Agenda and minutes

Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group - Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Venue: Pillar Hall, Victoria Halls, Helensburgh. View directions

Contact: Belinda Ruthven - Area Governance Assistant Tel: 01436 658825 

No. Item




Apologies were intimated by :-


Councillor Maurice Corry

Councillor Vivien Dance

Councillor David Kinniburgh

Councillor Aileen Morton

Councillor Ellen Morton

Councillor Gary Mulvaney

Morag Brown

Councillor James Robb

Councillor Richard Trail


Councillor Freeman took the Chair



Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest.


Minute of Meeting 12 June 2012 pdf icon PDF 72 KB


The Minute of the previous meeting held on 12 June 2012 was approved as a true and correct record subject to the following amendment:-


Page 3, Item 6 - Partners Updates:


Clydelink now run a core service between Gourock and Kilcreggan and have indicated a 200k p.a. saving.


Parge 5, Item 12 – Helensburgh Public Realm Improvements Project (CHORD) Update


Shirley MacLeod, informed the Group, that, following a press release which had just been received, an informal referendum on the public realm works in Colquhoun Square in Helensburgh would take place on Monday 25 June 2012 between 8am and 8pm in the main hall at the Victoria Halls in Helensburgh.    


 Gillian Barclay stated that she had been present at the previous meeting.


Partner Updates


Strathclyde Police


Area Inspector Paul Robertson informed the Group of an increase in disorder in Helensburgh Town Centre.  An Action Plan had been agreed between Strathclyde Police, Naval Police and other partners and additional patrols had been instigated in June 2012.

This had resulted in a decrease in figures, it was envisaged that the additional patrols would be retained.

There had been an increase in speeding tickets issues and warnings in the usual areas.

Joint Problem Solving work had been undertaken between ACHA/Dunbritton Housing to address anti-social behaviour in the Drumfork area.  Paul reported that this initiative appeared successful.

Paul intoduced – Gary Stitt to the group.  Gary was the new South Argyll Commander who would cover Helensburgh, Dunoon and Rothesay.  He would be spending considerable time in Helensburgh.  In addition, Paul advised that he himself would be based in Dunoon, however would still continue to have work input in Helensburgh.   His replacement would be Inspector Claire Miller who would be commencing on Monday, 17 September.  Paul expressed his pleasure at the time he had spent as a serving officer in  Helensburgh.


Chief Inspector Gary Stitt had been in post for 2 months and expressed his gratitude for the help and assistance provided by Paul Robertson.  He had knowledge of the local area and related issues and stated the challenging period ahead. He stated that Inspector Claire Miller was a dedicated officer who would bring lots of new skills to the post.  He reported on the instigation of the Community Investigation Unit which would address and investigate local issues.  Their success rate to date was extremely high with the successful detection of approximately 20 break ins and frauds.


The Chair welcomed Chief Inspector Stitt to the area and thanked both Inspector Robertson and Chief Inspector Stitt for their informative updates.



Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park


Neil Black informed the group of 2/3 Rural Housing projects currently being undertaken in the Park.  They were liaising with Luss and Arrochar and Dunbritton Housing were linking in with Succoth.  The National Park fully supported this initiative which would hopefully bring young families into the area.

Neil reported on the Community Empowerment Renewables Bill and the need for a consolidated community response.

He advised on the forthcoming Community Gathering which would be held on 3 November 2012 in Drymen.  This would be an all day event.








Issues Raised by Community Councils


Community Councils


Nick Davies, Cove and Kilcreggan CC reiterated his concerns in regards the Gourock and Kilcreggan ferry, highlighting the size and reliability of the vessel.  He reported on correspondence sent directly to SPT on these issues, none of which he had received a reply to.  Nick stated further dissatisfaction in regards the lack of signage at Gourock.  He had received a reply on this issue from SPT to the effect that they would need to liaise with Scotrail and other agencies to resolve this.


The Chair stated that he hoped SPT would review this issue.  Nick Davies reflected on the reduction in passenger numbers which were down from 72,000 to 53,000 and voiced his concerns that the ferry service would be put under threat.


The Group noted the issues highlighted by Nick Davies and wished to minute the concerns of the partnership.


Alistair MacBeth raised his concerns in regards the overall population figures from Argyll and Bute council and questioned the larger settlement areas.








Issues Raised by Third Sector Forum


Gillian Barclay, AVA reported on the challenges facing local service providers with the ongoing budget constraints.  She reminded the Group of the legislative duty of public service providers under the auspices of the Community Engagement Plan and questioned if underused assets could be transferred to Third Sector organisations.  Gillian enquired on the feasibility of Argyll and Bute council making available their Asset Register.





Maritime Change Programme



Captain Jack Tarr gave a general outline brief of the proposed growth plan at the base.  He envisaged that by 2017, the Clyde base would be the single submarine base in the UK and would be the training centre for submariners.  He advised that population figures for the working population at HMNB Clyde would equate to 8426.  This figure was relatively stable and would not include dependants.  A further update would be available in 3-6 months.


Captain Tarr detailed the major works being undertaken in the next phase of the accommodation programme.  The planning application was in progress and it was hoped to commence work mid-2013.   This would result in an increasing resident population, although overall the footprint of the Clyde area was receding.


He reported on a forthcoming trilateral meeting between HMNB, West Dunbartonshire council and Argyll and Bute council to discuss general concerns.  This would include skills needs/tertiary college provision.


Discussion followed amongst the Group in regards the need for Argyll and Bute council to review budgets in light of changing population numbers.  Captain Tarr clarified that the working population total of 8426 included civilian workers too.  He continued that a large number of the uniform population did not reside in the local area.  However, with greater stability it may result in larger number relocating to the local area.  It was the intention to provide the incentive for personnel to purchase their own accommodation and move outwith MOD housing.


Nigel Millar, Helensburgh Community Council raised 4 issues:-


·         Importance of Helensburgh Town Centre – in regards to the Waitrose application, he highlighted the need to ensure that the existing town remained the main retail centre.  Communication had been sent to the Chief Executive, Argyll and Bute council for reassurance.


·         With local shops closing there was a need to get assurances that the Town Centre would be retained for business use.  Work was commencing under the CHORD programme and this assurance was necessary


·         Affordable housing  - Dunbritton Housing Association were in the process of providing 45/50 flats and houses.  Local residents were opposing the project, although there was a need for the housing.  The Community Council had not, as yet, agreed their stance in this matter.   


·         With the forthcoming new Academy, Civic Centre and other developments,  the Community Council were of the opinion that the town needed an additional focus


Councillor Robb assumed the Chair and Councillor Trail joined the meeting.  Councillor Robb updated members on developments on matters raised by Mr Millar.







Grey Matters - Update


Morevain Martin gave an update to the Group in which she provided a drawing of the Kilcreggan area detailing the concerns of local residents:-


  • Bad or broken paths
  • Crossing – which local community wished to be removed
  • Lack of bus on School Road
  • No footpath on Mill Brae
  • Ferry Service issues


She commended the help given to the Grey Matters project by AVA. Morevain related a study undertaken in conjunction with both older and younger people and similar results came from both groups.  These issues were:-


·         Safety underfoot was a significant issue

·         Street furniture – hazardous to visually impaired

·         Overgrown weeds on pavements – hazardous especially if wet  

·         Parking and illegal parking – again hazardous



The afore mentioned issues resulted from 2 consultations.


Action: It was agreed that Morevain would advise local Members of specific instances which they could add to the Members Portal for further investigation.


Action: Inspector Robertson would investigate the issue of illegal parking in the area highlighted by Morevain.


Neil Sturrock advised the Group of the withdrawing of the Traffic Warden service and this responsibility now fell under the auspices of Strathclyde Police.    







Community Resilience pdf icon PDF 237 KB


Samantha Quarton, IOD Project Assistant,  introduced herself to the Group and advised that she was representing Morag Brown who was unable to attend the meeting.


Inspector Robertson enquired who was the point of contact for each area.  Samantha Quarton would liaise with the Police to ensure the relevant contact names were in place.


Captain Tarr stated that this shift in self resilience was consistent with what the MOD was trying to implement.  However, he questioned the need to ensure that the legal liabilities were addressed.


The Group agreed to the recommendations contained within the report.



Community Safety Partnership Exception Reporting to Community Planning Group pdf icon PDF 93 KB


Shirley MacLeod spoke to the report advising the Group of work undertaken in order to recommence this form of partnership working.


The Group agreed to the recommendations contained with the report and would provide feedback to Shirley MacLeod or Belinda Ruthven.


Survive and Thrive Project - Presentation


Katrina Sayer gave a detailed Powerpoint presentation to the Group providing information on the Survive and Thrive project which would provide support to individual survivors and children of survivors of domestic abuse.


Katrina advised the Group that referral forms would be distributed via ‘on the ground ‘ workers.


The Chair thanked Katrina for her informative presentation.


Co Production Conference


The Group were advised that the group that the Community Planning Management Group  agreed on 16th August to take this initiative forward.  The first Steering group meeting was scheduled for 7 September.  Updates would be available on the Community website.




SPT Transport Outcome Report pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Group noted the report.


New Community Plan


The Group noted the update.


Population Decline pdf icon PDF 266 KB


Eileen Wilson gave a Powerpoint presentation on the National Records Scorecard population projections for Argyll and Bute.


The 10 Local Authorities expected to experience population decline were all rural.


Discussion followed by the Group and issues which were highlighted were:-


·         Were Argyll and Bute Council  recognising these patterns? – They would be undertaking a data mapping exercise next year


·         Faslane base – the danger of over-assumption of the workforce population


·         HMNB Clyde – keen to actively engage with Argyll and Bute council on this issue to enable better detail to inform projections


·         School placements provision/GPs provision


Area Forum Events - 2013


Eileen Wilson informed the Group of previous Forward Together events.  However, the timescale was too short to arrange an event for November 2012.


Discussion followed in regards timescales and outcomes of the proposed event for 2013.


The Group agreed:-


·         To note the recommendations of the report

·         Partners feed in their views and comments and a report would be brought to the November 2012 Helensburgh and Lomond Business Day for further consideration




The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and asked if the Group could provide feedback on how they felt the format of the  meeting was progressing and proposed the following:-


·         Presentations content should be shorter

·         Meeting length should be no more than 1.5 hours


He would appreciate comments and contact on how to improve future meetings.