Contact: Adele Price-Williams, Senior Committee Assistant - 01546 604480
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and
introductions were made. Apologies for absence were intimated by: Iain Slorach - Client
Manager, Calmac; Cathleen Russell - Colglen
Community Council; and Michael Breslin - South Cowal Community Council. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the meeting of the Cowal Transport Forum as held on Tuesday 16 November 2021 Minutes: The minute of the meeting of the
Cowal Transport Forum held on the Tuesday 16 November 2021 was approved as a correct record. |
Caledonian MacBrayne Minutes: The Forum considered a verbal update from Stewart
Wohlgemuth, Port Operations Manager, Calmac.
Further to the actions in the Minute of the previous meeting Mr
Wohlgemuth advised that the reason the MV Ali Cat was not used in foggy weather
was due to the skippers having more confidence in the MV Argyll Flyer due to
the fact that it is faster and easier to manoeuvre in the water at short notice
should an issue arise. He advised that the MV Coruisk was currently at Gourock
awaiting a part for the lift and it was hoped that it would be back in service
later in the month. Kirsty Reid enquired about the use of cash on
Calmac ferries as some people had reported an issue with this on the Bute
service. She was advised that cash could
be used and that Calmac were aware of the issue she referred to and that it had
been resolved. Councillor Reid raised the issue of a 16 seater bus
being used by West Coast Motors during ferry cancellations when the contract
was for a larger vehicle. He was advised
that this had been raised with West Coast Motors. Outcome The Forum noted the update. |
Western Ferries Minutes: Gordon Ross, Western Ferries, provided an update
advising that the customer parking area to the west side of the terminal, which
had been closed due to covid restrictions, had now been reopened. He advised that they were currently running
the winter timetable and that the summer timetable would run from April. He advised that in terms of the replacement
bus service, passengers would be issued with Western Ferries tickets. Mr Ross reported that the removal of the road
parking from the north side of the terminal would go ahead and they were
currently waiting on the Council providing line painters. In relation to the Rankin Brae signage he
told the forum that queuing traffic was more likely when there was a closure on
the Rest and Be Thankful. Graham Revill asked if it
was possible for the crew on Western Ferries to request that drivers turn off
their engines during the crossing. Mr
Ross advised that there is a safety announcement on the ferries that requests
that drivers turn off their engine but during adverse weather conditions many
drivers keep their engines running for their own comfort. He advised that as it was an open vessel
there shouldn’t be a build-up of fumes but if there was an issue with excessive
fumes then crew could ask for engines to be turned off. Outcome The Forum noted the update. |
CalMac Timetables for Winter 2022-23 Minutes: Councillor Alan Reid referred to the consultation on timetables and the proposal that the last sailings from Rhubodach and Colintraive be booked in advance. He advised that he had received comments from Bute and ColglenCommunity Councils that they were opposed to this proposal. Mr Wohlgemuth advised that he would raise this with Tommy Gore as he was unsure of the reasons for this proposal. Councillor Reid advised that there was strong opposition to this on both the Bute and the Colintraive sides of the crossing and a quick reply would be appreciated. Gordon Ross referred to the current timetable between Portavadie and Tarbert and asked when this would revert back to the normal timetable. Mr Wohlgemuth advised that he would request confirmation from Mr Gore on this matter. Councillor Anderson asked for confirmation that late night sailings would be something that would continue in the future. Councillor Anderson was subsequently advised that they would continue. Outcome The Forum – 1. Noted the update. 2. Noted that confirmation would be provided from Mr Gore on the reasoning for the proposal that the last sailings from Rhubodach and Colintraive be booked in advance. 3.
Noted that confirmation would be provided from
Mr Gore on when the Portavadie to Tarbert timetable would revert back to
normal. |
Gourock to Dunoon Ferry Service Minutes: The Forum considered an update from Ruairidh
Campbell, CMAL, on the Gourock/Dunoon/Kilcreggan ferry services. He advised
that since the last meeting a consultation exercise for the Dunoon Concept
vessel had been undertaken. Mr Campbell confirmed that the feedback had been
taken into account and that the information on the website had been
updated. There had been no announcement
on the preferred vessels as yet. He advised that Transport Scotland were
currently reviewing the outline business case for the two vessels for the
Gourock/Dunoon ferry service. Transport Scotland had confirmed that due to the
volume of work there would be an anticipated delay of approximately two months
but design work was continuing and would be completed as far as possible. Councillor Reid asked if it was likely that
this delay would affect the delivery of the vessel and he was advised that it
was unlikely. Alistair McLundie
referred to the 250 passenger capacity of the vessel and asked why this was the
case as between June 2011 and March 2020, 99% of sailings had less than 100
passengers. He was advised that the
capacity of the vessel was due to the size of the vessel required for the wave
height and weather conditions it was likely to encounter, not passenger
demand. Councillor Reid asked why a
vessel of that size could not be used for vehicles, as this would reduce costs
as a consequence of the income generated.
Mr Campbell advised that the fact that the vessel was passenger only had
been set down in guidance from Transport Scotland and that he would take
Councillor Reid’s comments back to them. Outcome The Forum – 1.
Noted the update. 2. Noted
that Mr Campbell would make contact with Transport Scotland regarding the suggestion
from Councillor Reid about vehicles on the ferry as a source of income. |
Shore Side Infrastructure at Dunoon Additional documents: Minutes: The Forum considered a written update from Scott
Reid, Marine Operations Manager, which detailed the preparation of an Outline
Business Case (OBC) for the redevelopment of the passenger only service
infrastructure at Dunoon and Kilcreggan Ferry Terminals. The Forum noted that
funding options would be explored when the plan’s costs could be narrowed to a
single confirmed preferred option for each location. Alex Leslie, Technical Officer, was present to
answer questions. Councillor Anderson
referred to the investment in the Victorian Pier and asked why this was now
deemed unfit for use and asked to see the report detailing this decision. There was further discussion the existing
infrastructure not being suitable for vessels and the impact of further
extending the existing enclosed area. Outcome The Forum – 1.
Noted the update. 2.
Noted that clarification would be given on the
reasoning for the Victorian Pier being deemed unfit for use. |
Concessionary Fare Increases Minutes: Allan Comrie, Strathclyde
Partnership for Transport (SPT) advised that a report on the increase in
concessionary fares would be considered at the Strathclyde Concessionary Travel Scheme Joint Committee meeting on
18 March 2022. He advised that there was
a commitment by the Scottish Government to look at all fares and that they were
currently undertaking two studies. He
advised that the Scottish Government and Transport Scotland would be replacing
the current Ferries Plan with an Islands Connectivity Plan and were currently
looking at RET (Roads Equivalent Tariff) and how it was working. He advised that given the unknowns, a half
price fare would be instigated on 4 April 2022 which was a considerable
increase to concessionary fares. He
advised that a £4 price cap would be applied , which was still a significant
reduction on the £10.20 fare but was a significant increase from the fare that
was currently charged. He told the Forum
that the Dunoon to Gourock ferry was currently the busiest route and therefore
had the greatest drawdown of funds. The Forum expressed their disappointment in this
and sought confirmation that there would be ongoing publicity and advertising
to ensure that all passengers would be aware of this before it came into
operation in April 2022. They also
requested that it be made clear that it was not the ferry operator’s decision
but that of the Joint Committee. The Chair advised that he would write to the
Scottish Government highlighting that the Dunoon Gourock / Gourock Kilcreggan
routes did not benefit from the current RET scheme. Mr Comrie advised
that the Council would also have the opportunity to comment on the
consultations. Outcome The Forum – 1. Noted the update. 2.
Noted that the Chair would write to Scottish
Government highlighting that the Dunoon Gourock / Gourock Kilcreggan routes did
not benefit from the current RET scheme. |
The Chair noted that the Ferries representatives usually left the meeting at this point. He took the opportunity, with it being the last meeting of the Forum in the life of the current Council, to thank the representatives for their contribution and support over the previous five years of the Forum. |
was noted that there was no representative from Police Scotland at the meeting. Stuart
McLean read out an update that had been given to the Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group earlier in the week. Outcome The
Forum noted the update. |
VMS and Manual Signs Minutes: Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland, apologised
that he had been unable to attend the meeting in November. He advised that there had been no occasion
where the diversion route had been required to be used in Glen Croe and the message had not required to be changed. Outcome The Forum noted the update. |
A83 Minutes: Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland, advised that
there were 4 resurfacing projects planned, one of which was significant to Cowal. He advised
that resurfacing works were planned south of Arrochar
between 21-29 March 2022 but were subject to change. He advised that formal notification from BEAR
would be given nearer the time. The Chair advised that Iain MacInnes who had left
the meeting earlier had requested that the issue of the bus not stopping at the
top of the Rest and Be Thankful between the months of November and February be
raised, along with the issue of tour operators parking there. Mr MacFarlane advised that these issues could
be raised at the Task Force meeting in March. Outcome The Forum noted the update. |
Reduced Bus Services Minutes: It was noted that there was no representative from
West Coast Motors present at the meeting. The Chair advised that bus services had still not
returned to pre-covid levels and that it was causing concerns. He advised that implementation of the decision
to split the Dunoon to Rothesay service into two due to Calmac cancellations
was causing issues and added half an hour to the journey time between Dunoon
and Portavadie. He advised that he
intended to write to West Coast Motors in this regard. Councillor Forrest advised that the early morning
bus service from Toward to Dunoon pier was not running and this was causing
issues as the only other options were to drive or take a taxi as the Pingo service did not run that early. She asked if this
could be included in the letter to West Coast Motors. Kirstie Reid advised that the Inveraray to Cairndow evening service was no longer running and was
causing issues for people who used the service when travelling to and from the
Beatson on the Glasgow service bus. She
asked if this could be raised as well. Outcome The Forum noted that the Chair would write to West
Coast Motors highlighting the issues raised. |
Bus Stop at Rest and Be Thankful Minutes: There was nothing discussed at this item as it had
been raised earlier in the agenda. |
TIMBER TRANSPORT GROUP Update from Timber Transport Group Minutes: Iain Catterwell, Timber
Transport Group, updated the Forum on recent activities which included that
the Strategic Timber
Transport Scheme fund work had gone well and that they were in the
process of preparing a bid for 2022/23.
He advised that it was the quiet time of the year for timber transport
in Cowal. He reported that further to complaints
about bark on the road from timber transportation, he had done some informal
monitoring and had not seen any issues on the public roads in Sandbank which
required to be addressed further than what they were doing already. Outcome The Forum noted the update. |
Traffic Management in Tighnabruaich, Kames and Millhouse Minutes: As there was no one present from Kilfinan Community
Council to give an update there was no discussion on the item. Outcome The Forum noted the position. |
ANY OTHER COMPETENT BUSINESS Minutes: No issues were raised. |
DATE OF FUTURE MEETINGS To be confirmed. Minutes: To be confirmed after the Local Council Elections in May 2022 had taken place. |
The Chair, as this was the last meeting of the Forum in the life of the current Council, thanked all Members of the Forum for their contribution over the past five years, he thanked the Committee Staff for their support, especially Melissa Stewart and Adele Price-Williams who were not in attendance at the meeting. The Chair advised that he hoped the Forum would continue in the life of the new council as it had been a useful meeting and a lot of improvements had been brought forward as a result of the work done by the Forum. |