Venue: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Iona Campbell, Senior Committee Assistant; Tel: 01436 658 801
No. | Item |
The Chair ruled, and the Group agreed, to a
variation in the order of business to allow partner attendance. The minute
reflects the order in which items were discussed. |
WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. The Committee Manager outlined the procedure for the meeting. Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of: Councillor Donald MacMillan BEM; Councillor Sandy Taylor; Jane Cowen, Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust; Susan MacRae, Skills Development Scotland; Lynda Syed, Furnace Community Council; Catherine Anne MacAulay, Campbeltown Community Council; and Tracy Preece, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes: The Minute of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group held on Wednesday, 28th of April 2021 was approved as a correct record. |
Transport Scotland Update Verbal Update by Transport Scotland Minutes: Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland, provided a verbal update to the Group around their activities. Neil confirmed that projects in Campbeltown at Tarbert Road and Hall Street were anticipated to be completed by the end of August. He also confirmed details around the resurfacing of the Old Military Road scheduled to be completed on 3rd September; resurfacing at Argyll Caravan Park scheduled to be completed on 25th August; and future works scheduled for the A82 at Stuckgowan and the A83 at Port Ann, Strone Hill, Dunderave and South of Lochgilphead. Councillor Horn raised concerns about reported long delays at Balloch roundabout and Neil confirmed that Transport Scotland were aware of the issue, also providing information around the background and reasons for these delays. He noted that the situation could potentially improve with a decrease in staycation activity following a busy tourist season but any future solutions would be looked at carefully. Councillor Horn also advised that the sign for Clachan Cemetery on the A83 had been removed but had not been replaced, which was causing issues for visitors to the area in locating the cemetery. Neil confirmed that he would raise this issue with BEAR Scotland and ask for the sign to be replaced. Councillor Horn suggested that it could be beneficial for signage to be put in place at either side of the hill near Carrick Cemetery to highlight the possibility that cars could be crossing the flow of traffic when entering and exiting the Cemetery. Neil confirmed that he would liaise with Councillor Horn around this following the meeting. Neil also provided an update on future plans for Kinloch Road, Campbeltown, noting that the intention was for the street to be looked at in detail as a whole with the aim of making it a more attractive route for walking, cycling and wheeling. He confirmed that the first step for the project was to complete a topographical and drainage survey, scheduled to start in October. He also provided details of plans to undertake public engagement, as well as involving local schools and the Education department in planning, noting that because of this and the scope of works there was no timescale as yet for the programme to be implemented on site. It was noted that the project was currently unbudgeted but line management were in general agreement with the philosophy proposed. Neil advised that any works undertaken on Kinloch Road would also have to take into consideration the requirements of wide-load vehicles regularly using the route. Discussion took place around possible temporary solutions to the issues at the junction of Kinloch Road and Burnbank Place and Neil confirmed that investigations were ongoing around this. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. |
Community Learning Service Update Update by Community Learning Service Minutes: The Group considered an update from the Community Learning Service which detailed information around the transfer of Community Learning Services to Live Argyll; the re-instatement of the Health and Wellbeing Project; the Enhanced Summer Programme being delivered throughout July and August; and the development of a new Community Learning and Development Plan for 2021-24 which would be considered by the Argyll and Bute Council Community Services Committee on the 25th of August. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Update by Brian Smith, Community Learning Team Leader, Live Argyll, submitted) |
We Are With You Update Update by We Are With You Minutes: The Group considered an update from We Are With You which expressed concerns around recent alcohol and drug statistics, as well as the high level of cocaine use among young people. The update also provided information around how to engage with, and promote, the services offered by We Are With You. Sandra MacIntyre advised that there had been a recent decrease in referrals to We Are With You and provided information around an annual Recovery Walk being held in Perth at the end of September; the use of Community Re-enforcement and Family Training; and forest breathing workshops. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Update by Sandra MacIntyre, We Are With You, submitted) |
Argyll College UHI Update Update by Argyll College UHI Minutes: The Group considered an update from Argyll College UHI which provided information around the potential impact of government guidelines on the method of delivery for courses in the new academic year; the application process status for the new academic year; the effects of the pandemic on staff, students and the graduation process in the previous academic year; the successful delivery of online leisure courses; the completion of Skills for Work interviews; and the success of a Dunoon Argyll College UHI student in receiving the Herald Higher Education Award. The report also advised that work was ongoing with local organisations and community groups; ongoing support arrangements were in place for staff and students; and noted current arrangements for contacting Learning Centre staff. Jackie MacPherson advised that virtual inductions would be underway soon and had previously worked well. It was noted that students would be working from home initially for the upcoming academic year in line with current guidance, with a return for students to learning centres anticipated following the October holidays. She noted that there were exceptions to this including school pupils; those who were struggling with working from home; and students who were required to attend centres to undertake practical elements of their courses. She also advised that the re-instatement of CITB CSCS tests in Dunoon and Campbeltown had been delayed and Argyll College UHI were awaiting further information from CITB. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Update by Jackie MacPherson, Learning Centre Manager, Argyll College UHI, submitted) |
Police Scotland Update Update by Police Scotland Minutes: The Group considered an update from Police Scotland, providing information around fraud prevention; online child exploitation; the Keep Safe initiative providing safe places for vulnerable people to seek support; partnership working between Police Scotland and HSCP staff; additional resources put in place to assist with visitor management in the area; the launch of the Herbert Protocol to assist in tracing vulnerable people with Dementia; and a wheelie bin sticker campaign to assist with awareness of speed limits. Discussions took place around concerns of increased drug use in the area among young people, highlighted earlier in the meeting by Sandra MacIntyre. Inspector Collins advised that the inability of Police Scotland to undertake physical searches due to Covid-19 guidance had reduced the amount of action that Officers could take in relation to drug searches, however this guidance had now been relaxed and Officers would resume previous activities. Inspector Collins noted that Police activity to tackle drugs was largely dependent on Police intelligence and encouraged anyone with any information in relation to this to contact 101 as soon as possible. He also confirmed that tackling drugs was a high priority for him as an Inspector and that action plans would be put in place to intercept those bringing drugs into the area. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Inspector Paul Collins, Police Scotland, submitted) |
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Update Update by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Minutes: The Group considered a report highlighting the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) FQ1 review of local performance across Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands for 2021-22. Grant MacPherson advised that home fire safety visits had now fully returned in line with normal process. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the contents of the report and information provided. (Reference: Report by Allan Gemmel, Watch Commander/Local Authority Liaison Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
Campbeltown Community Council Update Update by Campbeltown Community Council Minutes: The Group considered a written update from Campbeltown Community Council which outlined concerns around the standards of learning and teaching at Campbeltown Grammar School and provided information around discussions with Council officers around this. The update also provided details of concerns around some windfarm developers in Kintyre not offering Community Shared Ownership, and steps being taken in petitioning the Scottish Government to make this a requirement. Information around the development of a Community Action Plan; the procurement of new inclusive play equipment for the Jock’s Boat Playpark; and the funding of materials and equipment for a Town Centre Maintenance Officer was also included in the update. Valerie Nimmo highlighted parking concerns in Campbeltown, particularly around the area of Burnbank Street, noting that the one-way system put in place by the Council should be reviewed as it was not working for that particular area. Councillor Armour advised that he shared Valerie’s concerns in relation to parking, noting that the new traffic management system had worked to an extent but not for Burnbank Street. It was noted that some of the parking congestion in Burnbank Street could be linked with businesses with numerous vehicles in that area. It was agreed that Shona Barton would raise concerns with the appropriate Council officers following the meeting and circulate any response to the Group, Councillor Armour confirmed that he would also be raising the issue following the meeting. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Valerie Nimmo, Campbeltown Community Council, submitted) |
Dunadd Community Council Update Update by Dunadd Community Council Minutes: The Group considered an update from Dunadd Community Council which included information around a steering group being set up to create a document for Emergency and Disaster Planning; ‘Slow Down’ signs being erected following work with the Road Policing unit around speeding concerns; and ongoing discussions with Argyll and Bute Council in relation to passing places. The update also noted that the Community Council had been sighted on proposals for the Car Duibh Windfarm, and had been invited to attend a Kilmartin Quarry Extension meeting in June. Hazel Fuller confirmed that Dunadd Community Council were involved in the wheelie bin sticker campaign previously highlighted by Police Scotland. Hazel also advised that the Community Council had received a number of excellent suggestions from the community in relation to how to spend a grant of £2,500 which had been provided by TSL, the contractors for the Kilmartin Museum Project, and were in communication with TSL to investigate which projects could be undertaken using the grant money. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Hazel Fuller, Dunadd Community Council, submitted) |
Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust Update Update by Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust Minutes: The Group considered a written update from Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust which detailed information around the Trust’s activities. This included the use of Scottish Government Supporting Communities Resilience Fund moneys for an outdoor area at Tarbert Bowling Club and summer activities carried out by Tarbert After School Care; the appointment of a Housing Project Worker; a proposed future housing development at a farm on the outskirts of Tarbert; and the setting up of a pilot transport fund. The report also noted that the Tarbert and Skipness Community Plan would be updated at an annual public meeting, scheduled to be held in October. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Update by Jane Cowen, Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust, submitted) |
Opportunity for verbal updates from Area Community Planning Group Partners Minutes: Phil Dickinson, Craignish Community Council Phil Dickinson advised that, following receipt of moneys from the HIE Community Support and Community Recovery Funds, he had been unaware that any projects using these funds should have been completed by May 2021 and asked if any other organisations had experienced any issues with this. Hazel Fuller noted that she did not believe that Dunadd Community Council had experienced any issues around this but offered to investigate this and discuss with Phil following the meeting if it was of assistance. Ian Brodie, East Kintyre Community Council Ian Brodie provided information around a Wellbeing Project that was in the early stages, advising that a full update would be brought to the next meeting of the Group. He confirmed that other projects which had been in progress during the Covid-19 pandemic had been completed and the village hall was slowly beginning to open up, in line with relevant guidance. Ian noted that communications were underway with clubs who had previously used the hall around their expectations, and a questionnaire was being circulated to inform future arrangements. |
COVID-19 MICRO GRANT FUND FOR VILLAGE HALLS AND COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS Report by Community Development Officer, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The Group considered a report highlighting a new Council Covid-19 response fund for community groups. The report provided information around the background of the fund, as well as details around eligibility criteria and how to apply. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group: 1. noted and considered the information provided; and 2. noted that members of the Group could assist in promoting the fund using the details provided within the report. (Reference: Report by Community Development Officer, Argyll and Bute Council, submitted) |
Presentation by Joan Stewart, Shopper Aide Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a written update and presentation from Joan Stewart, Shopper Aide, providing information around the work of the organisation. Joan provided details of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, noting that Shopper Aide’s client list had doubled and their methods of delivering support had changed hugely in line with government guidance, resulting in staff and volunteers providing support on the front line from the beginning of the pandemic. She also provided information around the requirement to set up a new financial system for older people without access to their money; the requirement to open offices earlier and allocate staff and volunteers set times to attend; and the impact on socialisation for staff, volunteers and clients. Joan advised that a Phone Buddies system had been set up to assist in combating loneliness for older people, and to assist in identifying any issues which Shopper Aide or other agencies could assist with. It was noted that Phone Buddies had resulted in a lot of good friendships and it had also allowed staff and volunteers who were unable to assist in person to collect people’s shopping orders over the phone. Information was provided around the impact of the pandemic on the safety of staff, volunteers and vulnerable clients. It was noted that during the first lockdown period there had been a number of existing staff and volunteers who were unable to assist due to their own personal circumstances, however this had been combated by a number of new volunteers whose jobs had been impacted by the lockdown restrictions. Joan noted that the second lockdown was more difficult as requests for support had increased but there was not the same availability of additional volunteers. Joan also provided information around regular virtual afternoon teas which had been very successful, and the delivery of quizzes, gifts and other items to clients. It was noted that 90% of the client list of 240 people did not have access to the internet and so Shopper Aide had pulled together a newsletter outlining relevant information for them which was included with these deliveries. Joan also provided details of how ‘bubbles’ had been used when taking clients out and advised that Gary’s gang, a men only club, had been very successful for the men involved and their families. Joan noted that the organisation provides lots of services for clients and required as much assistance with funding as possible to continue this, encouraging anyone who knew of any suitable funding streams to contact Shopper Aide. Joan also advised that Shopper Aide were moving premises within the next 6 weeks which would allow all activities and business to take place under one roof. It was noted that Shopper Aide volunteers came from all walks of life and there were lots of volunteering opportunities. Joan provided details of how the organisation assist with the employment of people in the local area and how they ensure that they spend as much money locally as possible. Joan advised that Shopper Aide had been very lucky to be nominated for the Queen’s volunteering award, noting that the presentation of the award was set to take place next month. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Joan Stewart, Shopper Aide, submitted) |
Caledonian MacBrayne Update Verbal Update by Caledonian MacBrayne Minutes: Don McKillop, Caledonian MacBrayne (CalMac), provided a verbal update to the Group advising that CalMac had returned to providing a full Summer timetable for the first time since 2019. He confirmed that all restrictions, with the exception of face coverings, had been removed on the 9th of August and this had allowed vessels to move from reduced capacity to the seasonal norm. It was noted that there was a particular demand across all routes, and this could cause challenges, particularly for island communities. Don confirmed that CalMac were in conversation with Transport Scotland about how to address these concerns, noting that one example of this was the recent decision not to allow campervans into the standby lane. Don provided information around the effects of increased staff absence caused by a high number of positive Covid-19 cases and the resulting safety measures in place, outlining a number of recent examples. It was noted that vessel reliability issues had been challenging in recent months, and resulting impacts across the whole network had been well documented. Don advised that dry dock season was approaching, and work was ongoing with Transport Scotland, the Scottish Government and CMAL to access additional tonnage. It was noted that the existing fleet was aging and as a result, the service status could be impacted at times, advising that attempts were underway to access additional used tonnage to increase resilience but availability was limited. Don also provided information around the delays in a number of new build boats being available, also noting that a new Islay vessel was scheduled to go to tender and a project of works was underway for a new Mull vessel. It was noted that a small vessel replacement programme had also commenced. Councillor Armour raised concerns around issues with the Campbeltown ferry route. Don confirmed that he was aware of this and the disappointment caused, noting that he had previously been in close dialogue with Councillor Armour. Valerie Nimmo suggested that CalMac should review the ferry and service provided to Campbeltown, due to frequent cancellations and an unsuitable timetable causing regular issues, and Don agreed to note these concerns. Councillor Horn reiterated concerns around the CalMac service in Kintyre and Don advised that he did understand concerns and apologised for the inconvenience, noting that island routes did have to be prioritised in line with Transport Scotland guidance and as the service was a mainland-to-mainland route it did, at times, suffer when resilience issues were experienced. Councillor Horn advised that traffic queues for ferries at Tarbert and Claonaig had resulted in traffic being backed up and causing blockages of the road at times. Don confirmed that he would investigate this with the relevant port managers and provide a response to the Group in due course. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. |
NATIONAL FARMERS UNION SCOTLAND (NFUS) Presentation by Lucy Sumsion, National Farmers Union Scotland (NFUS) Minutes: Lucy Sumsion, National Farmers Union Scotland (NFUS), provided the Group with information around the impacts of Brexit and current affairs on their activities. Lucy advised that the implications of Brexit were still somewhat unclear, however there were huge challenges around the removal of the Common Agricultural Policy. She noted that many of the impacts of Brexit had been clouded or compounded by the impact of Covid-19, and the effects of both were difficult to disentangle across a number of sectors. Lucy advised that there were national concerns around new trade agreements and the potential for them to disadvantage the agriculture industry and result in lower industry standards. She confirmed that there was potential for better outcomes for farmers, and the Scottish Government would be setting out new policies in due course outlining support schemes. It was noted that the recent agreement between the Scottish National Party and Scottish Greens was likely to have implications, but these were as yet unknown. Lucy advised that some noticeable effects of Brexit locally had included labour shortages and an increase in costs for materials, machinery and parts, as well as a decrease in the availability of same. She also advised that changes in the export requirements for sheep to Northern Ireland would have a big impact on the local sheep market in Argyll. It was noted that lamb and beef prices remained strong and there had been an increased interest in buying local produce which was encouraging for the industry. Lucy also advised that government incentives for helping people into workplaces and assistance with apprenticeships was positive. Lucy summarised that overall, farmers in Argyll were reliant on national policies being put in place and provided details of a number of upcoming policies and bills. Lucy also provided information around regional land use partnerships; the effects of climate change and biodiversity targets on land and agriculture; the potential for further land reform bills; and input to a local Argyll and Bute food and drink strategy. Lucy noted that change was inevitable for the industry due to the impacts of Brexit, Covid-19, and the climate change/biodiversity crisis and there were still many unknowns. It was noted that this could cause difficulties with future planning, however there were also the potential for new opportunities. Lucy confirmed that she would be happy to return and speak to the Group at a later point around any other issues which may be of interest. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. |
Climate Change Working Group - Involvement of Area Community Planning Groups Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a briefing note providing information on the Climate Change Working Group which had been formed by the Community Planning Partnership Management Committee, the aims of the Group and the ways in which the Area Community Planning Groups could become more involved with it. Valerie Nimmo suggested that the Climate Change Working Group should look into improved cycle routes across the area to encourage active travel. Phil Dickinson suggested that investigations into making public transport more viable and attractive by the Climate Change Working Group could assist in cutting down emissions. Ian Brodie and Councillor Horn confirmed that they would be happy to be the representative and substitute representative for the Group on the Climate Change Working Group. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group; 1. discussed the information outlined in the briefing and provided suggestions for actions for the Climate Change Working Group; 2. nominated Ian Brodie to represent the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group on the Climate Change Working Group; 3. nominated Councillor Anne Horn to be a substitute representative for the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group on the Climate Change Working Group; and 4. agreed to provide details of relevant projects/organisations that could be put forward as an addition to the ACT interactive map by e-mail following the meeting. (Reference: Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 24th August 2021, submitted) |
Local Climate Change Initiatives Update Update by Head of Development and Economic Growth, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a brief written update from the Head of Development and Economic Growth, Argyll and Bute Council, providing information on a number of local climate change initiatives. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Update by Head of Development and Economic Growth, Argyll and Bute Council, submitted) |
AREA COMMUNITY PLANNING ACTION PLAN UPDATE Verbal Update by Chair Minutes: The Chair provided an update to the Group on behalf of the Community Planning Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, as follows: “Work on Locality
Plans for Area Community Planning Groups is currently postponed due to staff vacancies
within the Community Planning and Development Team.” Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. |
COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE UPDATE Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The Group considered a briefing note which provided information around matters discussed during a virtual meeting of the Community Planning Partnership Management Committee, held on 30th June 2021. Jackie MacPherson suggested that it could be beneficial to invite a member of Scottish Forestry or Scottish Woodlands to attend future meetings of the Group, particularly in light of increased interest in timber transportation due to the ongoing Inveraray to Crossaig project. Lucy Sumsion noted that deforestation could be a very pertinent issue for the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands area and provided some contacts for relevant organisations. Shona Barton confirmed that she would make contact with the relevant organisations and invite them to attend the Group meetings. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the briefing note. (Reference: Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 24th August 2021, submitted) |
Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The Group considered a report providing information relating to the appointment of a Chair and Vice-Chair of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group and outlining the expected time commitment and information about the role. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group: 1. agreed to appoint Ian Brodie as Chair of the Group for a second term; 2. agreed to continue consideration of the appointment of a Vice-Chair to the next meeting of the Group; and 3. noted that Shona Barton would circulate further information to the Group by e-mail around the role of the Vice-Chair. (Reference: Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 24th August 2021, submitted) |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, 3rd of November 2021. Minutes: The Group noted that the next meeting of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group would take place on Wednesday, 3rd of November 2021 at 2pm. |