Contact: Iona Campbell, Senior Committee Assistant; Tel: 01436 658 801
No. | Item |
WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and general introductions were made. Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of:- Councillor Jan Brown, Argyll & Bute Council Lauren Worrell, National Farmers Union Scotland Fergus Murray, Argyll and Bute Council Caitlin Quinn, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Anthony McGloin, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Iona MacPhail, Fyne Homes Sharyn Lock, Kintyre Climate Action Jane Cowen, Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust Valerie Nimmo, Campbeltown Community Council Susan MacRae, Skills Development Scotland Martha Smart, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Petra Pearce, Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface PC Laura Evans, Police Scotland Samantha Somers, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership Margaret Wallace, Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface Heather Thomas-Smith, Argyll and the Isles Tourism Co-operative (Wild About Argyll) |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest intimated. |
Minutes: The Minutes of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group meeting held on 1 November 2023 were approved as a correct record. |
COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE UPDATE Report by Committee Manager, Argyll & Bute Council Minutes: The
group gave consideration to a report which outlined matters discussed during a
meeting of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Management Committee held on
12 January 2024. The report provided a summary of a presentation in relation to
the Council’s Area Plans, as well as information on matters arising from
previous Area Community Planning Group meetings across Argyll and Bute. The
report also included updates on a number of cross cutting themes such as
Climate Change; Financial Inclusion; Digital Communities; the Argyll and Bute
Outcomes Improvement Plan (ABOIP) for 2024-34; and Community Wealth Building. Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute
Council, dated 31 January 2024, submitted) |
ARGYLL COMMUNITY HOUSING ASSOCIATION ANNUAL UPDATE Report by Local Manager, Argyll Community Housing Association Minutes: Consideration was given to an annual report from Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA), which provided information in relation to their stock in the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands area; ongoing Regeneration and Investment programmes; the Warm Homes Fund project; the Business Energy Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Whole House Retrofit Programme; the ongoing replacement of inefficient heating systems to be replaced with air source heat pump systems; ongoing improvement works at Duncholgan travelling persons site; a review of ACHA’s sheltered housing services; continuing work on property allocation and reletting; works planned for the Exemplar Estates initiative; opportunities for communities to engage with planned Estate Walkabouts; an ongoing consultation on ACHA’s Customer Involvement Strategy; welfare rights services; adaptations for vulnerable customers; success at the Scotland Housing Awards, Scottish Energy Efficiency Awards, and Tenant Advisory Service National Excellence Awards; awards for local schools as part of ACHA’s 10 10 10 initiative; and the results of feedback from customer satisfaction surveys. The report also encouraged applications to ACHA’s Community Action Fund, and noted that a number of awards from the Fund had already benefitted local groups. The Local Manager agreed to provide statistics in relation to housing waiting lists, including area breakdowns, to the Senior Committee Assistant or Governance Officer following the meeting for circulation to the Group. Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Local Manager, Argyll Community Housing Association, submitted) |
Transport Scotland Update Minutes: The Group considered a verbal update from Transport Scotland’s North West Area Manager. Information was provided in relation to upcoming works across the area, including drainage repairs at the Rest and Be Thankful; resurfacing projects in February and March in Arrochar, North of Ballochroy, West of Craigs and North of Artilligan; and the felling of diseased trees in the vicinity of Inveraray throughout March. The North West Area Manager also provided an update in relation to discussions between Transport Scotland, Bear Scotland and Argyll and Bute Council in relation to the proposed active travel and drainage project in Kinloch Road, Campbeltown. It was noted that this project was approaching a public consultation phase, and it was hoped that work would begin on site during the 2024-25 financial year. An update was also provided in
relation to continuing works on the Hall Street footway and the potential need
for an alternative surface for the footway to avoid algae and moss growth. It
was noted that an additional area of the Hall Street footway had also been
added to the programme for attention. The Chair agreed to discuss this
following the meeting with the North West Area Manager. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. |
Police Scotland Update Minutes: Consideration
was given to a report which provided an update on the recent work and
activities of Police Scotland within the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands
area. The report included information on
fraud prevention and a recent increase in parcel delivery scams; engagement
with the community, local schools, and the Lomond and Argyll Advocacy Service;
success at the Divisional Recognition Awards 2023 for Sheena McLean, Argyll and
Bute Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour Co-Ordinator, as the runner up for the
Partnership Award; support for the 16 Days Against Gender Based Violence
Campaign; and proactive campaigns to prevent drink and drug driving offences. The
report also included an invite to partners to liaise with Police Scotland in
relation to the delivery of fraud prevention measures and awareness sessions,
particularly where this may be of benefit to vulnerable people. PS
Shaw highlighted the commissioning of a new format for Community Council
reports. He also advised that he was aware of an increase in youth-related
disorder in the Lochgilphead area and provided details of methods which were
being employed to address this. The
Community Justice Co-Ordinator advised that she would contact PS Shaw following
the meeting in relation to work around the prevention of domestic
violence. Discussion
took place around limited staff resource on Islay, and it was agreed that
representatives from Islay Community Council would liaise directly with PS Shaw
following the meeting in relation to this and concerns about drink driving
which had been highlighted through the Community Council’s local consultations.
Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Police Scotland, submitted) |
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Update Minutes: The
group gave consideration to a report which highlighted the performance and
activity of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service within the Mid Argyll, Kintyre
and the Islands area during financial quarter 3 of 2023/24. The report included information on the local
firefighter training plan; local incident statistics; unwanted fire alarm
signals; road and water safety campaigns; community engagement activities; East
and West Dunbartonshire Argyll and Bute Local Senior Officer activities and
home fire safety. Station
Commander Gibb also provided information in relation to the British Heart Foundation’s
application process for the supply and maintenance of defibrillators. He noted
that applications were now open, and encouraged local community groups to apply.
A link with information in relation to the application process is provided
below: Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report which provided information in relation to the upcoming switchover of telephone lines from analogue to digital, and the measures being put in place by the Telecare team to ensure a smooth transition for their clients. Suggestions on how partners could support this work were provided. The Chair enquired about the safeguarding of those with Telecare during a power cut. It was agreed that clarification around this would be sought from the TEC Lead following the meeting, and a response circulated to the Group. Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by TEC Lead, Argyll and Bute Health
and Social Care Partnership, submitted) |
Live Argyll Community Learning Team - Kintyre Youth Work Update Minutes: Consideration
was given to an update report from the Live Argyll Community Learning Team,
which provided an update on Youth Work in Kintyre. The update provided information
in relation to the work of the Kintyre Youth Action Group; the success of the
second Campbeltown Grammar School – Learning Support Employability Group
programme; partnership working on the Friday Night ‘Street Sports’ Project to
assist young people transitioning from primary school to Campbeltown Grammar
School; a new Kintyre Youth Filmmaking Project; and support for Alasdair
Paisley, a new Kintyre-based Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYP).
The update also provided information on regular projects, as well as scheduled
future projects. The
Chair welcomed Adelle McGeachy and Dahlia Techner,
who were in attendance to provide a verbal update on Kintyre Youth Action
Group’s recent and ongoing activities, as follows: “Since
the last meeting we have been involved in a few different activities. Including
doing some fundraising for our next group trip to Glasgow by holding a coffee
morning and raffle. We have also been engaging with Argyll and Bute Women’s Aid
to help them spread the word about their work and help them find ways to better
engage young people across the authority. Just
before Christmas we completed a loneliness project where we visited elderly
people who live in care homes in Campbeltown and Tarbert. We spoke to the
residents and put on activities for them, including playing boccia, bingo, arts
and crafts, and telling them jokes. This was a lot of fun and helped to
brighten the residents day. After
Christmas we then helped to support the Community Learning Team during their
HMI inspection visit. We are now getting ready for the new year by planning our
upcoming Easter GIVE youth volunteering programme, summer exchange programme,
Big Day Out, and some of us are also planning to climb Ben Nevis to raise
further funds for the Action Group. As
mentioned last time, in the Spring we will be running a Skateboarding project
at Campbeltown Skatepark. We hope that part of the project can include
installing a clean box so that young people who use it can safely remove glass
and other rubbish safely, as this is currently an issue at the park. This would
be a permanent fixture which would contain materials such as gloves, litter
pickers, dustpans and brushes etc. A huge thank you to the Grab Trust for
offering equipment to put in the clean box. If anyone is able to help with
supplying a suitable box for this or pointing us in the right direction of who
could, please let us know. We would very much appreciate it.” The
Chair welcomed MSYP Alasdair Paisley, who introduced himself to the Group. MSYP
Paisley advised that he was looking forward to starting his work as an MSYP and
looked forward to engaging with the Group. Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Live Argyll Community Learning Team, submitted) |
Live Argyll Community Learning Team - Adult Learning Update Minutes: Consideration
was given to an update report from the Live Argyll Community Learning Team,
which provided an update on Adult Learning. The update included information in
relation to different workstreams, including Core Skills for Life Learning and
Work; Health and Wellbeing; Digital Skills; and Your Voice. The update
particularly highlighted work taking place in the Mid Argyll Adult Learning Hub,
and with the Lochside Enterprise Group; Let’s Grow Group; and the MS Argyll –
Snowdrop Give Back Group. Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Live Argyll Community Learning Team, submitted) |
Forestry and Land Scotland Update Minutes: The
group gave consideration to a report which highlighted the ongoing workstreams
of Forestry and Land Scotland within the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands
area. Information was included in relation
to Land Management Plans at South Knapdale and East Loch Awe; the continuing
spread of the Larch-Phytphiathora Ramorum
disease in the area and efforts being made to combat this; the ongoing peatland
restoration programme; upcoming complex operations; engagement with
Lochgilphead High School careers fair; a project to map private water supplies
across the West region; the release of four beavers in Knapdale Forest in
December 2023; ongoing invasive species removal operations; and works around
potential impacts of a Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) substation on the
forest road near Achnabreac. It
was noted that reports of any issues to be reported to Forestry and Land
Scotland could be directed to
to allow the team to record, prioritise and allocate work as required. Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Forestry and Land Scotland,
submitted) |
Tarbert & Skipness Community Trust Update Minutes: Consideration
was given to a report which provided an update on the appointment of two new
Directors of Tarbert & Skipness Community Trust; the planned development of
30 new properties as part of the Strategic Housing Improvement Plan; and
increased community benefit fund criteria and potential funding grant projects.
Chair highlighted significant concerns in relation to an accident blackspot at
Tarbert water treatment works, following a number of incidents. Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust, submitted) |
Campbeltown Community Council Update Minutes: Consideration
was given to a report which provided an update on funding and works for the
Trench Point Path; a local public meeting on the Democracy Matters
consultation; progress in relation to a new Campbeltown pharmacy; and ongoing
concerns about the condition of the road surface at the Esplanade. Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Campbeltown Community Council, submitted) |
Opportunity for Verbal Updates Minutes: Muriel MacKaveney, Culture
Heritage and Arts (CHArts) Argyll and Isles Muriel advised that a lot of information
in relation to CHArts recent and ongoing work could be found on the CHArts
website, and a written update would be provided for the Group to be circulated
with the minutes of the meeting. Information was provided in
relation to the CHArts showcase projects and the ‘Touring St Columba’ cultural
exchange with Ireland, including information about the places across Argyll and
Bute that the exhibition would be featured.
Work in relation to the
‘Remembering Together – Reflect’ project was also highlighted, with it being
noted that the wider community and a number of local community groups were
being engaged with to co-create a piece of work for display in the memorial
garden at Campbeltown Museum. It was noted that work would also include a
photography exhibition and workshops, and the project will link in to people’s
memories and experiences of the pandemic. Jen Broadhurst, Argyll and Bute
Citizens Advice Bureau Jen Broadhurst confirmed that a
copy of the update from Argyll & Bute Citizens Advice Bureau would be provided
to the Group for circulation with the minutes of the meeting. Information was provided in relation
to a significant increase in the number of clients seeking assistance with food
and fuel poverty; a recruitment campaign for volunteer advisers; the provision
of Energy Efficiency Advice Sessions; the findings of the Argyll & Bute
Housing Emergency Summit; work with Council colleagues around a potential
reduction in local rental properties; and work around council tax debt with the
Council, including a 3 month moratorium for anyone who is seeking assistance
from the Bureau. An overview was also provided in relation to the other services
being delivered by the Bureau. Jen encouraged partners to
signpost any individuals who may need assistance to the Bureau, and also
welcomed any partner input to the Bureau’s development plan. Antonia Baird, Community
Development Officer, Argyll and Bute Council The Community Development Officer
advised that community groups could apply for up to £2.5k of funding through
the Supporting Communities Fund, which would be open for applications between 5th
February and 18th March. It was noted that community groups could
seek assistance from Antonia Baird, Margaret Wallace or Petra Pearce to ensure
that applications were of the highest possible standard. The Community Development Officer
confirmed that the marketing strategy for the Fund includes liaising with
Community Councils and issuing posters to be placed in physical locations,
including Carradale Hall. |
Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface Update Minutes: Consideration was given to an update from Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface (TSI), which provided an update on their recent work. The update included information in relation to funding grants from the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund 2023-24; the commissioning of a Community Wealth Building strategy and action plan as part of the Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership; funding available from the Argyll and Bute Climate Action Network Fund; future consultation and development of a TSI Strategy for 2024-29; the launch of the new TSI website on 20th February; and work with the SCVO on a fairer funding campaign. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership - Public Health Update Report by Health Improvement Lead, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership Minutes: Consideration
was given to a public health update from Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care
Partnership’s Public Health Team on the ongoing wellbeing and prevention
activities overseen and delivered by them in Argyll and Bute. The update
provided information on the Argyll and Bute Public Health Annual Report; the
development of children and young people’s health and wellbeing profiles; ongoing
health and wellbeing profile workshops; the Cool2Talk online support service for
young people; and the annual Director of Public Health Report, which will be
presented at the next cycle of the Area Community Planning Groups. Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Health Improvement Lead, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care
Partnership, submitted) |
Presentation on Children and Young People's Health and Wellbeing Profiles Presentation by Health Improvement Lead, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership Minutes: The
Group gave consideration to a presentation by Jennifer Dryden, Health Improvement
Lead from Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership’s Public Health
Team, on the Children and Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Profile for the
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands area. The presentation provided information
in relation to the Profile themes; the purposes of the Profiles; the layout of
the report and how to navigate it; the reasons for any gaps in the Profiles;
and the type of data in the Profiles and ways in which this could be used by
partners. Sandy
Taylor, Islay Community Council, asked if data was available in relation to neurodiversity
within children and young people in the area. The Health Improvement Lead
advised that she would request any data available in relation to this and
circulate it to the Group. The
Health Improvement Lead advised that any questions in relation to the Profiles
could be directed to . Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Presentation by Public Health Team, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care
Partnership, tabled) |
InspirAlba - Household Resilience Report by Project Co-Ordinator, InspirAlba Minutes: Consideration was given to a report and presentation by Leah McGuigan and Eryne Barr from InspirAlba, in relation to the Household Resilience project’s delivery of support for those affected by fuel and food poverty. The presentation provided an overview of the project’s background and the team involved. The report and presentation also highlighted the work of partner organisations including Kintyre Food Bank, Bute Advice, ALI Energy, Home Energy Scotland, and Kintyre Recycling. Leah and Eryne provided information in relation to the ways in which the Project could assist people to access support, including assistance with application forms and monitoring the outcomes of applications; signposting to relevant organisations; and the delivery of food parcels for those who may be unable to access them. It was noted that the Project had assisted over 500 households to date, as well as 73 households supported through the School Uniform Project. Information was provided in relation to the issues clients were facing, and case studies showcasing the success of the Project were presented. Leah provided information in relation to the next steps for the Project, and invited any organisations who may be willing to take on a funded Advocate post for the Project to get in touch with her following the meeting. Discussions took place in relation to the Project receiving four years of funding; the marketing of the Project; future training with South Islay Development to provide support for Islay, Jura and Colonsay; dissemination of information about the project to local Community Councils; and potential collaborative working with Argyll and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau. The Community Development Officer agreed to provide Leah with details of organisations who may be able to take on an Advocate in the Mid Argyll area following the meeting. The Chair thanked Leah and Eryne for attending and congratulated them on the Project’s success. He invited them to provide an annual update on the Project to a future meeting of the Group. Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Project Co-ordinator, InspirAlba, submitted and Presentation by Project
Co-ordinator, InspirAlba, tabled) |
Addressing the Climate Emergency in Argyll and Bute: Argyll and Bute Climate Action Report by Climate Change Project Manager Minutes: The Group considered a report from the Climate Change Project Manager, which provided an update on the Community Planning Partnership’s Argyll and Bute Climate Action project. The update included information in relation to the background and work of the Climate Change Working Group; funding requirements to support the implementation of a Climate Change Project Manager post; an overview of the work of the Climate Change Project Manager to date and future plans; collaboration with the Argyll & Bute Climate Action Network Hub; and updated governance arrangements for the Climate Change Working Group. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group noted the approach and status of the project, as outlined in the report. (Reference:
Report by Climate Change Project Manager, ACT Now, dated 31 January 2024,
submitted) |
Climate Action Team Update Update by Climate Action Team Minutes: Consideration was given to an update from Kintyre Climate Action Team, which provided information on the work of the Project, which is scheduled to conclude at the end of February 2024. Highlights included the co-ordination of local events for Scottish Climate Week; the initiation of an Atlantic Rainforest Education Project, culminating in the anticipated launch of the Kintyre Rainforest Alliance; the production of a Campbeltown ‘green map’; the imminent launch of the ‘Campbeltown EcoCup’; the launch of the Campbeltown Climate Action Film Festival; assistance in obtaining funding for a local zero-waste business; assistance with running a school workshop in conjunction with Climate Action Towns; the success and ongoing development of the Kintyre Grows project; and various methods used to distribute and share ideas and information. It was noted that a celebratory Climate Action Activities Day would be held on 24th February, and funding was still being sought to assist in the continuation of the Kintyre Grows project. The Chair congratulated Kintyre Climate Action Team on behalf of the Group for their work. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Update by Kintyre Climate Action Team, submitted) |
MID ARGYLL, KINTYRE AND THE ISLANDS AREA COMMUNITY PLANNING GROUP GOVERNANCE Report by Governance Officer, Argyll & Bute Council Additional documents:
Minutes: The group gave consideration to a report which outlined the governance arrangements of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group (Area CPG) specifically the Terms of Reference, membership and future meeting dates. It was agreed that the Governance Manager and Senior Committee Assistant would approach Scottish Canals about becoming a Member of the Group following the meeting. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group: 1. considered and adopted the Terms of Reference at Appendix 1 of the report and agreed that these be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure their ongoing currency and appropriateness for the work of the Area CPG as it develops over time; 2. considered and agreed the Membership of the group at Appendix 2 of the report, subject to the inclusion of Kintyre Youth Action Group and Argyll and Bute Council’s Community Justice Team, and agreed that this would be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure currency and appropriateness for the work of the group as it develops over time; and 3. noted the future meeting dates submitted within the report. (Reference: Report by Governance Officer, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 31 January 2024, submitted) |
Presentation by Corporate Support Manager, Argyll & Bute Council Minutes: Consideration was given to a presentation by the Corporate Support Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, in relation to the Council’s Area Plans. The presentation provided background information in relation to the Plans, as well as details of the 8 Locality Plans across Argyll and Bute, and the purpose and principles of the Plans. The presentation also included context about the scope of the Plans; the importance of community engagement and efficient use of resources in the development of the plans; the overall approach, governance and phasing of the Plan’s development; and the ways in which information from the development of the Plans would be utilised. The Corporate Support Manager noted that it was hoped that the Area Plans would maximise the opportunities for funding for local projects. It was anticipated that the Plans would be developed and owned by the communities, and the Area Community Planning Groups would have an important part to play in the development of the Plans. He emphasised that the Plans were not seeking to take ownership of projects away from local community groups. The presentation provided details of how partners could assist with the Area Plans by identifying community groups in the area; identifying physical locations suitable for hosting consultation documents; and encouraging community partners to engage with the development process. The Corporate Support Manager advised that he would provide a list of currently identified community groups for circulation to the Group following the meeting, in order to reduce duplication in identifying any additional groups for consultation. The Chair suggested that local radio stations could be helpful for disseminating information. Ian Brodie suggested that USB sticks could often be useful for providing copies of documents to local groups. Discussion took place around the complications that could arise as a result of the expectations, regulations, and understanding of community planning and development. It was noted that ways to make this interface easier for community groups to navigate would likely be welcomed. Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Corporate Support Manager,
Argyll and Bute Council, submitted) |
INCLUDEM - YOUTH JUSTICE Presentation by Research Associate, Includem Minutes: Consideration was given to a presentation by David Gould, Associate Researcher, Includem, in relation to Includem’s ADAPT Research Project. Information was provided in relation to Includem’s background as a Scottish charity dedicated to providing 24-hour, one-to-one support for young people and their families/carers; their normal operating processes when assisting young people who may be in conflict with the law; and funding from the Scottish Government’s Whole Family Wellbeing Fund to identify gaps and opportunities in provisions for young people who are in potential or actual conflict with the law. It was noted that Includem were engaging with services and
organisations across Scotland to identify gaps in current services and
provisions for young people in order to create pilot projects that could work
alongside existing services. It was noted that 12 broad
themes had been identified across Scotland in relation to youth justice, with a
variety of factors identified in relation to this and Includem were planning to
design pilot projects around local needs. The Associate Researcher provided examples
of current pilot projects, including bail support; structured deferred
sentencing support; and restorative justice. Councillor McFadzean offered his
support following the meeting in identifying suitable contacts within his Ward.
The Community Justice Co-ordinator
advised that she would welcome discussions with the Associate Researcher
following the meeting to discuss areas of possible joint working. Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference: Leaflet by Includem, submitted and Presentation
by Associate Researcher, Includem, tabled) |
DRAFT ARGYLL & BUTE COMMUNITY JUSTICE PLAN 2023-2027 Report by Community Justice Co-Ordinator, Argyll & Bute Council Minutes: Consideration was given to a
presentation which provided information in relation to the draft Argyll and
Bute Community Justice Plan 2023-27. The report
provided details in relation to the National Strategy for Community Justice;
the core membership of the Community Justice Partnership; the overall strategic
context of the Vision for Justice in Scotland and National Strategy for
Community Justice; the development of the Community Justice Outcome Improvement
Plan (CJOIP); the Community Justice Pathways Assessment process; and the
timescales for the consultation and publication of the plan. The Community Justice Co-Ordinator particularly
highlighted work being carried out to address the identified priorities,
including collaboration with the Alcohol and Drug Partnership; the Justice
Advocacy pilot with Lomond & Argyll Advocacy Service; and possible
collaborative working with Includem around restorative justice. Discussion took place around Police Scotland’s
consultation on the possible closure of the main custody centre in Argyll and
Bute, and the Community Justice Co-Ordinator confirmed that discussions would
need to take place around the possible impact of this for the local area. Decision The
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Community Justice
Co-Ordinator, Argyll and Bute Council, submitted) |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday, 1 May 2024 Minutes: The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group noted that the next meeting of the Group was scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 1 May 2024 on a hybrid basis. It was noted that arrangements for holding this meeting on a hybrid basis at a suitable location on Islay were being investigated. The Chair thanked everyone in attendance at the meeting. |