Venue: Gigha Village Hall, Isle of Gigha, PA41 7AD
Contact: Lynsey Innis, Senior Committee Assistant; Tel: 01546 604338
Note | No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: There were no apologies for absence intimated. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Colville declared a non-financial interest in Agenda item 5(a) (South Kintyre Development Trust) as he had only recently stepped down from the position of Member of the Trust. He remained in the room for the discussion but took no part in the decision on this item. |
Minute of the previous meeting of the Campbeltown Common Good Fund held on Wednesday, 6 March 2019. Minutes: The Minute of the meeting of the Campbeltown Common Good Fund held on 6 March 2019 was approved as an accurate record. |
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Financial Statement Minutes: Members gave consideration to a report detailing the current position of the investment transaction activity for the current period. The Area Committee Manager agreed to seek clarity on the grant budget and investment income and provide feedback to the Trustees by email. Decision: The Campbeltown Common Good Fund agreed to note the statement and balance of income available. (Ref: Report by Simmers and Co, Accountants, dated 5 June 2019, submitted.) |
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Common Good Fund Applications (New) |
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South Kintyre Development Trust Minutes: Members gave consideration to the application from South Kintyre Development Trust. The Trustees noted that this would be the final year of the agreement made to award £6,000 to assist with the running costs for the Town Hall. Decision: The Campbeltown Common Good Fund agreed to award the group £6,000.00. |
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Campbeltown Community Council Minutes: Members gave consideration to the application from Campbeltown Community Council for the renovation of the Campbeltown Cross. Decision: The Campbeltown Common Good Fund agreed to award the group £2,500.00. |
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Mull of Kintyre Music and Arts Association Minutes: Members gave consideration to the application from Mull of Kintyre Music and Arts Association to assist with the costs of the Music Festival. Decision: The Campbeltown Common Good Fund agreed to award the group £6,000.00. |
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Dalintober & Millknowe Tenants and Residents Association - first application Minutes: Members gave consideration to the application from Dalintober & Millknowe Tenants and Residents Association for contingency funding towards a ministerial visit. Decision: The Campbeltown Common Good Fund agreed: 1. to refuse the application; and 2. requested that the Area Committee Manager speak to the Council’s Central Governance Manager regarding other sources of funding available for such visits, and provide details to the applicant. |
Dalintober & Millknowe Tenants and Residents Association - second application Minutes: Members gave consideration to the application from Dalintober & Millknowe Tenants and Residents Association to cover the costs of a bonfire night event. Discussion took place in respect of the requirement for additional information in relation to the costs of the project and the outstanding end of project monitoring form. The Area Committee Manager agreed to write to the applicants in this regard. Decision: The Campbeltown Common Good Fund agreed to continue consideration of the application until the next meeting. |
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Common Good Fund Applications (Continued) |
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Martine Craig & Michelle Leishman Minutes: Trustees noted that the application from Martine Craig and Michelle Leishman had been withdrawn. |
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End of Project Monitoring |
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Forms Received Minutes: Members gave consideration to the status of end of project monitoring forms in respect of applications to the Common Good Fund since June 2017. Decision: The Campbeltown Common Good Fund agreed: 1. To note the end of project monitoring forms received; and 2. Requested that the Area Committee Manager continue to pursue the outstanding forms and provide an update at the next meeting of the Fund. (Ref: Report by Area Committee Manager, dated 5 June 2019, submitted.) |
Any Other Competent Business Minutes: There was no other competent business discussed. |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Campbeltown Common Good Fund is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 4 September 2019. Minutes: The next meeting of the Campbeltown Common Good Fund is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 4 September 2019 within the Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead. |