Agenda and minutes

Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group - Wednesday, 5 September 2012 2:00 pm

Venue: Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead. View directions

Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511 

No. Item




Apologies were intimated by:-


Councillor John Semple

Councillor Rory Colville

Councillor John McAlpine

Kate MacAulay (NHS)

Stuart Irvine East Kintyre CC

Glenn Heritage -  AVA


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and informed the group that Agenda Item 14 would be taken for consideration at the next CPG meeting, as no-one was in attendance to speak to the item.


Matters Arising


Councillor Currie raised further concerns in regards, in his opinion, the unsuitability of the GP surgery within the hospital in Bowmore.  Christina West replied that this was contrary to patients assessment.  She reiterated that additional car parking spaces had been made available and for patients coming by foot - the post bus was dropping off patients at the end of the hospital road.  In addition, Islay and Jura Community Volunteer service had volunteer drivers who would provide transport for patients.  She requested that Councillor Currie put forward any other suggestions to herself or Islay Community council.


The Chair reported that several constituents had raised concerns to her in regards the lack of privacy in the examination rooms.  Christina West advised the group that tenders had gone out for the provision of single-use clinic rooms under Phase 2 of developments at the hospital.  She would get a timescale and update both the Community Planning group and Islay Community Council.

Glenmore Roberts stated that he had other healthcare issues to discuss with Christina and advised of a subsequent meeting of the Sub-committee which was scheduled for 18 October.  She requested that this discussion take place off line and after the meeting. 

The Chair affirmed the  CPG was the direct mechanism for discussion of issues such as those brought forward and requested an update on the meeting come to both the next CPG and local Members are advised.




Minutes of the previous meeting held on 7 March


The Minute of the last meeting held on 7 March was approved as a true and correct record.


ACHA update

An update by Alistair MacGregor, Chief Executive, Argyll Community Housing Association.


Alistair MacGregor, Chief Executive, ACHA gave a detailed Powerpoint presentation detailing the Mid Argyll and Kintyre Investment Programme.

Discussion continued after the presentation and encompassed the following issues:-


Ø      Timescale for work improvements -issues in regards contractors failing to complete within timescale and achieving targets

Ø      Figures on lists for affordable housing - acute housing challenges


Action: ACHA to provide details of housing lists to CPG


Councillor Kelly raised the issue of tenants requiring small repairs and questioned the revenue budget to remediate this.  Alistair MacGregor replied that there was a huge demand for repairs and highlighted the additional costs which ACHA had over the past few severe winters in rectifying frost damage to their housing stock.  Alistair stated that ACHA would endeavour to remediate these necessary repairs, but the ongoing constraints were momentous. 

Christina West detailed issue whereby incoming NHS staff could not find affordable housing in the local area.  Yvonne Litster replied that this policy was coming under review.  Alistair MacGregor continued that this had been raised with the Scottish Government and it was envisaged that greater discretion and flexability would be given to RSLs in regards to the provision of housing for incoming workers.

Christina West supported this initiative and detailed the integrity risk to local communities if this was not fully implemented.   

Glenmore Roberts highlighted the problem on Islay of key workers being unable to obtain affordable housing.  Alistair MacGregor reported of housing being built on Islay, but reiterated the similar demands throughout the area.


The Chair thanked Alistair for his informative update.  Councillor Currie requested that other local RSLs be invited to a future meeting



Scottish Water update


Jane McKenzie updated the group of the implementation of a 'Mini Argyll programme' - included in this was remedial work in Southend to deal with waters mains bursts in the area.  New pipework covering an area of 2 km was being installed.


Councillor Currie reported on Scottish Water excavation works being carried out in Port Charlotte, directly after Argyll and Bute Council had undertaken surface dressing work.  He stated the lack of co-ordination in synchronising these work programmes.  In addition, he highlighted on-going problems at Machrie Hotel.

Jane replied that she had relayed this issue to the Water Asset planners and would update Councillor Currie as soon as she had news.  She reiterated that Scottish Water did liaise with Argyll and Bute Council on planned work programmes.


Action: Scottish Water to update Islay CC and local Members in regards to the water issue at Machrie Hotel.



Business Improvement Districts (BIDS)

A presentation by Iain Davidson-Porter.


Ian Davison Porter, Director BIDS gave a presentation to the group.


The Chair thanked Ian Davidson Porter for his informative presentation.


Community Plan - Argyll and Bute Council - Eileen WIlson, Improvement and Strategic HR pdf icon PDF 5 MB


The group noted the report.



Population Decline - Eileen Wilson and Chris Carr - Argyll and Bute Council, Improvement and Strategic HR pdf icon PDF 266 KB


Chris Carr gave a presentation to the group


Discussion ensued regarding the lack of young people taken into local Community Councils.  Shirley MacLeod reported that the Community Council scheme would be reviewed in 2013..  The group agreed that their view be taken forward in regards entry onto Community Councils be more accessible for young people.

It was further agreed to invite a representative from Argyll College to attend a future CPG meeting



Community Resilience - Morag Brown, Argyll and Bute Council - Improvement and Strategic HR pdf icon PDF 238 KB


The group noted the report.



Co-Production Conference

An update by Glenn Heritage, AVA.


Maryanne Stewart informed the group that the Community Planning Management Group  agreed on 16th August to take this intiative forward.  The first Steering group meeting was scheduled for 7 September.  Updates would be available on the Community website.



Partnership Updates


Christina West provided an update in regards the recent successful engagement of a GP for Islay.  Dr Kate Pickering would be based in Bowmore.  However, the progression of appointing a GP to Jura had been unsuccessful.  Plans had been formulated to meet with Jura Community Council to re-advertise the position. 

A 'drop-in event' was scheduled for 27 June,   whereby the local community would be updated on recent Health and Social Welfare issues.

Councillor Currie raised some concerns in regards the location of the GP surgery for pedestrians within the hospital at Bowmore and questioned if NHS Highland would be sourcing alternative accomodation for the surgery.  Christina West reported on the improvements made by NHS Highland in regards funding additional car parking provision at the hospital and reiterated that Derek Leslie, General Manager Argyll and Bute Community Health Partnership had not indicated that alternative accommodation would be sourced.  She reported that the local community had affirmed that the present location was working well, but would take on board Councillor Currie's comments.

Glen Roberts, Convener Islay Community Council, questioned if any discussion on this issue had involved the new GP, Dr Kate Pickering.  Christina West replied that further discussion would take place when Dr Pickering was in post.


Louise Logue and Maryanne Stewart reported that  Survive and Thrive project is nearing its inception stage; all interviews have now been held and the Project Co-ordinator will be Lesley Anderson who joins  from Islay and Jura CVS and has a background including working with Womens Aid and within the criminal justice system.

The work will complement that of existing agencies who are partners with ADA (Against Domestic Abuse) multi-agency Partnership and supports survivors of domestic abuse, women, children and men, in gaining greater emotional strength and well being through supports including the personal development course, STEPS to Excellence and support from other voluntary sector organisations across Argyll & Bute. The work also facilitates a ‘joined up’ approach to this support through multi-agency networks. Importantly, survivors will have choices available to them and additional options to support their future well-being.
Importantly findings and experiences from this work should support and assist partner organisations to demonstrate need for their services giving a further dimension and feedback opportunity on which evidence based resources can be based.

Susan Paterson  reported on funding issues in regards the Community Care Forum and changes within the Scottish Ambulance Service and the impact on passenger transportation. 


Inspector Davidson reported on changes within Strathclyde Police’s Senior Management structure.  He informed the group of Chief Inspector’s Baillie’s recent temporary promotionary appointment and offered the group assurance of a replacement in the interim period.

He updated the group on the appointment of a new Detective Sergeant in Campbeltown.

Inspector Davidson had a copy of the Chief Constables’ Annual report and detailed that the report was also available on the Strathclyde Police website.

Councillor McAlpine voiced concerns in regards the lack of police presence at Tarbert police station.  Alistair Davidson replied that there was 1 permanent Strathclyde Police officer at Tarbert.  However, the number of police vehicles had been rationalised, resulting in the fact that officers  no longer had a dedicated vehicle.  Provision and cover was still attributed to Tarbert from Lochgiphead Police station.

Councillor McAlpine requested that the situation be monitored.



Verina Litster advised that she was representing Andy McClure, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue.   She reported that a new Area Commander had been appointed -  Jim Scott would be based in Helensburgh and would be replacing Paul Connolly.





Strive to Survive project

An update by Pat Dean, AVA, Community Empowerment Outreach worker.


Pat Dean provided details of a STEPS to Excellence for Personal Success Course.


The course is taking place on 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th and is to be held at the Argyll Caravan Park and  attendance would be  required on all 4 days.


The contact is:-


 Diana Mackenzie on 01586 554744 or email .




Community Safety Partnership Exception reporting to Community Planning group pdf icon PDF 104 KB


Bob Chicken enquired if issues in regards to - Alcohol and Drugs - would be included. 


Action: Shirley MacLeod would find out and report back.



Issues raised by Community Councils




Update on the development of the proposed Islands Forum


Audrey Baird reported that progress was slow, but steady and suggested that the island Community Councils should perhaps attend future KIWG/MAP meetings to experience the issues discussed at their meetings.

Councillor Currie stated that the current CPG meeting was providing good interaction and discussion amongst the group.




Issues raised by the Third Sector Forum



Maryanne Stewart would bring an update to the next meeting.



Broadband Issues - Scottish Government Review

An update by Gerry Wilson,  IT Infrastructure Services Manager.




In regards the broadband issue on Jura, Audrey stated that at Jura's request this item had been included on the Agenda.  However, there was no representation from Jura to enter into any discussion.


Shirley MacLeod stated that Gerry Wilson would be invited to the next CPG meeting.



Area Forum Events 2013


The group noted the report.



The Chair thanked the group for their attendance at the meeting and informative updates.