Agenda and minutes

Cowal Transport Forum - Friday, 9 December 2011 10:30 am

Venue: Customer Services Office, 22 Hill Street, Dunoon

Contact: Eilidh FitzPatrick, Area Governance Assistant 

No. Item





Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of the following:-


Rowan Seddon, Community Transport Officer

Nigel Brooks, LL & TNP

Bert Baxter, Kilmun Community Council

Sue Minns, Kilmun Community Council

Archie Reid, Strachur Community Council

Leslie Cuthbertson, Lochgoil Community Trust

Val Kennedy, Ardentinny Community Council







Minutes of Meeting of 10th June 2011 pdf icon PDF 51 KB



The Minutes of the Meeting of 10th June 2011 were approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Bus Stop at Rest and Be Thankful



Councillor McNaughton advised he had a productive meeting to progress a turning circle at the turn off to Lochgoilhead at the top to the Rest and Be Thankful.  Councillor McNaughton said Douglas Blades is progressing the design work but he is having problems identifying who owns the land.  He further advised that the Forestry Commission are looking at changing their car park so that touring buses can turn and park there.


The Group noted the information provided.


State of Bus Stops



Councillor McNaughton advised that the hedge at the bus stop at Sandbank School is cut annually in August.  The Roads Department have been asked to put in hard standings at Sandhaven.  There is a difficulty in putting a hard standing at the Cot House because it is not a designated Bus Stop and Douglas Blades has advised that there is nowhere suitable in that area.


The Group noted the information provided.


Map of Forest Tracks



The Area Governance Officer advised the Access Manager may be able to help with cycle routes, he is putting all the Core Paths on the Councils website for people to access.


The Group agreed to invite the Access Manager to the next meeting to discuss the Core Paths.




Dunoon / Gourock Passenger Ferry Service - Strachur Community Council



The Group discussed the problems people were having with missing the bus to the hospital due to the distance they need to walk from the ferry, Councillor McNaughton felt this item had been resolved because the ferry is now very half an hour and it was agreed further clarification on timetables would be sought.


Ann Gabriel spoke on the concerns the Students from Strachur were having when the early ferries were cancelled.   Mr Henderson advised that Argyll Ferries had some technical problems in the earlier days of the service but these had been resolved.


Iain McNaughton asked about improvements to the shore facilities and Mr Henderson advised that they had a meeting with interested parties to progress plans.  Gordon Ross advised that the tender had been very specific that the ferries were to use the linkspans.


Anne Gabriel said she had received complaints that there were not toilet facilities at Western Ferries and Gordon Ross advised that there are toilet facilities on all the boats and with the frequency of the ferries people would only be waiting 20 minutes at the most.


Anne Gabriel also spoke on the taxi rank that has been put in the new mustering area at Dunoon saying the taxis cant use it because people are parking there.   Iain McNaughton spoke on the bus shelters advising that he had been informed these were due to be replaced which would give more protection from the elements.


Any Other Competent Business



Gordon Ross advised that the signage opposite Western Ferries’ entrance has still not been looked at.


Gordon Ross asked about the problems with the freight and Anne Gabriel said it had been sorted.


Gordon Ross spoke on Cowal Games advising that there were no problems on either sides of the Clyde and all the negativity before the games never materialised. 


Date of Next meeting



The Forum agreed the next meeting date would be circulated to the group.