Venue: By Microsoft Teams
Contact: Julieann Small, Senior Committee Assistant - 01546 604043
No. | Item |
WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and general introductions were made. Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of: Charles Dixon-Spain
(Chair); John McLuckie,
Community Planning Partnership Lead, Argyll and Bute Council; Sue McKillop, Scenic
Sandbank; Juliette Gill,
Hunters Quay Community Council; Councillor Gordon
Blair, Argyll and Bute Council; Councillor Daniel
Hampsey, Argyll and Bute Council; Councillor Audrey
Forrest; and Tom McFarlane,
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest intimated. |
Minutes: The Minutes of the Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group meeting held on Tuesday 2 May 2023 were approved as a correct record. |
COMMUNITY PLANNING Presentation by Community Development Officer Minutes: Antonia Baird, Community
Development Officer Argyll and Bute Council, provided the Group with an
overview of Community Planning in Argyll and Bute. The presentation included
information on the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015; the roles and responsibilities
of the Community Planning Team; where the Area Community Planning Groups fit
into the partnership and their relationship with the Management Committee;
cross cutting themes and principles of effective community planning. The presentation also included
information on the development day which is held once a year; action plans for
each of the Area Community Planning Groups as well as the Argyll and Bute’s
Outcomes Improvement Plan and how the Community Planning Team communicate with
partners and members of the groups. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by
Community Development Officer, Argyll and Bute Council) |
by Committee Manager Minutes: Consideration was given to a
briefing note which provided information on matters discussed during a meeting
of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Management Committee, held on 22
June 2023. The Committee Manager highlighted
that the CPP Management Committee recognised the issues raised by the Dunoon Gourock Ferry Action Group
at the last Area Community Planning Group meeting and that the Management
Committee were uncertain on what action the Group wanted. The Committee Manager advised
that the Community Planning Team have offered to facilitate a discussion
between the Chair of the CPP Management Committee, the Chair of Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group and the Chair of the Dunoon Gourock Ferry Action Group
if the Group deemed this appropriate. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Community Planning Group: 1.
and noted the briefing note; and 2.
that a discussion, facilitated by Community Planning Team, involving the Chair
of the CPP Management Committee, the Chair of Bute and Cowal
Area Community Planning Group and the Chair of the Dunoon
Gourock Ferry Action Group be organised. (Reference: Report by Committee
Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 15 August 2023, submitted) |
Transport Update - Argyll and Bute Council Report by Contract Officer, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: Consideration was given to a Transport Update by the Contract Officer at Argyll and Bute Council. The update provided information on the work being done in preparation of pupils returning to school after summer; the continued operation of the call centre team in Berwick in handling Pingo calls and the planned replacement of damaged bus stops in greater Dunoon. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Contract
Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 15 August 2023, submitted) |
Access to Argyll and Bute (A83) Verbal update by Transport Scotland Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a
presentation by Transport Scotland and Atkins WSP Joint Ventures on the
permanent solution for the A83. The presentation included information that had
been delivered at both virtual and in person public exhibitions within in the
locality, specifically key features and benefits of the preferred route; the
preferred route plan; the scheme assessment process and the next stages of the
assessment and construction phases. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community
Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Transport Scotland and Atkins WSP Joint Ventures) |
Western Ferries Presentation by Managing Director Minutes: Gordon Ross of Western Ferries
provided the Group with an overview of the service provided. Gordon advised
that in June 2023 Western Ferries celebrated 50 years of service and that they
were currently celebrating the 10th anniversary of the naming
ceremony of their newer boats the Sound of Seil and
the Sound of Soay. Mr Ross advised that Western
Ferries provide approximately 32,000 sailings a year from 6am until midnight,
365 days a year adding that they provide a reliable, frequent and flexible
service to the community. It was also highlighted that Western Ferries provide
a free out of hour’s service for emergency services in Dunoon
and have a stand by crew permanently on call. Discussion took place in relation
to the lack of joint working with bus operators to provide a bus link at
Hunters Quay into Dunoon. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Community Planning Group: 1. considered and noted the
information provided; and 2. requested that the Committee
Manager relay the concerns of the Group regarding the lack of connectivity
between ferry services and bus services to the Contract Officer. (Reference: Verbal Report by Managing
Director, Western Ferries) |
CLES - COMMUNITY WEALTH BUILDING Presentation by CLES Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a
presentation on Community Wealth Building from Charlie Murphy from CLES (Centre
for Local Economic Strategies). Charlie highlighted that the CLES mission is to
develop local economies which work for people, planet and place and that it is
the lead organisation for Community Wealth Building in the UK. Charlie advised the Group that
CLES have been commissioned by the TSI on behalf of the CPP to conduct research
on Community Wealth Building in Argyll and Bute. It was highlighted that CLES
would be running a workshop in Dunoon on the 5th
September exploring Community Wealth Building in Argyll and Bute. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community
Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Researcher, Centre for Local Economic Strategies) |
Police Scotland Update Minutes: Consideration was given to an update which included information on the ongoing work of the Service and provided information on the expansion of the Partners intelligence portal; the emergency services day held in Dunoon; youth engagement activities; the ‘Move in May’ challenge which Police Scotland staff took part in; Progress Pride flag’s journey around Argyll and West Dumbartonshire Division and the Keep Safe scheme. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group: 1. considered and noted the information provided; and 2. noted that in the absence of a representative from Police Scotland, any questions could be forwarded to them following the meeting and any responses circulated to the Group. (Reference: Report by Police Scotland, submitted) |
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Update Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a report highlighting the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) FQ1 review of local performance across Bute and Cowal for the period 2023-24. The report included information on the local firefighter training plan; incidents during this time period; unwanted fire alarm signals; road and water safety campaigns; community engagement activities; East and West Dunbartonshire and Argyll and Bute Local Senior Officer Activities and home fire safety. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership - Public Health Update Minutes: The Group considered a public health update from Angela Coll, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership on the ongoing wellbeing and prevention activities overseen and delivered by the HSCP Public Health Team in Argyll and Bute. The update highlighted information on the Public Health Intelligence Team (PHIT); the Money Counts Level 1 awareness raising sessions; the Living Well Networks and the merge of the Living Well Strategy and Prevention Board. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Health Improvement Lead, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, submitted) |
Live Argyll - Community Learning Services Update Minutes: The Group gave consideration to
an update from Rhona Grant, Live Argyll - Community Learning Services. The
update provided information relating to youth work in the Bute and Cowal area such as the GIVE summer programme; the Friday
night football being run once a month in partnership with Police Scotland and
Black Park cages; the Police Scotland Youth Volunteers (PSYV); the work with
Developing Young Work Force (DYW) and the summer exchange programme. The update also provided
information on adult learning with it being highlighted that both Bute and Cowal now have a Community Learning Worker who works as an
Adult Learning Lead in a part time capacity. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Team Leader
– Community Learning Services, Live Argyll, submitted)
Minutes: Consideration was given to an
update by Rhona Altin, UHI Argyll. The update highlighted
that all UHI centres held an open day on the 14th June in which
people were encouraged to drop into their local centres to enquire about
courses and find out what support is available to them and information on new
NQ, NC and Access courses that are available. It was noted that UHI Argyll
staff have been attending some local events during the summer months and are
currently preparing for the new academic year and the intake of new students. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by UHI Argyll,
dated 2 August 2023, submitted) |
Skills Development Scotland Update Minutes: The Group gave consideration to an
update from Susan MacRae, Skills Development
Scotland. The update included information on the work that career advisors have
been doing in Dunoon Grammar School and Rothesay
Joint Campus; the support they have been providing to school leavers; the
Partnership Action for Continuing Employment initiative and the annual
participation measures which are due to be published on 31st August. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Area Manager, Skills Development Scotland, submitted) |
Opportunity for Verbal Updates Minutes: Argyll and Bute Citizens Advice
Bureau Jen Broadhurst
highlighted that Argyll and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) have been very
busy and have supported just under 800 clients in the last 3 months with 370 of
those being new to the bureau with the majority being in relation to welfare
rights. Of those clients 218 were provided with welfare rights support, 41 were
supported to access digital, food or fuel crisis funding. Jen added that the overall client
financial gain, generated from the advice provided was just under £360,000 with
78% of the funding being generated by Welfare Rights. Jen also provided information on
other areas such as the new data hub which provides statistical data on the
range of clients that they support across the region; debt advice; the Armed
Services advice project which has been extended until the end of the year;
energy advice; the adviser training programme; the cost of care research; the
updating of the Bureau’s business plan and the wellbeing networking event which
is to be held on the 13th September. It was also highlighted that CAB
have partnered with Dunoon Foodbank to offer
appointments and drop ins every couple of weeks. Dunoon Community Development Trust Ann Campbell highlighted that Dunoon Community Development Trust has just completed a
recruitment phase following a successful grant application and advised that she
has been appointed as Partnership and Development Manager with there also being a part time information engagement
co-ordinator and a part time volunteering for wellbeing co-ordinator. Ann added
that they are currently in the process of establishing the Trust as an employer
and once confirmed as such further information will be shared with partners. |
SHAPING PLACES FOR WELLBEING Report by Community Link Lead - Dunoon Minutes: The Group considered an update
from Alex Wilde and Becky Hothersall, Shaping Places
for Wellbeing Dunoon. The update provided information
on the recent work of the service, with it being highlighted that they can
support organisations create their own Place and Wellbeing Assessment and that
they are also planning to work with local partners on exploring active travel
plans for Dunoon. It was also highlighted that
since the last meeting the team has co-ordinated a Place and Wellbeing
assessment of the Health and Social Care Partnership’s Joint strategic plan and
joint commissioning strategy, and the Argyll and Bute Local Policing Plan
2023-26. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Community
Link Lead, Shaping Places for Wellbeing, Dunoon, submitted) |
BUTE COMMUNITY COUNCIL - CONSULTATION EXERCISE Presentation by Jim Osborne, Bute Community Councillor Minutes: Jim Osborne from Bute Community
Council provided the group with an update on the consultation exercise
currently being undertaken by the Community Council. Jim advised that the new
Community Council agreed last year to revisit a conversation that took place in
2015 on how the Community Council can improve Bute and reverse depopulation on
the Island. Mr Osbourne advised that the
Community Council had organised a public meeting in Rothesay at the end of
March where around 60 people attended and presented their views on how to
improve the Island with 7 main themes emerging, the top 3 being, facilities for
visitors, town regeneration and facilities for young people. Jim advised that a couple of
follow up meetings with other communities on Bute had been organised with
similar outcomes emerging, with facilities for the elderly being added as a
main theme. It was also highlighted that the
Community Council are still in the process of Community engagement and at this
time need to set up meetings with other communities and with young people on
Bute to find out their thoughts and what they would like to see in the area. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Verbal Report by Jim Osborne, Bute Community Council) |
Sandbank Community Development Trust Presentation by John Park, Director Minutes: The Group considered a
presentation by John Park, Director of Sandbank Community Development Trust
which was established in 2002 to provide social and community facilities,
environmental improvements, preservation of local heritage and support for
local businesses. Mr Park also provided information on the Community Action
plan and the ongoing activities of the Trust such as the Ardnadam
Community Park and Holy Loch Nature Reserve. Decision The Bute and Cowal
Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by
Director, Sandbank Community Development Trust, dated August 2023, submitted) |
Climate Change Working Group Highlight Report Report by Chair of Climate Change Working Group Minutes: Consideration was given to a
report which highlighted the ongoing work of the Climate Change Working Group.
The report outlined the proposal to produce a strategic Action Plan as a means
to address the climate emergency in Argyll and Bute; the approved governance
arrangements to support the Climate Change Project Manager post and the ongoing
work on the recruitment of a Project Manager. Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community
Planning Group: 1.
and noted the information provided; and 2.
that in the absence of a representative from the Climate Change Working Group,
any questions could be forwarded to the Committee Manager following the meeting
and any responses circulated to the Group. (Reference: Report by Chair of the Community Planning Partnership Climate Change Working Group, dated 2 August 2023, submitted) |
Friends of Glenan Wood Verbal Update by Friends of Glenan Wood Minutes: Consideration was given to a presentation by Robin Webster
of Friends of Glenan Wood which provided information
on the woodlands which is 148 hectares of unique Atlantic temperate rainforest
located in Portavadie. Robin highlighted that the
woods were acquired by the local community from Forestry Scotland via the
Scottish Land Act in 2019 and now has approximately 80 local members and 7
local trustees. The presentation also included information on what visitors
can expect to find in the woodlands; grants that they have received; work
parties for volunteers; the weekly ‘brew and blether’ and the challenges they
are facing. More information can be found at: Decision The Bute and Cowal Area Community
Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Verbal Report by Secretary, Friends of Glenan Wood) |
Progress on Argyll and Bute Climate Hub Update by Argyll and Bute TSI Minutes: It was noted that a written
update from Argyll and Bute TSI would be circulated to the Group following the
meeting and that any questions should be sent to the Committee Manager to
forward to the Argyll and Bute TSI for consideration and response as
appropriate. |
Opportunity for verbal updates on community based initiatives Minutes: There were no verbal updates provided under this item. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 31 October 2023. Minutes: The Chair thanked everyone in attendance at the meeting, and thanked all partners for their continued proactive work in the community. The Group noted that the next meeting of the Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group would take place on Tuesday 31 October 2023. |