Venue: Microsoft TEAMS
Contact: Melissa Stewart, Governance Officer: - 01546 604331
Note | No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were intimated on behalf of Marri Malloy and Provost Margi Campbell. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor
Jim Lynch declared a non-financial interest Item 7g as he is a member of the
Bid4Oban Board. He left the meeting
during discussions with Bid4Oban and again when the application was considered. |
Minutes of Meeting |
Minutes of Oban Common Good Fund - 3 August 2022 PDF 263 KB Minutes: The minute of the Oban Common Good Fund 3 August 2022 were approved as a correct record. |
Audited Accounts 2021/22 PDF 239 KB Minutes: The
Trustees considered the audited annual accounts of the Oban Common Good Fund
for 2022/22. Decision The Trustees approved the annual accounts. (Ref:
Financial Statement by Simmers & Co dated 31 March 2022, submitted) The Trustees resolved in terms of
Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the
press and public for the following items of business on the grounds that it was
likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph
6 respectively of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act
1973. Councillor
Lynch, having declared an interest in the application by Bid4Oban, left the
meeting at this point and took no part in the discussion. The
Trustees had invited Mr Andrew Spence, Bid4Oban, to attend the meeting to speak
to the funding application submitted.
The Trustees heard from Mr Spence and took the opportunity to raise any
questions. Mr
Spence left the meeting and Councillor Lynch re-joined. |
E1 |
Income and Expenditure Report Minutes: A
financial statement detailing the current position of investment transaction
for the period 1st April 2022 – 31st July 2022 was considered. Decision The Trustees noted the income and expenditure
report. (Ref: Report by Simmers & Co for period ending
31 October 2022, submitted) |
E1 |
End of Project Monitoring |
E1 |
Oban Bowling Club Minutes: The Trustees were invited to consider the End of
Project Monitoring Form from the Oban Bowling Club.. Decision The
Trustees noted the end of project report. (Ref: End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
E1 |
Oban Community Council Minutes: The Trustees were invited to consider the End of
Project Monitoring Form from the Oban Community Council. Decision The
Trustees noted the end of project report. (Ref: End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
E1 |
Oban Winter Festival Minutes: The Trustees were invited to consider the End of
Project Monitoring Form from the Oban Winter Festival. Decision The
Trustees noted the end of project report. (Ref: End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
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New Applications |
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Family Mediation Argyll and Bute Minutes: The Trustees considered the application submitted by Family Mediation Argyll and Bute. Decision: It was unanimously agreed to award the full amount applied for of £1780.30. (Reference: application submitted by Family Mediation Argyll and Bute) |
E1 |
MacDougall of Dunollie Preservation Trust Minutes: The Trustees considered the application submitted
by MacDougall of Dunollie Preservation Trust. Decision: It was unanimously agreed to award the MacDougall
of Dunollie Preservation Trust the full grant applied
for of £885.00. (Reference: Application by MacDougall of Dunollie Preservation Trust, submitted) |
E1 |
Oban Gaelic Choir Minutes: The Trustees considered an application submitted by Oban Gaelic Choir. Decision: The Trustees unanimously agreed to pay £250 towards expenses incurred by the Oban Gaelic Choir at the event in St John’s
Cathedral on 25th November 2022. (Reference: Application by Oban Gaelic Choir submitted) |
E1 |
Oban High School Pipe Band Minutes: The Trustees considered an
application made by Oban High School Pipe Band. Decision: The Trustees unanimously
agreed a contribution of £1300. (Reference: Application by
Oban High School Pipe Band submitted) |
E1 |
Oban Mountain Rescue Minutes: The Trustees considered an
application made by Oban Mountain Rescue. Decision: The Trustees continued the application as they did
not feel that they had sufficient information on which to base their decision
and asked the Governance Officer to contact the Group to regarding their
financial commitments. (Reference: Application by
Oban Mountain Rescue submitted) |
E1 |
Oban Winter Festival Minutes: The Trustees considered an
application made by the Oban Winter Festival. Decision: After careful consideration by
the Trustees the application was rejected as it did not meet the application
distribution policy or criteria. (Reference: Application by Oban Winter Festival, submitted) |
E1 |
Bid 4 Oban Minutes: Councillor
Jim Lynch left the call as he had earlier declared a non-financial interest in
the application by Bid4Oban. The
Trustees heard earlier in the meeting from Andrew Spence of Bid4Oban regarding
the development plan and expenditure of this year’s Christmas Lights. The infrastructure to allow installation of
lights has exceeded its lifespan and capital investment to allow the catenary
wiring to be replaced and extended is necessary. The new wiring if maintained
properly should last between 15 – 20 years and should reduce the annual costs
of festive lighting. Decision: After
careful consideration the Trustees unanimously agreed to award Bid4Oban £10,000
towards the capital investment. (Reference: application submitted by Bid4Oban |
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: The Trustees agreed to hold their next meeting on Thursday
30th March at 2.00pm by TEAMS. |
Oban Common Good Fund Meeting Reconvened Minutes: The Trustees reconvened on 28th
November 2022 to consider the continued application from Oban Mountain Rescue,
having now received the further information that was requested regarding their
financial commitments. Decision The Trustees agreed to award the full amount of £4737.06 towards the purchase of five radio receivers. |
E1 Paragraph 6 Information relating to the financial
or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority). |