise Glen-Lee who was the Lead Councillor for Community, Culture, Customer and Communication.  He agreed to facilitate this contact.


Amenity Issues


There were no Amenity issues.




Audrey Baird produced a Community Engagement Resources pack to support rural community engagement.


Governance Issues pdf icon PDF 55 KB


This was taken as Item 1 on the Agenda


Date of next meeting


The Chair suggested that two dates be entered into diaries and that once the Council had agreed it’s Political Management Arrangements, confirmation as to the finalised date would be circulated to the group.  The dates were Tuesday, 7 August or Tuesday, 4 September and the meeting would, as usual, commence at 10.00a.m.


The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and input at the meeting.