Venue: Microsoft TEAMS
Note | No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were intimated on behalf of Councillor Andrew Kain and Fr. James MacNeil. In the absence of Councillor Andrew Kain (Chair), the Trustees agreed that Councillor Kieron Green would Chair the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Jim Lynch declared a non-financial
interest Item 7a and 7c of these minutes, as he is a committee member of the
Highlands and Islands Music and Dance Festival and Oban War Memorial Centenary
Group. He left the meeting during
consideration of the applications and did not participate in the decision
making. Marri
Malloy declared an interest in item 7d and 7e as she is a committee member of
the Port of Oban Group and the Soroba Community
Enterprise Ltd. The Trustees noted that given the Declaration of
Interest made by Councillor Lynch the meeting would not be quorate in respect
of items 7(a) and 7(c) of these minutes, and resolved that for these items only
they would agree a temporary delegation to the Governance Officer. The
decision recorded is on that basis |
Minutes of Meeting |
Minutes of Oban Common Good Fund - 22 November 2022 PDF 208 KB Minutes: The minutes of the Oban Common Good Fund held on 22 November 2022 were approved as a correct record. |
Report on Charities Registration PDF 289 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Governance Minutes: The Trustees considered the report regarding the de-listing of the charitable status of the Oban Common Good Fund by the Scottish Charity Register at the end of the financial year. Decision The Trustees noted the report. (Ref: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Governance, submitted) |
The Council resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the
Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the press and public for the
following items of business on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure
of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6 respectively of Part 1 of
Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. |
E1 |
Income and Expenditure Report Minutes: A
financial statement detailing the current position of investment transaction
for the period was considered. Decision The
Trustees noted the income and expenditure report and agreed that the Governance
Officer should make contact with the applicants for funding that had uncashed
and unclaimed grant funds to establish whether funding has been obtained from
other sources. If these were not drawn
down by the next meeting the grant offers would lapse. (Ref: Report by Simmers & Co for period ending
31 March 2023, submitted) |
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End of Project Monitoring |
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McDougall of Dunollie Preservation Trust Minutes: The Trustees were invited to consider the End of Project Monitoring from McDougall of Dunollie Preservation Trust. Decision The Trustees noted the end of project form. (Ref: End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
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Oban FM Minutes: The Trustees were invited to consider the End of Project Monitoring from Oban FM. Decision The Trustees noted the end of project form. (Ref: End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
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Oban Gaelic Choir Minutes: The Trustees were invited to consider the End of Project Monitoring from Oban Gaelic Choir. Decision The Trustees noted the end of project form. (Ref: End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
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Oban Mountain Rescue Minutes: The Trustees were invited to consider the End of Project Monitoring from Oban Mountain Rescue. Decision The Trustees noted the end of project form. (Ref: End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
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Oban Pride Minutes: The Trustees were invited to consider the End of Project Monitoring from Oban Pride. Decision The Trustees noted the end of project form. (Ref: End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
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New Applications Minutes: It
was agreed that as Councillor Lynch had declared an interest in items 7a and
7c, that the running order of the Agenda would be amended to allow Councillor
Lynch to leave the meeting whilst these items were discussed and the minute
would reflect the order items were discussed. |
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Highlands & Islands Music Dance Festival Minutes: The Trustees considered an application from the Highlands and Islands Music and Dance Festival. Decision It was agreed to award the full amount of £750. (Ref: Application submitted by Highlands and Islands Music and Dance Festival) |
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Oban War Memorial Centenary Group Minutes: The Trustees considered an application from the Oban War Memorial Centenary Group. Decision It was agreed to award up to £3657 on receipt of invoices. (Ref. Application from Oban War Memorial Centenary Group, submitted) Councillor
Jim Lynch re-joined the meeting. |
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Lorn and Oban Healthy Options Minutes: The Trustees considered the application from Lorn and Oban Healthy Options. Decision It was agreed to:- 1. Award the sum of £4000 2. To delegate authority to the
Governance Officer in consultation with the chair to make an additional award
of up to £1089, if items to deliver the project cannot be sourced within the
initial budget (Ref: Application from Lorn and Oban Healthy Option, submitted) Having
declared an interest in the following two applications, Marri Malloy left the
meeting. |
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Port of Oban Cruise Group Minutes: In
absence of a complete application, the Trustees noted that the application was
withdrawn by the applicants. The
Governance Officer was invited to share comments from the Trustees with the
applicants regarding the fund criteria. (Ref. Application from Port of Oban Cruise Group, submitted) |
E1 |
Soroba Community Enterprise Ltd Minutes: The Trustees considered an application from the Soroba Community Enterprise Ltd. Decision It
was agreed that the application should be continued to the next meeting of the
Oban Common Good Fund in May, to allow the Soroba
Community Enterprise Ltd time to obtain quotations and to request a
representative be available to speak to the application at the same meeting. (Ref. Application from Soroba Community Enterprise Ltd, submitted) |
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: The Trustees agreed to hold their next meeting on Monday
22nd May 2023 at 2.00pm by TEAMS. |
E1 Paragraph 6 Information relating to the financial
or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority). |