Venue: Microsoft TEAMS
Contact: Melissa Stewart, Governance Officer - 01546 604331 Karen Campbell, Senior Committee Assistant - 01631 567855
Note | No. | Item | |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Andrew Kain and Rev Margi Campbell. It
was agreed that in Councillor Kain’s absence that Councillor Green would Chair
the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Marri Malloy declared an interest in Items 4c and 4d of these minutes as she is a member of Oban Community Council, and therefore would leave the meeting whilst these items were discussed. |
Draft Annual Accounts 2022/23 Minutes: The
draft annual accounts detailing the current position of investment transaction
for period 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023 were presented by David
MacGregor with Trustees being invited to note them. Decision The
Trustees noted the draft annual accounts.
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Additional Submissions |
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Dunollie Preservation Trust Minutes: Additional information was received prior to the meeting to allow the Trustees to consider the application further. Emma Sutcliffe, joined the meeting to respond to any additional information the Trustees may require to support application by the MacDougall of Dunollie Preservation Trust. The Trustees were satisfied with the response and therefore had no further questions. Ms Sutcliffe left the meeting. The Chair, suggested that the agenda be taken out of sequence, to allow Marri to be present for decision on the application by Dunollie Preservation Trust to allow her leave the meeting thereafter. |
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Dunollie Preservation Trust Minutes: The Trustees considered the application and the additional supporting information from the MacDougall of Dunollie Preservation Trust. Decision The Trustees agreed to award the sum of £4750 towards the project. |
Marri Malloy left the meeting at this point. |
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Oban Community Council Minutes: The Trustees heard from Laura Corbe, Sue Barnard and Elaine Robertson, with the additional information they requested to support the Oban Community Council application submitted to the November meeting. |
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Oban Community Council Minutes: The Trustees considered the application and additional supporting information received from Oban Community Council. Decision The Chair advised he had a prior engagement and would have to leave the meeting, as the meeting would then be inquorate, it was agreed the meeting would reconvene after the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee Meeting concluded on 13th December. Meeting reconvened on 13th December at 1pm by MS
Teams when, Councillors Green, Lynch and Martin were in attendance along with
Melissa Stewart, Governance Officer. After further discussions the Trustees agreed to award an initial sum of £4000 towards the initial public engagement for the first phase of the project, with the expectation being that they receive regular updates on the progress of the project and funding obtained. The Trustees further agreed the application would be continued and periodically reviewed up to 31 March 2025 with the first review taking place at their meeting on 18 March 2023. |
Paragraph 6 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any
particular person (other than the authority). |