Venue: By Microsoft Teams
Contact: Julieann Small, Senior Committee Assistant - 01546 604043
No. | Item |
McLean welcomed everyone to the meeting and highlighted that Alastair Moodie
had resigned as role of Vice-Chair. He added that a report would be considered
at the next meeting seeking nominations to this position. Partners were encouraged
to consider whether this is a role that they would be interested in fulfilling
and if so to please contact him for further details. In
the absence of Charles Dixon-Spain, Councillor Liz McCabe chaired the meeting. Apologies
for absence were intimated on behalf of: Charles
Dixon-Spain (Chair); Susan
MacRae Skills Development Scotland; and John
Bute BID Manager |
were no declarations of interest. |
Meeting of the Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group held on 16 August 2022 PDF 235 KB Minutes: The
minutes of the Bute and Cowal Planning Group meeting
held on Tuesday, 16 August 2022 were approved as a correct record. |
Chair ruled, and the Community Planning Group agreed, to a variation in the order
of business to allow Partner attendance. The minute reflects the order in which
items were discussed. . |
CEBR - THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT OF CALMAC FERRIES PDF 2 MB Report presented by Robert Beauchamp, Centre for Economics and Business
Research Minutes: The
Group considered a presentation by Robert Beachaump.
It was highlighted that the Phase 2 report was an quantitative analysis of the
impacts of CalMac as a company (employment, Gross
Value Added, turnover, and employee compensation supported directly and through
the supply chain) and of impacts of service levels on island communities (ferry
users’ welfare, economic activity, employment, population), based on Phase 1
findings, desk research, analysis, fieldwork, and socio-economic modelling. Councillor Gordon Blair highlighted that the Dunoon to Gourock passenger ferry is in need of improvement. Reeni Kennedy-Boyle advised that the report didn’t seem to have much
input from Bute, adding that only 1 major employer was involved and highlighted
that Bute’s economy is based on small businesses or family businesses who rely
on Calmac for their supply chain. Robert added that they had had some good
conversations on Bute but added that they were time limited. Decision The
Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Senior Economist Centre for Economics and Business Research, submitted) |
Strachur Joint Efforts Minutes: Laura
Walker from Strachur Joint Efforts provided the Group with a Presentation. She
highlighted that Strachur Community Council had received ten thousand pounds
from the Big Lottery Fund to create opportunities for the young people in the
area. Laura
highlighted some of the events and activities that have subsequently been
created including a pop up café every 3 weeks – with different themes for each
and opportunities to develop skills such
as cooking, customer service and budgeting. Laura
added that this project would provide young people with qualifications to add
to their CV such as a food hygiene certificate or 90 hours of volunteering
award. Discussion
was had around the support of the community and the possibility of community
group’s collaborations. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted
the information provided. (Reference:
Verbal report by Laura Walker, Strachur Joint Efforts) |
Community Planning Partnership Management Committee Update PDF 238 KB Report by Governance Manager Minutes: Consideration
was given to a briefing note which provided information on matters discussed
during a meeting of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Management
Committee, held on 6 October 2022. Stuart
McLean, spoke to the report and highlighted updates on topics including the
Shaping Places for Wellbeing Dunoon Project; the CPP Annual Report and the cost
of living crisis and the support available from within the Council. Decision The
Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group considered
and noted the briefing note. (Reference:
Report by Shona Barton, Governance Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 1
November 2022, submitted) |
Police Scotland Update PDF 302 KB Minutes: Consideration
was given to an update by Sergeant Eddie McGunnigal
and PC Laura Evans. The update included information relating to personnel
changes within the locality which included a new inspector, 2 new probationers
and 2 new experienced officers. Sergeant McGunnigal
also advised that a new Youth Engagement Officer had been recruited who will
work closely with schools and that the Service was currently looking to recruit
youth and adult volunteers. Officers are continuing to undertake speed
detection duties at local schools and are actively promoting the “Don’t Be That
Guy” campaign. PC
Laura Evans highlighted the new Dementia Safeguarding Tag which the Service
aims to launch by the end of November with support from Alzheimer Scotland.
General awareness raising material around the Tag would be circulated to
Partners after the meeting. PC
Evans added that the Local Policing Plan consultation was soon to be
launched. This would also be distributed
to the Partners once available. Discussion
took place around drug abuse in the Cowal area. It
was highlighted that these operations are intelligence led and that they are
dependent on the community to report instances to allow the Service to respond. Decision The
Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by PC Laura Evans, Police Scotland, submitted) |
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Update PDF 355 KB Minutes: The Group considered a report highlighting the
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) FQ2 review of local performance
across Bute and Cowal for the period 2022-23. The
report included information on the local firefighter training plan, incidents
during this time period and recent community engagement activities. Decision The
Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group considered
and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership - Public Health Update PDF 322 KB Minutes: The Group considered a public health update. Laura
Stephenson from HSCP was in attendance to speak to the update. She highlighted
the Public Health Team Annual Report for 2021-2022 and the Living Well
Mid-Strategy Report for 2019 – 2021. Discussion
was had around social prescribing, Laura highlighted that she was happy to pass
the contact details of the officer leading to Fyne Future. Decision The
Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Health Improvement Lead, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care
Partnership, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute TSI Update PDF 537 KB Minutes: The
Group gave consideration to an update by Sandy McLeod of Argyll and Bute TSI
which included information on the positive feedback received regarding the
Community Directory; the conversation café hosted ahead of the launch of the
next round of Communities
Mental Health & Wellbeing Funding; the Positive Destination Scheme;
volunteer events held to encourage new volunteers for organisations
and free online training available for volunteers and staff members of organisations. Decision The
Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Argyll and Bute TSI, submitted) |
Department for Work and Pensions Update PDF 535 KB Minutes: The Group gave consideration to an update from the
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) providing statistical information on the
number of customers claiming universal credit and legacy benefits; job seekers allowance;
employment and support allowance; and income support. The report also covered
information on recruitment events held by Rothesay and Dunoon Job centres; the
new telephone shared line number with
New Style Employment & Support Allowance; fuel direct; broadband social
tariff; health adjustment passports; managed moves to Universal Credit; the
influx of pension credit claims; disability cost of living payment stakeholder
toolkit; cost of living payment; Government plans to cut energy bills; the raised
Earnings Threshold; Personal Independence
Payment (PIP) claims and Adult Disability Payments (ADP).
There was no one in attendance from the DWP to
present the report. Decision The
Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Employer &
Partnership Manager, Department for Work and Pensions, submitted) |
Live Argyll - Community Learning Services Update PDF 258 KB Minutes: The
Group considered an update from Rhona Grant, Live Argyll - Community Learning
Service, which provided information relating to SAWA project Bute, including children arts class which are now taking
place at the Bank of Ideas; an International Day which was held on Thursday 13th
October in Greentree Café; a planned bike repair
class and the two day Apple Project which volunteers and refugees took part in. The
update also highlighted information on Youth Services in Cowal
and Dunoon which included The Give Programme that ran over the October Holidays
in Dunoon; a girls group which meet every Wednesday evening; Dunoon’s partnership with Active Schools and DGS on a
Healthy Me programme and a residential which took place in September. Discussion
took place in regards to Dunoon Grammar Schools success and the new garden
project. Rhona highlighted that the success raised a lot of positivity around
older pupils. Decision The
Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Team Leader – Community Learning Services, Live Argyll, submitted) |
Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners Minutes: Fyne Futures Reeni
Kennedy Boyle of Fyne Futures provided the Group with a verbal update including
information on the volunteer programme which is going very strong; ongoing
collaboration work with a variety organisations; the employability programme extension;
and the environmental work that had been completed. Discussion
took place regarding the climate change training which some Councillors had
received, it was highlighted that they found it very interesting. Partners were
anxious that this be provided to a wider audience. Shaping Places for Wellbeing Alex
Wilde, Shaping Places for Wellbeing Project Lead – Dunoon provided the Group
with a verbal update including information on a new Community Link Lead for
Dunoon and that the Project is still identifying key areas of inequality. Alex
advised that she had positive conversations with some partners after the last
meeting and invited any other partners interested in the Project to get in
touch. Alex
referred to an action from the last meeting regarding data used to inform the
project, she advised that she is still waiting on a reply and will update at
the next meeting. |
Report by Iona MacPhail, Chief
Executive of Fyne Homes Minutes: The
group considered an update from Iona MacPhail, Chief Executive of Fyne Homes.
The update included information on the AGM held in October; property lets for
2021/2022; maintenance and Fyne Futures. Iona
highlighted that Fyne Homes is unique due to its 3 Wind Turbines which are
situated in Glenbarr and added that profits are
distributed between Fyne Homes, Fyne Futures and the Community of Glenbarr. Discussion
was had around sustainability and Iona highlighted that new builds are being
developed to a high quality and the challenge will be for retrofitting. Decision The
Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Chief Executive, Fyne Homes, submitted) |
Climate Change |
Report by Chair of Climate Change Working Group PDF 123 KB Minutes: Consideration
was given to a report which highlighted the ongoing work of the Climate Change
Working Group. The report outlined the proposal
to produce a strategic Action Plan as a means to address the climate emergency
in Argyll and Bute; the development of governance arrangements and structures
to support the Climate Change Project Officer post. Information was also
provided on the funding options for the project. Discussion
was had around the shortfall of funding required. Angela Anderson highlighted
the importance of securing the funding to ensure overall coordination of the
project. Decision The
Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Stan Phillips, Chair of the Climate Change Working Group, submitted) |
Opportunity for verbal updates on community based initiatives Minutes: There
were no verbal updates provided under this item. |
Time for change Argyll and Bute update PDF 123 KB Minutes: The
Group considered an update by Angela Anderson from Time for Change Argyll and
Bute. Angela advised that Time for Change is a group of residents who are
campaigning to raise awareness of climate change. Angela
highlighted that as a group they are increasingly concerned with the need to
build resilience in all areas and communities in Argyll and Bute. She added
that they had received a great response from organisations during the pandemic
but advised that with the current economic, energy and climate situation
greater partnership working should be encouraged. Decision The
Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Angela Anderson, Time for Change Argyll and Bute, submitted) |
ALIenergy Update Presentation by Dr Lynda Mitchell, Manager, ALIenergy Minutes: An
update was considered by the group from Dr Lynda Mitchell from ALIenergy on the affordable warmth services provided. The
update included information on what they are working on including Affordable
Warmth, Education, and Local Energy Projects. The update also included
information on fuel poverty around Scotland with communities within Argyll and
Bute being rated as one of the most at risk.
It was also highlighted that the majority of households across North
West Scotland are now likely to be suffering with fuel poverty or will in the
near future. It was also highlighted that oil is not a problem as it is
considerably cheaper than electric heating. Dr
Mitchell advised that ALIenergy can access a number
of main interventions for clients experiencing energy cost crisis such as the
Fuel Bank Foundation; Scottish Government Home Heating Support Fund; Glasspool Trust; Argyll and Bute Council Flexible Fund and
Argyll and Bute Flexible Food Fund. Discussion
was had around contacting electricity suppliers being very time consuming
especially for vulnerable people. Lynda highlighted that although ALIenergy have some fast track numbers for companies it is
quicker to use the providers online chat if available. Decision The
Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group
considered and noted the information provided. (Reference:
Report by Dr Lynda Mitchell, Manager, ALIenergy) |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will take place at 10.00am on Tuesday 7 February 2023 Minutes: The
Chair thanked everyone in attendance at the meeting, and thanked all partners
for their continued proactive work in the community. The
Group noted that the next meeting of the Bute and Cowal
Area Community Planning Group would take place on Tuesday, 7 February 2022 at
10am. |