Venue: By Microsoft Teams
Contact: Julieann Small, Senior Committee Assistant - 01546 604043
No. | Item |
WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and general introductions were made. Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of: Melony MacLean, Argyll Community
Housing Association (ACHA); Becky Hothersall, The Poverty
Alliance; John Parker, Sandbank Community
Development Trust; and Inspector Bart Simonis, Police
Scotland. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of
interest intimated. |
Meeting of the Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group held on 6 February 2024 Minutes: The Minutes of the Bute and Cowal
Area Community Planning Group meeting held on Tuesday 6 February 2024 were
approved as a correct record. |
by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The Group
gave consideration to a report which outlined matters discussed during a
meeting of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Management Committee held
on 10 April 2024. Stuart McLean, Committee Manager,
highlighted the Management’s Committee response to an issue raised by the Bute
and Cowal Area Community Planning Group in relation to proposals for Greenock
Police Station and that Pippa Milne, Chief Executive at Argyll and Bute Council
had encouraged the ACPG members to contact Police Scotland directly on this
issue. The update also advised of a proposed new governance structure for the
Community Planning Partnership to assist in delivering actions from the Argyll
and Bute Outcomes Improvement Plan (ABOIP); updates to the Transport
Infrastructure, Housing and Community Wellbeing ABOIP outcomes; and progress
with relevant projects, including an update to the Terms of Reference for the
Climate Change Working Group. Decision The Bute
and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the contents of
the report. (Reference:
Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 30 April 2024,
submitted) |
UPDATE ON COMMUNITY COUNCIL INTERIM BY-ELECTIONS Report by Governance Officer, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: Consideration was given to a report which provided an update on the membership of community councils in the Bute and Cowal area following the closure of the nomination period for the interim by-elections. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Governance Officer, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 30 April 2024, submitted) |
Report by Health Improvement Senior, NHS Highland Minutes: Consideration
was given to a public health update from NHS Highland. The update focussed on
The Annual Report of the Director of Public Health 2023 (NHS Highland):
‘Medication & Public Health – Do the Right Thing. The report examined
public health challenges and the benefits and drawback of prescribed medicines,
with a focus on escalating levels of pharmacotherapy and its impacts on both
individuals, and the population and their environment, including the rise of
antibiotic resistance and the environmental pollution caused by medicines. The
report also provided information on the following key issues: The Environment:
How medication can make out environment sicker; Hepatitis C: How medication is
transforming treatment and prevention; Social Prescribing: How an alternative
to medication can work; and Prescriptions for Pain: How medication can have
long-lasting effects on public health. A case study regarding how medication
and other measures can work together to improve health was also considered. It was noted that a copy of the
presentation provided to the Group would be circulated by e-mail following the
meeting. Decision
The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Health Improvement Senior,
NHS Highland, submitted) |
Chair and Vice Chair of the Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group Minutes: The
Vice-Chair highlighted that a paper had been presented to the Health and Social
Care Partnership last month in relation to the service provision for adults and
older people and advised that she wished to capture people’s thoughts on this
topic. The Vice-Chair posed several questions to partners with responses detailed
below: 1. What
experience does your group or organisation have of supporting Social Care for
Adults and old people in Bute and Cowal? Dee James advised that she has experience through
the Living Well Networks as well as through the Cowal Elderly Befrienders and
Interloch Community Transport and that the Living Well Network do a significant
amount of networking with both groups. Councillor Forrest suggest that Crossroad Caring
for Carers would be a good group to contact in relation to this. 2.
How would you describe your partnership
relationship with the Health and Social Care Partnership and what is your
channels for communicating and engaging with the HSCP? Dee James advised that her
channel for communicating and engaging with the HSCP is through the Living Well
Network. Dee advised that they are involved in sending out surveys to members
and feeding the information back to the HSCP. Rhona Grant advised that Live
Argyll have some links into the HSCP through the Health and Wellbeing side of
their work and through the CLD Strategic Partnership. Rhona advised that she
would provide further information to the Vice-Chair following the meeting. Dee James advised that the
Strachur Hub have a great model and is part of the network and that they would
be a good group to contact. 3.
Thinking about a review and service redesign
process – what would good consultation process look like to you? Dee James advised that the
process should be driven by members. Dee highlighted that TSI would have to be
involved as they support the organisations and that the health and wellbeing
work being done by Alex Wilde should also feed into the consultation. Takki Sulaiman advised that he
was happy to help in any way he could with the next steps advising that the TSI
have a range of networks ready to help when required. Councillor Forrest advised that a good consultation
has to be personal and that people need to go to where the adults and older
people are, who are using the services and those that are delivering it. Ann Campbell advised that Dunoon Community
Development Trust have been developing a model of consultation using community
connectors who are trained local people who are paid to engage with those
people whose voices are not as regularly heard. Decision The Bute
and Cowal Area Community Planning Group requested that the outcome of the
discussion be passed to the Health and Social Care Partnerships Locality
Planning Group to help inform the review process. (Reference:
Discussion facilitated by Vice-Chair of the Bute and Cowal Area Community
Planning Group) |
ARGYLL COMMUNITY HOUSING ASSOCIATION ANNUAL UPDATE Report by Local Manager, Argyll Community Housing Association Minutes: Consideration was given to an annual report from
Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) which provided information in relation
to their stock in the Bute and Cowal area; investment programmes; the Warm
Homes Fund projects; a review of ACHA’s sheltered housing services; allocation
and re-letting of properties; works completed and planned through the Exemplar
Estates Initiative; opportunities for communities to engage with planned Estate
Walkabouts; an ongoing consultation on ACHA’s Customer Involvement
Strategy; welfare rights services;
adaptations for vulnerable customers; success at the Scotland Housing Awards,
Scottish Energy Efficiency Awards and Tenant Advisory Service Nation Excellence
Awards; awards for local schools as part of ACHA’s 10 10 10 initiative; and the
feedback from customer satisfaction surveys. The report also encouraged applications to ACHA’s
Community Action Fund, advising that a number of awards from the Fund had
already benefitted local groups. Decision
The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group: 1. considered and noted the information provided; and 2. noted that in the absence of a representative from Argyll Community Housing Association, any questions could be forwarded to them following the meeting and any responses circulated to the Group. (Reference: Report by Local Manager, Argyll Community Housing Association, dated 1 April 2024, submitted) |
Police Scotland Update Minutes: Consideration
was given to an update which provided information on the ongoing work of the
Service and information on crime statistics; fraud prevention and awareness;
road safety and the new Youth Engagement Officer for Bute and Cowal. The update
also provided information relating to the Recovery Community meeting which was
attended by Officers and a meeting with Live Argyll to discuss their Literacy
and Numeracy project for adults on the Isle of Bute. Councillor
Sinclair raised road safety concerns on the A815 through Sandbank. The
Committee Manager advised that the Community Planning Group had asked for an
update on potential road safety measures in relation to Sandbank and that the
Roads and Infrastructure Officers, supported by the Community Development Team,
would hold a stakeholder event to discuss the matter and that the outcome of
this event would be subject to further discussion and consideration at a future
meeting of the Community Planning Group. Decision The Bute
and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference:
Report by Police Scotland, submitted) |
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Update Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a report highlighting the
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) FQ4 review of local performance
across Bute and Cowal for the period 2023-24. The report included information
on the local firefighter training plan; incidents during this period; unwanted
fire alarm signals; road and water safety campaigns; community engagement
activities; East and West Dunbartonshire and Argyll and Bute Local Senior
Officer Activities and home fire safety.
Tony McGloin advised that the Scottish Fire and Rescue
Service was currently running a survey on the future of the service and that
community engagement events would be held in fire stations across Scotland.
Further information on the survey can be found at: Shaping
Our Future Service: Your Say - Scottish Fire and Rescue Services - Citizen
Space Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
Dunoon Gourock Ferry Action Group Update Minutes: Consideration
was given to a presentation by Robert Trybis from the Dunoon Gourock Ferry
Action Group. Mr Trybis highlighted that the summer tickets for the Dunoon
Gourock town passenger service have risen and are now 46% more than the
significantly longer Wemyss Bay to Rothesay crossing and that with major works
planned on the A82 and A83, ferry provision to the town is inadequate. Decision The Bute
and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference:
Report by Information Officer, Dunoon Gourock Ferry Action Group, submitted) |
Scenic Sandbank Update Minutes: Consideration was given to a report providing an
update on the work of Scenic Sandbank. It was highlighted that following a
successful financial award from the Scottish Land Fund and lengthy negotiations
with Argyll & Bute Council, Scenic Sandbank had recently completed the acquisition
of the former primary school site in the centre of the village for the purposes
of a community garden. The update also highlighted that clearance of invasive
plant species from the land was expected to be underway shortly and with the
assistance of local volunteers and contributions, the garden would be developed
through the summer months and in time would be growing flowers and vegetables
and serve as a community meeting space for all. Decision
The Bute
and Cowal Area Community Planning Group: 1. considered and noted the information provided; and 2. noted that in the absence of a representative from
Scenic Sandbank, any questions could be forwarded to them following the meeting
and any responses circulated to the Group. (Reference: Report by Director, Scenic Sandbank,
submitted) |
Oakbank Community Inn Sandbank Update Minutes: The Group gave consideration to an update on the
work of the Oakbank
Community Inn Sandbank. The update highlighted that the Group
was presently at Stage 2 of a two stage process to obtain finances from the
Scottish Land Fund for the purpose of acquiring the Oakbank hotel/pub as a
community facility. It was advised that initial funding had been received for
preparation of a valuation survey, condition survey, feasibility study and
business plan with work on the latter ongoing. Decision
The Bute
and Cowal Area Community Planning Group: 1. considered and noted the information provided; and 2. noted that in the absence of a representative from
Oakbank Community Inn Sandbank, any questions could be forwarded to them
following the meeting and any responses circulated to the Group. (Reference:
Report by Director, Oakbank Community Inn Sandbank, submitted) |
Minutes: Consideration
was given to an update from Rhona Altin, UHI Argyll. The update included
information on the Big College Open Week which was well attended with around 90
people visiting the centres; the success of the multiply programme and English
for speakers of other
languages (ESOL) courses; commercial courses being ran in May and June;
the MCR Pathways Programme which many UHI Argyll staff have volunteered for and
the plan to reintroduce the “Keep Warm” project. Decision
The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by UHI Argyll, dated 22 January
2024, submitted) |
Live Argyll Community Learning Services Update Minutes: The Group gave consideration to an update from
Rhona Grant, Live Argyll - Community Learning Services. The update provided information
relating to adult literacy and numeracy provision; the newly elected MSYPs for
Argyll and Bute; Youth Services on Bute; the published report from the HMI
Community Learning and Development Progress Visit of Argyll and Bute Council in
January 2024; the Community Learning and Development Strategic Partnership Plan
2021-2024 and the independent review of Community Learning and Development . Decision
The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Live Argyll Community
Learning Services, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute TSI Update Minutes: Consideration was given to a report
from Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface (TSI), which provided an update on actions
taken during financial quarter four of 2023-24. The update included information
in relation to changes to the Charities (Regulation and Administration)
(Scotland) Act 2023; local strategic partnerships; the Community Wealth
Building report; Community Planning Partnership organisational changes; funding
for 2024-2025; the Funders Fayre 2024 held in Oban; a fourth year of funding of
the Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund; TSI Board member recruitment;
testing of new models of co-location; work by the Argyll and Bute Climate
Action Network; the Sustainable Food Partnership online event; consultations on
a new strategy and a local sustainable funding campaign; research proposal for
mapping Argyll and Bute’s early intervention services; and TSI’s hosting of a
Wellbeing Development Manager post, funded by Macmillan Cancer Support and the
Health and Social Care Partnership. Decision
The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by CEO, Argyll and Bute TSI,
submitted) |
Opportunity for Verbal Updates Minutes: Fyne Futures Reeni Kennedy-Boyle advised that
Fyne Futures have an awards for all project running this year, looking at 3
different projects connected to growing and sharing food in the community.
Reeni advised that Fyne Futures are working with primary schools on a project
called ‘pizza in a barrel’ which is about growing plant based ingredient for
making pizza and that the kids are doing projects in their school looking at
soil health and climate change. Reeni also highlighted that they are looking at
growing plants that can be used for dyes and that they are working with a local
artist who is looking to make her art more sustainable and climate friendly by
moving to natural pigments. It was noted that Fyne Futures are hoping to run
the Employability programme again this year after it success last year. Argyll and Bute Council’s
Community Development Team Ailie Law highlighted that the
Supporting Communities fund closed on the 18th March and that the
team were currently assessing the 32 applications which were received, with the
associated reported being prepared for consideration at the Area Committee in
June. Ailie also advised that if partners were interested in any of the previous
projects funded by the Supporting Communities Fund that case studies are
available on the website. Dunoon Community Development
Trust Ann Campbell highlighted that the
Trust recently had been successful in securing funding from the Living and
Thriving Spaces which is awarded by Argyll and Bute Council. Ann also advised
that the Trust are working in partnership with Struan Lodge care home to
establish a food growing site and therapeutic garden in the grounds for
residents. Ann also advised that the Trust are working with
Argyll and Bute Council to agree a lease for Castle House Gate Lodge and that
their partners, Cycling UK and the Bothy Project, would be sharing the space.
Ann advised that they had been supporting an active travel network and are
working with partners to develop a behaviour change plan. Friends
of Glenan Wood Rhyddian
Knight advised that the updated Friends of Glenan Wood website was now live (Friends
of Glenan Wood) and that they are really happy with it.
Rhyddian highlighted that there is a full programme of volunteer opportunities
throughout the year and a full calendar of events on the website and that they
now have funding for travel for volunteers and community groups to take part in
the volunteer opportunities. |
WELFARE RIGHTS, ARGYLL AND BUTE COUNCIL Update from Senior Welfare Rights Officer, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: Consideration was given to a
presentation by Susan Tuite, Senior Welfare Rights Officer. The presentation included
information on the welfare rights service; their aims and roles; what
information/advice and help they can provide; 2023/24 highlights; partnership
working; community engagement; customer satisfaction; what’s happening in
2024/25 and information on how to contact the Welfare Rights team. The Committee Manager advised
that the Bute and Cowal Area Committee are trustees of the Lamont Bequest which
is open to applicants who are in receipt of a qualifying benefit and are over
the age of 16 and reside in the area of Kilfinan with a postcode of PA21. It
was noted that successful individual applicants would receive £50 while those
that are applying on behalf of their family would receive £100. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Senior Welfare Rights Officer, Argyll and Bute Council) |
COMMUNITY WEALTH BUILDING IN ARGYLL AND BUTE - A FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION Report by CEO, Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a
report and presentation in relation to Community Wealth Building. The report
confirmed that the Community Planning Partnership Management Committee formally
received the Community Wealth Building report commissioned in 2023 at its
meeting of 10th April 2024. It was highlighted that the recommendations in the
report were categorised in five sections: spending; workforce; inclusive
ownership; finance; and land and property. It was noted that the Community
Planning Partnership had requested that Area Community Planning Group provide
feedback in relation to the implementation and priority actions identified in
the report and appendices. Decision The Bute
and Cowal Area Community Planning Group: 1. noted that a steering group of CPP partners oversaw
the delivery and production of the two reports at Appendix 1 and 2; 2. agreed to forward any comments on implementation
and priority actions within the final report Community Wealth Building in
Argyll and Bute: A framework for action at appendix 1 following the meeting to
the Committee Manager to pass to the CEO, Argyll and Bute Third Sector
Interface for consideration and action as appropriate; and 3. agreed to forward any comments on the
implementation and priority actions within the two ‘Models of Opportunity’ at
appendix 2 following the meeting to the Committee Manager to pass to the CEO,
Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface for consideration and action as
appropriate. (Reference:
Report by CEO, Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface, dated 30 April 2024,
submitted) |
BUTE AND COWAL LIVING WELL NETWORK Presentation by Living Well Network Co-ordinator Minutes: Due to the time constraints it was agreed to continue consideration of this item to the next meeting. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group agreed to continue consideration of this item to the next meeting. |
Dunoon, Shaping Places for Wellbeing Minutes: Consideration
was given to a report and presentation from Alex Wilde, Shaping Places for
Wellbeing Dunoon. The update provided information on how they share their learning; Place and Wellbeing
outcomes; Project Town activities; how they use data and evidence; Place and
Wellbeing Assessments and associated recommendations. Decision The Bute
and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference:
Report and presentation by Project Lead, Shaping Places for Wellbeing,
submitted) |
Castle House Museum Presentation by Museum Assistant, Castle House Museum Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a presentation from
Iona Tytler, Castle House Museum. Iona advised that the Museum opened in
1998, and is a registered charity ran by Dunoon and Cowal Heritage Trust and
that the objective of the Museum has always been to share and preserve the rich
history of the local area. It was highlighted that they have an ongoing memory
box project which aims to highlight the value
of heritage in supporting a sense of place and in connecting people across the
area with bookings for memory boxes available from June onwards. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Museum Assistant, Castle House Museum) |
Report by Climate Change Project Manager, ACT Minutes: The Group
gave consideration to a report providing an update on the Community Planning
Partnership’s Argyll And Bute Climate Action project: developing a Climate Change
Strategy and Action Plan for Argyll and Bute. Decision The Bute
and Cowal Area Community Planning Group noted the approach and status of the
project as outlined in the report. (Reference:
Report by Climate Change Project Manager, dated 16 April 2024, submitted) |
ACT Climate Change Update Verbal Update
from ACT Now Manager Minutes: Consideration was given
to a presentation from Jamie Joyce from ACT. Jamie highlighted that the ABCAN
hub model was now established with a delivery team made up from community
organisations, freelancers and ACT employees who were delivering community
climate engagement in all 4 administrative areas. The presentation included
information on funding distributed to groups that are involved in climate
change projects; the creation of the Argyll & Bute Specific Carbon Literacy
Training Course; the delivery of 3 regional climate assemblies, focussing on
Energy, Housing, and Food; the new ABCAN website and online network and ABCAN
Aims for 2024/25. Decision
The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by ACT Now Project Manager and ABCAN Team Lead) |
Opportunity for verbal updates on community based initiatives Minutes: There were no verbal updates provided under this item. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 13 August 2024. Minutes: The Group noted that the next meeting of the Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group would take place on Tuesday 13 August 2024. |