Venue: Municipal Buildings, Oban
Contact: Melissa Stewart
Note | No. | Item |
In light of national advice regarding the need to protect communities from the current spread of coronavirus, and the need for the Trustees to consider applications prior to the financial year end, it had been agreed that remote participation into the meeting by those affected by the advice received would be permissible to allow the meeting to progress. |
Apologies For Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Jim Lynch declared a non-financial interest in items 6 (Update on Outstanding Grant Application) which included an update on the grant previously awarded to the Grab Trust and 8(b) the application for funding by the Highlands and Islands Music and Dance Festival on the basis that he is a board member of each organisation. No discussion took part on item 6 and item 8(b) was withdrawn. Councillor Elaine Robertson declared a non-financial interest in item 8(a) Crossroads North Argyll on the basis that she is a Director of the organisation. She left the room during discussion of the item and took no part in the decision making. |
Oban Common Good Fund 21 November 2019 Minutes: The minutes of the Oban Common Good Fund held on 21st November 2019 were approved as a correct record. |
Trustees resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government
(Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public for the following items of business
on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information
as defined in Paragraph 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government
(Scotland) Act 1973. |
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Continued Applications |
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J Steele/Footprint Alba Minutes: Janie Steele attended the meeting to provide additional information in support of the application which was presented at the November 2019 meeting, at the request of the Trustees. Decision The Trustees noted that a constitution and proof of bank account had now been submitted and agreed to award £2038 to Footprint Alba. (Ref: Application by Janie Steele, submitted and constitution and bank account details for Footprint Alba, tabled) |
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Police Scotland Minutes: Jeremy Moore attended the meeting to provide information in support of the application submitted at the November 2019 meeting, at the request of the Trustees. Decision Having been advised by the applicant’s
representative that project will not progress without funding due to budget
restrictions, the trustees unanimously agreed:
(Ref: Application by Police Scotland, submitted) |
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Oban Saints Minutes: Oban Saints had submitted their constitution and accounts in support of their application following continuation of the item from the November 2019 meeting. Decision It was agreed to underwrite any shortfall in fundraising to the value of £2000 with the trustees advising that as the funding was for the whole club, they expected that all teams, including youth teams, would be able to make use of the minibus. (Ref: Oban Saints Football club constitution and accounts, submitted) |
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Actual Income Expenditure Report Minutes: A financial statement detailing the current
position Oban Common Good Fund was presented. Decision The Trustees noted the financial statement. |
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Update on Outstanding Grant Applications Minutes: The Governance Officer spoke
briefly regarding her report, advising the trustees that the final drawdown of
funds had been recently received from Argyll and Bute Rape crisis. Decision The Trustees noted the report and
verbal update provided by the Governance Officer. (Ref: Report by Governance
Officer dated 19th March 2020, submitted) |
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End of Project Monitoring |
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BID4Oban Ltd Minutes: The Trustees noted the end of project report. |
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Family Mediation Argyll & Bute Minutes: The Trustees noted the end of project report. |
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Glencruitten Cathedral of Trees Minutes: The Trustees noted the end of project report. |
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Highlands and Islands Music & Dance Festival Minutes: The Trustees noted the end of project report. |
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Camanachd Association Minutes: The Trustees noted the end of project report. |
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New Applications |
Having declared an interest in the application by Crossroads North Argyll, the Chair left the meeting at this point and the trustees agreed that Councillor Green would take the chair for the following item. |
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Crossroads North Argyll Minutes: The Trustees considered the application from Crossroads North Argyll. Decision It was agreed to award £2000. Councillor Elaine Robertson returned to the meeting at this point and resumed the Chair. |
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Highlands and Islands Music & Dance Festival Minutes: The Trustees noted that application from Highlands and Islands Music and Dance Festival had been withdrawn due to event being cancelled for 2020. |
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Martyn's Monday Club Minutes: The Trustees considered the application from Martyn’s Monday Club, Decision The Trustees agreed to award £6000 to the Group, subject to submission of a constitution and agreed to delegate determination of the release of funding to the Governance Officer, in consultation with the Chair. (Ref: Application from Martyn’s Monday Club and bank statement) |
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Oban Pipe Band Minutes: The Trustees considered the application from Oban Pipe Band. Decision The Trustees agreed to award £1500. (Ref: Application, constitution and accounts, submitted) |
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Traditional Music & Song Association (Scotland) Minutes: The Trustees noted that the application from Traditional Music & Song Association (Scotland) was withdrawn as the event is cancelled for 2020. |
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: In response to the current government advice regarding the spread of coronavirus the Trustees agreed that the date of next meeting will be confirmed at a later date. |