Contact: Adele Price-Williams, Senior Committee Assistant - 01546 604480
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and
introductions were made. Apologies for absence were intimated by: Murray Rodgers – West Coast Motors; Martin Arnold – Contract Manager; and Neil MacFarlane - Transport Scotland. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: Councillor Bobby Good made a financial declaration
of interest in item 7 (a) on the basis he is a part-time employee of West Coast
Motors. He remained in the meeting
during the discussion. |
Minutes of the meeting of the Cowal Transport Forum as held on Friday 20 August 2021 Minutes: The minute of the meeting of the
Cowal Transport Forum held on the Friday 20 August 2021 was approved as a correct
record subject to the correction of a typo at item 4 (b) Western Ferries, which
should have read that: there were difficulties with
replacement bus services dropping people off at undesignated stops between ferry terminals. |
Caledonian MacBrayne Minutes: The Forum noted the update from Kevin Hobbs,
Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited, on the cyclical maintenance of the Gourock linkspan. The Forum also considered an update from Tommy
Gore, Caledonian MacBrayne (Calmac), who advised that the MV Argyll Flyer was
back in service and that MV Ali Cat’s departure from dry dock would be delayed
until Christmas. The two-vessel service would resume when the Coruisk became available which is intended to be on 15
December 2021. Mr Gore reported that Dunoon Community Council had submitted
comments regarding evening sailings and in response to this late sailings would
be re-introduced from 19 November 2021. Mr Gore highlighted the recent
disruption on the Tarbert/Portavadie route due to the removal of the ferry in
order to service Cumbrae, assuring partners that Calmac were conducting an
internal review to inform how they remove and re-deploy vessels for any future
situations. Discussion focused on action points raised at August’s
meeting and it was confirmed to the Forum that upcoming dates of planned vessel
maintenance were now published on Calmac’s website.
It was noted that discussions remain ongoing with Scotrail
to address ticketing issues and that cash can now be accepted at terminals
though card payments are preferred. In addition the impact of ferry cancellations and
reduced services on local residents and businesses was discussed, including the
knock on effects on bus services due to cancelled sailings on the Colintraive/Rhubodach
route which had resulted in the through bus from Rothesay to Dunoon being
unable to complete journeys. Outcome The Forum; 1.
noted the updates; 2.
agreed that Tommy Gore would confirm to the Forum
the reason why the MV Ali Cat cannot be utilised in foggy weather; 3.
agreed that Tommy Gore would present a progress
update on the ticketing system issue to the Forum’s next meeting in February
2022; and 4.
agreed that Tommy Gore would obtain statistics
looking at the number of sailings cancelled on the Colintraive/Rhubodach route
over the last 10 years and circulate to the Forum. |
Western Ferries Minutes: Alistair McLundie, Western Ferries, confirmed that
the service was operating as normal with one vessel off for annual dry-docking,
the four vessel service would return on 19 November 2021. Mr McLundie advised
that Western Ferries are prepared to back up the service with a shuttle service
to respond to anticipated increases in demand due to a dancing competition in
Hunters Quay on the same day and that aggression towards staff regarding the
operation of the reimbursement scheme when the replacement bus service is in
use has now been resolved with help from Calmac. Discussion focused on a point raised at August’s
meeting regarding the replacement bus service not stopping at undesignated
stops. It was noted that the replacement bus was not operating as a traditional
bus service and it was not contracted to stop at undesignated stops. Partners
also discussed how waiting times at terminals are impacted on by a range of
unpredictable factors and how it was hoped that toilets would be built behind
the terminal building, noting that there was no timescales available for this
at present. The Chair updated the Forum on the situation with
traffic on Marine Parade advising that Roads are considering removing some
parking spaces and installing double yellow lines to widen the carriageway to
allow the centre line to be moved to enable a wider bend in the road at the
foot of Ardtully Brae. This exercise would also allow
the bus stop pole to be aligned with the bus bay. The Chair added that the
Rankin’s Brae sign was yet to be agreed but it was likely to advise that
queuing traffic could be expected on the A815 Shore Road and that the
alternative route to Dunoon is via the A885 High Road. Outcome The Forum noted the updates. |
Gourock to Dunoon Ferry Service Minutes: The Forum considered an update from Ruairidh Campbell, CMAL, on the Gourock/Dunoon/Kilcreggan infrastructure and concept vessels. The Forum
noted that a public consultation exercise on the Dunoon Concept vessel was due
to commence in late November and would run through December 2021. The Group
further noted that a revised project Q&A document will be made available on
their website to reflect feedback received during the Gourock Masterplan Public
Consultation. Outcome The Forum noted the update. |
Shore Side Infrastructure at Dunoon Minutes: The Forum noted the update from Scott Reid, Marine
Operations Manager, which detailed the timeline for the
Gourock/Dunoon/Kilcreggan infrastructure options appraisal and public consultation. Outcome The Forum noted the update. |
Concessionary Fare Increases Minutes: The Forum noted an update from Councillor Dr Martin Bartos, Chair of Strathclyde Concessionary Travel Scheme Joint Committee (SCTSJC) in relation to the Concessionary Travel Scheme and Gourock-Dunoon ferry fares. Allan Comrie, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT), updated the Forum on how the issues raised in August’s meeting had been referred to the SCTSJC and they are acutely aware there is a potential discrepancy in the treatment betweenRoad Equivalent Tariff routes and other routes. Mr Comrie advised that the SPT will review this over the next two months and report back to SCTSJC early next year. Outcome The Forum noted the updates. |
The Ferries representatives and Mr Comrie left the meeting at this point. |
John Forrest, Police Scotland, advised that they had been very busy with the
ongoing impact of covid-19 on resources with Officer absences affecting stations
in Rothesay and Dunoon. PI Forrest
advised that Dunoon Sheriff Court was now up and running again with Officers
receiving citations to attend and that COP26 saw many officers seconded away
for 3-4 weeks which affected Police Scotland’s ability to be proactive in the
local area but now they can be and would focus on driver behaviour, uninsured
and road worthiness of vehicles. It was noted that there were various personnel
changes including a new Road and Policing Sergeant who will now be working in the
local area. Outcome The
Forum noted the update. |
VMS and Manual Signs Minutes: Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland, having
submitted his apologies provided the below update which was read out by the
Chair: By way of written update I can advise that the VMS
at Strachur and Kilmun is working correctly. These were checked as part of a
wider Winter Readiness check for our operations at the Rest and be Thankful. Outcome The Forum noted the update. |
A83 Minutes: The Chair read out the below update in Neil
McFarlane’s absence: In the next three months there are no planned
works, other than the Rest, between the peninsula and the A82 at Stoneymollan roundabout. There are some resurfacing works on the A83 on the
Campbeltown side however these have been consulted on and advertised through
the usual channels. Discussion focussed on the frustration felt around
the issues and timeframes in finding a permanent solution to the A83 Rest and
Be Thankful. Outcome The Forum: 1.
noted the update; and 2.
agreed that the Chair will write to Transport
Scotland highlighting issues that would be caused if the A82 and the A83 were
to be out of action at the same time. |
The Chair ruled, and the Forum agreed, to take items out of sequence in order to facilitate partner attendance. The items are minuted in the order in which they were discussed. |
Update from Timber Transport Group Minutes: Iain Catterwell, Timber Transport Group, updated
the Forum on recent activities which included that the A8003 widening was
complete with new passing places with re-surfacing to follow soon. Outcome The Forum noted the update. |
Debris from Timber Lorries in Sandbank Minutes: The Chair advised that Roads had advised that the current
schedule for street sweeping in Sandbank is a manual sweep once a fortnight
with a mechanical sweep once a month and it was understood that the mechanical
sweeper attended for its scheduled clean recently but due to budget reductions
over recent years there was no longer the resources and flexibility to increase
the frequency of cleansing in this area. Roads further advised that the Timber
Transport grant was funded through a competitive bid process and funds can only
be used on what was bid for. This year’s round of funding was for capital
improvements to road surfaces which were damaged or suffer stress from timber
transport and it was unlikely that they would receive funds in the future for
street sweeping. The Forum noted that the Argyll Timber Transport Management
Group continue to liaise with the haulage company with regards to the cleaning
of the lorries and have made them aware of their responsibilities The Forum noted the advice received from Police Scotland in relation to Section 95 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 regarding deposit of mud or other material from vehicles on roads and it was noted that the Police had not received any complaints in this regard. Outcome The Forum noted the updates. |
Reduced Bus Services Minutes: Jeff McCormick, West Coast Motors, advised the
Forum that the bus services were still not back to pre-lockdown levels with
mileage at 87% and patronage at 60% and that there had been issues in
recruiting drivers. Discussion focussed on the disappointment in the
continued lack of Argyll and Bute Council Officer attendance and engagement at
the Forum’s meetings in order to address issues raised around reduced bus
services and lack of communication with Elected Members around bus service
changes. Outcome The Forum noted that the position. |
Bus Stop at Rest and Be Thankful Minutes: The Chair advised that touring coaches parked at
the bus stop cause access issues to service buses and Roads are considering a
bid for funds to create two parking spaces for touring coaches but there is
uncertainty regarding Transport Scotland’s plans for the Rest and be Thankful.
The Forum further noted that the ramp between the bus stop and the Old Military
Road had been completed. Outcome The Forum noted the position. |
Traffic Management in Tighnabruaich, Kames and Millhouse Minutes: As there was no one present from Kilfinan Community
Council to give an update there was no discussion on the item. Outcome The Forum noted the position and agreed to continue
the item. |
ANY OTHER COMPETENT BUSINESS Minutes: No issues were raised. |
DATE OF FUTURE MEETINGS · Wednesday 9 February 2022 Minutes: It was agreed that a future meeting of the Cowal
Transport Forum would be held on Wednesday 9 February 2022. |