Venue: Microsoft TEAMS
Note | No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Minutes: Apologies
were intimated by Councillor Andrew Kain, Provost Margi Campbell, Fr James
MacNeil and Marri Malloy. It
was agreed that in Councillor Kain’s absence that Councillor Green would Chair
the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor
Jim Lynch declared a non-financial interest in Items 5(d) and Item 8 of these
minutes as he is a member of Highlands and Islands Music & Dance
Festival. Councillor Lynch left the meeting
during consideration of the item and did not participate in the decision
making. The Chair proposed,
and the Trustees agreed, that the agenda be taken out of sequence, leaving item
6(a) of the agenda to be discussed at the end of the meeting, to allow
Councillor Lynch to take part in discussions on other items of business prior
to leaving the meeting. The minute reflects the order of business as
taken at the meeting. The
Trustees noted that given the Declaration of Interest made by Councillor Lynch
the meeting would not be quorate in respect of items 5(d) and 8 of these
minutes and resolved that for these items only they would agree a temporary
delegation to the Governance Officer to participate as a decision maker. The decision is recorded on that basis. |
Minutes |
Minutes of Oban Common Good Fund Meeting held 13 November 2023 PDF 110 KB Minutes: The
minutes of the Oban Common Good Fund held on 13 November 2023 were approved as
a correct record. |
Minutes of Special Meeting of Oban Common Good Fund held on 12 December 2023 PDF 95 KB Minutes: The
minutes of the Special Meeting of the Oban Common Good Fund held on 12 December
2023 were approved as a correct record. |
The Trustees resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the
Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the press and public for the following
items of business on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure
of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the
Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. |
E1 |
Income and Expenditure Report by Simmers and Company Minutes: A
financial statement detailing the current position of investment transaction
for the period up to 26 February 2024 was considered. Decision The
Trustees noted the income and expenditure report. (Ref: Report by Simmers & Co for period ending 26
February 2024, submitted) |
E1 |
End of Project Monitoring |
Adventure Oban Minutes: The
Trustees were invited to consider the End of Project Monitoring from Adventure
Oban. Decision The
Trustees noted the end of project form. (Ref:
End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
Atlantis Leisure Minutes: The
Trustees were invited to consider the End of Project Monitoring from Atlantis
Leisure. Decision The
Trustees noted the end of project form. (Ref:
End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
Family Mediation Minutes: The
Trustees were invited to consider the End of Project Monitoring from Family
Mediation. Decision The
Trustees noted the end of project form. (Ref:
End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) Councillor
Lynch left the meeting. |
Highlands and Islands Music & Dance Festival Minutes: The
Trustees were invited to consider the End of Project Monitoring from Highlands
and Islands Music & Dance Festival. Decision The
Trustees requested further information regarding the use of the underspend of
£320. (Ref:
End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
Lorn & Oban Health Options Minutes: Councillor
Lynch rejoined the meeting at this point. The
Trustees were invited to consider the End of Project Monitoring from Lorn and
Oban Healthy Options. Decision The
Trustees noted the end of project form. (Ref:
End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
Oban War Memorial Centenary Group Minutes: The
Trustees were invited to consider the End of Project Monitoring from Oban War
Memorial Centenary Group. Decision The
Trustees noted the end of project form. (Ref:
End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
E1 |
New Applications |
Oban Communities Trust Minutes: The
Trustees considered the application from Oban Communities Trust. Decision It was recognised that the Oban Communities
Trust had carried out extensive fundraising over the last few months to keep
the centre running, therefore it was unanimously agreed to award £4000 to this
project. (Reference: application submitted by Oban Communities Trust) |
E1 |
Continued Application |
Oban Community Council Minutes: Oban Community Council provided an update on Phase 1 of their project . Decision The
Trustees noted the update and agreed that the application be further continued
with the applicant being invited to bring back a further update to the August
2024 meeting. Councillor Lynch left the meeting. |
Highlands and Islands Music & Dance Festival Minutes: The Trustees considered the application from Highlands and Islands Music & Dance Festival. Decision The Trustees agreed to award the amount of £4000 for the project. (Reference: Application submitted by Highlands and Islands Music & Dance Festival) |
Paragraph 6 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any
particular person (other than the authority). |