Agenda and minutes

1st calling 22/0002/LRB, Argyll and Bute Local Review Body - Thursday, 30 June 2022 2:00 pm

Venue: By Microsoft Teams

Contact: Fiona McCallum Tel: 01546 604392 

No. Item




There were no apologies for absence.




There were no declarations of interest.



Additional documents:


The Chair, Councillor Kieron Green, welcomed everyone to the meeting.  He explained that no person present would be entitled to speak other than the Members of the Local Review Body (LRB) and Mr Jackson, who would provide procedural advice if required.


He advised that his first task would be to establish if the Members of the LRB felt that they had sufficient information before them to come to a decision on the Review.


Councillor Armour advised he was not sure if he did have enough information.  He commented that there was a lot of information contained within the Agenda pack.


Councillor Brown agreed that there was a lot of information in the pack and thought that there was enough information.


Councillor Green advised that he was of the opinion that further information would be required.  He invited Councillor Armour to comment further.


Councillor Armour referred to the photographs and said that without seeing the site in person he would find it difficult to reach a conclusion.  He commented that either visiting the site in person or if arrangements could be made for a video to be taken of the site, that may be helpful.


Councillor Brown commented that the pictures provided were good but acknowledged that depending on the angle the pictures were taken this could either be beneficial or detrimental to the case.


Councillor Green advised that he had investigated the site using google maps and said that he had the opportunity of viewing the site from different angles and also from different times over the years.  He commented that in addition to viewing the site he would like to seek further information from the Applicant.  He referred to there being an existing planning permission in place for a shed at a nearby location which has not yet been built.  He advised he would like to ask the Applicant why this development has not gone ahead or why an amendment to that planning permission was not made.  He advised that he would also like the Applicant to confirm what the shed would be used for so that comment could be obtained from Environment Health as to whether or not the intended use of the shed was appropriate.


Councillor Green referred to the comment made by the Applicant’s Agent that if this application was approved the Applicant would be willing to revoke the previous planning permission.  He advised he would like Planning to confirm if there was any way of ensuring this would be done.


Mr Jackson gave a brief summary of the further information requested and a discussion took place on the practicalities of holding a site inspection.


Councillor Armour sought and received confirmation from Mr Jackson that the constructed shed was the redevelopment of an old building on the site.   A retrospective planning application for the development was submitted and refused as it was considered not appropriate.




The Argyll and Bute Local Review Body agreed:


1.    To request from the Applicant the following further written information -


(a)  With reference to planning permission ref: 20/00273/PP which was still live, clarification was sought as to why development on this site has not gone ahead or why an amendment to this planning permission was not submitted.


(b)  Submission of a supporting statement/written statement confirming the exact use of the agricultural shed which planning permission was sought for.


2.    To request from the Planning Authority the following further written information -


(a)  on receipt of the above supporting statement consult with Environmental Health and provide feedback on the outcome of that consultation.


(b)  confirmation as to whether or not it would be possible to ensure that planning permission ref: 20/00273/PP was revoked by the Applicant should the LRB be minded to approve the current application.


3.    To request the Governance, Risk and Safety Manager, to investigate the possibility of video footage being taken of the site by Planning Officers and presented to the next calling of the LRB.  If this was not possible, to make appropriate arrangements to hold an accompanied site inspection at the earliest opportunity and requested the presence of the Planning Officer with an invite extended to the other interested parties.


4.    To note that the further information requested would be provided at a 2nd calling of the LRB.


5.    To note that if a site inspection was required, the 2nd calling may be arranged on the same day on Tiree and, if not, at the earliest opportunity thereafter.


(Reference: Notice of Review and supporting documentation, commented from Interested Parties and comments from the Applicant’s Agent, submitted)