Agenda and minutes

Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group - Wednesday, 2 November 2011 10:00 am

Venue: Town Hall, Campbeltown

Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511 

No. Item

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Iain Jackson explained that the Chief Executive and Leader of the Council would be attending to present the budget item.  He stated that they were currently attending the Community Planning Partnership in Lochgilphead and would therefore arrive at a later stage.  As a result, he advised that the order of business would be altered to accommodate this.


Councillor Semple commented that attendees could have scheduled their attendance in order to be present for a specific item and that this could hinder their arrangements.


Councillor Kelly queried why there were no papers circulated for the budget item.  It was explained that this was a presentation and therefore there were no papers.  Councillor Kelly then asked whether there would be feedback following the consultation.  Douglas Hendry stated that there would be feedback to the LACPGs.




Apologies were received from:


Yvonne Litster, ACHA

Kate Macaulay, NHS Highland

Jeanette Laughton, Ardrishaig Community Council

Marlene Baillie, Strathclyde Police

Councillor Robin Currie, Argyll and Bute Council



Declarations of Interest


Councillor Colville declared a non-financial interest in relation to item 4 (South Kintyre Development Trust) as he is a director of the trust.  As this was just an update, he indicated that he did not feel it necessary to leave the meeting during discussion of the item.


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 7 September 2011 pdf icon PDF 61 KB


Arising from item 4 (ACHA – Priorities and Activities) Councillor Horn advised that she had not yet received a response from Yvonne Lister.  It was agreed to raise this with ACHA.


Arising from item 5 (Outcome of Community Planning Self Assessment Exercise) Councillor Semple commented that he had expressed concern at the meeting regarding the late receipt of reports which he had hoped would have been minuted.  It was agreed to amend the minute to incorporate this.


Subject to the amendment regarding receipt of late papers, the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 7 September 2011 were approved as a true and correct record.



South Kintyre Development Trust

An update by Malcolm MacMillan, Project Officer.


Malcolm MacMillan gave a presentation to Members updating them on the South Kintyre Development Trust.


He advised that a survey had been circulated consisting of 4 questions relating to communities; what was liked about them; not liked about them; inviting suggestions for improvement; and prioritising these suggestions.


Malcolm outlined the response rates for the Community Council areas, which were particularly encouraging and spoke about the results of the survey.  He then discussed the next steps which were to interview stakeholders to inform the plan and indicated that there would be events held over the coming months to promote the survey and develop an action plan that would be worked up over the coming years.


The Chair thanked Malcolm for the informative update.


ACTION: Agreed that information regarding reviewing Community Council boundaries would be circulated to the Group and that at an appropriate time, the South Kintyre Development Trust should submit Highlight/Exceptions reports to keep the Group informed of progress.


Operation of Integrated Care Teams

A report by Alison Hunter.


It was explained by Iain Jackson that he had been informed that this issue was currently under discussion and a request had been received to continue this to a future meeting.  This was agreed by the Group.


Consultation Diary - Argyll and Bute Council, Improvement and Strategic HR pdf icon PDF 261 KB


Iain Jackson advised that this item served as a reminder that there was a diary in place and invited partners to feed into this should they be conducting, or become aware of a consultation.



Updates from Thematic Groups pdf icon PDF 224 KB

Additional documents:


Iain Jackson advised that the reports were there for noting or any questions which the Group wished to raise.


Susan Paterson commented that the reports were old and did not give any information.  Councillor Semple agreed and commented that there appeared to be a missing link in that these reports did not seek the views of community groups.


ACTION:  The Group agreed that the reports from the Thematic Groups required to be more up to date with matters relevant to the LACPGs to allow engagement.


Update on Renewables pdf icon PDF 55 KB

An update by Audrey Martin.


Audrey Martin advised that the Renewable Energy Action Plan (REAP) had been agreed in June 2010 and set out the key actions to take forward.  This plan was due to be reviewed this year with input from the Highlands and Islands Partnership and the Community Planning Partnership.


She provided information on the 3 tidal lease sites at Portnahaven, Kintyre and Sound of Sanda, discussed key elements to take forward renewable projects in Argyll and Bute, community trust funds (details of which could be located on the Council’s website) and sub sea cables which she advised there would be a delay in the laying of.


There was a discussion about community involvement on the Argyll and Bute Renewables Alliance (ABRA).  Audrey replied that there was assistance for communities by the ABRA partners although there were no specific community group representatives given the strategic nature of ABRA.


Suggestions were made as to methods to address community engagement.  Audrey advised that this was a critical area to look at although perhaps through the Third Secord and Communities Group or Social Enterprise Network.  She offered to come back to the Group at an appropriate time regarding this.


HM Queen's Diamond Jubilee Beacons


Iain Jackson advised that this item was in relation to an email previously circulated by Stephen Doogan to Community Councils.  He requested that, for the Community Councils who wish to participate, contact be made with Stephen who would then co-ordinate details in order to notify appropriate authorities.


Revised Single Outcome Agreement/Community plan


Iain Jackson provided the Group with an update from Jane Fowler and Eileen Wilson.  He advised that a decision on the Single Outcome Agreement (SOA) was under discussion by the Management Committee following the self assessment.  There was an intention to take this to the Thematic Groups and then onwards to LACPG meetings in January.


Councillor Semple stressed that it was important that any report was seeking views and not provide an update.  He stated that this must be made available in advance of the meeting for consideration of the Group.


Rationalisation/Partnership Linkages to Local Area Community Planning Group - Argyll and Bute Council - Governance and Law pdf icon PDF 319 KB


Iain Jackson advised that the intention of this item was to note the progress made in identifying groups and that similar papers had been put to the other 3 LACPGs.  The intention was to seek the Group’s approval that the groups listed were relevant and that the linkages were correct.


Douglas Hendry suggested that this should be a standing item on the agenda over the next 1 or 2 meetings in order to get to the stage of whether there was comfort or not that these were the right groups.  He invited the group to look at these today and commence the feedback procedure.


Participants expressed their concerns that the lists appeared to be out of date and that the same questions were being asked today as had been asked 2 years ago.  Councillor Horn stated that the LACPG, in her opinion, was not working.  Douglas Hendry agreed that the MAKI LACPG was less developed than the other LACPGs but stated that was for those around the table to seek the right answers and move onwards.  He commented that the Group had to crack this issue to establish who were the right people to be involved in community planning at a MAKI level.


The view of the Group was that community planning was best developed in MAKI through the Mid Argyll Partnership and the Kintyre Initiative Working Group, that these groups, together with a group on the Islands represented the basis for community planning in MAKI and that they did not wish to pursue the discussion of proposals framed on a MAKI wide basis at this time.  Douglas Hendry advised that this was not a matter for this Group to determine and that ultimately it would be for the CPP to decide on the structure.  He confirmed that the CPP would be considering all the issues raised by the ongoing self evaluation exercise and that the structural issue would require to be addressed further in due course.


Highlight/Exception Reporting - Argyll and Bute Council - Improvement and Strategic HR and Governance and Law


Given the disposal of the previous item, this item was not discussed.


KIWG and MAP - Future role in relation to Community Planning


Given the disposal of item 11 above, this matter was not discussed.

Andy McLure of Strathclyde Fire and Rescue sought the support of the Group in the promotion of free home safety visits for elderly people.  He requested that partners raise awareness of this in order to gain referrals.


The meeting adjourned at 11.50am and re-convened at 12.40pm when the Chief Executive and Council Leader arrived for the Budget Consultation.


Budget Consultation pdf icon PDF 400 KB


The Chief Executive and Leader of Argyll and Bute Council, together with Christina West of NHS Highland and Marianne Stewart, Third Sector, presented the budget on behalf of the CPP. 


A question and answer session followed the presentation which was recorded by the Council’s communications team and would inform the budget process.