Venue: By Microsoft Teams
Contact: Melissa Stewart, Governance Officer - 01546 604331
Note | No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were intimated by Councillor Jim Lynch and Fr. James MacNeil. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor
Luna Martin declared a non-financial interest Item 6f of these minutes, as she
is on the Board of Atlantis Leisure.
Councillor Martin left the meeting during consideration of the
application and did not participate in the decision making. The Trustees noted that given the Declaration of
Interest made by Councillor Martin the meeting would not be quorate in respect
of item 6f of these minutes, and resolved that for this item only they would
agree a temporary delegation to the Governance Officer. The decision
recorded is on that basis |
Minutes of Meeting |
Minutes of Oban Common Good Fund - 22 May 2023 PDF 129 KB Minutes: The minutes of the Oban Common Good Fund held on 22 May 2023 were approved as a correct record. |
The Council resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the
Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the press and public for the
following items of business on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure
of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 6 respectively of Part 1 of
Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. |
E1 |
Income and Expenditure Report by Simmers & Co Minutes: A
financial statement detailing the current position of investment transaction
for the period was considered and the Governance Officer advised the Trustees
of a request from the Oban War Memorial Centenary Group regarding release of
the funding awarded to them on 30th March 2023. Decision 1.
Trustees noted the income and expenditure report and 2.
Trustees agreed that the award made to the Oban War Memorial Centenary Group
would be paid to the parent body, Oban Communities Trust. (Ref: Report by Simmers & Co for period ending
31 July 2023, submitted) |
E1 |
End of Project Monitoring |
Oban High School New York Experience Minutes: The
Trustees were invited to consider the End of Project Monitoring from Oban High
School New York Experience. Decision The
Trustees noted the end of project form. (Ref:
End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
E1 |
New Applications Minutes: It
was agreed that as Councillor Martin had declared an interest in the Atlantis
Leisure application, that the running order of the Agenda would be amended to
allow Councillor Martin to leave the meeting whilst these items were discussed
and the minute would reflect the order items were discussed. |
Oban FM Minutes: The applicants withdrew their application prior to meeting, as funding had been secured elsewhere. Therefore, the application was not discussed or considered. Decision No decision required. |
Kilmelford Parish Church Minutes: The Trustees considered the application from Kilmelford Parish Church. Decision After careful consideration the
Trustees agreed to reject the application as it did not meet the application
criteria. (Ref: Application from Kilmelford Parish Church, submitted) |
Oban Phoenix Cinema Minutes: The Trustees considered the application from Oban Phoenix Cinema. Decision It was agreed to award the sum of £549, on the basis that the End of Project Monitoring Form was submitted from their award granted in 2018. (Ref: Application from Oban Phoenix Cinema, submitted) |
Oban Pride Minutes: The Trustees considered the application from Oban Pride. Decision It was agreed to award £1200 towards capital expenditure items for the new reading area and the multi-sensory equipment/ear defenders. (Ref: Application from Oban Pride, submitted) |
Oban Winter Festival Minutes: The Trustees considered an application from Oban Winter Festival. Decision After careful consideration it was agreed to award a donation of £1000. (Ref: Application from Oban Winter Festival, submitted) |
Councillor Luna Martin left the meeting. |
Atlantis Leisure Minutes: The Trustees considered the application from Atlantis Leisure. Decision In
noting that there was a funding bid yet to be determined, it was unanimously agreed
that the Oban Common Good Fund would underwrite any shortfall in funding up to
the maximum amount of £9616. (Ref: Application from Atlantis Leisure, submitted) |
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: The
Trustees agreed to hold their next meeting on Monday 13th November
2023 at 2.00pm by TEAMS. |