Venue: by Microsoft Teams
Contact: Lynsey Innis, Senior Committee Assistant, Tel: 01546 604338
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes: The
Chair, Councillor Kieron Green, welcomed everyone to the meeting. He
explained that no person present would be entitled to speak other than
the Members of the Local Review Body (LRB) and Mr Jackson, who would provide
procedural advice if required. He advised that his first task would be to
establish if the Members of the LRB felt that they had sufficient information
before them to come to a decision on the Review. Councillor Brown advised that she had sufficient
information to come to a decision on the Review, having had the opportunity to
view the development in context of the surrounding area (Note of Site Visit
attached as Appendix 1) and having received the additional information as
requested. She advised that she intended
to move a Motion, as she believed that it would be possible to approve the
Review. Councillor Philand advised that he too was
satisfied with the additional information provided and felt that the site visit
had helped him come to a decision on the Review. The Chair, Councillor Green advised that following
the site visit he too had sufficient information to come to a decision on the
Review. Councillor Brown moved the following motion:- The reason for refusal of this
application was an objection from the roads department in relation
intensification of use of the private road and road safety issues related to
that. I’ve noted however that the
application complied with all relevant planning policies and there was no
objection to this application on any policy grounds from the Planning
Department. If the applicant was to reopen
the dwelling house as a B&B this could increase the road usage by two cars
and there would be no need to apply for planning permission and as such the
roads department could not raise any objection on the grounds of intensification
of use of the road. Indeed every home on the private
road could open their home as a B&B and the Roads Department would not be
able to raise an objection. Having had the opportunity of
undertaking the site visit and considering the further representations from the
planners and the applicants’ agent and all other information provided to the
LRB, I am of the view that this application can be approved. The applicants, in their initial
application confirmed that their house had previously been used for the letting
of two bedrooms for B&B, albeit not recently and the reason for the
application for the self-contained pod in the garden grounds was to allow
privacy for guests and in particular for the applicants and their children and
an approval for the pod would mean that it would not be necessary to let the
rooms in the house for B&B. I also note from the LRB review
application that their agent was of the view that the reduction in potential
the use of one of the rooms in the house was something that the LRB should
consider on the basis that the applicants could, if they wished, let two rooms
for B&B without any recourse to planning or roads. Turning to the road safety issues
identified by the planners/roads department, ie, in relation to firstly, the
single track access road and potential implications for road users and members
of the public and secondly, the junction of the road with Longsdale Road where
egress from the single track road was considered to be an issue. In my view these are subjective
matters and while I understand the concerns of the planners/roads department,
the single track access road is used by a number of properties and as it is a
single track road, road users should be driving to road conditions and care
should be taken when driving on it. It appears to have been used
without any issues for a number of years and I cannot see how the use of a pod
as opposed to the potential use of two rooms within the house without recourse
to the planners or the roads department would mean that there would be an
intensification of the use of the road that would cause an increase in road
safety issues, such as to warrant a refusal of this application. I would therefore move that the
application is approved subject to the conditions and reasons provided by the
planners as detailed on pages 6, 7 and 8 of the papers for today’s meeting
along with the following additional condition which in effect restricts the use
of the pod for B&B, if at any point the principal house is being used for
B&B. Notwithstanding
the provisions of Class 9 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes)
(Scotland) Order 1997 as amended, the new glamping pod hereby approved must not
be occupied during any period when any bedrooms within the principal
dwellinghouse are operating as [or being occupied as] bed and breakfast or
guest house accommodation. Reason
- In the interests of road safety. This
was seconded by Councillor Philand. The Chair, Councillor Green advised that although
he had sympathy for the applicants, he couldn’t ignore the issues that had been
highlighted at the site visit in terms of the access. He advised that as such he agreed with the
recommendation from the Roads Department that the application be refused. Decision The Argyll and Bute Local Review Body, having considered
the merits of the case de novo, agreed by a majority to grant the application
as per the Motion above. (Reference:
Notice of Review and Supporting information, supplementary information,
submitted) |