Venue: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Stuart Mclean, Committee Manager - 01436 658717
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone and outlined the procedure for the meeting. Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of: Councillor Jim Anderson; Councillor Audrey Forrest; Councillor Liz McCabe; Susan MacRae, Skills Development Scotland; Alastair MacGregor, Argyll Community Housing Association; Laura Stephenson, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership; David Moore, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service; and Christopher Casey, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Meeting of the Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group held on 1 February 2022 Minutes: The minutes of the Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group meeting held on Tuesday, 1 February 2022 were approved as a correct record. |
Appointment of Vice-Chair of the Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group PDF 35 KB Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The Group considered a report providing information relating to the appointment of a Vice-Chair of the Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group. The Committee Manager invited nominations from those in the meeting. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group agreed to appoint Alastair Moodie to the role of Vice-Chair. (Reference: Report by Stuart McLean, Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 19 April 2022, submitted) |
Community Planning Partnership Management Committee Update PDF 230 KB Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: The Group considered a briefing note which provided information around matters discussed during a virtual meeting of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Management Committee, held on 16 March 2022. Stuart McLean particularly highlighted the attendance of the new Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs); an update provided in relation to the Child Poverty Working Group; an update from Lorna Byrne in relation to applications to the Scottish Welfare Fund; the work of the Digital Communities Group; and an update provided by Fergus Murray in relation to the Strategic Transportation Projects Review 2 (STPR 2). Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the briefing note. (Reference: Report by Shona Barton, Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 19 April 2022, submitted) |
Partners Updates |
Police Scotland Update PDF 246 KB Minutes: The Group considered an update from PC Laura Evans, Police Scotland, which highlighted information relating to the appointment of a new Youth Engagement Officer; the work of the Counter Terrorism Liaision Officer; the changes arising as a result of the new Dogs (Protection of Livestock) (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2021 and the ways in which this legislation was being promoted; and continued work to reduce incidents of fraud. PC Evans also highlighted relevant personnel changes, with the recent appointment of Chief Inspector Glasgow. She advised that a replacement was also being sought for Inspector Forrest, following his retirement. Discussion took place around the availability of posters to promote new livestock legislation. PC Evans agreed to distribute materials to interested parties following the meeting. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by PC Laura Evans and PS Elaine Heffron, Police Scotland, submitted) |
Live Argyll - Community Learning Service Update PDF 221 KB Minutes: The Group considered an update from Rhona Grant, Live Argyll - Community Learning Service, which provided information relating to youth services, including the work of youth action groups; opportunities for young people to engage with the Give Holiday programmes; the development of Transition and School Leavers programmes; and the scheduled publishing of the new Youth Work Strategy. The update also included information relating to adult learning and highlighted the recruitment of an Adult Learning Worker for the Dunoon area; the opening of new weekly learning hubs for adult learners across all areas; work to address the identified gap in adult literacy and numeracy support; and the scheduled publishing of the new Adult Learning Strategy in May. Discussions took place around work to support new Scots and the existing refugee resettlement project on Bute. Rhona agreed to upload further statistical information in relation to the project to Basecamp following the meeting for the Group’s information. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Rhona Grant, Team Leader – Community Learning Services, Live Argyll, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau Update PDF 208 KB Minutes: The Group considered an update from Jen Broadhurst, Argyll and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). The update highlighted an increased number of queries to the service, with a particular rise in queries relating to debt, specifically energy debt. It was noted that this had resulted in additional funding being obtained for the employment of a part-time energy debt specialist and to increase the debt support provided. The update also included information relating to an increase in clients seeking support to avoid eviction following the confirmed resumption of face-to-face sessions by Her Majesty’s Court & Tribunals Service; an increase in complex client issues and clients suffering from mental health concerns; attempts to seek funding to assist vulnerable clients; the commencement of the Spring 2022 Adviser Training Programme; an ongoing consultation exercise to review the work of the CAB; and research which had been carried out in relation to the private housing market across Argyll and Bute. Jen encouraged partners to signpost anyone who may require support to the CAB and discussion took place around the ways in which the service could be accessed by those in rural communities. It was highlighted that the CAB would welcome any volunteers who may wish to undertake training to become an adviser. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Jen Broadhurst, Argyll and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau, submitted) |
Community Development Officer - Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme Update PDF 194 KB Minutes: The Group considered an update from Ailie Law, Community Development Officer, on the Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme. The update included information relating to the background and context of the Programme; the Programme’s plan to initially support four project towns to identify and focus on reducing the inequalities being experienced; the support and learning opportunities available for those involved with the Programme; and the selection of Dunoon as one of the four project towns. Ailie noted that a representative from the Programme would be attending Group meetings in the future, and would be able to provide further progress updates. Discussion took place around the ways in which organisations required to adapt to avoid disadvantaging those who struggled with the current systems. Ailie confirmed that the key to the project being successful would be partnership working, and these types of issues would be explored. It was agreed that Ailie would facilitate a meeting between the local community Trusts to assist with networking opportunities. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Ailie Law, Community Development Officer, Argyll and Bute Council, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership - Public Health Update PDF 265 KB Minutes: The Group considered a written Public Health update from Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership. The update highlighted the launch of the new Community Link Worker service and the progress of the Argyll and Bute Living Well Strategy. Information was also provided in relation to a report by the NHS Highland Director of Public Health, which investigated and provided recommendations in relation to ways to improve mental health and reduce suicide rates across the NHS Highland area. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group: 1.
considered and noted the information provided; and 2.
noted that in the absence of a representative from the Argyll and Bute
Health and Social Care Partnership, any questions would be forwarded to them
for a response following the meeting. (Reference: Report by Jennifer Dryden, Health Improvement Lead, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, submitted) |
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Update PDF 781 KB Minutes: The Group considered a report by Barry Colvan highlighting the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) FQ4 review of local performance across Bute and Cowal for the period 2021-22. The report included information around incidents during this period; recent community safety activity; and new smoke detector legislation. Barry advised that there had been a recent supply issue with linked smoke detectors, however this was being addressed by the manufacturer. He also highlighted a local recruitment drive and the completion of training for two new recruits. Councillor Blair praised Barry and his colleagues for their responsiveness to queries following recent incidents, and Barry confirmed that he would feed this back to the management team. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Barry Colvan, Watch Commander/Local Authority Liaison Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
Department for Work and Pensions Update PDF 443 KB Minutes: The Group considered an update from Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), which included statistical information on clients receiving Universal Credit and other benefits across the Argyll and Bute area, as well as information on various initiatives that the DWP were involved in. The update highlighted progress with the Way to Work initiative to assist people in returning to work; support available to assist with increases in energy bills, the cost of living and childcare costs; changes to the amount of time that a claimant is able to seek work only within their preferred sector; changes to the rules for those with a terminal illness; a campaign to encourage those on tax credits to investigate the possibility of transferring to Universal Credit; the roll out of the new Adult Disability Payment (ADP); support available for those fleeing Ukraine; and new guidance available from the Money and Pensions Service.
The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group: 1.
considered and noted the
information provided; and 2.
noted that in the absence of a representative from the Department for
Work and Pensions, any questions would be forwarded to them for a response
following the meeting. (Reference: Report by Elizabeth MacBrayne, Employer & Partnership Manager, Department for Work and Pensions, submitted) |
Skills Development Scotland Update PDF 391 KB Minutes: The Group considered an update from Skills Development Scotland (SDS) which included school leaver statistics for the 2020-21 period. The update also included a link to the Annual Participation Measures and information relating to current trends. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group: 1.
considered and noted the information provided; and 2.
noted that in the absence of a representative from Skills Development
Scotland, any questions would be forwarded to them for a response following the
meeting. (Reference: Presentation by Susan MacRae, Area Manager, Skills Development Scotland, submitted) |
Opportunity for verbal updates from Area Community Planning Group Partners Minutes: Reeni Kennedy-Boyle,
Fyne Futures Reeni Kennedy-Boyle provided an update on their work as lead member of the Employability Partnership in redesigning how it operated. She advised that she hoped to strengthen partnership working with Live Argyll’s Community Learning Service, to ensure that all partners were effectively working together to ensure the best use of resources. Reeni also provided information in relation to work with Inspiralba on a successful employability pilot project for school leavers and those up to 24 years of age. She noted that, following the success of this pilot project, funding had been extended and it was hoped that the project could be replicated for those over 25 years of age who were classed as long-term unemployed. Reeni advised of ongoing work around the No One Left Behind initiative, supporting people back to work through wage-based learning opportunities. She also outlined information regarding the successful Incredible Edible project; work with Live Argyll’s Community Learning Service to support the adult learning cohort; and the employment of a full time volunteer co-ordinator. |
Community Focus |
Police Scotland Fraud Discussion PDF 1 MB Presentation by Partnership Liaison Officer, Police Scotland Minutes: The Group considered a presentation by PC Laura Evans, Police Scotland. The presentation provided an overview of the work being undertaken by Police Scotland to highlight and reduce incidents of fraud. Background information was provided around fraud and the increase in incidences of fraud since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. PC Evans also highlighted the impact that being a victim of fraud could have on individuals, and emphasised that anyone could be a victim of fraud. PC Evans provided further information about the various methods that were being used by fraudsters; the work which was being undertaken by Police Scotland to combat the increase in fraud activity; and the ways in which partners could assist to prevent fraud within their local communities. PC Evans encouraged people to sign up to Neighbourhood Watch Scotland and to complete the free training which was available. She confirmed that she would post links to these resources on the Group’s Basecamp site following the meeting. Attendees thanked PC Evans for a very informative presentation, and agreed to feedback this information to their respective organisations. PC Evans agreed to share printed leaflets on fraud prevention with any interested parties following the meeting. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by PC Laura Evans, Partnership Liaison Officer, Police Scotland, submitted) |
Climate Change |
Minutes of the Climate Change Working Group meeting held on 17 February 2022 PDF 180 KB Minutes: The minutes of a recent meeting of the Climate Change Working Group, held on 17 February 2022, were before the Group for noting and relevant discussion. The Chair, as the Group’s representative on the Climate Change Working Group, provided additional information in relation to the creation and implementation of governance structures for the Working Group. He noted that the Working Group were also in the process of gathering information from other areas on what was being done to combat climate change. The Chair advised that the Working Group were hoping to employ a Project Officer to take forward the development of a carbon zero strategy for Argyll and Bute, and encouraged any attendees who were aware of potential avenues of funding for this to get in touch with him. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group:
(Reference: Minute of the Climate Change Working Group, held on 17 February 2022, submitted) |
Opportunity for updates on community based initiatives Minutes: Reeni Kennedy-Boyle advised that Fyne Future were an environmental charity, and a big part of their focus was on providing goods and services demonstrating a low carbon economy. She provided examples of their work, including the redistribution of just under 30,000kg of furniture within the community. She advised that there were gaps in the provision of this kind of service across Argyll and Bute, and they were keen to bolster provision and support initiatives in other areas where possible to avoid useful resources going to landfill. Reeni also provided information on their electric bike scheme, and advised that they were supportive of more active travel activity in the area to reduce parking issues. She advised that 12,000 miles had been cycled on the 16 electric bikes and 1 wheelchair companion bike in the last year, and it was the first island-based community-run electric bike scheme in Scotland. Reeni provided further information in relation to other projects, including the work of Bute Produce in growing and distributing green boxes; work with local organic beef producers; and continued work on other energy projects. She advised that their wind turbines had recently returned their first gift aid amount, and noted that she would be happy to discuss the process for this with any community groups who were considering embarking on their own energy projects. Ann Campbell advised that Dunoon Community Development Trust were working with a new group of local volunteers on a food growing partnership, in conjunction with Kirn Primary School. She noted that an open day was being held on 7 May for anyone who may be interested in attending, and this would coincide with the school’s Spring Fair. Ann also provided information in relation to the Dunoon Bothy project, where e-bikes would be available for local community members to test, and noted that discussions were ongoing with partners around the theme of active travel. She noted that discussions were also taking place with Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust (ACT), following their successful ACT Now project in Lochgilphead. PC Laura Evans advised that she would be happy to ask an officer to attend any events where active travel was being promoted, as the Police had bicycle marking kits which could be useful. Alastair Moodie advised that the local community Facebook page was often used for recycling unwanted furniture. He noted that he would like to see a campaign to reduce household and food waste. Discussion took place in relation to the implementation of electric vehicle charging points, and the barriers around this. It was agreed that a representative from the Council’s Roads and Infrastructure Services department, and a representative from SSE, would be invited to a future meeting of the Group to discuss this. The Chair also agreed to raise concerns about SSE’s protocols regarding surveys for electric vehicle charging points with the Climate Change Working Group to try to progress a solution. Stuart McLean noted that a report in relation to electric vehicle charging points had been considered by the Council’s Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee in December and was available to view on the Council’s website for anyone who may be interested. |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will take place at 10am on Tuesday, 16 August 2022. Minutes: The Group noted that the next meeting of the Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group would take place on Tuesday, 16 August 2022 at 10am. |
The Chair noted that this would be the last meeting of the Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group during the lifetime of the current Council. He thanked all Councillors for their support to the Group, and wished all those standing for election good luck. He gave particular thanks to Councillor Reid for his support to the Group, following his decision not to stand for re-election. |