Venue: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Iona Campbell, Senior Committee Assistant; Tel: 01436 658 801
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. The Committee Manager outlined the procedure for the meeting. Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of: Councillor Donald MacMillan BEM; Councillor Sandy Taylor; Antonia Baird, Argyll and Bute Council; Charles Reppke, Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust; Inspector Paul Collins, Police Scotland; Teresa (Tracy) Robertson, Fyne Homes; Caitlin Quinn, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks; Susan MacRae, Skills Development Scotland; May Cross, Department for Work and Pensions; Jeni West, Forestry and Land Scotland; and Hazel Fuller, Dunadd Community Council. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes |
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group held on Wednesday, 3rd November 2021 were approved as a correct record. |
Partners Updates |
Transport Scotland Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland, who provided information around scheduled trunk road projects including an imminent signing strategy for Cairndow; vegetation clearance between Inveraray and Cairndow; and overnight resurfacing projects being undertaken throughout April and May at Brenfield Bay, South of Arrochar, North of Carrick Cemetery, and North of Drumore. Neil noted that repairs to the Inveraray sea wall had been ongoing for some time, with the majority of the work having now been completed and traffic lights removed. He confirmed that the small section still requiring repair would be revisited by BEAR Scotland in due course. Neil provided an update on the improvement works to Kinloch Road, Campbeltown, particularly highlighting the technical challenges involved with improving drainage. He noted that investigations were underway involving relevant parties to ensure that the best possible solution was implemented. Discussion took place around the build-up of mud and difficulties in cleaning the existing drains, and Neil confirmed that he would consult with BEAR Scotland and provide an update to the Group following the meeting on when the drains had most recently been cleaned. Discussion took place around overgrown trees and vegetation at Barmore Road, Tarbert, and Cairndow, with it being noted that the A83 had been blocked over the weekend at various times due to fallen trees. Neil advised that there were annual programmes in place to identify dangerous trees and vegetation but BEAR Scotland’s Landscaping Manager had confirmed that they would be undertaking investigations along the A83 on 2nd February, following a number of adverse reports over the weekend. He confirmed that a programme of works would then be implemented, with works being prioritised where there was an immediate danger to the trunk road. Councillor Armour requested an update on the plans for the junction between Burnbank Street and Kinloch Road, Campbeltown. Neil advised that designers were of the opinion that the solution to reported issues would be a permanent build out, and Councillor Armour noted that cars were already having to move further out onto the carriageway to get a clear view of the road. Councillor Armour requested an update on works still to be completed on Hall Street, Campbeltown. Neil confirmed that this work would usually be completed during the Spring or Summer due to the requirement for good weather, however he was awaiting an official date for the works to be carried out from BEAR Scotland. Councillor Armour advised that there had been some flooding issues at the end of Hall Street, Campbeltown, near the ferry terminal, and these had been raised with the Council’s Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services. Neil noted that he was unaware of these issues but he would be happy to ask his colleagues at BEAR Scotland to investigate this further. Councillor Armour noted that resurfacing works were scheduled for the area North of Drumore and advised that a culvert collapse at Kilmichael Farm had previously been repaired temporarily with tar, however this had started to sink again and it was not clear whether further work had been scheduled to repair this. Neil advised that he was unsure if work had been specifically scheduled for the culvert repair but he would raise this issue with his BEAR Scotland colleagues following the meeting. Lucy Sumsion asked Neil to investigate the possibility of implementing lighting at the junction to Cairndow, noting that Police Scotland had been supportive of this in the past. She provided examples of other areas where lighting had been put in place on a trunk road, and noted that there had been a tragic accident previously at the junction and locals were keen to see lighting put in place to avoid any future accidents. Neil confirmed that he would investigate this following the meeting. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Neil MacFarlane, North West Area Manager, Transport Scotland, tabled) |
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Update Minutes: The Group considered a report highlighting the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) FQ3 review of local performance across Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands for the period 2021-22. Barry Colvan highlighted the decrease in accidental dwelling fires; work being carried out to assist and support other agencies; an increase in Home Fire Safety Visits; and the use of local staff and social media to share important messages. Barry advised that advice was available from SFRS staff but emphasised that it was the responsibility of the home owner to ensure that home smoke detector systems complied with the new legislation which had come into effect in early 2022. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Barry Colvan, Watch Commander/Local Authority Liaison Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
Police Scotland Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Sergeant Matthew Shaw, Police Scotland, which highlighted information relating to the aims of the festive policing campaign; work around the identification and prevention of road traffic offences and speeding; a focus in the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands (MAKI) area on combating drug related activities and the ways in which communities could provide intelligence to Police around this to allow them to act; the recent prevalence of COVID-related absences across the service; the introduction of 5 new officers to the local area; and the increase in local specially trained officers carrying Tasers. PC Laura Evans provided an update on the Keep Safe initiative and the ways in which the 53 Keep Safe Places in MAKI could be identified and accessed; the implementation of the Herbert Protocol to assist those living with dementia; and continued work to highlight and reduce incidents of fraud. She also provided information around ways in which partners could become involved with the Keep Safe and fraud prevention initiatives. Discussion took place around vandalism and anti-social behaviour at Blarbuie Woodlands, Lochgilphead, with Sergeant Shaw noting that he was aware of this and it had been placed on the local patrol strategy. He advised that due to resource restrictions, there weren’t always as many patrols in the area as he would like, however he would continue to monitor this. He noted that the implementation of CCTV may assist the situation, however this could be a matter that would divide public opinion, and he would have to investigate this further. Lucy Sumsion suggested that the Police Scotland representative who had been involved in a recent online rural crime event may be a good resource for information around CCTV. Councillor Armour highlighted parking issues in Campbeltown which were resulting in junctions being obstructed, in particular at the junction of Burnbank Street and Kinloch Road. Sergeant Shaw confirmed that he would raise this with local officers and ensure that they were monitoring this during their shifts. PC Evans also highlighted the new Dogs (Protection of Livestock) (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2021 legislation, which would result in harsher penalties for livestock worrying. She noted that although this was a Scotland-wide piece of legislation, local events were being planned to increase the focus on education and to assist in avoiding incidents. Sergeant Shaw noted that a press release was being circulated by Police Scotland in relation to this, and further information would be provided to Community Councils and via social media campaigns in the near future. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Inspector Paul Collins, Police Scotland, submitted) |
Architecture and Design Scotland - Climate Action Towns Project Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Ness Wright, Architecture and Design Scotland, in relation to the progress of the Climate Action Towns Project. The update provided information around the aims of the Project; the selection of Campbeltown as one of 7 Climate Action Towns across Scotland during the pilot project; work to assist with the development of the Campbeltown Community Action Plan (CAP); and details of potential future funding for the Project. Ness Wright confirmed that there were opportunities for the involvement of local partners and encouraged anyone who would be interested in this to get in touch with her. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Ness Wright, Senior Design Officer, Architecture and Design Scotland, submitted) |
Campbeltown Community Council Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Valerie Nimmo, Campbeltown Community Council. The update noted that a virtual presentation had been provided to the Community Council on the Empowering our Educators proposals and the Community Council were in the process of forming an official response to this. In addition to this, it was noted in the update that the Community Council had been generally impressed by plans for a Machrihanish Dunes expansion. Valerie expressed concern during the update at the condition of the road along the Esplanade, as well as other local roads, and it was noted that this had been raised with the Council’s Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services. An update was provided on the progress of the Community Action Plan, which had been assisted by input from Architecture and Design Scotland. Valerie noted her particular thanks to Ness Wright and Chiara Fingland from Architecture and Design Scotland for their assistance with this. Valerie raised concerns about storm damage to the sea walls at Low Askomil and the Esplanade, advising that she was unsure who would be responsible for these repairs. Councillor Armour confirmed that both of these issues had been raised with the Council and he had received assurance that they would be dealt with. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Update by Valerie Nimmo, Campbeltown Community Council, submitted) |
Forestry and Land Scotland Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS). The update included information around the development of updated Land Management Plans; the status of a number of local Renewables sites; issues with the spread of disease among larch trees and the steps being taken to reduce the impact of this; and the progress of planned peatland restoration. The update also included information around upcoming complex operations in the area and difficulties in recruiting staff to available vacancies, with particular concerns highlighted in relation to the lack of suitable housing around the Lochgilphead area. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Update by Jeni West, Planning Forester, Forestry and Land Scotland, tabled) |
Argyll College UHI Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Dhonna McCallum, Argyll College UHI, which included confirmation that centres were entering into a period of phased return in line with government guidelines. The update also provided information around newly available courses and courses which were starting in early 2022, alongside information on how to access these courses. It was noted that CSCS CITB tests were available at the Campbeltown and Dunoon Learning Centres, and that the UHI were offering free places on upskilling and reskilling courses. The appointment of a new Commercial Development Officer was also highlighted in the update, and Dhonna advised that she would be happy to pass on information to them about any particular local needs which were identified by Members. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Update by Dhonna McCallum, Learning Centre Manager, Argyll College UHI, submitted) |
Live Argyll - Community Learning Service Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Brian Smith, Live Argyll - Community Learning Service, which included information around the election of three new local Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs). The update also included information in relation to Youth Action Groups; a consultation being undertaken to identify the provisions required for adult learning; the outcome of support for learners provided through the No One Left Behind (NOLB) initiative; and the results of the recent HMIE inspection of the Community Learning and Development team. An overview of the Youth Work Recovery Education Programme was also included in the update. Brian Smith advised that he would be in discussion with the Council’s Community Planning Manager soon to discuss what the MSYP’s future involvement would be in the Community Planning Partnership Management Committee and Area Community Planning Groups. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Update by Brian Smith, Team Leader – Community Learning Services, Live Argyll, submitted) |
We Are With You Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Sandra MacIntyre, We Are With You, which included information around their blended approach to supporting clients; the impact of COVID-19 and self-isolation on staffing; a recent increase in Norovirus infections; the development of the service and new referral routes being sought; the identification of suitable local premises across Argyll and Bute which could be used to meet clients; and links being made and strengthened with a variety of organisations to progress future partnership working. Sandra MacIntyre advised that the Live Argyll Community Learning Service had been very helpful to We Are With You, and had offered to do a beginners computer course with the Recovery Activity Group. She noted that there was also the possibility of a digital photography course in future. Sandra advised that an application had been submitted to the Scottish Government for funding to assist with rehab requirements across Argyll and Bute, noting that Dunoon in particular had a high incidence of drug deaths and it was hoped that funding could be used to assist the Addictions team in employing staff to undertake pre-rehab work.
The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.
(Reference: Update by Sandra MacIntyre, Team Leader – MAKI, We Are With You, submitted) |
Department for Work and Pensions Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) which included statistical information on clients receiving Universal Credit and other benefits across the Argyll and Bute area, as well as information on various initiatives that the DWP were involved in. The update also included information relating to changes to the various support and benefits which were available, and the processes for accessing these. Information was also provided in the update relating to action being taken to help to prevent pension scams; the tax liability of coronavirus support schemes; advice available for households experiencing financial difficulties; and the Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme.
The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Update by May Cross, Centre Manager, Department for Work and Pensions, submitted) |
Citizens Advice Bureau Update Minutes: The Group considered an update from Jen Broadhurst, Argyll & Bute Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), which included information relating to the planned reintroduction of face-to-face appointments for clients, as well as the continued provision of support by telephone, e-mail and video conferencing. The update also noted that CAB were in the process of recruiting volunteer advisers, and stated that training for new advisers was hoped to start shortly. The update highlighted that advice required by most clients was in relation to welfare rights and debt, with particularly high levels of energy, catalogue and credit card debt at present. It was noted that the growing cost of living was resulting in increased pressures for many clients, and the CAB had been in regular contact with Home Energy Scotland around the significant increase in energy costs. Jen highlighted that a number of protections for debtors which had been in place during much of the pandemic had now been removed, and this was resulting in an increased demand for advice. In order to assist with this, Jen confirmed that CAB were increasing their capacity to provide debt advice through their advisers and would also be raising awareness of the assistance that they could provide via social media and at local events. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Jen Broadhurst, Bureau Manager, Argyll and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau, submitted) |
Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust Update Minutes: The Group considered a written update from Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust. The update included information around the progress of the Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust Housing Project and the outcome of a community meeting held by the Trust on 18th November 2021 to seek updated feedback from the community and local business owners. The update also included information around an awareness campaign which had been undertaken to encourage families with unmet housing needs to register this on HOMEARGYLL; the Trust’s representation on the first meeting of the Community Housing Network Group; and the development of plans for the Skipness area to maximise the benefit to the community. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Update by Charles Reppke, Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust, submitted) |
Dunadd Community Council Update Minutes: The Group considered a written update from Dunadd Community Council, which noted that a Council decision on the next steps for the C38 road was expected in February or March 2022, with work also being undertaken with the Council’s roads team to progress the appropriate traffic calming measures following the completion of a speed survey in Kilmartin. The update also advised that the Community Council were liaising with TSL around moneys awarded to the community which were proposed to be used for the purchase of new picnic benches on Kilmartin Green. The update provided further information on recent activity at Dunadd Community Council’s meetings, which included a presentation on the Glasvaar windfarm proposal; a discussion around the reintroduction of lynx; and regular updates being provided in relation to the Kilmartin Quarry Extension and Kilmartin Museum projects. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Update by Hazel Fuller, Dunadd Community Council, submitted) |
Opportunity for verbal updates from Area Community Planning Group Partners Minutes: Ian Brodie, East Kintyre Community Council Ian Brodie advised that East Kintyre Community Council were involved in discussions around a number of projects, including battery storage development at Carradale Sub Station; West Torrisdale Wind Farm; the Scottish and Southern Energy Network (SSEN) Inveraray to Crossaig pylon project; and plans for a new SSEN power cable from Carradale to Arran. Lucy Sumsion, National Farmers Union Scotland Lucy Sumsion provided further information in relation to the new Dogs (Protection of Livestock) (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2021 legislation which had been put in place to protect livestock from attack and strengthen penalties for those who did not comply. Lucy noted that a launch event to provide local education on this was being planned, with further events expected to take place across the local area in due course. Councillor Armour asked if it would be possible for him to be invited to the launch event, and Lucy confirmed that she would enquire about this. Lucy also provided information in relation to an online rural crime event which had taken place, with a particular emphasis on the east side of Kintyre which had seen an increase in crimes such as quad bike thefts in recent times. She advised that a Police Scotland representative had attended the event to discuss prevention techniques to assist in avoiding future incidents. Lucy noted that it was hoped that a similar on-farm event would also be arranged in due course. |
Community Focus |
Colonsay and Oransay Community Plan 2022-2032 Presentation by Community Planning Officer, Colonsay Community Development Company Minutes: The Group considered a presentation by Caitlin McNeill, Colonsay Community Development Trust, in relation to the development of the Colonsay and Oransay Community Plan 2022-2023. The presentation provided statistics in relation to life on Colonsay and Oransay, as well as information on how the previous Community Plan had been used to assist with developments in a number of key areas such as housing and community ownership since 2012. The presentation also provided an overview of how the consultation was being undertaken; the key consultees who would be involved; and the input required from external shareholders and service providers. Caitlin advised that she would appreciate any guidance or support from members of the Group in contacting the appropriate people to ensure that the views of all relevant parties could be included in the consultation. Ian Brodie confirmed that he would be happy to provide relevant contact details which may be of assistance to Caitlin following the meeting. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Caitlin McNeill, Community Planning Officer, Colonsay Community Development Company, submitted) |
Climate Change |
Time for Change Argyll and Bute Presentation by Time for Change Argyll and Bute Minutes: The Group considered a presentation by Cathy Cameron, Time for Change Argyll and Bute. The presentation provided an overview of the organisation’s origin as a youth group and their development since then to include a wider member demographic; their purpose; the ongoing work which was being undertaken to combat the climate crisis and the ways in which the organisation were progressing this; and details of the organisations achievements since 2019 and their plans for 2022. In particular, Cathy highlighted the Climate Change Summit in 2021 and two videos which were created locally and shown at COP26, with further information around this available on the Time for Change Website. The presentation also provided information in relation to some terms relating to climate change, as well as details of useful resources for anyone who wished to seek further information around the climate crisis. Cathy noted that the organisation were able to assist with projects by grassroots organisations and the advertising of local activities on social media. In addition to the resources available in the presentation, Cathy also highlighted the Community Planning Partnership Climate Change Action Signposting, as well as the ACT Now Project and other local initiatives. Cathy outlined the ways in which the Group could assist Time for Change in their work and encouraged Members to get involved. She invited anyone who would like further information to contact Time for Change at Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Cathy Cameron, Time for Change Argyll and Bute, submitted) |
Minutes of the Climate Change Working Group meeting held on Thursday, 16th December 2021 Minutes: The minutes of a recent meeting of the Climate Change Working Group, held on Thursday 16th December 2021, were before the Group for noting and relevant discussion. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group: 1.
considered and noted the minutes of the Climate Change Working Group
meeting held on Thursday 16th December 2021; and 2.
noted that any queries relating to the minutes could be raised by
e-mail following the meeting, and any responses circulated to the Group. (Reference: Minute of the Climate Change Working Group, held on Thursday 16th December 2021, submitted) |
Community Planning Partnership Management Committee Update Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The Group considered a briefing note which provided information around matters discussed during a virtual meeting of the Community Planning Partnership Management Committee, held on 8th December 2021. Shona Barton noted that difficulties in appointing office bearers to the Area Community Planning Groups (ACPGs) had been highlighted, and it was agreed that a video would be created to provide information about the roles and encourage people to put themselves forward. Shona also highlighted discussions which had taken place around the future operation of ACPGs following the upcoming Council election. She noted that other areas which may be of particular interest for Members were a presentation by Fergus Walker on Financial Inclusion which included information relating to the Flexible Food Fund and school clothing banks; ongoing work to refresh the Argyll and Bute Outcome Improvement Plan (ABOIP); and the ongoing work of the Recruitment and Retention Short Life Working Group. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the briefing note. (Reference: Report by Shona Barton, Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 2nd February 2022, submitted) |
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group Governance |
Area Community Planning Group Governance Arrangements Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council Additional documents: Minutes: The Group considered a report which asked Members to consider the updated Terms of Reference for the Group and membership of the Group. The report also noted planned future meeting dates up until May 2023. Shona Barton confirmed that organisational contacts could be updated as required, and noted that any other suggestions for new organisations to join the Group could be submitted to Shona Barton or Iona Campbell following the meeting. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group: 1. considered and adopted the Terms of Reference at Appendix 1 of the report and agreed that they would be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure their ongoing currency and appropriateness for the work of the Group as it developed over time; 2. considered and agreed the Membership of the Group at Appendix 2 of the report and agreed that this would be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure currency and appropriateness for the work of the Group as it developed over time; 3. noted that the next meeting of the Group would take place on Tuesday 26th April 2022; and 4. noted the dates for future meetings of Wednesday 31st August 2022, Wednesday 2nd November 2022, Wednesday 1st February 2023, and Wednesday 3rd May 2023. (Reference: Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 2nd February 2022, submitted) |
Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The Group considered a report providing information relating to the appointment of a Vice-Chair of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group and outlining the expected time commitment and information about the role. As there were no nominations for the role, it was agreed that the item would be continued to the next meeting of the Group and considered nearer the beginning of the agenda. Shona Barton confirmed that contact would be made with members of the Group who may be interested in the role and that work around the creation of a video to assist with the recruitment of office bearers would also be progressed. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group agreed to continue consideration of the appointment of a Vice-Chair to the next meeting of the Group. (Reference: Report by Shona Barton, Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 2nd February 2022, submitted) |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, 26th April 2022. Minutes: The Group noted that the next meeting of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group would take place on Tuesday, 26th April 2022 at 10am. |