Venue: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Iona Campbell, Senior Committee Assistant; Tel: 01436 658 801
No. | Item |
The Chair ruled, and the Group agreed, to a variation in the order of business to allow partner attendance. The minute reflects the order in which items were discussed. |
Welcome and Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. The Committee Manager outlined the procedure for the meeting. Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of: Councillor Donald MacMillan BEM; Charles Reppke, Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust; Sandra MacIntyre, We Are With You; Phil Dickinson, Craignish Community Council; Don McKillop, Caledonian MacBrayne; Catherine Anne MacAulay, Campbeltown Community Council; PC Laura Evans, Police Scotland; Hazel Fuller, Dunadd Community Council; Alyson MacGillivray, South Islay Development; and Chiara Fingland, Architecture and Design Scotland. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes |
Minutes: The Minute of the meeting of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group held on Tuesday, 24th August 2021 was approved as a correct record. |
Update on Inveraray to Crossaig Project Update by Community Liaison Manager, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Minutes: The Group considered a recent project newsletter and verbal update from Caitlin Quinn, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN), in relation to the progress of the ongoing Inveraray to Crossaig Reinforcement Project. Caitlin advised that she would be happy to answer any questions from partners by e-mail following the meeting. Caitlin provided an overview of preparatory work which was being undertaken prior to the next stage of the project and highlighted some community events that she would be attending in the near future. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Project Newsletter by Caitlin Quinn, Community Liaison Manager, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks, dated October 2021, submitted) |
Partners Updates |
Transport Scotland Update Update by Transport Scotland Minutes: The Group considered an update from Transport Scotland, which provided information around scheduled trunk road projects, including resurfacing works at Ballure; North and South of Tayinloan; Argyll Caravan Park; Ardrishaig; and Artilligan. Neil MacFarlane advised that the dates planned for these works could be subject to slight change due to weather conditions. Neil advised that a repair of the sea wall at Inveraray was scheduled to be complete and traffic lights removed by mid-November. He also noted that works were underway to install a footway between Minard and Crarae Gardens, with hopes that this would be completed within the next financial year. Neil confirmed that he and his line manager would be doing a route tour towards the end of the week, and would take time to look at Aqualibrium Avenue, as well as the Hall Street works in Campbeltown which were nearing completion. He noted that surface treatment of the footways in Hall Street, to match other footways in Campbeltown, would be undertaken in Spring 2022. Neil also highlighted a number of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTROs) which were in place for upcoming scheduled events such as bonfires, firework displays and Remembrance Sunday events, encouraging people to allow additional time for their journeys where necessary. Councillor Horn raised concerns around overgrown trees and shrubs at the edge of the road near Barfad Cottage, Tarbert, causing issues for HGV drivers and requested that this be investigated during the scheduled route tour. Councillor Horn agreed to forward more specific directions for the area affected to Neil by e-mail following the meeting and Neil confirmed that he would highlight this to BEAR Scotland’s Landscaping Manager as a programme of cyclical vegetation clearance was underway. Councillor Horn also requested that the requirement for signage near Carrick Cemetery to indicate the potential for cars crossing the flow of traffic be investigated again due to ongoing concerns. Ian Brodie asked if the resurfacing works at Campbeltown Airport had affected any previously scheduled roadworks. Neil confirmed that some schemes had been postponed until a later date, while other roadworks had been supplied by alternative quarries, but the overall programme remained uncompromised. Discussion took place around road safety issues at the junction of Aqualibrium Avenue and Burnbank Street, with Councillor Armour, Valerie Nimmo and Margaret Wallace highlighting the need for urgent action to prevent a serious accident. Valerie Nimmo noted that she was already aware of one serious incident at the junction where someone had been knocked down by a car. Neil confirmed that following previous discussions around this, he had consulted with BEAR Scotland’s Road Safety Engineers and a decision had been taken that any short-term solution in terms of barriers could create a separate issue and the disadvantages of this could outweigh the benefits. Neil noted that a topographical survey had now been completed in the area, and although it may not be possible to implement a short term solution, this could potentially be addressed when implementing the new controlled crossing on Aqualibrium Avenue which would also involve looking at ways to improve the wider area for cars, pedestrians and cyclists. Neil confirmed that he would observe vehicle movements in the area during the route tour with his line manager to see if anything could be done and Councillor Armour encouraged them to visit the site at various times of day in order to fully appreciate the issue. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Neil MacFarlane, North West Area Manager, Transport Scotland, submitted) |
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Update Update by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Minutes: The Group considered a report highlighting the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) FQ2 review of local performance across Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands for the period 2021-22. James Sullivan advised that there had been an overall reduction in incidents compared to the same period of the previous year, and fortunately there had been no fire casualties recorded during this period. He confirmed that home fire safety visits were taking place and although SFRS had been unable to attend schools in person due to the ongoing safety measures in place, work had been undertaken with the Education department to provide information to pupils on issues such as water, bonfire and firework safety. James noted that guidance was being prepared in relation to the new fire alarm legislation coming into force in 2022, and this guidance would be available from all fire stations across the area in due course. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by James Sullivan, Watch Commander/Local Authority Liaison Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
Police Scotland Update Update by Police Scotland Minutes: The Group considered an update from Inspector Collins, Police Scotland, which provided information around different methods of fraud and fraud prevention. Inspector Collins encouraged members of the Group to get in touch if they were aware of anyone who may benefit from education or training around fraud prevention, noting that work was ongoing with financial institutions, Alzheimer’s Scotland, and charity groups to ensure that people were well equipped to deal with attempted fraud. James Sullivan offered the support of SFRS in disseminating any fraud prevention literature to vulnerable people during home fire safety visits. The update also included information around recent vehicle thefts in the local area and Inspector Collins confirmed that apprehensions were made in connection with the enquiry. He noted that he would be in touch with Lucy Sumsion around security advice which could be provided to farmers and urged people to keep their doors and vehicles locked in the interim. Councillor Armour also offered his support in relation to these concerns as a local Member. Inspector Collins noted that there were hopes that Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras could be placed on the route in future, however this was in the early stages of consideration and would be part of a larger piece of partnership working. Inspector Collins also spoke to the implementation of a Mobile Police Office schedule and requested that members of the Group get in touch if they had any specific dates, times or events that they would like the Mobile Police Office to be in attendance for. Inspector Collins provided an update on local police involvement in the COP26 Policing operation, noting that many local officers were supporting this but he was confident that the officers remaining were of an adequate number to provide the required level of service. Inspector Collins also outlined plans to re-introduce a PubWatch type scheme and highlight information around the impacts of drink and drug driving in advance of the festive period to ensure everyone’s safety. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Inspector Paul Collins, Police Scotland, submitted) |
Campbeltown Community Council Update Update by Campbeltown Community Council Minutes: The Group considered an update from Campbeltown Community Council. The update provided information in relation to additional funding for Town Centre Maintenance Officers to assist with their work upgrading and restoring local benches, and included a status update on the runway refurbishment works at Campbeltown airport. The update also highlighted concerns around the road surface on the Esplanade and concerns that windfarm companies were not following the Scottish Government Guidelines on Good Practice in relation to community benefit works. Valerie Nimmo also provided an update on work which was being carried out with Inspiralba, South Kintyre Development Trust and Architecture and Design Scotland following Campbeltown’s designation as a Climate Action Town. Valerie raised concerns around the Education Change Programme and ongoing consultations, noting that the consultations did not seem to make reference to community input and she had been unable to locate the relevant timescales for the consultation. Shona Barton confirmed that it was hoped that an Education representative would be able to attend the next Group meeting in February to discuss the plans as part of the consultation, and in the interim she would raise Valerie’s concerns with the lead officer for the project and ask for information to be made available for circulation to the Group. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Update by Valerie Nimmo, Campbeltown Community Council, submitted) |
Argyll College UHI Update Update by Argyll College UHI Minutes: The Group considered an update from Argyll College UHI which included confirmation that online course applications were open for the 2022/23 session. The update also provided information around home working; ongoing monitoring of government guidelines in relation to students returning to campuses; closed book assessments being arranged in centres; the resumption of CITB/CSCS testing in Campbeltown and Dunoon; the refurbishment of Lochgilphead centres; the creation of a new Construction/Engineering workshop in Campbeltown; arrangements made for recent graduation celebrations to be shared online in lieu of a traditional ceremony; and the welcoming of 12 new CITB Carpentry and Joinery apprentices in Lochgilphead. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Update by Mairi MacCuaig, Learning Centre Manager, Argyll College UHI, submitted) |
Forestry and Land Scotland Update Update by Forestry and Land Scotland Minutes: The Group considered an update from Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS). The update included information around the timber market; local outbreaks of phytophthora ramorum disease in larch trees and measures being taken to reduce the spread of same; work with developers on windfarm proposals in the local area; early stage work around peatland restoration; the success of the Stay the Night scheme; the revision of local Land Management Plans (LMPs); and work being undertaken on the Inveraray to Crossaig Reinforcement Project which included areas of FLS land. Jeni West also provided a presentation to the Group which included information around the vision, mission, background and purpose of FLS. The presentation also provided information on the work of FLS at a national and local level, and how this links with corporate and national outcomes. Jeni particularly highlighted the successes, challenges and opportunities experienced in the West Region. Lucy Sumsion requested further information in relation to the work around peatland restoration and Donald McNeill confirmed that this was in the very early stages but he would be happy to provide further information at future meetings of the Group. Valerie Nimmo raised concerns around windfarm developers using FLS land and not providing community benefit or adhering to Scottish Government Guidelines on Good Practice. Donald advised that a national dedicated Renewables team was responsible for setting out relevant criteria with windfarm developers such as community benefit, however there were difficulties in that there were no legislative requirements for this. Donald provided assurance that FLS would continue to encourage and endorse the principles set out in the relevant Scottish Government guidelines. Lucy suggested that community benefit responsibilities could sometimes be a condition of planning consent, and noted that this may be worth exploring if Valerie remained concerned. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Update by Donald McNeill, Planning Manager, Forestry and Land Scotland, submitted and presentation by Jeni West, Planning Forester, Forestry and Land Scotland, tabled) |
Community Learning Service Update Update by Community Learning Service Minutes: The Group considered an update from the Community Learning Service, which provided information around a return to thematic remits for Adult Learning and Youth Services Work and included contact details of the Community Learning Workers and Team Leaders for each area and remit. The update also included confirmation that workers would continue their engagement and work with partners and learners in line with the new Community Learning and Development Strategic Plan 2021-24 and the identified priorities therein. Brian Smith also provided an update on the relaunch of Youth Action Groups (formerly Youth Forums) and the potential for increased youth engagement with the Group in future. He also highlighted that the Scottish Youth Parliament elections would be taking place between November 8th – November 21st 2021 and would result in 3 people being elected for the Argyll & Bute region for a 2 year term. Brian confirmed that a number of local young people had also been selected as local champions for COP26 and were attending events as representatives of the local area, as part of a national initiative. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Update by Brian Smith, Team Leader – Community Learning Services, Live Argyll, submitted) |
Dunadd Community Council Update Update by Dunadd Community Council Minutes: The Group considered a written update from Dunadd Community Council, which provided information around a steering group being set up to create a document for Emergency and Disaster Planning; work being undertaken around traffic calming measures to alleviate speeding issues in Kilmartin; concerns around the condition of the C38 road in Kilmichael; a successful application to the Covid-19 Recovery Grant Fund to be used for community events in 2022; public consultation in relation to the use of an award of £2,500 from the Kilmartin Museum Project; and regular updates being provided in relation to the Kilmartin Quarry Extension and Kilmartin Museum projects at each virtual Community Council meeting. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Update by Hazel Fuller, Dunadd Community Council, submitted) |
Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust Update Update by Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust Minutes: The Group considered a written update from Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust. The update included information around the progress of the Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust Housing Project and requested that thanks be recorded on behalf of the Trust to the Council staff who had been of great assistance with the project. The update also included information around discussions with local Registered Social Landlords seeking support for the development of social rented properties; further steps taken towards land acquisition since the Trust’s last update to the Group; the submission of a detailed response to the Council’s Local Housing Strategy consultation; the completion of an upgrade to the White Shore path; and involvement in the early stages of investigations into a potential community buy out in Skipness. The update also confirmed that the Community Plan update meeting had been postponed and would now take place on 18th November 2021, with a focus on local housing need. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Update by Charles Reppke, Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust, submitted) |
South Islay Development Update Update by South Islay Development Additional documents: Minutes: The Group considered an update from South Islay Development. The update provided information around the planned development of Port Ellen Playing Fields; the Sonas Childcare project and ongoing early development of plans for a community day care facility for children under 3; and the distribution of over £50,000 to local groups on Islay and Jura from Covid-19 funding. The update also confirmed that South Islay Development, in partnership with Jura Development Trust and MacTaggart Leisure Centre, had been awarded Community Recovery – Round 2 Funding and had plans to use this for various community benefits including local events and activities for charities and local groups; additional PPE for the re-opening of buildings; and revenue to enable staff recruitment for the new projects. The Group also considered a local newsletter provided by South Islay Development which outlined information around the new South Islay Development website and included further information relating to the Sonas Childcare and Port Ellen Playing Fields New Pavilion Projects. The newsletter also included information around a planned upgrade to the Filling Station facilities. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Update and Newsletter by Alyson MacGillivray, Development Manager, South Islay Development, submitted) |
Opportunity for verbal updates from Area Community Planning Group Partners Minutes: Jen Broadhurst, Argyll and Bute
Citizens Advice Bureau (A&B CAB) Jen introduced herself as the manager of the A&B CAB, noting that this was her first time attending a meeting of the Group. Jen advised that the Lochgilphead office had now relocated to 18 Argyll Street and this had been well received. She provided an update on the current operations of A&B CAB, confirming that advice was available by telephone, e-mail, and virtual conferencing facilities, as well as face-to-face where there was an accessibility need for clients. Jen highlighted a recruitment drive for more volunteer advisers, noting that a training programme was scheduled to start in January. She confirmed that there were also opportunities for volunteers in other areas such as administration and communications. Jen also provided information around the AGM scheduled to take place on 15th December 2021, and encouraged anyone interested in becoming a member of A&B CAB to get in touch. Shona Barton suggested that it may be beneficial to share information around these opportunities with the Group via e-mail and Jen agreed to forward information around this following the meeting for circulation to the Group. Margaret Wallace, Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface
(A&B TSI) Margaret Wallace advised that A&B TSI had been given responsibility for distributing a new Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund, and it was hoped that the Fund would be well received and applied for by local grassroots organisations. It was noted that A&B TSI were working with the Council’s Employability team to assist in delivering the Young Person’s Guarantee and offering placements, mentoring and training opportunities for those who required them. Margaret confirmed that the Inveraray Hub was nearing completion, and it was hoped that meetings and training could be held there in future. Ian Brodie, East Kintyre Community Council Ian Brodie advised that East Kintyre were currently involved in consultations relating to a number of projects, including the Carradale-Arran power cable replacement project; the Narachan and West Torrisdale Windfarm applications; the Auchnashavil Energy Storage Project; the Inveraray to Crossaig Reinforcement Project; and the expansion to Crossaig substation. Ian noted that while some of these projects were not directly within the East Kintyre Community Council area, they did affect the main lifeline road to the north and so any decisions did have an impact on local residents. Ian confirmed that East Kintyre Community Council were also involved in a number of small projects around the village and general Community Council work. |
Community Focus |
Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust - ACT Now Project Presentation by Project Officer, Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust Minutes: The Group considered a presentation by Jamie Joyce, Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust, in relation to the ACT Now Project in Mid Argyll. The presentation provided an overview of the aims of the project and work being undertaken, including the promotion of sustainable transport through the delivery of Velotech qualifications as part of the Bikes Back to the Community Project; a Tayvallich bike station which had been set up in conjunction with Sustainable Tayvallich and Keep Scotland Beautiful; future plans for another bike station at the MACPOOL site; and the provision of two eCargo bikes available for hire in the Mid Argyll area. The presentation also included information around the provision of accredited education on Climate Change; the implementation of the ACT Now Food Share network to reduce food waste; the compilation of a map to highlight like-minded organisations; the delivery of workshops to upskill the community; and future plans for a Mid Argyll Community Tool Library. Jamie encouraged any organisations or groups in the Mid Argyll area who may be interested in becoming involved in any of these projects or hiring one of the eCargo bikes to get in touch with him. Ian Brodie asked if Tarbert would be included in some of the projects, and Jamie confirmed that Tarbert and Inveraray both featured in future plans for the Project. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Jamie Joyce, Project Officer, Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust, submitted) |
Climate Change |
Minutes of the Climate Change Working Group meeting held on Friday, 10th September 2021 Minutes: The minutes of a recent meeting of the Climate Change Working Group, held on Friday 10th September 2021, were before the Group for noting and relevant discussion. The minutes provided an overview of the discussions which had taken place. Shona Barton highlighted that Climate Change would be a standing item on the agenda for future meetings. Cathy Cameron confirmed that she would be happy to attend a future meeting of the Group to provide a presentation on the recent work of Time for Change Argyll and Bute. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the minutes of the Climate Change Working Group meeting held on Friday 10th September 2021. (Reference: Minute of the Climate Change Working Group, held on Friday 10th September 2021, submitted) |
Climate Action Towns Campbeltown - Project Overview Report by Senior Design Officer, Architecture and Design Scotland Minutes: The Group considered a presentation by Ness Wright, Architecture and Design Scotland, in relation to the Climate Actions Towns Project. The presentation provided an overview of the Climate Action Towns Project and particularly highlighted work which was planned for Campbeltown as one of the selected locations. Information was provided around the project aims; criteria for selection as a climate action town; and the timeline of the project so far. The presentation also provided an introduction to the team members who were involved in the project. Ness invited questions and suggestions from partners by e-mail following the meeting. Councillor Armour requested that local Elected Members were kept updated on the progress of the project. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Ness Wright, Senior Design Officer, Architecture and Design Scotland, submitted) |
Data Sets for Young People in Argyll and Bute Presentation by Area Manager, Skills Development Scotland Minutes: The Group considered a presentation by Susan MacRae, Skills Development Scotland (SDS), which provided information on school leaver data reporting. The presentation included information around the different forms of data reporting, with particular emphasis on the Annual Participation Measure. Susan provided an overview of the methods of data collection; different destination groupings; figures relating to recorded destinations for school leavers in the MAKI area and across the Argyll and Bute area until now; and information around continuing trends and factors influencing these figures. As part of the presentation, Susan also provided attendees with a demonstration of how to use the SDS Annual Participation Measure website. Susan noted that the next data set relating to school leavers as at Summer 2021 would be available in February 2022 and confirmed that she would return to provide an update to the Group at this point. Discussion took place around the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on young people and it was noted that the full impact of this was unlikely to be known for some time, however these concerns were being observed and picked up on at a national level. Susan confirmed that SDS would continue to work alongside partners, including the Community Learning Service and Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), to support young people as much as possible through these challenges. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Susan MacRae, Area Manager, Skills Development Scotland, dated 2nd November 2021, submitted) |
Community Learning Partnership Plan Report by Business Development Manager, Live Argyll Additional documents: Minutes: The Group gave
consideration to a report and presentation from Nicola Hackett, Live Argyll,
which provided an update on the development of the Community Learning and
Development (CLD) Strategic Plan for 2021-2024. Nicola provided an overview
of the focus of the Community Learning and Development plan in tackling
inequalities and delivering social justice; the partnership working involved;
the methods of information gathering and engagement which had been used in
informing the new plan; and target groups identified for further consultation.
The main themes which had been identified were confirmed as digital skills;
core skills for learning, life and work; health and wellbeing; your voice; the
learner offer; and improve how we work as a partnership. Nicola confirmed
that progress performance would be monitored and reported annually to the
Community Services Committee, Community Planning Partnership, and Area
Community Planning Groups. It was noted that HMIE were also undertaking a visit
to monitor progress in the following week. Decision The Mid Argyll,
Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group;
(Reference: Report
and presentation by Nicola Hackett, Business Development Manager, Live Argyll,
dated 3rd November, submitted) |
Community Planning Partnership Management Committee Update Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The Group considered a briefing note which provided information around matters discussed during a virtual meeting of the Community Planning Partnership Management Committee, held on 29th September 2021. Shona Barton provided a further update to the report, advising that the Council had agreed a response to the National Care Service for Scotland Consultation at a special Council meeting held on 28th October 2021. Water safety awareness and partnership working in relation to same was highlighted within the report, as well as the formation of a Short Life Working Group in response to issues raised around staff recruitment and retention. Shona also drew attention to the Connecting Scotland project which aimed to assist digitally excluded households to gain online access and encouraged partners to direct any interested parties to the website link included within the report. Ian Brodie noted that the area South of Tarbert had been designated as a repopulation zone, and requested that the officer appointed to this project be invited to a future meeting of the Group. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the briefing note. (Reference: Report by Shona Barton, Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 3rd November 2021, submitted) |
Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The Group considered a report providing information relating to the appointment of a Vice-Chair of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group and outlining the expected time commitment and information about the role. As there were no nominations for the role, Shona Barton and Ian Brodie encouraged anyone with an interest in the position to get in touch with them following the meeting to discuss this in further detail. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group agreed to continue consideration of the appointment of a Vice-Chair to the next meeting of the Group. (Reference: Report by Shona Barton, Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 3rd November 2021, submitted) |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, 2nd February 2022. Minutes: The Group noted that the next meeting of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group would take place on Wednesday, 2nd February 2022 at 10am. |