Venue: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Iona Campbell, Senior Committee Assistant; Tel: 01436 658 801
No. | Item |
The Chair ruled, and the Group agreed, to a variation in the order of business to facilitate partner attendance. The minute reflects the order in which items were discussed. |
Welcome and Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone and Stuart McLean outlined the procedure for the meeting. Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of: Councillor Sandy Taylor; Councillor Donald MacMillan BEM; Antonia Baird, Argyll & Bute Council; David Graham, HM Coastguard; Susan MacRae, Skills Development Scotland; Julie Hendry, Inveraray Community Council; Inspector Paul Collins, Police Scotland; Charles Reppke, Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust; Caitlin Quinn, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks; Donald McNeill, Forestry and Land Scotland; Jeni West, Forestry and Land Scotland; Jackie MacPherson, Argyll College UHI; Margaret Wallace, Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface; and Sandra MacIntyre, We Are With You. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes |
Minutes: The minutes of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group meeting held on Wednesday, 2 February 2022 were approved as a correct record. |
Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The Group considered a report providing information relating to the appointment of a Vice-Chair of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group. Stuart McLean invited nominations from those in the meeting. As there were no nominations for the role, it was agreed that the item would be continued to the next meeting of the Group. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group agreed to continue consideration of the appointment of a Vice-Chair to the next meeting of the Group. (Reference: Report by Shona Barton, Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 26 April 2022, submitted) |
Partners Updates |
Transport Scotland Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland, which provided information around scheduled trunk road projects including the repair of roundabouts in Lochgilphead in May; resurfacing projects at Drumore, Luss, Honeymoon Bridge, Succoth, Brenfield Bay and South of Shira; the repair of two bridges near Lochgilphead; and work on an embankment at Furnace. Neil advised that he would be attending a meeting at Burnbank Street, Campbeltown, in the afternoon and anticipated meeting some of the Group partners there. Updates were also provided on actions from the previous meeting of the Group. It was noted that further information was still being sought from BEAR Scotland in relation to when the most recent cleaning of drains on Kinloch Road, Campbeltown, had been carried out. It was also confirmed that remaining works on Hall Street, Campbeltown, were scheduled to be carried out on 27 and 28 April. It was advised that further investigations were being carried out with BEAR Scotland and Councillor Armour around the requirement to repair a culvert at Kilmichael Farm. Following Neil’s departure from the meeting, Councillor Armour requested confirmation that works on Hall Street, Campbeltown, were still going ahead as planned. Councillor Armour advised that he would seek further clarification on this from Neil following the meeting. Valerie Nimmo noted her disappointment that Campbeltown Community Council had not been invited to attend the meeting at Burnbank Street. Councillor Armour noted that he had recently been made aware of the meeting, which had been arranged by Council officers, and that he would be in attendance. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Neil MacFarlane, North West Area Manager, Transport Scotland, tabled) |
Architecture and Design Scotland Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Ness Wright, Architecture and Design Scotland, in relation to the progress of the Climate Action Towns Project. The update provided information around the completion of the Campbeltown Community Action Plan (CAP); the ways in which people could access a copy of the CAP following an earlier launch event; the provision of funding for a second year of the Project; and future planned work with the CAP team to prioritise and implement the actions relating to climate change. Ness invited anyone who was interested in further information around the project to contact her. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Ness Wright, Senior Design Officer, Architecture and Design Scotland, submitted) |
Police Scotland Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Police Scotland which highlighted information relating to the work of the Counter Terrorism Liaison Officer; the changes arising as a result of the new Dogs (Protection of Livestock) (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2021 and the ways in which partners could assist with the promotion of this; continued work to reduce incidents of fraud; support available for holidaymakers affected by domestic abuse and the ways in which this was being advertised; and the progress of the Rural Watch Scheme, including the potential for Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras along the A83 . The update invited the Group to consider potential avenues of funding to assist in the procurement of Rural Watch Scheme signage for the local area. Sergeant Matthew Shaw advised that, since the last meeting of the Group, he had fed back queries and concerns raised by partners. Discussion took place around the parking issues in Campbeltown which had been raised previously, and Councillor Armour confirmed that this was still a problem. Sergeant Shaw advised that he would raise this with the local Inspector, and would also ask local Sergeants to look at this as an enduring community problem. Sergeant Shaw also advised that additional actions and patrols were being put in place to target youth anti-social behaviour in the area. Brian Smith advised that he would be interested in engaging with Police Scotland around the ways in which youth work partners could come together to investigate solutions, and provide education to young people. Sergeant Shaw agreed to link in with Brian and the new youth worker for the area in relation to this following the meeting. Sergeant Shaw noted that staff recruitment and retention in the area were a priority for Police Scotland, and an event was taking place to encourage local staff recruitment. PC Evans agreed to share information in relation to this via the Group’s Basecamp site following the meeting. Lauren Worrell advised that a Rural Crime Prevention Day had been scheduled for August, and that she would provide further details in relation to this event at the next meeting. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Inspector Paul Collins, Police Scotland, submitted) |
Live Argyll - Community Learning Service Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Brian Smith, Live Argyll - Community Learning Service, which provided information relating to youth services, including the work of youth action groups; opportunities for young people to engage with the Give Holiday programmes; the development of Transition and School Leavers programmes; and the scheduled publishing of the new Youth Work Strategy. The update also included information relating to adult learning and highlighted the opening of new weekly learning hubs for adult learners across all areas; work to address the identified gap in adult literacy and numeracy support; the scheduled publishing of the new Adult Learning Strategy in May; and work to support new Scots and the existing refugee resettlement project on Bute. Brian advised that a new local youth worker would be starting in post in May. He noted that work was ongoing around youth engagement, and provided details of a planned Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYP) roadshow event to investigate local youth issues across the area. Brian advised that a new volunteering programme was being launched shortly, and he would provide further details around this to the Group in due course. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Brian Smith, Team Leader – Community Learning Services, Live Argyll, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface Update Minutes: The Group considered a written update from Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface (TSI) which provided information in relation to the distribution of the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund; support being provided to 30 young people as part of the Young Person’s Guarantee project; and the availability of the Inveraray Hub and its hybrid facilities for use by members of the TSI. The update also included information on the Volunteer of the Year Awards 2022, and invited nominations for the awards. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Report by Margaret Wallace, Third Sector Support Officer, Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface, submitted) |
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Update Minutes: The Group considered a report by Barry Colvan highlighting the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) FQ4 review of local performance across Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands for the period 2021-22. The report included information around incidents during this period; recent community safety activity; and new smoke detector legislation. Barry provided further details in relation to the referral pathways for home fire safety visits; future plans for monthly home fire safety awareness sessions; and the work of the Partnership Approach to Water Safety Group and their engagement with local communities and partner organisations. He also highlighted the Spring Thematic Action Plan and improved education around wildfires and campfires, noting that SFRS representatives would be engaging with communities in relation to this. He advised that literature would also be distributed within communities, around local campsites, and via social media. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Barry Colvan, Watch Commander/Local Authority Liaison Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Jen Broadhurst, Argyll and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). The update highlighted an increased number of queries to the service, with a particular rise in queries relating to the increasing cost of living and debt, specifically energy debt. It was noted that this had resulted in additional funding being obtained for the employment of a part-time energy debt specialist to increase the debt support provided. The update also included information relating to an increase in clients seeking support to avoid eviction following the confirmed resumption of face-to-face sessions by Her Majesty’s Court & Tribunals Service; an increase in complex client issues and clients suffering from mental health concerns; attempts to seek funding to assist vulnerable clients; the commencement of the Spring 2022 Adviser Training Programme; and research which had been carried out in relation to the private housing market across Argyll and Bute. Jen highlighted that offices had re-opened, however many people were still choosing to engage with advisers virtually. She highlighted that the CAB were continually looking for volunteers, particularly in light of the increase in demand for services. It was noted that the CAB were celebrating their 20th anniversary next week, and were hosting a small celebration in Arrochar for volunteers and staff. Jen encouraged partners to engage with an ongoing consultation exercise to review the work of the CAB. Jennifer Dryden advised that she would be happy to share the consultation through the Living Well Network following the meeting. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Jen Broadhurst, Bureau Manager, Argyll and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau, submitted) |
Campbeltown Community Council Update Minutes: The Group considered an update by Valerie Nimmo, Campbeltown Community Council, which confirmed the completion of the Campbeltown Community Action Plan and provided information on how copies of the Plan could be accessed. The update also provided information around the Community Council’s receipt of a share of the Community Benefit Fund distributed by Scottish Power Renewables, and thanked East Kintyre Renewable Energy Group for their work in securing a lifetime community benefit agreement in relation to Beinn an Tuirc 3. The update also advised that new inclusive play equipment would be installed in the Jock’s Adventure Playground; a Platinum Jubilee Tea was being organised for elderly people in Campbeltown to mark the Queen’s Jubilee; plans were being made to install a waste disposal unit near the new Quay; and plans were being progressed around improvements to local paths. Valerie advised that many of the actions from the Community Action Plan were subject to Council co-operation, and she hoped that the Council and newly elected local Councillors would engage positively with the Community Council and other partners in relation to this. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Valerie Nimmo, Campbeltown Community Council, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership - Public Health Update Minutes: The Group considered a public health update from Jennifer Dryden, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership. The update highlighted the launch of the new Community Link Worker service and the progress of the Argyll and Bute Living Well Strategy. Information was also provided in relation to a report by the NHS Highland Director of Public Health, which investigated and provided recommendations in relation to ways to improve mental health and reduce suicide rates across the NHS Highland area. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Jennifer Dryden, Health Improvement Lead, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, submitted) |
Department for Work and Pensions Update Minutes: The Group considered a written update from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), which included statistical information on clients receiving Universal Credit and other benefits across the Argyll and Bute area, as well as information on various initiatives that the DWP were involved in. The update highlighted progress with the Way to Work initiative to assist people in returning to work; support available to assist with increases in energy bills, the cost of living and childcare costs; changes to the amount of time that a claimant is able to seek work only within their preferred sector; changes to the rules for those with a terminal illness; a campaign to encourage those on tax credits to investigate the possibility of transferring to Universal Credit; the roll out of the new Adult Disability Payment (ADP); support available for those fleeing Ukraine; and new guidance available from the Money and Pensions Service. Decision
The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Report by Elizabeth MacBrayne, Employer & Partnership Manager, Department for Work and Pensions, submitted) |
Skills Development Scotland Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Skills Development Scotland (SDS) which included school leaver statistics for the 2020-21 period. The update also included a link to the Annual Participation Measures and information relating to current trends. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Presentation by Susan MacRae, Area Manager, Skills Development Scotland, submitted) |
Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust Update Minutes: The Group considered a written update from Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust which included information on the progress of their Housing Project and the possibility of developing an area of land for new, affordable homes. The update also included information around the Trust’s attendance at a recent Community Housing Network Group meeting; progress on an alternative approach to a community buy out in the village of Skipness; representation of the Trust at a recent community meeting organised by the Tarbert Harbour Authority and UK Government; a project proposal which had been developed around the themes of recovery and regeneration for the village’s participation in the UK Community Renewal Fund; and participation in an online discussion by the More Homes division of the Scottish Government. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Report by Charles Reppke, Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust, submitted) |
HM Coastguard Update Additional documents: Minutes: The Group considered a written update from HM Coastguard which provided details of the celebrations for HM Coastguard’s 200th birthday, including a copy of the commemorative magazine to mark the occasion. The update also provided statistical information in relation to incidents which taken place across Area 17 during 2021. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Report by David Graham, Coastal Operations Area Commander, HM Coastguard, submitted) |
Opportunity for verbal updates from Area Community Planning Group Partners Minutes: Niall Colthart, Islay Community
Council Niall Colthart highlighted that
one of the main issues on Islay was transport links, with ferry availability
causing serious concern. He noted that the Islay Communities Ferry Group was working
with Caledonian MacBrayne in relation to this. Niall also advised that the
availability of workers, and particularly key workers, was causing concern. He
noted that this was being affected by the lack of affordable accommodation on
the island. He advised that Islay Airport had put in place two accommodation
pods to house their staff, and were now making these available for health and
social care workers during May to allow agency staff to be housed on the
island. Tracy Robertson, Fyne Homes Tracy advised that she was a part
of the steering group for the Home Argyll Partnership. She noted that she was
able to assist with any queries for Registered Social Landlords in the area,
and could take these forward for a response or signpost people appropriately. Heather Thomas-Smith, Argyll and
the Isles Tourism Co-operative (AITC) Heather Thomas-Smith provided
information in relation to AITC’s recent annual summit, which had marked their
10 year anniversary. She also provided details of the new Above and Below
partnership, and the recent AITC Roadshow event. Heather noted that the main
message from recent events had been that businesses were struggling with
staffing, and this was affecting the services that they could provide. She also
highlighted the impact of the increasing cost of fuel. She advised that work
was ongoing to bring people together to collaborate on potential solutions to
these issues, and invited anyone who may wish to be involved in this to get in
touch with her. |
Community Focus |
Police Scotland Fraud Discussion Presentation by Partnership Liaison Officer, Police Scotland Minutes: The Group considered a presentation by PC Laura Evans, Police Scotland. The presentation provided an overview of the work being undertaken by Police Scotland to highlight and reduce incidents of fraud. Background information was provided around fraud and the increase in incidences of fraud since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. PC Evans also highlighted the impact that being a victim of fraud could have on individuals, and emphasised that anyone could be a victim of fraud. PC Evans provided further information about the various methods that were being used by fraudsters; the work which was being undertaken by Police Scotland to combat the increase in fraud activity; and the ways in which partners could assist to prevent fraud within their local communities. She provided examples of the ways in which the community and partner organisations had assisted in sharing information, and noted that partners had also assisted with fitting call blockers across the area. She particularly highlighted the weekly ‘Spotlight on Scams’ articles in the local press, and the sharing of cyber advice leaflets alongside refurbished mobile devices and laptops as part of schemes to improve digital access during the pandemic. PC Evans encouraged people to sign up to Neighbourhood Watch Scotland and to complete the free Friends Against Scams training which was available. She advised that she would upload a copy of the presentation, and links to all relevant resources, to the Group’s Basecamp site following the meeting. She noted that local Councillors could undertake training to become a ‘Scam Champion’, and highlighted the importance of organisations being aware of fraud prevention information. It was noted that some vulnerable people did not report fraud to Police Scotland out of fear of embarrassment or losing their independence. Councillor Armour thanked PC Evans for her informative presentation, and noted that it was very important for this information to be shared widely. PC Evans advised that she would be happy to attend face-to-face events to discuss fraud prevention, and encouraged partners to get in touch with her if this was of interest. Valerie Nimmo enquired about the placement of a ‘Friendship Bench’ in Campbeltown. PC Evans advised that it was her understanding that the Council would be putting in place a concrete base for the bench imminently. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by PC Laura Evans, Partnership Liaison Officer, Police Scotland, submitted) |
Fuel Poverty - Argyll, Lomond and the Isles Energy Agency (ALI Energy) Presentation by Manager, ALIEnergy Minutes: The Group considered a presentation by Lynda Mitchell, ALIEnergy, in relation to the ALIEnergy Affordable Warmth Service. The presentation provided background information in relation to ALIEnergy, their aims, their staff, and the geographic area covered by the Affordable Warmth Advice Service. The presentation also provided statistical information in relation to fuel poverty across Scotland; a breakdown of the percentages of people suffering from fuel poverty by local authority region; examples of fuel poverty in everyday life; examples of how the energy advice process could assist people to access support; and contact details for the Affordable Warmth Team. Further information was provided around how ALIEnergy were able to measure the impact of the support provided to clients, both new and existing. Recent examples were also provided of how ALIEnergy had been able to assist clients in accessing support through various funds. The presentation also included information around ALIEnergy’s social media channels, as well as contacts details for referrals or client enquiries. Discussion took place around the higher rates of fuel poverty in areas where the most renewable energy was produced. Valerie Nimmo noted that Kintyre produced a lot of renewable energy but did not see any benefit in terms of electricity cost, and suggested that it could be beneficial to open a dialogue with renewable energy companies around this. Lynda advised that, in her role as Chair of Energy Action Scotland, she was aware that this was a problem that was prevalent across a number of areas in Scotland and lobbying was ongoing. She noted that many windfarms were likely to be owned by different developers, and therefore it was difficult to reach a consensus with all parties. She advised that many windfarm operators were likely to offer some kind of community benefit, however overall it was a huge issue affecting many areas in Scotland. She encouraged people to continue to vocalise their concerns around this, to encourage action to be taken. Jennifer Dryden agreed to contact Lynda to discuss possible future links between the Community Link Worker service and ALIEnergy following the meeting. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Lynda Mitchell, Manager, ALI Energy, submitted) |
Partner Updates |
Caledonian MacBrayne Update Minutes: The Group considered a verbal update from Don McKillop, Caledonian MacBrayne (CalMac). He provided an update on the commencement of the Summer timetable following a difficult winter period as a result of bad weather and technical challenges with the fleet across the network. He also noted that there had been a challenging dry dock period, with extended durations for many vessels. Don advised that the MV Caledonian Isles had recently been withdrawn from service due to a technical issue, and this had resulted in delays to the start of the Campbeltown - Ardrossan service. He noted that specialist engineers were working on diagnosing the issue, and it was hoped that a further update on its return to service would be available soon. He confirmed that he would keep in close contact with Councillor Armour in relation to this as the representative of the Campbeltown Ferry Committee, and noted that this delay had followed a challenging few years for the Campbeltown – Ardrossan service. Don also provided an update on
the installation of temporary toilet facilities at Claonaig; the construction
of permanent toilet facilities in Claonaig over the Summer; the availability of
shore support in Campbeltown and Claonaig as required; the impact of vessel
issues on the Tarbert - Portavadie route over the winter period, due to the
need to prioritise the Tarbert - Lochranza service
for the transport of dangerous goods; the impact of Covid-19 on crew
availability over the winter period; the operation of two vessels on the Kennacraig – Islay service in anticipation of a busy
season; and the adoption of Covid-19 guidance reflecting that of the Scottish
Government, which encouraged people to wear masks on board vessels and not to
travel when feeling unwell. Councillor Armour advised that he
had not been surprised that the Campbeltown – Ardrossan service had not started
as planned, however he was slightly more encouraged at the news that the delay
could be limited to one week. He noted that he hoped for good news on this
shortly and that this would be a less problematic season than had been the case
in recent years. He raised concerns about a businessman who had been told that
he could not book his white van on to the ferry to Islay, despite there being
remaining space reserved for cars. Don confirmed that this should not be the
case, and he would be happy for his contact details to be passed on to the
businessman concerned to investigate this. Niall Colthart advised that he
was pleased to hear that CalMac were recognising the challenges faced for Islay
in terms of ferry capacity, and he understood that they were in close contact
with the Islay Ferry Committee in relation to this. Don confirmed that CalMac
were liaising with Transport Scotland and the Islay Ferry Committee around the
possibility of operating additional services, and noted that Islay McEachern and Jim Porteous had been very successful in
bringing together key parties to address the challenges faced. He advised that
all options would be explored, subject to the ability of the current fleet to
meet demands, while waiting for the completion of new vessels for the Islay
route. Niall noted his concerns about
proposed charges for people making changes to bookings, and the potential for
island communities to be unduly penalised because of this. He advised that this
would affect booking flexibility for people living on islands and enquired
about whether these charges would also be applicable to commercial operators.
Don advised that this was purely a consultation at this time, and he sympathised
with the concerns that had been raised. He advised that meetings were being
held to ascertain feedback in relation to these proposals, which were hoped to
reduce the number of ‘no-show’ bookings on busy sailings. Lauren Worrell advised that farmers had reported difficulties in getting fuel on Arran last week, and enquired as to whether there were plans to prioritise bookings for the transport of essential supplies during times of difficulty. Don advised that he would enquire about this following the meeting, as his colleague was responsible for the Arran service, however he was surprised that fuel deliveries would have been impacted by the withdrawal of the MV Caledonian Isles as he did not believe that this vessel would be used for transporting fuel. He noted that, on occasion, media reports could prompt increased purchases if people were concerned about potential shortages. He confirmed that although CalMac operated on a first-come, first-serve booking basis, opportunities were provided to suppliers to block-book slots for the transportation of essential goods and services in advance. He noted that, where required, it was common practice for CalMac to prioritise essential goods and services during periods of disruption. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. |
Climate Change |
Minutes of the Climate Change Working Group meeting held on Thursday, 17 February 2022 Minutes: The minutes of a recent meeting of the Climate Change Working Group, held on 17 February 2022, were before the Group for noting and relevant discussion. Stuart McLean provided a further update on behalf of Stan Mitchell, Chair of the Climate Change Working Group. He advised that the Working Group were concentrating their efforts on finding funding to create a Climate Change Project Officer post, to carry out the actions which had been identified – namely developing an Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation and Engagement for Argyll and Bute. He noted that putting in place funding and governance systems was likely to dominate the work of the Working Group in the near future, and invited the Group to consider any potential sources of funding which could be utilised for the Climate Change Project Officer post. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Minute of the Climate Change Working Group, held on 17 February 2022, submitted) |
Community Planning Partnership Management Committee Update Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The Group considered a briefing note which provided information around matters discussed during a virtual meeting of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Management Committee, held on 16 March 2022. Stuart McLean particularly highlighted the attendance of the new Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs); an update provided in relation to the Child Poverty Working Group; an update from Lorna Byrne in relation to applications to the Scottish Welfare Fund; the work of the Digital Communities Group; and an update provided by Fergus Murray in relation to the Strategic Transportation Projects Review 2 (STPR 2). Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the briefing note. (Reference: Report by Shona Barton, Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 26 April 2022, submitted) |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, 31st August 2022 at 10am. Minutes: The Group noted that the next meeting of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group would take place on Wednesday, 31 August 2022 at 10am. |