Agenda and minutes

Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group - Wednesday, 5 December 2012 2:00 pm

Venue: Community Centre, Campbeltown with a VC facility to Dalriada House, Lochgilphead, Islay Servicepoint, Jura Servicepoint and Colonsay Servicepoint

Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511 

No. Item




Apologies were intimated by:-


Councillor Semple (who was attending a separate meeting on official Council business).

Councillor Donald MacMillan

Eileen Wilson

Yvonne Litster (ACHA)

Maryanne Stewart


The Chair welcomed all to the meeting and introductions were made around the room.



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 5 September, 2012


The Minute of the last meeting held on 5 September, 2012 was approved as a true and correct record.


Public Health Screening Programmes pdf icon PDF 78 KB

A report by NHS Highland


The Chair agreed to take this item early on the Agenda.


Elaine Garman spoke to her report and discussion followed in regards:-



  • Health economics of determining screening processes
  • Variation in take-up of screening in areas
  • Need to reiterate the message of regular screening when available


The Chair thanked Elaine for her informative update to the group.   


Economic Development activity in Argyll and Bute

An update by Sandy Mactaggart, Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure Services.


The group heard a presentation from Ishabel Bremner detailing the Economic Development Action Plan – 2013 to 2018.


She reported that this was a working document and welcomed input and comments from partners.  The deadline for comments/feedback was:-


17 December, 2012  


The Plan would be reviewed annually and the key to future success would be if there was a partnership approach to its development.


Ishabel would forward electronic copies of the Plan and the Powerpoint presentation and Theresa McLetchie would distribute to the group.


The Chair thanked Ishabel for her informative presentation.


Economic Development Plan Refresh - 2013-18

An update by Ishabel Bremner  Economy, - Development and Infrastructure Services




This was discussed at Item 3.


Update on the new Community Plan - Eileen Wilson, Improvement and HR - to follow pdf icon PDF 94 KB


The group noted the report.


Feedback from Management Committee on the Area Forum events - EIleen WIlson Improvement and HR


There was no report.


Future Governance arrangements for CPP - Eileen WIlson, Improvement and HR pdf icon PDF 67 KB


The group noted the report and following on from previous discussions agreed to feedback  to the Community Planning Management Committee that the report did not fully address how effective governance would be taken forward within Mid Argyll and the islands context. 


23 and a half hours - Video clip by NHS Highland


A link to the film would be sent out by Theresa McLetchie.


Partnership Updates


Strathclyde Fire and Rescue

  • Community Safety Partnership Working
  • Proposed Cooksafe Courses
  • SF & R Media and Festive Season/Winter Campaign


Eddie Renfrew reported that there had been no incidences of rogue/secondary fires over the course of the Bonfire period.  Strathclyde Fire and Rescue were now implementing their Festive Season strategy.  He highlighted the recent media campaign ' Join the Fight against Fire and reported on the success of the Young FireFighters initiative at Campbeltown Fire Station.  Discussions were now underway with Argyll College to instigate a qualification (an SQA equating  to  4 units), which  would advantage any of the young Fire Fighters who wished to advance and make a career in the Fire Fighting service.  The Chair requested that Eddie update the group on progress made on this issue.


Strathclyde Police


David Pettigrew detailed the agreement between Strathclyde Police with Strathclyde Fire and Rescue to collaborate if there were any fire risks identified.  He reported on the community based policing initiative recently implemented.  The Strathclyde Police Festive campaign had commenced on Monday, 3 December.  More police patrols would be tasked to counter drink driving/lack of motor insurance, etc over this period.  

In regards the new Police model,  Argyll and Bute boundaries would not change and the existing managerial structure would remain.  Local policing would remain unaffected and there would be no detriment to community safety. 

Councillor Colville enquired on the status of a recent incident involving under-age alcohol abuse.  David Pettigrew was not aware of this issue and stated that local premises adhered to the statutory legislation on the prohibition of the sale of alcohol to juveniles.



NHS - update


Donnie Cameron, Locality Manager gave a verbal update to the group on behalf of Christina West, Locality Manager – Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay.




A bed modelling meeting was undertaken in Campbeltown Community Hospital on 24 October to identify the nubmer of beds required in the community hospital.  This identified an inpatient bed complement of  17 GP acute beds, noting this icludes 2 beds for continuing care patients.  Further discussions in January will take palce to ensure that local circumstances and context are considered alongside this information and agreement to be reached on a bed complement.


Islay and Jura:


Dr Kate Pickering has been appointed as the Clinical Lead for Islay and Jura.  Following the formal notification to the CHP that the GPs based in Port Ellen and Port Charlotte wished to withdraw from providing GMS OOHs services,  drop in events were held on 29th and 30th October to allow the community members the opportunity to review information about out of hours clinical activity on Islay and provide feedback about their experiences to date.  The turn out had been low amounting to 30 people attending over the course of 2 days.  Further feedback is being elicited through a questionnaire entitled ‘My Stories’, which has been widely distributed through local community groups.  Responses will be collated and a report written to inform further discussions – re: the model of service delivery.

Monthly meetings are currently being held with the GPs to agree the parameters and Terms of Reference for a Heal Services Review of Islay which will commence in February, 2013.  The Review will aim to put in place a sustainable, high quality and affordable in and out of hours health service for the Isle of Islay population and will include a review of GMS, community hospital and community services.  An idenepent clincial expert and independent chair will be appointed as part of the process.

Phase 2 of the planned building work has commenced in Islay Hospital.  This will provide a new out-patient consulting area and re-provision of the physiotherapy department.


Mid Argyll:


Lochggilphead Practice have formally notified the CHP that they are unable to take on the GMS contract for Inveraray/Furnace GP practice, due to difficulties recruiting a further partner.  Locum GPs have been secured into Spring 2013 to ensure service continuity.  A meeting between the CHP and the Scottish Government Primary Care Department will take place this Friday to highlight the recuritment difficulties GPs across remote and rural areas are experiencing due to the need for them to provide Out of  Hours service, so that joint colutions can be identified.

The Core Management Team have agreed that the cost of delivering Biological drugs in MACHICC will be included in the financial plan for next year.  Biologicial treatments are used in supportive therapies in cancer, buta are also administered for a range of clinical conditions including rheumatoid arthrities, Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis.  Local administration will improve the patient experience by reducing the need for patients to travel as frequently to Glasgow and ensuere equity of access for patients.             


Community Safety Partnership Exception reporting to Community Planning group pdf icon PDF 97 KB


The group noted the report.


Susan Paterson highlighted an incident in Campbeltown Town Centre in relation to a dropped kerb and queried if a map of dropped kerb areas could be made available.


Action: The Central Governance Manager would take this issue forward and report back to the group.


Group Commander Eddie Renfrew informed the group that the Bonfire campaign had been successful and there had not been any instances, whereby Strathclyde Fire and Rescue had been called out to rogue bonfires.


Issues raised by Community Councils




Update on the development of the proposed Islands Forum


Audrey Baird reported that recent discussions she had been involved with between Islay, Jura and Colonsay had indicated that there was not a demand to instigate an Islands Forum.



Broadband Coverage and Mobile coverage


Stuart Green advised the group of work currently being undertaken to improve broadbank in the Highlands and Islands regions.  He reported that by 2020, 81% of premises would have next generation Broadband.  Work would commence in 2013 and be in place by 2016, upgrading existing users then new users.


Susan Paterson enquired on the status of TV signal coverage.  Stuart replied that ne did not have any update in regards TV coverage. 


Stuart Green further advised on Commmunity Broadband Scotland funding.  However this only applies 15-20% areas not within the upgrade.   Councillor Currie enquired on the specific areas this would involve.  Stuart replied that HIE were leading on this.


Action:  The group agreed that HIE be requested to work with Argyll and Bute Council on this issue and a report advising on progress come to a future full Council meeting. 


Stuart Green would provide further updates on progress to a future MAKI CPG meeting.


The group requested a report to come forward updating them on the status of TV signal coverage and freeview within Kintyre.




IT and Broadband issues


This was covered at Item


Issues raised by the Third Sector Forum






Audrey Baird requested that a letter be written on behalf of the group to express concerns on the time delay in obtaining funds from the LEADER programme.  It should also extend an invite to Lorna Elliott from LEADER to attend a future meeting to discuss the process and feedback.


Action: It was agreed that a letter would be drafted to the LEADER programme requesting clarification on the delay in processing funding applications and extend an invite to Lorna Elliott to attend a future meeting and confirmation if the LEADER programme would be renewed.


Eddie Renfrew advised the group of the Chief Officers Partnership Fund which had approximately 7/8k of funding available.  This funding ws available for Community Safety Forum initiatives.


Action:  Eddie would email the application form to Theresa McLetchie who would distribute to the group