Venue: on a hybrid basis by Microsoft Teams and in the Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead
Contact: Iona Campbell, Senior Committee Assistant; Tel: 01436 658 801
No. | Item |
WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Minutes: The Chair welcomed Susan Paterson of Shopper-Aide to the meeting. He advised that Shopper-Aide were seeking to become a Member of the Group. It was noted that, in line with the Group’s Terms of Reference, Shopper-Aide were able to self-nominate to become Partners. The Chair sought and received agreement from Partners that they were happy for Shopper-Aide to become a Member of the Group. The Chair welcome everyone to the meeting and general introductions were made. Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of:- David Moore, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Donald McNeill, Forestry and Land Scotland Jeni West, Forestry and Land Scotland Iona MacPhail, Fyne Homes Anthony McGloin, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Petra Pearce, Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface (TSI) Samantha Somers, TEC Lead, Argyll and Bute HSCP Becs Barker, Carr Gomm Jane Cowen, Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust Dawn Park, Kintyre Youth Forum Finlay MacRae, Caledonian MacBrayne (CalMac) Alasdair Paisley, Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament Jamie Titterton, Live Argyll Community Learning Service Heather Thomas-Smith, Wild About Argyll Darren Gibb, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service May Cross, Department for Work and Pensions Chris Abell, Islay Community Council Sandy Taylor, Islay Community Council |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest intimated. |
Minutes: The Minutes of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group meeting held on 1 May 2024 were approved as a correct record, subject to an amendment in the attendees list to reflect that Susan Fleming is a representative of Craignish Community Council. |
Having noted the commitments of those in attendance, the Chair agreed to vary the order of business to facilitate scheduled presentations. This minute reflects the order in which items were discussed. |
MacTaggart Leisure Centre - Exercise by Referral and Social Prescription Presentation by Projects Manager, MacTaggart Leisure Centre Minutes: The Group considered a verbal presentation from Martyn Chandler, Islay and Jura Community Enterprise Ltd, in relation to their Exercise by Referral and Social Prescription project. Martyn provided background information on the project, information in relation to the ways in which people could be referred through their GPs to the project, and outlined the aims of the project in providing personalised exercise and treatment plans for those in need. Information was provided in relation to the Aquacare programme; partnerships with local organisations and support to access activities for those requiring social prescriptions; and the recent launch of a programme to provide gym access and exercise plans to clients as part of the project. Martyn outlined the training that he had undertaken to grow the programme, and his hope for it to be a flagship project. Discussion took place in relation to the high levels of demand for the project; the funding constraints involved; the positive impact of the project for local residents, especially due to the island location and difficulties for clients in accessing services at times; and inspiration received from projects in other areas. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. |
COMMUNITY WEALTH BUILDING DISCUSSION Presentation by Chief Executive Officer, Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface Minutes: Consideration was given to a presentation by Takki Sulaiman, Argyll and Bute TSI, in relation to Community Wealth Building. The presentation highlighted what Community Wealth Building is; provided information on related local activities; suggested possible actions for the Group to take forward; and highlighted the actions being taken forward by the CPP Management Committee to develop and integrate the model. Discussion took place around local organisations who had already been carrying out work and had a lot of experience in this area. It was agreed that Melissa Stewart would send contact details to Takki for local Community Councils, Community Trusts, and the East Kintyre Renewable Energy Group (EKREG) following the meeting to include in Community Wealth Building consultations. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by CEO, Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface, tabled) |
CULTURE HERITAGE AND ARTS ARGYLL & ISLES (CHArts) - HERITAGE ACCESS AND LEARNING ASSISTANT Presentation by Heritage Access and Learning Assistant, CHArts Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a submitted presentation from Khara MacPhail and a verbal update from Muriel MacKaveney, CHArts, in relation to Khara’s apprenticeship at Campbeltown Museum. The presentation included information in relation to Khara’s career journey; how her Apprenticeship had worked and what it had involved; information about visitors to Campbeltown Museum; and Khara’s future plans. Discussion took place around the positive impact of Khara’s work and positive feedback from recent events and activities. Muriel encouraged Partners to visit Campbeltown Museum. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the presentation and information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Heritage Access and Learning Assistant, CHArts, submitted) |
POLICE SCOTLAND UPDATE Report by Sergeant, Police Scotland Minutes: Consideration was given to an update which provided information on the ongoing work of the Service and information on serious and organised crime; acquisitive crime; road safety and road crime; violent crime; public protection; and continued work on pro-actively engaging with the public in the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands area. Sgt Shaw also provided information around the reasons for changes to the style of report that was provided to the Group. Discussion took place around the importance of Police attendance at local Community Council meetings, and Sgt Shaw noted that he would investigate ways to improve this, although this could often be impacted by local staffing levels. Sgt Shaw also encouraged Partners to contact him directly with any concerns and it was noted that all local Community Councils had been provided with Sgt Shaw’s direct contact details. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Police Scotland, submitted) |
Kintyre Rainforest Alliance Presentation by Kintyre Rainforest Alliance Additional documents: Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a presentation from Sarah Moorcroft and Jenn Lee, Kintyre Rainforest Alliance, which provided information in relation to their organisation. The presentation highlighted the importance of Kintyre’s rainforest; the impact of climate change; biodiversity; job creation linked to the Rainforest; health and wellbeing benefits; the importance of the Rainforest in relation to education, culture, heritage and tourism; as well as the work of Kintyre Rainforest Alliance, their aims, and their plans going forward. Support was requested from Partners in relation to assisting Kintyre Rainforest Alliance to engage meaningfully with local communities. Suggestions were also provided in relation to how Partners could assist Kintyre Rainforest Alliance in achieving their aims. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Kintyre Rainforest Alliance, submitted) |
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a report highlighting the
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) FQ1 review of local performance
across Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands for the period 2024-25. The report
included information on the local firefighter training plan; incidents during
this period; unwanted fire alarm signals; road and water safety campaigns;
community engagement activities; East and West Dunbartonshire and Argyll and
Bute Local Senior Officer Activities; and home fire safety. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community
Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
Forestry and Land Scotland Minutes: The group gave consideration to a report which highlighted the ongoing workstreams of Forestry and Land Scotland within the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands area. Information was provided in relation to local Land Management Plans; work to combat phytophthora ramorum disease in larch trees; progress with peatland restoration; and details of upcoming complex operations. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the
Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference: Report by Forestry and Land Scotland,
submitted) |
Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface (TSI) Minutes: Consideration was given to an
update from Argyll and Bute TSI. The update provided information on policy activity;
local strategic partnerships; TSI Scotland, contracts, sector support and
strategic action plan delivery; the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing
Fund Year 4 grant; General Elections hustings held in Oban and Helensburgh; the
Argyll and Bute Climate Action Network (ABCAN); the Taking Action on Rural
Poverty workshop event held in June; and the Wellbeing Development Manager
role. Margaret Wallace highlighted that
applications to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund would be open between 9
September and 14 October 2024. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the
Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Report by Argyll and Bute TSI,
submitted) |
Live Argyll - Community Learning Service Update Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a report from Live Argyll - Community Learning Services which provided an update on their adult learning and youth work workstreams. The report provided information in relation to the Celebration Day Event for adult learners and work to encourage adult learners to provide feedback and develop the services provided. The report also provided information in relation to Youth Services School Partnership Programmes, including attainment data for young people achieving nationally recognised awards and those involved in wider achievement opportunities through Community Learning. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference Report by Live Argyll – Community Learning Service, submitted) |
Member of Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYP) Update Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a report from Alasdair Paisley, Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament, which provided information in relation to his attendance at the recent Scottish Youth Parliament sitting; a consultation with youth groups in Oban and it’s outcomes; and future plans for more consultations and engagement with local campaigners and decision makers. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament, submitted) |
Minutes: The Group gave consideration to an update from Carr Gomm, which provided their ‘Community Contacts: Project Summary and Plan’ for the period from October 2018 to March 2024. The report provided information in relation to planned outcomes; the background and operation of Community Contacts; work with national partners and organisations; and statistical data in relation to those who had been provided with support. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Carr Gomm, submitted) |
Caledonian MacBrayne Update Minutes: The Group gave consideration to an update from Caledonian MacBrayne in relation to the progress of works at Kennacraig. The Chair noted the brevity of the report, and it was agreed that a request would be made to Caledonian MacBrayne for a more detailed report to be provided for future meetings. The Group highlighted recent concerns from local residents in relation to the recently released Winter timetable, and particularly in relation to the proposed reduction in vessels being used on the Islay routes. Concerns were also raised in relation to the disruption on the Tarbert to Portavadie route. The Chair agreed to request a response in relation to these concerns for circulation to the Group following the meeting. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Caledonian MacBrayne, submitted) |
Campbeltown Community Council Update Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a report from Campbeltown Community Council. The report provided information in relation to the completion of the Jubilee Coastal Path in June, following the installation of a new bridge; responses to a survey highlighting the need for an additional pharmacy in Campbeltown; recent road resurfacing schemes and improvements to the town’s aesthetics. Valerie Nimmo encouraged Partners to attend the scheduled drop-in event at the Campbeltown Town Hall in relation to proposed improvements to local walking and cycling routes. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Campbeltown Community Council, submitted) |
Ardrishaig Community Council Update Minutes: The Group gave consideration to an update report from Ardrishaig Community Council. The update provided information in relation to the frustrations that Ardrishaig Community Council were experiencing in relation to the increasing demand on Community Councils with no corresponding increase in resource. The report also highlighted the need for more thought to be given to how to support community organisations with meaningful resource allocation, and hopes that collaborative engagement can take place going forward to best serve local communities. Melissa Stewart confirmed that a Community Council engagement event had been postponed due to the General Election and the small team involved in supporting this work, however this was being rescheduled. Melissa confirmed that engagement would take place with Community Councils in relation to topics that they may wish to discuss at the meeting, and a date for this meeting would be circulated to all relevant parties as soon as possible. Melissa and Antonia Baird agreed to reach out to Ardrishaig Community Council following the meeting to discuss some of the concerns raised in the update report. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Update by Ardrishaig Community Council, submitted) |
Scottish Canals Update Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a verbal update from Laurie Piper, Scottish Canals. Laurie provided an overview of past and ongoing works in the area, and outlined significant investment that had been made to the canal network. Laurie provided information around planned works and limited closures to allow works to progress, as well as the continuation of quarterly local meetings to engage with the community. He also highlighted engagement with Ardrishaig Community Council; significant vegetation management works; a reduction in operational complaints; and protected bird species nesting in reservoirs necessitating a restriction of boat numbers due to the impact on available water. Laurie encouraged Partners to get in touch with him if they had any concerns, and advised that he would continue to provide updates to the Group as works progressed. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. |
Opportunity for Verbal Updates Minutes: Susan Paterson provided the following update on
behalf of Shopper-Aide: “Shopper-Aide became a charity and company limited
by guarantee in 2011 to help older people in Kintyre and has become embedded in
the community – Southend to beyond Clachan and in the East of Kintyre to
Carradale as well as Gigha as shown by the following figures. In 23/24 Shopper-Aide & Launder-aide 1.
£296,584 on shopping within the local economy for clients – we shop not just
for food and other household goods and have over the years bought fridges,
washing machines, beds and bedding, clothes and much more. 2.
3,390 shops for 117 clients – many have no other help, have mobility problems,
no longer able to drive or unable to lift heavy bags. Most clients start with
getting help for shopping. 3.
Housekeeping staff helped clients in their homes 1,116 times – keeping homes
clean, changing beds etc and as a result of being asked so many times we
managed to set up a laundry service in 2021 and around 70% of users are over
60. 4.
laundry completed 2,297 jobs for 209 customers which also includes a growing
number of local businesses which is beginning to offset some of the costs. 5.
The total
attendance over our range of social groups was 2,054 attendees. These groups
are based in Carradale, Gigha, Campbeltown (2 Elderberries, 1 MS Group and a
monthly Parkinsons group, Art group) and Garry’s Gang – a weekly men only
group. 6.
spent within the local economy on fuel, refreshments, supplies, vehicle costs
etc. – in a minor point is this not a part of Community Wealth Building. 7.
14 full & part time staff. Shopper-Aide is now in crisis mode with danger of
closing and each of our clients will need help with many turning to statutory
services. Many of our usual funders have changed criteria –
from older people to younger people, from revenue funding to capital funding
and others have reduced the amounts they give. At the same time Shopper-Aide
has a continual growth of need from the local population as it ages and this
along with rising costs in wages, fuel etc has brought us to the brink. Help is being asked for to avoid closure.” The Chair advised that it was important to make the
community aware of the severity of the situation, and the importance of the
work that Shopper-Aide carries out. He encouraged Partners to offer support
where possible, to find a way forward to assist Shopper-Aide to continue
operating. The importance of financial support was
highlighted, and Partners were asked to signpost Shopper-Aide to any funding
opportunities that may be available. Antonia Baird highlighted that this was a
difficult situation affecting many charities across Scotland, and was in no way
a poor reflection on the business. The Chair and Antonia agreed to continue
discussions around hosting a public meeting to garner support. The impact on
statutory organisations if Shopper-Aide were no longer able to provide these
services was highlighted as a serious concern. The Chair advised that all Community Councils
should also be notified of the difficulties Shopper-Aide were facing at this
time. Argyll and Bute Council’s Community Planning
Partnership John McLuckie highlighted that a development
session had been held with the Community Planning Partnership on 26 June where
they discussed the proposed national self-assessment programme for Community
Planning Partnerships; the promotion of the new outcomes improvement plan for
Argyll and Bute; approaches to developing actions needed to deliver the new
priority outcomes for the plan and how the cross cutting themes of Community
Wealth Building, Digital Inclusion and climate change would fit into these actions.
John advised that the next meeting of the Community
Planning Partnership was being held on 16 September and that the Community
Planning team have created a promotional leaflet and short video to explain
what the Community Planning Partnership is and what the priority outcomes are,
to assist partners with promoting the new plan. John agreed to circulate
details of the promotional materials following the meeting. Transport Scotland Ian Woodcock provided details of
a number of upcoming resurfacing schemes along the A83, and agreed to provide a
list of these roadworks for circulation to the Group following the meeting. Ian provided an overview of the
position at the Rest and Be Thankful, and advised that he would be happy for
his e-mail to be circulated to Partners following the meeting to contact him
with any concerns about the road network. Discussion took place in relation
to traffic management in Inveraray during upcoming roadworks; and a Give Way
sign at the junction of the A83 and A815 which was obscured by a noticeboard. |
Partner Update - Public Health Report by Health Improvement Lead, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership and Alcohol and Drug Partnership Coordinator, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership Minutes: Consideration was given to an update from Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership’s Public Health Team on the ongoing wellbeing and prevention activities overseen and delivered by them in Argyll and Bute. The update provided information on the positive outcomes from the evaluation of the Community Link Working Service in Argyll and Bute; Suicide Prevention activity aimed at providing resources needed to understand and improve mental health, and understand and prevent suicide; World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September; and the Art of Hosting at The Living Well Programme. The update also provided information on alcohol and drug prevention and early intervention; families affected by alcohol and drugs; medically assisted treatment standards; The Argyll and Bute Mat 8 Group; and recovery orientated systems of care. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Report by Health Improvement Lead, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership and Alcohol and Drug Partnership Coordinator, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, submitted) |
Community Link Working (CLW) in Argyll and Bute Presentation by Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a presentation on Community Link Working. The presentation highlighted that Community Link Working is part of Modernising Primary Care and that Community Link Workers follow a social prescribing model. It was noted that Community Link Workers are embedded in certain GP Practices and aim to address socio-economic and personal circumstances that affect health and wellbeing to improve the outcomes for patients and reduce pressure on GP’s time. The presentation also provided information on the Argyll and Bute Model; the Argyll and Bute Impact; and client feedback. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report and Presentation by Public Health Team, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, submitted) |
Analogue to Digital Switchover and Telecare Update Report by Tec Lead, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership Minutes: Consideration was given to an update in relation to the
Analogue to Digital Telecare Switchover. It was highlighted that all telephone
lines within the UK are migrating from analogue lines to digital ones and that
the deadline for this is June 2025, with this being led by industry (the
telephone providers). As a consequence of this, Telecare requires to switch
analogue devices to ones that are compatible with a digital telephone line
(broadband) or which operate over the mobile signal. It was highlighted that there is a programme to swap over
all analogue units with digital ones and that it was currently being rolled out.
The Telecare team are continuing to focus on those who have already moved onto
a digital line and those who live in areas of very good mobile signal. It was noted that 46.5% of all clients in Argyll and Bute
currently have a digitally capable telecare device and that if people do
transfer to a digital line but live in an area with no mobile signal, that they
have a work-around solution that enables them to still have telecare whilst
they are awaiting connection via broadband/the digital line. It was advised
that the Telecare team will continue to support both analogue and digital
telecare devices for as long as required and will not be insisting that people
have to be on a digital line in order to receive Telecare if they still have an
analogue line in their property. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group: 1. considered and noted the information provided; and 2. noted
that in the absence of a representative from the Technology Enabled Care Team,
any questions could be forwarded to them following the meeting and any
responses circulated to the Group. (Reference: Report by TEC Lead, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, submitted) |
SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT PLACE DIRECTORS Presentation by Place Director, Argyll and Bute/Deputy Director, Adult Social Care Local Improvement and Transformation Division, Directorate for Social Care and National Care Service Development, The Scottish Government Minutes: Consideration was given to a presentation by Rachael McGruer, Place Director at the Scottish Government. The presentation highlighted that the role of Place Directors is to understand how public services can best work together and support partners to work with communities across Scotland. The presentation also included information on Place Directors responsibilities; the history of Place Directors (with it being highlighted that they have existed since 2008 and prior to 2022 were known as Location Directors); and examples of work as a Place Director, including engagement with the Chief Executive of Argyll and Bute Council; attendance at Community Planning Partnership meetings; and supporting visits for the Permanent Secretary and Travelling Cabinet. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Place Director, Scottish Government) |
MOVING ON MID ARGYLL - UPDATE ON FOOD SHARE HUB FOR MID ARGYLL Presentation by Trustee, Moving on Mid Argyll Minutes: The Group considered a presentation from Kim Ritchie, Trustee, Moving on Mid Argyll, and Keith Evans, Food Share Hub Co-ordinator, which provided an update on the Food Share Hub for Mid Argyll. The presentation included information on the background of the project; a cost estimate for the pilot project; funding and support; timing in relation to the project; and proposed ways of working to maximise benefit. Kim highlighted the need for continued donations of food and provisions of funding to ensure that the Hub was able to be successful. Discussion took place in relation to the need for the Hub due to the economic climate; the supply of emergency food provisions; accommodations for those suffering from in-work poverty; and liaising with Partner agencies to advertise the Hub. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the presentation and information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Trustee, Moving on Mid Argyll, submitted) |
WATER SAFETY SCOTLAND COMMUNICATION TOOLKITS Report by Partnerships Lead – Community Planning, Argyll and Bute Council Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to communication toolkits produced by Water Safety Scotland for use in developing people’s understanding and awareness of the danger of open water and enabling safe participation in water-based activities. The Chair encouraged Partners to circulate these toolkits to their communities. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group noted the water safety communication toolkits. (Reference: Report by Community Planning Partnership, submitted, and Toolkits by Water Safety Scotland, submitted) |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday, 6 November 2024 Minutes: The Group noted that the next meeting of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group would take place on Wednesday, 6 November 2024. It was noted that arrangements were being put in place to hold this meeting in Campbeltown. The Chair highlighted that a survey would be sent out to Partners following the meeting to confirm their views on current meeting arrangements, and feedback from this survey would be reviewed at the next meeting to inform future meeting arrangements. |