Agenda and minutes

Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group - Tuesday, 12 June 2012 1:30 pm

Venue: Pillar Hall, Victoria Halls, Helensburgh. View directions

Contact: Belinda Ruthven - Area Governance Assistant Tel:01436 658825 

No. Item




Apologies were intimated from :-

Councillor James Robb

Councillor Maurice Corry

Councillor Gary Mulvaney

Mary Haggarty – Arrochar and Tarbert Community Council

Anthony Davey – Cardross Community Council

Morevain Martin – Senior Development Officer


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minute of Meeting 20 March 2012 pdf icon PDF 70 KB


The minute of meeting 20 March 2012 was approved as a correct record.


Maritime Change Programme Verbal Update - Argyll and Bute Council / MOD


The Group was provided with an update by Captain Jack Tarr, HMNB Clyde, on the current progress of the Maritime Change Programme.  Captain Tarr spoke of the significant expansion in both operations capacity and increased population at the base anticipated over the next ten years and the measures currently being taken to address and accommodate these changes.   


Captain Tarr outlined the key factors which would promote the benefits of living in the Helensburgh and Lomond area to relocating naval personnel and their families and advised that the migration of these families would be a slow but gradual process, with 2018 being the ‘tipping’ point as that was when the training programme for submariners would relocate to Faslane. 


The group was informed that proposals were also in the pipeline for a modern engineering facility and that there were plans to regain existing leases of sports facilities in the area and that positive interaction with the local community could be expected in this regard.


Captain Tarr then took questions from the Group and agreed to take back the comments he had heard.


The Chair thanked Captain Tarr for what had been a very informative and helpful update.



Reshaping Older People's Services - Mavis Gilfillan - NHS


The Group was updated in a presentation by Mavis Gilfillan, Clinical Services Manager, on the recent changes to the model of care being implemented by the NHS to Older People’s Services. This Programme provides a framework to address the challenges of supporting and caring for Scotland’s growing older population into the next decade and beyond.The four common goals of this initiative and how these would be best achieved were outlined. There was emphasis on a single point of access, patients having more control of their own care and on prevention of unnecessary admission to hospital at the initial stage. A more flexible and responsive team approach to care would be in place and there would be increased development of the monitoring and reviewing of individual cases.  Copies of the full document were made available for distribution at the meeting.




Partner Updates


Area Inspector Paul Robertson, Strathclyde Police, informed the Group that two individuals had been charged following the recent murder inquiry relating to the Sharkey family although for legal restraints he was unable to comment on specific details of the case.


Inspector Robertson advised that following the recent focus on anti-social behaviour, a problem solving group had been set up with ACHA and Argyll and Bute Council’s Anti Social Behaviour Co-ordinator and that it was hoped to invite Dunbritton Housing to the next meeting.


Increased complaints in the Drumfork area had resulted in increased patrols here and that a number of arrests had subsequently been made.  Mobile CCTV together with a zero tolerance approach had seen a significant reduction in incidents.


Following the opening of the Henry Bell, the Inspector advised that complaints were minimal and were mainly related to noise issues which had now been addressed.  He indicated that the Pubwatch scheme had received a good response and had proved a very useful tool.


Neil Sturrock – Scottish Passenger Transport (SPT)


Mr Sturrock informed the group that the new service was now running in a stable manner and as per contract.  Clydelink now run a core service between Gourock and Helensburgh and have indicated a £200k p.a. saving.  There was some possibility of introducing a Sunday service on a trial basis. 


There had been some initial concerns around the certification of the crew which had resulted in a reduced service but he added that all issues had now been addressed.  Mr Sturrock advised that there had been no requirement of the contractor to provide a new boat and that the current vessel met with all the required criteria.


Nick Davies, Cove and Kilcreggan Community Council, thanked Mr Sturrock for the update but indicated that there was general dissatisfaction with the size of the vessel.  He informed that it was inefficient in open water as it was subject to more turbulence and that problems with this were anticipated in the autumn. Mr Davies felt that an integrated service with the Dunoon ferry would be more advantageous and Mr Sturrock agreed to take back all the comments he had heard today in order that they may be addressed.


Neil Black, Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park.


Neil Black informed the Group that Development Officer had arranged to come and present their joint partnership networks.


Tony Meechan, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue


Tony Meechan informed the Group that the summer seasonal strategy was now underway and that crews and fire safety advocates were focussing on the dangers of campfires and other related issues and promoting this to the public.


Issues Raised by Community Councils


These were covered under Item 6 of the minute.


Issues Raised by the Third Sector Forum


Gillian Barclay, Argyll Voluntary Action, advised the Group of the initiatives currently underway.  She encouraged members of the group to come along to the Grey Matters meetings and engage in discussion with some of the senior citizens who attended these. The Group was advised that Grey Matters had been mentioned in Dispatches by Jackie Baillie MSP. Gillian was particularly keen that there should be some involvement with local Community Councils, and in this respect, Nigel Millar, Helensburgh CC, kindly volunteered to come along to the next meeting.  The date of the next scheduled Third Sector Forum meeting was advised as Tuesday 3 July 10.30 until 12.00.  


Proposed Carriageway Reconstruction Works 2012-13 Verbal Update- Callum Robertson - Argyll and Bute Development and Infrastructure


Callum Robertson, Roads Asset Manager, updated the Group on the progress of reconstruction works on the A814 section between Cardross and Helensburgh.  He provided a brief description of road surface treatments and specifications and sequence of works. Callum outlined the traffic management measures that would be implemented during the road closure period and business continuity proposals were also considered. 


Community Safety Forum Links, Partnership and Reporting Argyll and Bute Council - Governance and Law pdf icon PDF 55 KB


The Group was updated by the Area Governance Manager on the status and membership of the Local Community Safety Forums, and to outline where these lay in relation to other groups such as Local Area Community Planning Groups and the Argyll and Bute Community Safety Parnership.  The Group was asked to acknowledge the CSFs as a  strategic partner within the local community planning structure it was requested that Highlight and Exception reports come to the Local Community Planning Groups as necessary.


Critical Activity Recovery Plan - Kate Connelly - Argyll and Bute Council, Governance and Law pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


Kate Connelly, Project Officer, provided the Group with a brief outline of the council’s Business Continuity Planning project and the reasons behind its establishment. The Group was asked to note the current plans to incorporate feedback with communities and other stakeholders at the current stage of the review and to help facilitate local arrangements in order to maximise input from local groups and organisations.


Ms Connelly suggested that the focus should lie on the activities of each individual group and that the link to the relevant council service would then be identified.  


Helensburgh Public Realm Improvements Project (CHORD) Update - Argyll and Bute Council


Councillor Robb, Lead Councillor, informed the Group that, following a press release which had just been received, an informal referendum on the public realm works in Colquhoun Square in Helensburgh would take place on Monday 25 June 2012 between 8am and 8pm in the main hall at the Victoria Halls in Helensburgh.

Voters would be asked to choose one of the available options and it will also be possible for comments on the proposals to be made by post, e-mail, online or at the Victoria Halls, to be received before close of poll on 25 June, whether or not they chose to vote in the referendum.

Details of eligibilty to vote were outlined and the Group advised that if there were any doubts about the eligibility of anyone to participate in the process due to age, residence or another reason then polling staff would ask for evidence of this.

The results of the informal referendum will be considered by the council when looking at how to progress the improvement works.



New Community Plan - Argyll and Bute Council, Improvement and HR - Eileen Wilson pdf icon PDF 5 MB


The Group was briefed by Eileen Wilson, Community Planning Manager, on the contents of the Community Plan and Single Outcome Agreement document for 2012-2013.  She advised that information relating to this document was available on the council’s website and that access to other key documents could be obtained in this way.  A further update will be brought to the September meeting when input would be welcomed from all partners.  The Group noted that community planning is currently being reviewed by Scottish Government and that a Leadership Summit would be held shortly.


Updates by Thematic Groups


Environment pdf icon PDF 228 KB


The Group was asked to note a report by the Environment Thematic Group




To note the contents of the submitted report


(Ref: Report by Andrew Campbell, Environment Thematic Group, dated 21 March 2012, submitted)


Social Affairs pdf icon PDF 230 KB


The Group was asked to note a report by the Social Affairs Thematic Group which summarised the continued progress made over the last quarter.




To note the report by the Executive Director – Community Services, dated March 2012, submitted)


Economy pdf icon PDF 232 KB


The Group was asked to note a report by the Economy Thematic Group in which they were provided with a summary of the key issues covered and to note that the group remains focussed on identifying issues affecting the local economy and measures which enable changes to be identified, tracked or treated as appropriate.




To note the contents of the submitted report.


(Ref: report by Douglas Cowan, dated 21 March 2012, submitted)


Third Sector pdf icon PDF 268 KB


The Group was asked to note a report by the Third Sector and Communities CPP Sub-Group in which they were advised of the progress made to date.




To note the contents of the submitted report.


(Ref: Report by the Community Development Manager, dated 21 March 2012, submitted)