Venue: SKYPE
Contact: Melissa Stewart
Note | No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed the Very Rev Margi Campbell to the meeting as one of the new observers and introductions were made. Apologies were intimated on behalf of Fr James MacNeil. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Jim Lynch declared a non-financial interest in item 8(a) (New Applications: Oban FM) as he is a presenter on Oban FM. He left the meeting during discussion of the application, taking no part in the decision making. |
Minutes of Oban Common Good Fund Meetings |
Minute of 23rd August 2021 PDF 115 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 23rd August 2021 were approved as a correct record. |
Minute of Special Meeting 11th November 2021 PDF 89 KB Minutes: The minutes of the special meeting held on 11th November 2021 were approved as a correct record. |
Annual Audited Accounts - 2020/21 PDF 453 KB Minutes: The
Trustees considered the audited annual accounts of the Oban Common Good Fund
for 2020/21. Decision The Trustees approved the annual accounts. (Ref:
Financial Statement by Simmers & Co dated 31 March 2021, submitted) |
The Trustees resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the
Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the press and public for the
following items of business on the grounds that it was likely to involve the
disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 6 respectively of Part
1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. |
E1 |
Actual Income and Expenditure Minutes: A
financial statement detailing the current position of investment transaction
for the period 1st April 2021 – 31st October 2021 was considered. Decision The
Trustees noted the income and expenditure report. (Ref: Financial Statement by Simmers & Co dated
31 October 2021, submitted) |
E1 |
Update on Outstanding Commitments Minutes: The Trustees considered a report that provided the up to date position of previously awarded payments but remain unpaid. Decision: The Trustees noted the report and agreed to extend the period of drawn down to 31st March 2022 in respect of Footprint Alba. (Ref: Report by Governance Officer dated 23 November 2021, submitted) |
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End of Project Monitoring |
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Oban Sailing Club Minutes: The Trustees were invited to consider the End of
Project Monitoring Form from Oban Sailing Club. Decision The
Trustees noted the end of project report. (Ref: End of Project Monitoring Form, submitted) |
Councillor Jim Lynch having previously declared in
interest, took no part in the discussion or decision in respect of the
following item. |
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New Applications |
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Oban FM Minutes: The Trustees considered the application submitted
by Oban FM. Decision: It was unanimously agreed to award Oban FM the full
grant applied for of £6,000. (Ref: Application
by Oban FM, submitted) |
Councillor Jim Lynch re-joined the meeting at this
point. |
E1 |
Adventure Oban Minutes: The Trustees considered the application submitted by Adventure Oban. Decision: It was unanimously agreed to award the full amount applied for of £5000. (Ref: Application by Adventure Oban, submitted) |
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: The Trustees agreed to hold their next meeting on Monday 14th March 2022 at 2:00pm. |
Paragraph 6 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any
particular person (other than the authority). |